University of Notre Dame


1870 July
McGill, Father W. F.: Bardstown, K(entuck)y
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

A check for five dollars is enclosed… three for subscription to the Journal and two for the Pope, Pius the 9th. He hopes that there was no expression in his note of last week that McMaster disliked from a friend. He was and is anxious to see the young editor of the Cincinnati Telegraph taken to task for his impudence and presumption in supposing that because he fills a sacred office that every knee should bend to his politics, as well as to his new Catholicity.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 1
Crothy, D. M.: Euclid, (Ohio)
 to Jamee A(lphonsus) McMaster.: (New York, New York)

Crothy and his wife enclose $1 to be sent to the Pope as their subscription to the expression of their faith in his infallibility.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 5
Garesche, (Father) F. P.: Charleston, S(outh) Ca(rolina)
 to Ja(me)s (Alphonsus) McMaster: New York, (New York)

Father Garesche informs McMaster that his present mission has not been as successful as he had hoped, though he has some 30 converts. The Bishop has recently delivered a lecture on the infallibility of the Pope, influenced, evidently by reports he has heard. Father Garesche says that the contribution made by the hard-worked priests of the South should shame some of the Northerners. He will go to Memphis from here (Charleston).

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 5,
Weber, John A.: Pottstown, P(ennsylvani)a
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Weber encloses $200 for the Sisters of the New York Foundling Asylum, donated by Joseph Guise, deceased. Weber states that this money legally belongs to his (Weber's) father for board and rent, but that he relinquishes all claim in the interest of peace and for the benefit of Mr. Guises' soul. All the father asks is that the Sisters remember him in their prayers. If McMaster publishes his letter, Weber asks that a copy of the paper be sent to him.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 7
Kremer, F.W.: Lebanon, P(ennsylvani)a
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

Kremer sends McMaster a copy of "Bible Gems", a book prepared especially for public schools. He feels that it is entirely free from denominational bias and is adapted to all Christians. Kremer states that it is admitted by the Christian public generally that the schools have been too secular. This book will, he thinks, prove especially useful in communities which lack Sunday Schools. He asks that McMaster notice the book in the Journal and that he send Kremer a copy of the paper. The Gems is approved by the heads of the school department of Pennsylvania, and is written by Kremer's sister, the principal of the Female High School in Lebanon. Kremer is himself pastor of the 1st Reformed Church of Lebanon. P.S. He mentions that the first edition, printed in January is exhausted, the second has appeared, and a third will appear shortly.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 7
Maginn, James P.: Cincinnati, (Ohio)
 to James A(lphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Maginn asks McMaster's advice concerning the right or wrong of a transaction. The transaction concerns a man who purchased yard goods and then found that the ticket on one bundle showed fewer yards than was found by actual measurement. He claims that the amount over what he paid for belongs to him because of his trouble in measuring, while all short measure should be repaid by the seller. The seller of course, objects, claiming that the amount over should be returned and the amount short should be replaced. McMaster is asked to print his decision in the Freeman's Journal, but without reference to Maginn's name, or address. P.S. Maginn gives his full address, and offers his services in case there is anything he can do for McMaster in Cincinnati.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1870 July 8
Haskins, Father Geo(rge) F.: Boston, (Massachusetts)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Elizabeth, New Jersey

Haskin's wants to know if Brownson received a note since he enclosed a photograph of Father Roddan for the mail. If so he wants to know if Brownson found his scrap book. He extends hospitality to Brownson if he is near Boston anytime.

I-4-E - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 11
Murray, John: Lawrence, Ka(nsa)s
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Murray complains that he is not receiving his Freeman's Journal regularly and feels that the fault lies with the Post Office here at Lawrence. He cites several times when he has been forced to ask several times for the clerk to make a thorough search for the paper before he has received it. He asks that McMaster do something about it, as he has not received his last three papers.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 15,
Brownson, S(arah) H.: Elizabeth, (N.J.)
 to Henry (F. Brownson): (Detroit, Mich.)

(Mrs. Brownson) was very glad to hear Henry was relieved from duty at Fort Leavenworth. She wants a full account of all - Fifine's health and if the baby recognized Henry. She also wants to know if Henry recovered from his attack at Fort Leavenworth. Henry's father saw (Philip) Van Dyke at Fordham but did not learn as much about the family as if (Van Dyke) had kept his appointment to call. Henry's father (Orestes A. Brownson)'s health is as good as when Henry last saw him. Brownson has not written much for the past month. He probably will not write much more for the "Catholic World". He has seen Father Hecker for a short time since his return home and he thinks (Father Isaac Hecker) would go with the minority of Bishops on the dogma of Infallibility. Henry's father gave the address to the graduates at Fordham on the 29th inst. Sarah Brownson left with Jessie Tenny for a tour to Loretto and other towns in Pennsylvania. She has been busy through the summer and although her health is good as usual, a change of air will be beneficial to her. Henry's father was on the point of writing to General Sherman before receiving (Henry's) last letter. Brownson thinks no words are too hard to apply to Congress and wants to know whether Henry's change was in consequence of Brownson's letter to General Sherman or Henry's writing. They send their love to Henry and Fifine and regards to Mrs. Van Dyke and her family.

