1878 Mar.
Fitz-Simon, Ellen (born O'Connell):
(To Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
This third Sonnet on Leo the XIII was written impromptu as the various events took place.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo - {1}
1878 Mar. 3
Howe, Rose B.F.:
(Springfield, Kentucky)
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Miss Rose Howe wrote to the cure' of Bois de Haine for the authentic account of Louis Latean's condition and enclosed a draft of about two dollars. The banker gave her a voucher and told her if the money weren't drawn out in six months the money would be returned to her. When she sent the voucher to her aunt, Mother M. Cecelia, who sent a Sister to the Bank of Hamilton and McCulloch, the money had been drawn, so the book must have been sent to Hudson. Miss Howe wants him to see if he can locate it. She tells Hudson of a copy of a letter she received from the Directress of the S(iste)rs of Providence in a Kalamazoo, Mich(igan) in answer to a letter from a Sister of Providence of Fort Wayne soliciting subscribers for the Ave Maria. Miss Howe begs that the good name of the Sisters in Kalamazoo not be made unpleasant because of the letter. The copied piece from the letter says that the Pastor there forbids his people to read the Ave Maria as it is a tissue of falsehood. The nuns at the convent were speechless when they heard it as they regard the Ave Maria very highly. Miss Howe includes the manuscript of her sister which is to clarify and contradict former incorrect articles written on the corporeal beauty of Our Lord which contain wise sayings, but no true arguments. Her sister has gone to much effort to obtain information from proper sources, and has compiled the information into an answer for the Ave Maria. It is in the form of an essay, and Hudson may use it the way he desires. Miss Howe then relates how suddenly a nun died while waiting for the Mass bell to ring and expecting to receive Holy Communion in three quarters of an hour. She says that Father General has promised after her death a black Mass will be said for her on Hudson's privileged altar as soon as the news is received. She wants Father Hudson to know this in case Father General is away when she dies. She is still very weak.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 6pp. - crown 8 vo. - {2}
1878 Mar. 4
Darr, George W.:
Cincinnati, Ohio
to James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana
He delayed returning the photograph because he misplaced Edwards' letter. He will show Edwards around if he should visit Cincinnati this summer. He saw John D. Evans of "Temperance Debate" fame. He asks where Father (Joseph C.) Carrier (C.S.C.) is. He wishes Edwards could be at the opening of their new Music Hall which is said to have one of the largest organs in the world.
XI-1-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}
(1878) March 4
Emery, Susan L.:
Dorchester, (Massachusetts)
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
She thanks Hudson for the note and the enclosure. If Hudson has occasion to send her a postal order again it would be more convenient for Emery if it would be made payable in Boston. She had her short story "Marguerite's Recompense" forwarded to Hudson by Reilly of the Pilot who had described this story as "marketable" although it could not be used in a newspaper like the Pilot.
x-2-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 4
Flynn, Edw. P.:
Kalamazoo, Michigan
to J(ames) F. Edwards:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
He has sent by freight the 13 volumes of the Ave Maria and 12 library books which he had bound. He is in need of money and asks Edwards to send him $50.
XI-1-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 5
Heaney, O.S.D., Father L. U. P.:
Springfield, K(entuck)y
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
Father Heaney asks Hudson to forward some copies of the Ave Maria containing his article on the Holy Sacrifice. He believes it will widen the circulation of the Ave Maria as he wishes to give the copies to some of his friends. They need not be sent until the article is complete and two copies of each will suffice. Since sending in the last installments Heaney was so busy that he felt unwell for a short time. He presumes that Hudson knows the reason for his hurrying. He has been expecting orders elsewhere but has not received them. If he goes he will have a better opportunity to get subscribers to the Ave Maria. He asks Hudson's prayers.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - crown 8 vo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 5
Raphael, Sister M.:
Emmitsburg, (Maryland)
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Sister Raphael remarks on some columns of poetry in the Ave Maria occasionally signed by "Children of Mary". She would like to insert an occasional contribution and have it signed as "Child of Mary". She believes this would increase interest in Hudson's widespread Journal, which has honored Our Blessed Lady so much. Many of their pupils receive the Ave Maria from their immediate families and have much interest in it. She requests a reply to this suggestion.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - crown 8 vo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 6
Machen, Henrietta:
Toledo, Ohio
to J(ames) (Alphonsus) McMaster:
(New York, New York)
Machen sends McMaster $5. to aid the Indian Missions and blames to hard times for her inability to secure more donations.
