Natchitoches, (Louisiana)
Population of the Diocese of Natchitoches in 1880 listing civil parishes and Catholic missions
VI-3-b - A.D. - (French) - 1p. - 4to. - {1}
Colovin, C.S.C., Father Patrick:
Lead City, D(akota) T(erritory)
to Father Daniel (E.) Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
Colovin expresses gratitude for the Annual. The book Hudson sent for translation is here, and Colovin will attend to it as well as he can, but Hudson should not be surprised if there is some delay. Caring for the horses, sawing wood, office, Mass, etc. keep him busy. Where he is lodged there is no place for a stove. Add to this a sprained wrist, and his literary labors must be pursued under difficulties. His wrist was sprained one night when his horse fell while returning home from a call. Before long, a portion, at least, of this misery will pass, and then all will move smoothly. Colovin heard that the provincial council was only a name. This was what he always objected to. By and by, the Community may understand that what people were pleased to call "contempt for authority" was really love of order.
X-2-f - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 14mo. - {1}
Murphy, S.J., (Father) Edward:
Dublin, (Ireland)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Hudson's letter received. Murphy has been unable to obtain much of the mortar at Knock Chapel. He managed to get some and is sending it to Hudson. Murphy will be in Arklon County from Saturday until Palm Sunday, and then to the poorest part of Ireland. Murphy will get leave to distribute any charity that may be given in private. He gives his itinerary. A dealer in Dublin would like to become Hudson's agent in Ireland for the "Ave Maria." The paper will be sent to Hudson.
X-2-f - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16mo. - {1}
Murphy, S.J., (Father) E(dward):
Galway, (Ireland)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Hudson's letter received. Murphy will send any notices about Knock to Hudson. There are many reports about Knock that do not appear in the papers, such as the apparition of Good Friday. Murphy tells of various apparitions that took place at Knock that were never reported or published in the papers. God alone knows the meaning of these wonderful cures. Hudson will have no difficulty obtaining Gill as an agent. Murphy will acknowledge in a letter the receipt of the subscription for the poor of Galway for publication. Murphy knows of no place where help is more wanted than in the vicinity of Galway. Help will be required during the months of May and June. The government has done nothing for some people and the public charity funds cannot last long. If additional aid is not given, people will be seen dying and starving on the roadside. He describes Irish scenes. The bishop is doing all he can for the suffering people. Murphy asks Hudson to have pity on him as the hand of God is heavy on the Irish people. Hudson should try to induce the readers of the "Ave Maria" to spare some of their recreation for the starving children. Hudson should ask the Irish and all Catholics to help them live. Murphy describes how others should aid as they are of the same flesh and blood. Murphy is sending another chapter of the "Legends of the Holy Infant" and more will be sent soon. Murphy is going to try and send a chapter each week. P.S. Hudson may publish and change it as he wishes.
X-2-f - A.L.S. - 8pp. - 16mo. - {1}
Murphy, S.J., (Father) E(dward):
Kilkenny, (Ireland)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Hudson's remittances for the poor of Ireland received. Hudson will never know, until eternity, the consolation he has afforded or the persons consoled by the donations. The children could not have continued attending school without this aid. Hudson's account of the self sacrifice of the American children for the Irish poor brought tears to Murphy's eyes. Murphy will write to the Sisters to thank them for their charity which they instilled into the minds of the youth they teach. It is bringing up children for society, religion and God. Murphy leaves next Friday for Westport and future mail should be sent to Father P. O'Connell, S.J., as well as the "Ave Maria" for O'Connell's library. Murphy will try to get the "Ave Maria" into every Convent and library possible in Ireland.
X-2-f - A.L.S. - 5pp. - 16mo. - {1}
(Murphy, S.J., Father Edward):
Roscrea, (Ireland)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Murphy has received Hudson's additional installment for the poor children of Galway. It makes one of the most generous offerings for the starving from the subscribers of the "Ave Maria." Every convent in Ireland will soon have the "Ave Maria" and nothing could be better for the youth of Ireland. The sooner Gill has it the better. Murphy will be at the Mercy Convent for the next 10 days and then to the Presentation Convent of Fethard until August 15th.
