(1880? Nov.)
Fitzpatrick, John (and others):
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
to Archbishop N(apoleon) J(oseph) Perché:
(New Orleans), Louisiana
The Ancient Order of Hibernians of Louisiana welcome Perché on his return. They congratulate him that they find him returned to them in moderate health and with the old indomitable spirit. (Signed also by) John Thompson, Patrick Mahon Garry, J.J. Lynch, John F. Hodgings, Rob(er)t Davey, John McCann, J.J. Murray, W.J. Kelly, J. McHale Walpole, W. Gorman, and John F. Barrett.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - folio - {13}
(1880 Nov. ?)
Marie, Sister:
(Rennes, France)
to (Bishop Francis Xavier Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
She does not know how to tell him of the happiness which his visit gave her. She awaits the arrival of his feast day. They will celebrate it as a feast of the first class. She will celebrate it as a feast of the first class. She will ask his patron to obtain the grace that he will return to Rocher sometime. If their madmen continue to make misery and to expel the Communities, (Leray) will keep for them a little place in America where they will be nearer to him. They will follow their good superioress for they love her with all their heart.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 (Nov.)
Murphy, S.J., (Father) Edward:
Dublin, (Ireland)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Father Russell showed him a copy of the "Ave Maria." Murphy introduced it in his missions and wants to order 11 copies weekly. He is sorry that there is not an agent in Dublin, as he is continually giving missions, and he could do a good deal for the "Ave Maria." Does Hudson want an account of the authentic apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Knock, in the diocese of Tuam, Ireland? He heard of it from witnesses. The Archbishop commissioned 4 priests to visit the place and all agree that the apparition was real. Murphy witnessed miracles wrought by the water of Lourdes. He gives the address to send the 11 copies of the "Ave Maria." P.S. Murphy will be in Dublin until the 24th in Carrick-on-Suir for a week, and in Waterford until the 30th.
X-2-f - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 1
Dunne, E(dmund) F.:
Chicago, Ill(inois)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
Dunne believes there is a working branch of the "Apostolate of Prayer" at Notre Dame. Mrs. Dunne is suffering greatly and Hudson is asked to pray for her. Dunne may soon form a desirable law partnership in Chicago.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 1
Parker, Eliza R.:
Bedford, K(entuck)y
to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Miss Parker's address on her Ave Maria is frequently Barker and she asks Hudson to correct this as she often loses it because of this error. She will soon send a story.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 1
Stoddard, C(harles) W(arren):
S(an) Francisco, (California)
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
Stoddard asks Hudson if he can use his lines. He is no better.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 2
Dicharry, Father P. F(elix):
Natchitoches, (Louisiana)
to Bishop (Francis Xavier Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
Father (E.) Reynes has written for permission to lay and bless the cornerstone of the church which he is in the process of building at Moreauville. Dicharry does not believe he has the power to grant it and asks Leray to do so.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}
1880 Nov. 2
Jenkins, (Father) T(homas) J.:
Hardinsburg, K(entuck)y
to F(athe)r (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Jenkins heard that Hudson was absent but expected home soon. He hopes that Hudson is not working too hard, as his job is not yet done. Benjamin Dionysius Hill, whose poems on the Blessed Virgin, were put in the first rank of Jenkin's article, is a Passionist. He was at Hardinsburg for a two weeks' mission. Hill promised Jenkins to send his sonnets to Hudson instead of the "Catholic World." This should aid the Ave Maria in being second to none in periodicals. He is sending a supplement to "About Some C(atholic) Hymns."
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}
1880 Nov. 2
Ménard, Father L(eonard):
Alexandria, (Louisiana)
to Bishop F(rancis) X(avier) Leray:
N(ew) O(rleans, Louisiana)
Ménard does not wish to put off the building of a chapel in Harrisonburg. He has received from Ch(arles) Newman, commission-merchant in (New Orleans) the promise of a lot and there is none more eligible, more desirable. As Henry Newman lives in the city, it would be better to have the act of donation made there; otherwise Ménard will with Leray's permission, buy the lot at a nominal price. In case Leray would prefer to attend to all this, he encloses Newman's letters. In a short while he will receive a chalice from Sicily Island. He asks for Father (Jean Baptiste) Avenard, permission to consecrate it.