I-2-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 6
Newhausel, Clara:
Toledo, (Ohio)
to (James Alphonsus) McMaster:
(New York, New York)
Neuhausel sends McMaster $6.87 to aid the indian Missions and names the sixteen contributors.
I-2-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 7
Starr, Eliza Allen:
(Chicago, Illinois)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Miss Starr is copying Rose Howe's letter for Hudson. Few people can give so charming an idea of Leo XIII as Miss Howe does. Miss Starr feels as though this may be the last Hudson will ever get from Miss Howe as she is very feeble. Starr tells Hudson that neither of them can help with the undone work but each in his own way must give the work all it will take. Starr encloses a letter from a Catholic woman in Chicago. She has three little children and has a promising future, but she has sent several things to the Ave Maria and has heard nothing. Her father, James Sheahan, of the newspaper world, has told her that half of the articles sent in are not read by the editor unless the author is known. So Miss Starr sends the poem to Hudson. The lady does not wish her work to be published if Hudson does not think it worthy, but she comes from the most talented and intellectual family in Chicago. Miss Starr has not been sick for quite a while now. She has sent two articles and Hudson should receive them soon. She does not forget Hudson in her communion and asks Hudson to stop to see her if he is in Chicago during this Holy Season.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - crown 8 vo - {1}
1878 Mar. 8
Corcoran, Annie M.:
Manchester, N(ew) H(ampshire)
to James A(lphonsus) McMaster:
(New York, New York)
Corcoran sends McMaster $3. to aid the Indian Missions and credits Thomas Corcoran for the collecting of the money.
I-2-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 9
(Howe, Rose B.F.):
St. Catherine's Convent
(Springfield, Kentucky)
to Father D(aniel) B. Hudson, C.S.C.:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Hudson's letter gave the first news of Father Aegidius' illness and Miss Howe wrote him immediately. She had not answered Father Aegidius' letter in December because she does not like to intrude upon him too often. She had a postal from (Eliza Allen) Starr who is feeling better than she has in eight months. Her sister sent Hudson a manuscript and is ill, therefore she is writing for her. She omitted an item in her last letter that she wrote for her sister concerning Pere Besson mentioned in her manuscript who was Pere Hyacinthe Besson, Dominican, who died in the missions of Khurdistan. An artist before becoming a monk, he decorated the chapter room of St. Sixtus, and Plus IX often visited him while he was at work. "Louise Lateau" is under way but cannot come out before June. February brought about delays as Kelly, Piet & Co. delayed twelve days to inform her sister what the cost of the composition would be. Kelly, Piet & Co. calcuate the cost to be two hundred dollars less than Mr. Griggs. She cannot criticize a photograph of Leo XIII as her remembrance of his appearance seems very nazy. Her mother and Frances pronounce it to be a very good likeness. Hudson should tell her if he wishes to have the photograph back. Every church in South Germany has a large life-size crucifix elevated about three or four feet above the ground, and under it is a large slab looking like an altar, and beneath the stone slab is a recess, a very realistic representation of Purgatory. She tells her mother that will be her portrait when she dies. Miss Howe replied to Miss Starr's direct questions and Miss Starr tells her that she copied Miss Howe's letter for the Ave Maria. The style is not at all for publication and she wants to know why the original was not sent instead of a copy. She was born to the Catholic school of thought and was not converted to Catholicity. She also spoke in her letter to Miss Starr of Cardinal Pecci who had no voice for singing but did have great love for good music and was a good judge of it. She wants Hudson to insert all of her letter or none of it. She believes it to be a pity that anything like that reviews of music should creep into the Ave Maria as it did in the recent issue. It contained many improprieties and falsehoods. There is one form of devotion which gives God thanks for His glory and delights in seeing Him receive a tithe of all things He has created or given to man and that is silent lonely communication in a quiet church. She rebukes the song writer about his words in the song. She asks about the different parts of the Mass, when solos have been forbidden and wants to know if High Mass must be chanted by a chorus now and in the future.