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {4}

1870 July 15
Hecker, (Father) I(saac) T.: (New York City), (New York)
 to Orestes A. Brownson: Elizabeth, New Jersey

Hecker sent the "Mercersburg Review" with a leader, "Where is the Church". An article on the subject of "Union with the Church" would be apropos of the meeting of the Holy Alliance in New York, which article would appear in October issue. Hecker hopes the health of Brownson is improved.

I-4-e - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 15
Molon, Father L.: Elyria, (Ohio)
 to (James Alphonsus McMaster): (New York, New York)

Father Molon asks that McMaster investigate the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, to see if this is a reliable company. He does not wish to be deceived as he has been asked to insure his life. He is overjoyed that the doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope has been proclaimed. He feels that McMaster has done well in (this Matter) and he envys his glory. He hopes now that they (the priests) shall be allowed to read the Freeman's Journal. He also feels that as in the Council of Trent the Bishops went in as Parish priests and emerged Bishops, so in the present Council, they entered as Popes and may emerge as Bishops.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 17
Craycroft, Mrs. C.R.: Springfield, Kentucky
 to (James Alpnonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Mrs. Craycroft asks McMaster to investigage the merits of a rupture cure advertised in the Freeman's Journal. She asks in the name of a lady who has been a subscriber for a number of years. Mrs. Craycroft requests the price if the Truss is efficient.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 20
Denman, W(illia)m Jr.: New York (City), (New York)
 to (Orestes A. Brownson): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Denman would like to have an article from Brownson on the Franco-Prussian War from the French aspect. Denman, as did (Denis) Sadlier, thought it best to let the Marcy affair drop altogether because the book is wrong and the less said about it the better. "I am told that the London Tablet recommended it very highly but the number, certainly the notice failed to reach me. I presume the editor never read the book."

I-4-e - A.L.S. - 2pg. - 12mo. - {2}

1870 Jul. 20
Melcher, Bishop Joseph: Green Bay, Wisconsin
 to (Bishop Caspar Henry Borgess): (Detroit, Michigan)

Since Father John Rhode has sought admission into Melcher's diocese, he is admissible, provided the Ordinary to whom he is subject is favorable to his going and that he bring a testimonial as to the integrity of his priestly life.

III-2-l - A.L.S. - (Latin) - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1870 July 22
Crawford, Henry: Mondoni
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Crawford sends 50 cents and his wife a gold seal, to be disposed of and the proceeds sent to Rome, as a token of their affection for the Holy Father. Crawford hopes that the doctrine of the Pope's infallibility will soon be passed upon, and that the Freeman's Journal will be dressed in its best garb when the good tidings are received. He added the names of two others who send 50 cents.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 25
Williams, Emanuel: Cynthiana, ( )
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Williams sends a check for $15. He had sent it several months ago, but it was lost in the post-office, and has just been returned. He lists the names of the subscribers for whom he is paying. P.S. He encloses a dollar for the Foundling Asylum, and asks that the receipts of the subscription be sent to him.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 26
Hofman, Father P.: Antwerp, (Belgium)
 to Archbishop (John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, Ohio)

The day after (Purcell) left he received a letter from Louvain which he encloses. They are worried about (Purcell's) safety since it is dangerous to travel on a French boat in time of war. Bishop R(ichard) Whelan of Wheeling paid him a visit and is now at Breda looking for some young priests for his mission.

II-5-d - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1870 July 28,
Brownson, S(arah) H.: Elizabeth, (N.J.)
 to Henry (F. Brownson): (Detroit, Mich.)

(Mrs. Brownson) is happy to learn from Henry's letter of the 18th that his family is well. She hopes he will be on the retired list soon and that he will visit them before long. (Henry's) father has not written because he thought Henry might be here, and on account of the hot weather. He is pretty well and has been writing some articles for the Tablet. He is going to have an article in the October issue on the Council that is to meet in Sept. The article in the last number of the Catholic World on the duties of Catholics in the 19th century is Father (Augustine) Hewit's who was here yesterday and says that Catholics have taken great offense at it. Her health is good as usual. She has had enough to do this summer and especially for the past five days. The girl who was with her for the past year was taken very sick last Sunday and a nurse came this morning to take care of her. Sarah has been absent two weeks on a trip to Pennsylvania and Mrs. Brownson expects her home next week. She gives her love to Fifine and to Mrs. Van Dyke and her family.