- A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. -
1880 Oct. 29
Newman, Henry:
New Orleans, (Louisiana)
to Father L(eonard) Ménard:
Alexandria, L(ouisian)a
It will make no difference, Newman is willing to sign deed for a nominal price or as a donation. He trusts Ménard may succeed in his most praiseworthy undertaking.
- A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. -
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo.& 8vo. - {5}
1880 Nov. 2
O'Farrell, M( ):
Orland, Cal(ifornia)
to (Father) Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
O'Farrell asks Hudson to answer some questions on Church dogma through the Ave Maria.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 2
Raymond-Barker, Elizabeth:
Arundel, (Maine ? )
to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Miss Barker was informed by the "Catholic World" that her manuscript was forwarded to Hudson. She wonders if it has been received, and if it was accepted. If it is not to be used she wants it returned. She asks the price of the Ave Maria.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 3
Clark, Father Cha(rle)s:
Point Coupée, (Louisiana)
to Bishop (Francis Xavier Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
Not having succeeded in obtaining a place outside the Archdiocese, he has returned. He knows he has been a sinner but hopes to conquer himself. He is the guest of Father (Peter) Berthet who is willing to allow him to remain any length of time (Leray) may state, in probation, desiring that (Leray) give him permission to say Mass and perform any other duties Berthet assigns.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}
1880 Nov. 3
Coste, Father J(ules):
Troy, N(ew) Y(ork)
to (Bishop Francis Xavier Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana
Coste offers his respects and greetings. They had a good trip and are now settled in America. Father (G.) Huberdault left for Canada several days ago. He is to return in a month and a half and plans to leave for Europe, probably settling at Rome. They would have liked to have greeted him personally when he arrived at New York. At Troy the Canadian population received them very well. The news from France is far from reassuring for the Congregations. He would not be too astonished if their Superior General were to send them some reinforcements soon. French suffices for the Canadian population, but, when they leave the church, English is indispensable. He asks his blessing for themselves and for their parish of St. John Baptist.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}
1880 Nov. 3
O'Shaughnessy, Lucy B.:
Cincinnati, (Ohio)
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Miss O'Shaughnessy asks Hudson if he uses translations. She sends a manuscript. If not satisfactory Hudson should return it.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 4
Kelly, J(ames) R.:
Sacket's Harbor, N(ew) Y(ork)
to Henry F. (Brownson):
(Detroit, Michigan)
Kelly is suffering from rheumatism for a long time now. Last Sunday he could hardly walk up stairs. He asks what Henry thinks of the country again going Republican? Hundreds are on the Army retired list with much less claim than Henry. He hopes Henry succeeds this winter in being placed on the list.
III-3-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 4
Sagerer, O.S.J. de Deo, Father Ignatius:
Lancaster, Ohio
to Archbishop W(illiam) H(enry) Elder (of Avara):
(Cincinnati, Ohio)
Since Sagerer received Elder's letter Father (John C.) Albrinck of Cincinnati wrote saying that he did not have any of Father Broering's money but that if Broering would give an order he could get the money from a Mr. Kellerman. Broering came in May, 1879 and the money received paid for him until the end of the year, except for $5. This, plus $3 advanced to him are still due. Sagerer hopes that Elder will not have to pay this but will leave the matter to Elder. Broering is in good health and has been permitted to say Mass. Since they opened their house to priests they have received $20 a month from each one, but from some nothing at all. They have to look carefully after their expenses without a fixed income. He asks for the money because they have urgent need of the money. (Note by Elder stating that this was answered Nov. 20th promising that Father Albrinck would get some money for him.)