To her, the loss of her voice is greater than the loss of a limb. How jubilant she will be to be able to sing her high soprano once again. She could never sing Gregorian, although she would like to. She argues against the ban of solos. Why will Catholics make those disloyal flings at Italians? She cites the position of Italians in the Church. It grieves her to see such abuse and mis-statements in the Ave Maria, and she is powerless to keep silent. Hudson is probably used to her sputterings by now.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 10pp. - 8vo. - {3}
1878 Mar. 9
O'Farrell, K.:
Quebec, (Quebec)
to Father D(aniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
Notre Dame, (Indiana)
Miss O'Farrell is grateful for Hudson's encouragement and also thanks him for returning his manuscripts. She will write to the Editor of the Catholic Parent's Friend at Hudson's suggestion. She will translate the pamphlets for Hudson.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 2 pp. - crown 8 vo - {1}
1878 Mar. 9,
Salter, Mrs. R.H.:
Boston, (Massachusetts)
to Ja(me)s A(lphonsus) McMaster:
(New York, New York)
The writer encloses $5.40, the subscription for her Indian mission band for 1878. The Aves are promised. She lists the members, who are renewing their membership from last year. The money should have been sent at Epiphany but some of the band, because they did not receive their wages sooner, were unable to pay until now.
I-1-m - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo - {1}
(1878) Mar. 13
Dorsey, Anna H. (anson):
Washington, (D.C.)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Dorsey thanks Hudson for sending her the issue of the Ave Maria containing the prize poem. After considering Hudson's new financial offer she has decided that the former terms would be more satisfactory. In several days she will send a completed sketch for the Ave Maria. It has an Italian background and deals especially with Jacques dei Bernadette and the remarkable events that ultimately led him to write that most touching hymn "Stabat Mater." Because of her tendency to be able to write well only when in the proper mood she feels that it is rushing her to expect a completed serial story so soon. The election of Cardinal Pecci to the papacy as Pope Leo XIII gives her much satisfaction. In fact, never before did she have the devotion to a pope that she has for the present Bishop of Rome. In an attempt to lighten the weight of the many tasks under which Hudson is burdened she reminds him of the great awards he is accumulating in heaven. Of late the eastern section of the country seemingly has been flooded by a deluge of lectures and discussions on hell. Despite their popularity she has not attended any of these discourses since her faith in the existence of such a horrible place has never wavered in the least.
x-2-d - A.L.S. - 4 pp. - 12 mo - {1}
1878 Mar. 13
Paul, Father:
Monastery of O(ur) L(ady) of Aiguebelle
Near Grignan, Drome, France
to Archbishop (Napoleon Joseph Perché):
New Orleans, Louisiana)
Their monastery, founded in 1134, the oldest and largest of all the Trappist monasteries of France, has experienced an almost irreparable loss. Its only revenues are provided by the culture of grapes and almost all the vines have perished because of a disease which is very general throughout the Midi of France. Therefore the monastery has commissioned Father Paul to make a collection in foreign countries. He asks (Perché) if he would be opposed to such an undertaking in the city of New Orleans.
VI-3-a - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}
1878 Mar. 14
Howe, Rose B. F.:
Springfield, K(entuck)y
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
She tells Hudson of receiving a letter from Father Aegidius and that Aegidius has been very ill receiving the last sacraments in January. Father Aegidius is taking a trip to Arkansas, now that he has recovered, to visit some Benedictines of St. Meinrad who are founding a monastery there. She says his letter was very desponding as he really wanted to die and it is hard for him to resign himself to life again. She thinks it would be better if his congregation were in the mountains where he could find companionship in nature but Crown Point has nothing to interest him. She asks Hudson and his friends to pray for Father Aegidius as he needs prayers badly. He is trying to interest his friends in her sister's book. She has great sympathy for any foreigners and especially for those with refined and sensitive natures.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - crown 8 vo - {1}
1878 Mar. 15
Harrison, Carter C.:
Washington, D. C.
to Officers and Men of the Second Regiment,:
I(llinois) N(ational) G(uard)
Harrison regrets that he is unable to accept an invitation to the Second Regiment's First Annual Banquet. He elaborately praises, and wishes for the welfare of the regiment. He believes that a standing army is a menace, that free people should foster its citizen army.