X-2-f - (Incomplete) A.L.(Unsigned) - 3pp. - 16mo. - {1}
Murphy, S.J., (Father) Edward:
Dublin, (Ireland)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Murphy is giving a course of Lenten Sermons and has just received Hudson's letter with the enclosure. With regards to the account of Knock it may be best to leave out the diocese and town of the second apparition and change the date to Feb. 2nd. Murphy is sending papers containing the account of the apparition; over 10,000 people were present. Dr. Daranagh, Archdeacon of the Archdiocese has written to the "Freeman's Journal" stating that the accounts in the papers are "substantially true." Murphy thanks Hudson for advocating the cause of Ireland. Murphy has written to the "French Messenger" in France asking it to do the same. Murphy will write at once for leave to receive the money Hudson mentioned. Hudson should send the "Ave Maria" to Arcklon after April 1. Murphy will soon have the first part of the story.
X-2-f - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16mo. - {1}
Perché Archbishop Napoleon Joseph:
New Orleans, (Louisiana)
A list of faculties for the priests (of the New Orleans Archdiocese), a synopsis of synodal rules, and advice to confessors.
VI-3-b - Printed D. - (Latin) - 8pp. - 4to. - {1}
Antoinette, Sister M.:
to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
p.2. Dr. Dyer sent her the Enquirer. Leslie's Illustrated had a cut in which the funeral service is represented as performed by a Franciscan Monk. The Bulgarians had a requiem Mass. Gus MacGahan, his brother, went to settle the affairs of Jan (MacGahan) and found at St. Petersburg a wife and Paul, a son, four years old. Jan wished the child brought up a Catholic. His wife, Barbara (MacGahan) is a Greek. In July, Barbara brought little Paul to see his grandmother and they have spent the winter in New York, will return to Toledo in the spring. At present she is translating American works into Russian besides writing for the Russian papers at St. Petersburg. She came at this time to be here during the turmoil of election. She is amused.
X-2-f - A.L.S. (Incomplete) - 2pp. - 16mo. - {3}
Bingham, Jo(h)n:
Washington, D(istrict of) C(olumbia)
to James (Alphonsus) McMaster):
(New York, New York)
Bingham, (Chairman) of the Catholic Young Man's National Union invites McMaster to a banquet to be given at the National Hotel, Washington, D. C., on Thursday, May 13, 1880. This invitation is sent under the auspices of the Carroll Institute.
I-2-c - printed invitation S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
Chicago "Tribune"
Attack on the Tribune for its riducule of Archbishop John B. Purcell of Cincinnati in his financial embarrasment, attempting to disprove the infallibility of the Church. The article was copied by the Toronto "Gossiper".
II-5-g - Newspaper clipping - 1 column {2}
Egan, M(aurice) F(rancis):
New York, (New York)
to John A(lphonsus) McMaster:
Egan goes down today. McMaster may stay until Monday.
I-2-m - Telegram - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
(1880) Thursday
(Egan), M(aurice Francis):
(Brooklyn, New York)
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
How can Hudson be disappointed? The "Ave Maria" is better than ever. Egan has given up "A Chat About Books". He will send a short story for boys. Egan missed Father (John Augustine) Zahm. Egan has to deliver a literary talk at Fordham. He is blamed for giving up the "Chat". Father (Augustine F.) Hewit did not like Egan's dropping out.
X-2-f - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
Healy, J ( ):
(Cambridgeport, Massachusetts)
to (James Alphonsus McMaster):
(New York, New York)
Healy sends this to the (Freeman's) Journal for publication. (Enclosure: The reverse of the note consists of the statement of the condition of St. Mary's Parish. It is dated Jan. 1, 1880).
I-2-c - A.L.S. Statement - {1}
(Leray, Bishop Francis Xavier:
Rome, Italy)
to (Pope Leo XIII:
Rome, Italy)
In obedience to the Pope's request, (Leray) gives his impressions concerning ecclesiastical affairs in the United States. There is an urgent necessity to act in order to consolidate the discipline and unity of the episcopacy and the clergy. This action must come from the supreme authority and take into account the exceptional situation of the United Staes, i.e. some dioceses already formed, others in a state of formation, and others just commencing. In the United States where the law alone is sovereign it is necessary to avoid arbitrary action. The episcopal authority ought to be sustained by church law in accordance with civil law so that priests and faithful know that each bishop in his own diocese, while being empowered to execute the laws, is also himself governed by it. To consolidate the hierarchy by clearly defining the rights of the archbishops in their provinces and to oblige them to decide on appeal ecclesiastical suits between the suffragans and their priests or the faithful before these causes are submitted to Rome. To insist on the vigorous enforcement in each diocese of the diocesan statutes and the decrees of the provincial councils and of the plenary councils of Baltimore. On the question of parochial schools it is necessary to make the question practical by requiring such schools, especially where it is possible to have them. Without special permission of the Holy See no bishop ought to have power to borrow for his diocese a sum greater than the diocesan revenues for a year or more than two years. A commission or congregation at Rome ought to consult all the bishops of the United States and act as the Pope in his supreme wisdom directs.