II-5-f - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}
1880 Nov. 4
Spalding, Father B( ) J.:
Peoria, Illinois
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Spalding would like to procure some Water of Lourdes. He has been told that it is available at Notre Dame. If obtainable he will pay all necessary expenses.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 5
Boisson, Mrs. M.P. Savary F.:
Paris, (France)
to Archbishop (Napoleon Joseph Perché:
Angers?, France)
She begs his pardon but hopes he will take care of her business for she has need of her money. Leonard Malone, captain of detectives, for a piano, $75; Miss Fanny Malone for various small purchases, $6; and Mrs. Corbets for a machine, $45. (P.S.) Joseph Boillon has left, it is said, in order to return to his position at the cathedral of New Orleans and he owes her two hundred which she loaned him. She fears that he is not in good faith because he has owed it for almost three years.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {5}
1880 Nov. 5
Holy Angels, Pupils of the Academy of
New Orleans, (Louisiana)
to Bishop (Francis Xavier Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
They are proud and happy to enjoy his presence for the first time.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 4to. - {1}
1880 Nov. 5
Immaculate Conception, Orphans of the Asylum of the
New Orleans, (Louisiana)
to Bishop F(rancis) X(avier) Leray:
New Orleans, (Louisiana)
They welcome him among them for the first time.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}
1880 Nov. 5
Joos, (Father) Ed(ward):
Monroe, (Minnesota)
to (Henry F.) Brownson:
(Detroit, Michigan)
Father Joos acknowledges the receipt of $200 from Jeremiah O'Connor through Henry in payment on the mortgage of Father (John) Van Gennip.
III-3-a - A. L. S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}
1880 Nov. 5
Lambing, (Father) A( ) A.:
(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Lambing does not know if Hudson has returned. Hudson had some issues of the Ave Maria sent to him containing the case of possession which took place in Ohio. He is not pleased with it and is in favor of omitting it. His mind is too disturbed by temporal affairs to think deeply. He cannot promise to be a regular contributor.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 5
Moran, R.S.H., Madame M(ary) E.:
New Orleans, (Louisiana)
to Bishop (Francis Xavier) Leray:
New Orleans, (Louisiana)
Their legal adviser has counselled (the Religious of the Sacred Heart) not to accept under any consideration the property in litigation, known as the diocesan lot, as the titles could not be made secure. She was waiting for (Thomas J.?) Semmes' decision to communicate further with their Mother General. As it is, she does not deem it necessary. This does not mean that they relinquish the idea of the parochial school. They will seek to adapt that work to their present circumstances.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}
1880 Nov. 5
Reilly, L( ) W.:
Baltimore, (Maryland)
to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Hudson's note of regret at not having been able to visit the "Catholic Mirror" was received. Reilly looked forward to seeing Hudson, but the loss is Reilly's as Hudson did not come.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 6
Borias, Father A(ntoine:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
to Bishop (Francis Xavier Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
The bearer is Mr. Edel, president of the Society of Our Lady of Lourdes, along with Mrs. Casanova, the secretary, They are worried about their society's money and, therefore, he does not wish to be their treasurer and has given them a note in payment. (P.S.) There is $212 on deposit.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {4}
1880 Nov. 6
Donnelly, Eleanor C.:
Phila(delphia, Pennsylvania)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Miss Donnelly sent a poem for the Ave Maria, and would like compensation. She has waited for word from Hudson regarding the new book. Something must be done before it is too late for Christmas. She could have engaged another literary enterprise but delayed in the expectation of word from Hudson.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 6
McGrath, Frank:
Fordham, New York
to James F. Edwards:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
He is having a grand time and would not be at Notre Dame for the world. There is no place like Fordham. You can go to New York every week and have a grand time. He inquires about Mrs. Kearney.
XI-1-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}
1880 Nov. 6
Vauquelin, Baroness de:
Avernes, (France)
to Archbishop (Napoleon Joseph Perché:
Angers ?, France)
She received his touching letter and asks God to bless him. She is profoundly grateful for all that he told her. She asks him to bless her child and the children of her brother. There will never forget him.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 16mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 8
Berchmans, R.G.S., Sister M(ary) of Blessed:
New Orleans, (Louisiana)
to Bishop (Francis Xavier) Leray:
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
Their mother, being very sick, asks permission for a notary public to come to her room on business. As he attends to all their business gratis, she would have permission beforehand, so as not to disappoint him when he comes, in case she is not able to go to the parlor.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 8
Enaut, Father L(udovic):
Monroe, L(ouisian)a
to Bishop F(rancis) X(avier) Leray:
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
Enaut was detained longer than expected and came hom just in time to see Father (C.) Mahé start on a distant sick call. Among the letters waiting for him was one from the mayor of Lake Providence stating that, instead of keeping the $50, by mistake he gave it to the clerk of the boat that took Mrs. Louby to N(ew) O(rleans). If the clerk remitted it to the (Little) Sisters (of the Poor) Leray would not have had to pay the order given by Enaut. He hopes everything will come out all right. He will in a few days send the accounts concerning Father (Joseph Mary) Quèlard. He was sick exactly 3 months at Vicksburg. Father (H.) Oberfeld gave him a shelter, some attention and furnish(ed) the gas. Outside of that Quèlard was no burden to any great extent to Oberfeld. His meals were brought from town. Thus, in offering compensation to Oberfeld, Leray may acknowledge his kindness but not be under the false impression that he was at much expense.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {6}
1880 Nov. 8
Grima, Edgar:
New Orleans, (Louisiana)
to Archbishop N(apoleon) J(oseph) Perché:
A bill of exchange drawn by Perché on Bishop (Francis Xavier) Leray for the sum of $6000 dated Angers, October 18, 1880, payable at 12 days sight was this day protested by Grima for non-acceptance and the holder looks to Perché for payment as endorses.