XI-1-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {0}
1878 Mar. 15
Heaney, U. S. D., Father J. U. P.:
Springfield, K(entuck)y
to Father D(aniel E.) Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
Heaney encloses a reproof taken from the Catholic Vindicator for those who neglect to offer the Mass for the repose of the souls of their departed relatives. He leaves it up to Hudson's judgment, but he would like to have it put in the form of a note, and inserted in his manuscript where he speaks of having monuments for their dead relatives. He wants it printed as soon as possible. Heaney asks Hudson to send additional copies of each number after they are printed. He also asks Hudson to have a Novena said for Saint Joseph at Notre Dame for a special intention of his. Heaney asks Hudson to pray for him and tells him that he has remembered him several times when at the altar.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - crown 8 vo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 16,
Robot, O.S.B., Father S. Isidore:
Prefect Apostolic
Indian Territory
to James Alphonsus McMaster:
New York, New York
Robot says that last January he acknowledged the reception of McMaster's letter of Dec. 26, 1877 and the $828 (if he is not mistaken). Only last February did he hear about the heroic action of the venerable missionary of the West. But at that time, they did not have the letter and every day he hoped to see the rain stop and the road become more passable. Consequently, Robot had defered writing to McMaster again. Robot returned to Atoka 4 days ago and the postmaster gave his companion McMaster's letter of Jan. 19, 1878; it contained also a certificate of deposit for $1275 on the National Park Bank, New York. He can not describe his surprise. However, he could not claim for it, since in leaving the wagon he only got his trunk and left at once for the interior of the territory. It is only on his way that he heard about the letters and that it was then to late to lay any claims. He regrets sincerely his delay in acknowledging the second letter, since McMaster must be worrying about him. The delay was caused by the continuation of the rain, and the neglect of some post-master. He knows how necessary it is to be exact in answering letters; above all business letters and among them the ones concerning the confraternity of St. Michael. They pray for McMaster. Robot does not want to say that they ask God to increase the proofs. But they ask him to keep the strength and courage a little above the level of McMaster's proofs. They accomplished, as soon as they know it, the desire for the heroic missionary in celebrating the Holy Sacrifice for McMaster first, and then for the missionary. Robot asks McMaster if he could get the name and the residence of the venerable priest. At least he could send him a letter through McMaster or some other intermediary. For the time being Robot cannot present McMaster a complete report on the several sums McMaster sent him because he is on a journey and all his papers are at home; but he does hope to be back home within 5 or 6 days and then to send a report in due form. It is not $79 he received from the Catholic Indian Bureau but only $75. Furthermore, in this report of last January he read that since last Dec. 1, 1876 the Bureau has given $200 to the school of the Osage Mission. He does not know very well the relation between the Bureau and that school which is situated in Kansas, but he is positive that such a school is not the school of the Osages in Indian territory, the only ones existing. Furthermore, he knows that no children of Osages have been admitted in the school during the academic year 1876-1877. He visits once in a while the Jesuit Fathers who direct the school; and he is in good terms with Rev. Father A. Sweere the Superior from whom he got such an information. McMaster could use such an information; it is a public affair. He asks McMaster not to mention his name if it may hurt the Jesuit Fathers of the Osage Mission or get them into trouble with the Indian Bureau. Robot states that the mission works fine. For some time now he can see that the Indians take courage and confidence. Several nations addressed themselves to the government to ask for Catholic missions. If he is not mistaken, it would be pretty hard to refuse all of them even with an opposition which is so deeprooted in the governmental spheres. Attention is directed toward you as one begins to be known. The position they occupy demands reserve. Robot admits the gain in the spirit of the people in the territory and if he does not publish any report concerning the mission it is because prudence tells him not to do it.
I-2-c - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 8vo. - {3}
1878 Mar. 16
Starr, Eliza Allen:
(Chicago, Illinois)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Miss Starr received Hudson's long letter. It told her so much that she longs to hear of her Notre Dame and St. Mary's friends. She is sending a poem to Hudson but fears it will be too late for Lent but she will write again before Easter. P.S. She asks Hudson to remember her and her friends and relatives. The Hutchison's are such faithful people. Mr. Hutchison went to Rome as soon as he heard of the Holy Father's death.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - crown 8 vo - {1}
1878 Mar. 18
McAllister, W K.:
Chicago, (Illinois)
to W(illiam) J. Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
Because of approaching rheumatism, McAllister declines the invitation to the Sherman House. His health is worse than even his best friends realize.
IX-1-a - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
(1878) Mar. 19
Sherman, Ellen E.:
St. Louis, (Missouri)
to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
She encloses some information from which Hudson may see the assistance he has extended to a very worthy cause; (namely, the society for the establishment of Indian missions.) Now that she is again receiving her Ave Maria she expresses a desire to read articles written by Mrs. Dorsey. Sherman believing Dorsey to be a refined and capable writer asks Hudson to pay her well for her stories.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 20
Dubuis, C(laude) M(arie), Bishop of Galveston:
Monastery of the Incarnate Word Lyons, (France)
to Archbishop (Napoleon Joseph Perché):
Dubuis was absent on a little journey for his health when (Perché's) letter arrived. On April 1 he will leave for Rome and he will arrive on the 2nd, when he will talk to (Perché) about this grave matter. As to the sums in question he begs him to dispose of nothing until his arrival.