III-3-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1870 Jul. 28
Rhode, Father J(ohn): Wright, (Michigan)
 to Bishop (Caspar Henry Borgess): (Detroit, Michigan)

The two unavailing letters and the conversation in Grand Rapids have shown that Rhode does not have (Borgess') confidence. Since he is not satisfied to work under such circumstances and also because he can no longer live on $300 he asks (Borgess) to give him an exeat.

III-2-l - A.L.S. - (German) - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1870 July 29
Barnabo, Al(exander) Cardinal Prefect: Rome, (Papal States)
 to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell: of Cincinnati, (Ohio)

Barnabo has to tell Purcell of the resignation of Bishop Amadeus Rappe from the see of Cleveland, which the Holy Father has accepted. It is the duty therefore of Purcell to notify the Holy See of a suitable man to take over the administration of the diocese until the Holy See will decree otherwise. Purcell is also to make known to Rappe that he should not return to the diocese, or if he should happen to return, that he is not to enter into the business of the diocese since he lacks all jurisdictions now. In the meantime Purcell is to acknowledge immediately the receipt of this letter. Signed by John Simeoni, as secretary. no.3.

II-5-d - L.S. - (Latin) - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1870 July 29
(Keating), Sister Mary de Chantal: Wheeling, W(est) V(irgini)a
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Sister sends McMaster a gold nugget to be disposed of and the proceeds sent to he Holy Father as the contribution of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Wheeling, W. Va. Sister would like to send money, but it is impossible. This letter will be handed to McMaster by Father (Augustine) Lou(age), president of their college and seminary (in Wheeling). Sister asks if McMaster, his wife and child, could come to Wheeling for a few weeks rest, and says that they could furnish a quiet room for him to live in. As regards the circular sent by McMaster, if there were any news, he would have received it before now. She mentions that 42 nuns teach some 900 pupils, and also take care of the Hospital, Orphan Asylum and the domestic work of the College, and that as their vocation is poverty, they are allowed to undertake pay schools only as a means of carrying on their charities. She knows that McMaster is interested in their efforts, and especially in the fact that the poor children are kept, almost without exception, out of the public schools.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1870 St. Martha's Day (July 29)
Maugin, Father Charles J.: (Logansport, Indiana)
 to James F. Edwards: (Toledo, Ohio)

He is sick and lonesome. He wishes he could go to Notre Dame for Assumption Day. He asks for some group pictures of students. He is having a great many sick calls. He tells Edwards to tell his friends all his requests.

XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1870 July 29
Panzen, Father H.: New Albany, Ind(iana)
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Father Panzen has just returned and finds a copy of a communication sent to McMaster and signed by 8 priests who sent the telegram to Rome last month, expressing their wish for the definition of the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope. Panzen explains that he was not present at the time the dispatch was sent, but his neighbors very well knew his opinion, and signed his name for which he was very glad. He met some old fellow students, now priests, and they rebuked him for signing his name. His jovial manner and answers may have been the cause of the scandalous article in the Telegraph some time ago. Panzen was never compelled to pay his share, which was given with the greatest pleasure. The last part of the communication (sent to McMaster) states that the priests were mistaken in one of their number. Father Panzen finds this astonishing, and fears that they mistook his jovial manner for his real feelings in the matter. He asks that this letter be kept private, and that it is merely for McMaster's information. He encloses a money order for $15 for the infallible pope. P.S. He asks that McMaster excuse his poor English, for he is not an English scholar.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1870 July 30
Hewit, H(enry) S.: New York(City), (New York)
 to O(restes) A. Brownson: Elizabeth, New Jersey

Hewit just received a letter from Father (Augustine) Hewit and he is anxious for Brownson to write more for the Catholic World. The writer has expressed his idea that Father Hewit should be the intermediary between Brownson and the Catholic World, that changes and acceptance of those changes should be passed upon by Brownson. Hewit has written to Father that more freedom should be given to Brownson, and if this is done, the writer suggests it would be better than reviving the Review. If Father Hewit fails, it is a sign that he has not power, according to Hewit. The views are entirely the writers. A letter from some pious nuns was received by Hewit asking for Geo. Paubody's address and was referred to Hoeden.

I-4-e - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1870 July 30
Watson, Robert: Adairville, K(entuck)y
 to (James Alphonsus) McMaster: (New York, New York)

Watson encloses six dollars, three for his subscription to the Freeman's Journal and three from himself, and two others as their contribution to the Pope.

I-1-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}