VI-3-b - A.D.S. (Duplicate 2 copies) - 1p. - 4to. - {2}
1880 Nov. 8
Higgins, John:
Knock, Ireland
to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
Notre Dame, Indiana
Higgins is sending two cuttings from the "Flag of Ireland" published at Dublin. He, the author, is at knock looking for restoration of health. With "Our Lady of Knock" in view the writer began a series of letters to the "Flag of Ireland." Hudson should send a few copies of the Ave Maria.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 16mo. - {1}
(1880) Nov. 8
Paul, Mrs. Grace:
Hazleton, P(ennsylvani)a
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Indiana
Mrs. Paul acknowledges the receipt of $10 sent by Hudson.
X-2-g - A. Postcard S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 9
Roulleaux, Father M.J.:
Monceaux, France
to Bishop (Francis Xavier Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
Roulleaux's intention has always been to devote himself to the missions and, if he has worked for 4 years in the diocese of Seéz it has only been to satisfy his family and to fulfill some pecuniary obligations contracted for his education. He almost entered the Marists where he has an uncle who has been a missionary in Oceania for 22 years but not being able to set his own conditions he feared being obliged to follow a life of solitude. Influenced by one of his old friends, Father (V.F.J.) Pellouin, he would like to be admitted into (Natchitoches). Bishop (Charles Frederick Rousselet) of Seéz has agreed to let him go once he has an official request from (Leray). He, therefore, asks (Leray) to make such a request.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}
(18)80 Nov. 9
Simon, Father (Paul E.):
Marksville, (Louisiana)
to Bishop F(rancis Xavier) Leray:
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
Simon thanks Leray for the assistance and hopes it will be the last time he will need ask for any. In regard to the taint on the clergy left by Father (F.X.) Guay, the public has been able to distinguish between the bad and the good grain. They have been full of politeness and affability, and he hopes for a profitable sale of the pews on January 1. Otherwise, he could not live at Marksville, which is the poorest parish in Avoyelles. When Leray is able to come to Natchitoches, he asks him to visit Marksville as it would have a good effect. Father (J.E.) Chauvin and Father (E.) Reynes are grateful for the remembrances and offer their respects. P.S. He often has news of Guay from other bishops. As all in the United States and Canada have been warned he will not find any place.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {5}
1880 Nov. 11
Enaut, Father L(udovic):
Monroe, (Louisiana)
to Bishop (Francis Xavier) Leray:
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
The account of Father (Joseph Mary) Quèlard's illness and burial shows total expenses of $733.85 including advances repaid to Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Garetty, washing by Mrs. Gazelle, and bills of Dr. Iglehart, Dr. Hunt, Dr. Mitchell, and Dr. O'Leary. All parties have been lenient and some at Enaut's request have reduced their bills. A total of $454.75 was received, leaving a balance of $279.10 now due Enaut. He has paid all except $90. He will postpone for a while the other accounts concerning the parochial affairs of Quèlard. There is at Lake Providence enough personal property belonging to Quèlard to satisfy his obligations and these matters he will have to settle with his successor.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {9}
1880 Nov. 12
Raymond, Father G(ilbert):
New Orleans, (Louisiana)
to Bishop F(rancis) X(avier) Leray:
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
He encloses two letters. The first is in regard to Mr. Laroche, seminarian from Clermont, who asked to be received into the diocese. Raymond wrote to his bishop and encloses the reply. The second was received yesterday. During Leray's absence, Father Sommiére from Chartreuse asked Raymond's assistance. Raymond wrote to the abbè and received his reply yesterday. These two documents are new proof for suspecting priests who do not have any papers. Raymond also wishes to make a few remarks in regard to something Father Marchant told him the other day. He assures Leray that he has nothing against Father (Joseph) Subileau whom he esteems very much. He has never consciously performed a baptism which belonged to Subileau. For grave reasons, on two occasions he married parishioners of Subileau, but he sent him $5 for the one and $10 for the other. When Subileau's parish was divided in order to give boundaries to Father (Antoine) Borias, he