VI-3-a - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}
(18)78 Mar. 21
Kenny, Tho(ma)s:
Spirit Lake, Iowa
to James A(lphonsus) McMaster:
(New York, New York)
Kenny sends McMaster $5. in subscription fees for the Freeman's Journal. While in Emmittsburg during the winter he influenced Mr. Joyce into subscribing and Joyce got Mr. Ormsle to subscribe also. $2. of this money is to be used to aid the Indian Missions. Kenny expects to return to Perrysville, Missouri soon.
I-2-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 21
MacCarthy, John:
New York, (New York)
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
At (Daniel) Paul's request the enclosed manuscript is forwarded by MacCarthy. Paul's note with Hudson's address on it was misplaced, and he has had the manuscripts for some time. This accounts for the delay.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {1}
1878 Mar. 21 (?)
O'Connell, Eugene Bishop of Grass Valley:
Marysville, (California)
to F(athe)r. Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
He is grateful to Hudson for having sent him the thirteenth volume of the Ave Maria which he commends as being entirely in accord with the spirit of the present age. He requests Hudson to send him a copy of each issue of the Scholastic which has been published since its inception as a college magazine. Since he himself is not properly qualified he asks Hudson to write an article developing the connection which exists between the vernal equinox and the date of Easter bringing in the idea that though their Irish ancestors differed from the Mother Church in respect to the date of celebrating this feast they always lived a truly Christian life.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12 mo - {1}
1878 Mar. 21
Raphael, Sister M.:
Emmitsburg, (Maryland)
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Lines suitable for the approaching feast of Easter from the pen of one of her students are enclosed. If they are worthy of insertion in the Ave Maria, they are at Hudson's disposal. It would give them great pleasure for Father to accept a contribution occasionally.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - crown 8vo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 22
McShane, Hugh:
Wilmington, Illinois
to (James Alphonsus) McMaster:
New York, New York
$16 in a money order is enclosed for the Indians. It is sent by three secular priests of Chicago and J. Dominic Gillespie, who wish that their names be kept confidential.
I-2-o - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 22
Pettier, (Father) A.:
Catholic Mission, (Japan)
to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster:
New York, New York
Pettier, writing on stationery letter-headed for the Vicariate Apostolic of Northern Japan, acknowledges the grateful receipt of two books which McMaster has sent him. The book "The Glories of Sacred Heart" is much appreciated, because the first church built in Japan at Yokahama since the reopening of the country for foreigners is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. He wishes continued success of the Freeman's Journal in its fight for truth and religion. As Pettier expected, the last number of the Freeman's brought the news of the death of Pope Pius IX for whom they had just held services a few days previously. An American priest, Father John Jos(eph) Swift, pastor of St. Patrick's church of Troy, (New York), whom Pettier supposes was on his way to Europe, happened in at the time and was astonished that things could be done so nicely in Japan. In that service, the Bishop was officiating with four missionaries to assist him at the altar and with six others singing in the choir.
I-2-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo - {2}
1878 March 23
Hayt, E. A.:
Washington, D. C.
to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster:
New York, New York
He acknowledges McMaster's letter of the 20th. Mr. Chas. Ewing has been held by the Department of the Interior as the representative of the Catholic Church. He assures McMaster that the word "Roman" was used inadvertently and it was not intended to be used offensively. For the last nine or ten years the Government has invited the different religious denominations to do missionary work among the Indians, giving to each denomination a separate field. Mr. Ewing has not by his own energy secured sums of money for the support of government schools at the Catholic agencies. The funds are paid directly for the support of the schools on a contract made. The money is paid to the representative of the Church.