VI-3-b - A. Draft (Incomplete) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}
Marchand, Father A.:
If ( ) judges it suitable, he should give the following note to Bishop (Francis Xavier) Leray. For a long time he has not had any news from Leray. Their common uncle, Jean Marie Marchand, fell dangerously ill of heart disease at the beginning of this year. He did not wish to confess. However, about a month ago the sickness having disappeared, he went himself to the pastor of Chateau Giron in order to confess.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}
New Orleans, Archdiocese of:
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
(A program for) ecclesiastical meetings for 1880.
On the same paper:1862 Jan. 24
Chalon, Father G(abriel):
New Orleans, (Louisiana)
Rules to be observed for ecclesiastical meetings.
- Printed D. -
VI-3-b - Printed D. - (Latin) - 4pp. - 8vo. - {2}
Peter, Sarah:
Cincinnati, (Ohio)
to (James Alphonsus) McMaster:
(New York, New York)
Mrs. Peter meant to see McMaster while in New York but met with an accident on shipboard and is still suffering acutely. Not knowing anyone to send to contact McMaster she had to leave without seeing him. She has left a parcel sent to McMaster by Father Drevan of Paray-le-Monial, (France,) and she hopes McMaster has received it by now. Father Drevan is a most respectable man, and when he asked Mrs. Peter who would be most likely to listen to his propositions, Mrs. Peter mentioned McMaster and even though she is not familiar with Drevan's plans she is sure he will make them known by writing. Drevan's principal object will be the Church of all nations at Paray but he will have equally at heart the multiplication of associates for the Reparation Communion, about which he has probably already sent copies of the offices. At present there seems to be such a deadness in this country in regard to pious works that unless a German priest can undertake the matter it will be a waste of words to prosecute the undertaking. Mrs. Peter was the only pilgrim from her diocese, (Cincinnati, Ohio). The pilgrimage to Rome, Peter has learned from confidential sources, has afforded the Holy Father a great deal of satisfaction and the group has been feted as no other pilgrimage has ever been. She recommends that a capable man who speaks French and who has already travelled be placed in charge of the next pilgrimage. By a coincidence she reached Paray at the same time as did an admirably conducted pilgrimage from Louis a Soulnier, and so she joined the group and carried out their devotions with them. This pilgrimage was characterized by perfect religious discipline, about which Americans know so little. The American pilgrimage would have been impossible were it not for McMaster's powerful aid. She asks him to notify her if he received the package from Father Drevan.
I-2-c - A.L.S.. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}
Piquette, Mrs. Fannie E.:
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Mrs. Piquette wishes Hudson a Merry Xmas. She has written to Maude ( ) to have her ask Hudson for a letter of introduction to Mrs. (Anna Hanson) Dorsey. They are fine and living in this hotel where Mr. and Mrs. Boyle O'Reilly of the "Boston Pilot" are passing the winter.
X-2-f - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 32mo. - {1}
Clavreul, Father (Henry):
St. Augustine, Fl(orid)a
He regrets his inability to comply with Richard Clark's request. All that he knows of Bishop (John Marcellus P.) Verot he said in the pamphlet written at Verot's death. Some of the data he gave there was only second hand, and incorrect. Referring to the Bishop when yet a priest, he made him travel "afoot and fasting, for several years, after a first mass said in Baltimore, to Ellicott's Mills, where he sang a High Mass and preached." This, according to Father (B.S.) Piot of St. Charles College, was incorrect. Also what he said there of the Bishop's "taking off his shoes or some other part of his wearing apparel to give to some poor man he chanced to meet on the way" is at least questionable. Clavreul gave 1804 as the year when Verot was born, drawing only from inference.
I-1-f - L.Copy - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}
Freeman's Journal:
New York, (New York)
Four octagenarians. Venerable Englishmen in harness at four-score; Sketches of Cardinal John Henry Newman, Cardinal Henry Edward Manning, O'Gorman Mahon, and William E. Gladstone, with a picture of each.
I-1-e - Newspaper Clipping - 3 columns - folio - {4}
Delaney, Father T. F.:
Columbus, Ohio
to J(ames) F. Edwards:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Edwards' letter gave him delight. His work is indeed difficult as he has great bigotry to work against. They put books in the hands of Catholic prisoners written in ridicule of the faith. He is trying to plant the cross firmly in the institution by the present senate. He thanks Edwards for the interest he and the priests, especially Father (Edward) Sorin, (C.S.C.), of his famous institution have shown.
XI-1-b - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}