may have given an opinion, but it did not proceed from a spirit of hostility toward Subileau. Also, on the basis of what Father (Hyacinthe) LeCozic told him, he must explain about Father Poussielgue's claim. According to Archbishop (Napoleon Joseph) Perché's arrangements, the diocesan treasury received the collections, the cathedraticum, the fees for dispensations, and the receipts of the church, all of which were employed indistinctly for the expenses and debts of the diocese. As the money from the pews was paid in January and February it was immediately paid out for the diocesan expenses, and, later, the expenses of the church were paid from other diocese receipts. This system was continued by Father (Joseph Marie) Millet and Father (E.) Reynes and is still in effect. Raymond at the start of the year used the church receipt for house expenses. Now they are exhausted and he must pay Father (Theophile) Blancgarin and the rest with what he receives from either the office or the diocesan treasury. This system will end as soon as Leray makes other arrangements. He has just received notice that he has to name an assessor for the property and that it is to be sold by the sheriff on the 20th, but he can se Leary in order to discuss this matter.
- A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. -
1880 Oct. 11
Chardon, Father:
Clermont, (France)
to Father (Gilbert Raymond:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
Bishop (Jean Pierre Boyer) has directed him to give Rouxel the information which he sought about Mr. Laroche. Hardly had Laroche begun his philosophy when it was discovered that his conduct was immoral and he was dismissed. He asked for his certificate in order to obtain free passage, but the Bishop did not reply. He also wrote from New Orleans for testimonial letters but no reply was made. The directors of the seminary are unanimous in believing that he leaves everything to be desired.
- A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. -
1880 Oct. 25
Anselm Marie, Father:
Grande Chartreuse, (France)
to Father (Gilbert Raymond:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
He would like to be useful to Father Sommière, but he can only tell the truth. Sommière was expelled from (the Carthusiana) because of grave acts of drunkenness accompanied by public scandal. Until his departure from France he had not corrected himself. Anselm saw Leray in July and told him what he thought of this poor unfortunate. Leray, therefore, can give him further information.
- A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. -
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 9pp. - 12mo. - {16}
1880 Nov. 13
Aubrée, Father J(osep)h:
Many, Sabine Parish, L(ouisian)a
to Bishop F(rancis) X(avier) Leray:
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
Aburée received Leray's letter enclosing a check for $200 and thanks him. He was very hard up as Leray learned by his letter sent by Father (P. Felix) Dicharry. The resources of Sabine are small and he has to abandon the honoraries of the masses he receives from France to his mother whom his brother's prolonged illness has placed in very narrow circumstances. Yet he has reason to abound with joy for this year has been one of spiritual blessings. An epidemic has hurled many unprepared souls before God but also has caused many to think more seriously about religious matters. They have baptized 8 children of infidels, of which three have died; also two young men, one whose holy dispositions and pious exhortations have brought to the Church his father, mother, brother and sisters. The church at Bayou Cye is progressing rapidly. Hartman is the chief carpenter. The Mexicans work with a heart. Aubrée intends to establish there a Catholic school as soon as possible. His health is better, though not good. Father (J.M.) Ledreux started yesterday for Spanish Lake, intending also to visit Natchitoches.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 4to. - {6}
1880 Nov. 13
L(ambing), (Father) A( ) A.:
(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Lambing writes with great difficulty as he has heard over 400 confessions this week. He has done his best to make his articles popular, so as to adapt them to the less educated reader. He cannot write on a Catholic Congress till his mind has had a rest.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 13
Wile, Jacob:
LaPorte, Indiana
to J(ames) F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana
Miss Forrester offered to let him select such books as might be desirable for the Lemonnier Library. Wile mislaid the list of particular works Edwards wanted and asks that he send another list.