I-2-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {2}
1878 Mar. 23
Howe, Rose B.F.:
St. Catherine's Convent
(Springfield, Kentucky)
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
She is happy for all of the favors that Hudson did for Father Aegidius and tells how Aegidius was so thankful for the attentions of Hudson. She was delighted with Hudson's notice of her book, "Louise Lateau" in the Ave Maria. She suggests a contrast between the work of her sister and that of Rohling; Rohling's work is for unbelievers and for men of science, while her sister's work is for those who have faith. Her sister's aim is to aid those who hear of the miracle to carry their own cross as it treats of a suffering so very different from any they can possibly have. It was written to meet the demand of the American mind, even those outside of the church are unskeptical of it. Frances is having trouble with her frontispiece as at first she chose the engraving and after unanswered letters were sent to the publishers, she wrote to the artist herself who refused to let her have the picture in any form but the one they have, which is on a block with 16 others. They will graciously sell her the whole block. Frances then sent a seraph to the artist to be drawn, and since she has received no answer, she assumes the artist is at work on it. In reply to Hudson's question regarding what the priest of Kalamazoo said of the Ave Maria, Miss Howe says there is no foundation for his statement. She told the directress of the Academy of the priest's statement and she said that the Ave Maria was a pretty little magazine. Every week there is something that is really fine and that they cannot expect to agree with all of the articles. Miss Howe tells of the missionary who tore up religious pictures to prove to Protestants that we do not worship them and this act certainly did much for the salvation of souls, but she would never do it to please any Protestant enemy or shaky Catholic. Miss Howe describes the rebellion that took place when their chaplain wanted the hymn of St. Patrick sung for a communion hymn. The chaplain yielded and it was sung after Benediction. She is also wondering if it is possible that anyone objects to devotion to St. Joseph as they have been looking for a poem or article on St. Joseph every week that month. She also thanks Hudson for the picture of Leo XIII.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 8pp. - crown 8vo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 24
Drummond, S.J., Father Lewis H.:
New York, (New York)
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, (Indiana)
Father Felix Martin, S.J., believes his Vie du Père has, in part, been translated in the Ave Maria. Martin requests that a copy of the translation be sent to him. Their collection of the valuable weekly is either incomplete or in such disorder that a thorough search seemed rather disheartening. Drummond believes that it would be easier for Hudson to forward the copies that contain this translation of Father Jogue's life.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - crown 8 vo. - {2}
1878 March 25,
Robot O.S.B., Father D. Isidore,:
Prefect Apostolic
Oberlin, Indian Territory
to James A(lphonsus) McMaster:
(New York, New York)
Robot sends McMaster the document he promised him in his last letter. The last receipt of Jan. 19, 1878, is made from McMaster's letter, since he sent the certificate to the bank. But he suspects that the receipt amounts to $1270 whereas the letter shows only $1250. This error, if there is one, he will be able to see when he shall receive the draft from the bank; then he shall repair it, in the next receipt or even at once if McMaster wishes. In the event that McMaster wants to use the receipt for the Freeman's or for any public person, Robot asks McMaster to rectify it according to his own account. It goes without saying that McMaster can expect from Robot everything which could prevent the least disagreement, in McMaster's fight for the work, which is not the least of the glory for the Freeman's Journal and which will not be, he dare hope, one of the smallest services rendered to the cause of the Church. He does not know what he could do of use in the present fight against the Cureau. Last January, at the time the fight began. Robot asked McMaster to recommend to him a man who would like to render him the services the Cureau was supposed to reader. This demand is an act of temerity, since he should abstain himself from asking anything outside McMaster's field of influence. Robot now, brings a not her request: If he writes to Archbishop James Gibbons sending the same request would it he useful to both McMaster and himself? Robot asks McMaster what he thinks of the idea. His situation in the Territory is very difficult, because of the Indian Agencies which are all directed against any Catholic establishments. He suspects also that the gentlemen of the "Bureau" will not a disappointed to see Robot forced to the sorry for all the trouble caused by their opposition to the Freeman's. There are other motives that Robot cannot explain which keeps him from writing to Archbishop Gibbons; but he believes that with McMaster advising he will do it without any fear at all.
I-2-c. - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 26
Paul, Daniel:
Rome, (Italy)
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Paul has not received the remittance. He could not prepare anything in time for Holy Week, but he is sending an Easter contribution. He did not receive the Swiss Letters, and when Hudson sends these numbers he wants his article of last May on the origin of the May Devotions. He also would like a photograph of Hudson as he wants to see the semblance of his true friend.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}
1878 Mar. 27
Dwenger, Joseph, Bishop of Fort Wayne:
F(or)t Wayne, Ind(iana)
to Father D(aniel E.) Hudson, C.S.C.:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
He wants it announced in the Ave Maria that the Holy Father, (Pope) Leo XIII, gave his blessing to the Bishop and diocese of Fort Wayne, (Indiana). It is a mistake to omit sending the Ave Maria to Father (Julian) Benoit as he has paid a lifetime subscription and has helped the order much. Some months his copy has been omitted.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 1p.royal - - 8 vo. - {2}
1878 Mar. 27
Howe, Frances R.:
(Springfield, Kentucky)
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Frances Howe knows that Hudson's column is crowded but the enclosed translation is for one of the nuns. The nun asked Miss Howe to ask Hudson to put it in. The nun wants it to appear on the festival of St. Vincent as she was making some kind of a novena to that saint and promised him that she would make him more widely known. If Hudson can find room for the nun's ex voto, he need not mention whence it comes as nuns desire little publicity. Rose will reply to his letter and Frances Howe gives thanks for the kindness done for Father Egidius, as he could have done no more. She is glad that her private letters are unfit for publication as she writes them without any regard to rule or harmony. She asks Hudson if he has read the charming description of a Corpus Christi procession in Nazareth in the life of Pere Besson.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - crown 8 vo - {1}
1878 Mar. 27
Howe, Frances R.:
St. Catherine's (Convent)
(Springfield, Kentucky)
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
She encloses the design for the frontispiece which she received from Sister Maurice. She thinks Hudson will urge the insertion of it in the book. His position gives him access to engraving firms. Miss (Eliza Allen) Starr is ill and cannot help her by going to any Chicago firms. Anyhow she always opposed the school of art to which Sister Maurice adheres more than she aid that of Luigi Gregori. She would not like the design. Miss Starr is an advocate of the Turner School and it would take more than one year's study in Italian galleries to reconcile her with other schools equal to her favorite. Miss Howe thinks Kelly, Piet & Co. suspect her of desiring to play a trick on them. Then will not take the article as they do not wish to be responsible for the expense, but she has no intentions of doing this, and is not thinking of shirking the expense. She merely wishes to beautify the volume. Even though it is an added expense, she desires printed matter around the Seraph because it forces people to learn the instruction intended to be conveyed by the illustration. Sister Maurice avoided all similarity to Turgir's seraph and has produced one that is not angelic, though very pretty and full of strength. Mr. Griggs calculates $675.00 per 1000 and Kelly, Piet & Co., $500.00 per 1000, $175 for the frontispiece. Hudson has studies the matter and will see the fitness of her plans while the publishers would not. If she does not have it done in Baltimore, about all that can be done about the size is to have made the largest 12mo. ever issued and have the publisher cut it to suit. A thousand copies are needed. She knows of no one else of whom she could ask assistance and is sorry to have to trouble Hudson.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - crown 8 vo. - {2}
1878 Mar. 28
Boursetty, J(ules) de:
Rome, (Italy)
to Archbishop (Napoleon Joseph Perché:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
Boursetty will be at Rome several days longer. Today he telegraphed to (Perché) the dispatch from Cardinal (Giovanni) Simeoni in reply to his request about dispensations for affinity. He has been without direct news of (Perché) for two months. Father (Joseph Marie) Millet in seven weeks has sent only one brief letter announcing the arrival of Father (Hyacinthe Claude) Mignot. 20,000 circulars are ready. It is agreeable to Father Leneuf that they meet with Mignot and adopt a plan from which they will not depart. Everything is changed at the Vatican: men and things. Pope Leo XIII says little. It is said that he is very firm on principles and very conciliatory in regard to men and secondary questions. He does not wish to confuse doctrine with politics and thinks, as (Perché) often said at St. Eulalie, that one can be a good Catholic without being a royalist of legitimist. Boursetty thinks Mr. Braun is going to come to paint the Pope's protrait for the Paris exposition. Boursetty negotiated the matter and he will have occasion to see Leo a little in intimacy. Boursetty has talked a lot about the diocese of New Orleans and (Perché) with Monsignor (Giovanni Battista) Agnozzi. There is agitation from a certain quarter to give him an Irishman or an American for a coadjutor but Boursetty believes that Leo will give him all he requested. Nevertheless, (Perché) should come and do whatever appears necessary for success. This morning Boursetty paid last respects to one of (Perché's) old friends, Monsignor d'Arauni, a Maronite. Monsignor (Tancredi) Bella likewise died on the eve of the death of Pius IX. Finally, Boursetty's old friend, the Baron de Beauluis from Brussels, died a week ago. Boursetty does not speak of the angel of Toulouse, (Paule) Pujol, whom they can invoke, for her soul must have immediately enjoyed the sight of God. Their friend from St. Eulalie is worried about his nomination. Dignities conferred by a Pope cease with his death, and Leo XIII does not like to give the purple to other than bishops. Boursetty has had some good news from the ladies of Nimal who are worried about (Perché). Mr. Barrett has written to them as well as to Boursetty.
VI-3-a - A.L.S. - (French) - 7pp. - 8vo. - {14}
1878 Mar. 28
Germaine, (Siste)r Mary, of the Passions:
Notre Dame, (Indiana)
To Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Sister Mary encloses a notice which she received from the Reverend Superior of the Oratory of St. Philip of Neri, at Draguignan, France, with expressed desire of its propagation. Sister Mary has translated it and has asked permission to ask Hudson to publish it in the Ave Maria. She relies on Hudson's charity and asks for his prayers and blessings.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - crown 8 vo - {1}
1878 Mar. 28
O'Meara, Kathleen:
Paris, (France)
To Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
She is sending the complete manuscript of "Cyril's Vocation" instead of drawing up an outline of it that would not have given Hudson a complete story to judge. She sent it by parcel post in four parcels. If Hudson likes it, he should keep it until it can be published; if he does not like it, he should return it. Her name should be omitted if it is published. She is in disgrace with some of Hudson's readers and her fame would prejudice the readers rather than attract them. Many English people said she idealized the Irish in her little story, "The Battle" as treating them as people of saints far above the Saxon peasant and they thought she caricatured them even after this. Cardinal Manning laughed and cried when he read it at the time he was ill. It seems to encourage the conversion of Lord Alexander Lennox, his wife told Miss O'Meara. There is little chance of Lady (Georgianna) Fullerton giving Hudson a serial this year due to her health and the extra work that Lady Lothian's death has thrown on her. Miss O'Meara sent her manuscript in case Lady (Georgianna) Fullerton does not send one. What a story the real experience of F(ather) Dennis' poor friend, Mrs. Byuette, would make, but truth is far better than fiction sometimes. She asks Hudson if he has read in the C(atholic) World a narrative called Michel le Lombre. Lady Herbert has been to see Miss O'Meara, and she saw the heroine in the flesh and introduced to them a fair modest woman, much different from the one they had fancied. She commends herself and those dear to her to Hudson's prayers.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {2}
1878 Mar. 29
Lambert, Father L(ouis) A.:
Waterloo, (New York)
to (Father) D.(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
He sends Hudson a copy of the "Times" containing an address given by Bishop (Bernard) McQuaid of Rochester, New York. He would like to receive the Ave Maria in exchange for the Times which he promises to send regularly to Hudson.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 1 p. - 12 mo - {1}
1878 Mar. 29
Starr, Eliza Allen:
(Chicago, Illinois)
To Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
She tells Hudson that she has responded very quickly to his call for the first week in May. She has sent out inquiries for Hudson's friend from Virginia. She tells Hudson that when he adds to the present occupation situation the circumstances of a convert, it goes to her heart. She is sure something will come if he is patient. She also read the article on Dr. Marshall and agrees with Hudson on the English literature. She cannot understand why people think there is no talent among Catholics as there is more Catholic talent than the publishers know what to do with. She finds that the English complain the same as the Americans. Hudson cannot publish this, but the daughter of Richard H. Dana, of Boston, is a convert and will soon be baptized. She studied in Paris with Miss Le Tourneau. Her father is very noble about it but her mother is somewhat prejudiced and wishes to keep everything quiet. She will not forget Hudson's friend from Virginia. She sends her remembrances to F(athe)r (Edward) Lily and Brother Albert. Does he want any more for May —may be the Santa Maria in Trastevere in honor of the Blessed Virgin. P.S. Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Sheahane, Mrs. Drery were gratified to receive his message. They are all thankful for the blessing of the new Pope.
X-2-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8 vo. - {2}
1878 Mar. 30
Maverick, B.:
New York, (New York)
to Monsignor (Robert) Seton:
(Jersey City, New Jersey)
The coat of arms book mark "William Seton" (1) that Seton left at his office was engraved by his grandfather Peter Rushton Maverick about 100 years ago. It will afford Maverick much pleasure to meet Seton at any time he may call.
II-1-a - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}
(18)78 March 31
Murphy, Robert:
Shawneetown, Ill(inoi)s
to James A(lphonsus) McMaster:
New York, (New York)
Murphy sends McMaster $1. to aid the Indian Missions.
I-2-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}