XI-1-b - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}
1880 Nov. 14
Dorsey, A(nna) H(anson):
Washington, (D.C.)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Mrs. Dorsey is ending 20 pages of manuscript. She adopted the title Hudson approved. This story will not be as long as "Tangled Paths." She needs help and asks for $150 in advance on her literary work. Hudson left only friends in Washington. Father Boyle is now visiting with her daughter, Angela, who is very ill again. Her son-in-law has improved and the dropsy seems to have disappeared. Regards to Brother Stanislaus.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 14
White, Rhoda E.:
Pisa, (Italy)
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
If 20 pages are too many, Hudson should inform her. Hudson should send the remittances to Madame Ellen White, whose address is given. It seems like small compensation to her.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 15
Russell, S.J., Father Matthew:
Dublin, (Ireland)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Russell's new home is Francis Xavier's in Dublin. Russell will send a third book of verse, not as sacred as "Emmanuel" or "Madonna." He sends an article for the Ave Maria. Russell hopes Hudson health is better.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 16
Leray, Celine:
Chateaugiron, (France)
to Bishop (Francis Xavier Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
She prays for him every day and asks him to remember her at the altar. Her mother joins in sending her wishes for a good feastday and for the new year.
- A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. -
1880 Nov. 16
Guillet, Augustine:
Chateaugiron, (France)
to Bishop (Francis Xavier Leray):
New Orleans, Louisiana
The dawn of his feastday enables her to renew her wishes for his happiness and to offer her wishes for the new year. She asks him to remember at the divine sacrifice.
- A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. -
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}
1880 Nov. 16
Magnien, S.S., Father A(lphonse L.):
St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, (Maryland)
to (Bishop Francis Xavier Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
They have nominated Jer(emiah) Brès of the diocese of Natchitoches for the subdeanonate and J. M. (T.) Massardier of the diocese of New Orleans for the tonsure and request faculties to ordain them.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}
1880 Nov. 16
O'Meara, K(athleen):
Paris, (France)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
Notre Dame, Indiana
Miss O'Meara is sending manuscripts and hopes they will arrive for the New Year. She wonders whether her two last letters have reached Hudson.
X-2-g - A.Postcard S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 17
Leray, Marie:
Chateaugiron, (France)
to Bishop (Francis Xavier Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
They were happy to learn of his safe arrival. As his feastday approaches there is not need to assure him of their best wishes. They also send best wishes for the new year. All are well. However Suzanne is coming of age and consequently her health needs support. They have begun the repairs on the factory and have to repair half of the house from top to bottom, but they would rather endure privations than get involved in a law suit. She thinks that Leray knows all the disasters that have befallen the Religious, 261 Communities devastated. Leray is more at peace in America. They will await news of him with impatience. (P.S.) All their friends ask to be remembered.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 18
Gentille, Father J(oseph):
Shreveport, (Louisiana)
to Father P. F(elix) Dicharry:
Natchitoches, L(ouisian)a
Gentille asks Dicharry to bring the following fact to the attention of Bishop (Francis Xavier Leray). Since Sunday he has feared the return of his sciatica. With his infirmities, which increase every day, he can no longer keep to his vast tasks. Every day, except Sunday, he has to visit the convent of St. Vincent. The (Daughters of the Cross) need a Chaplain. Gentille could then fulfill his duties as a parish priest, visit his hospital and his missions in the East. 30 years ago he was strong. Others have succumbed to the work that he has endured; he is still half standing. A chaplain at the convent could visit the missions in the west and give him a helping hand. Gentille is cheaper than a regular chaplain. That will be the only objection of the Sisters, if they have any objection. He could not afford to pay the entire cost of an assistant. He will go to the convent as long as he is able.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}
1880 Nov. 18
Hudson, C.S.C., Father Daniel E.:
to James F. Edwards:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
He is on his way home and shall leave for Detroit having promised to call there on his return. He fears that he will not be able to call on Edwards' mother and also Father (E.) Hannin to whom he is indebted for many kindnesses. His trip has benefitted him very much and has also been of no little service to the community as he shall explain when he sees Edwards.
XI-1-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 18
Ryder, Eliot:
Sante Fe, New Mexico
to F(athe)r (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Ryder arrived in Sante Fe October 31. He thinks he will regain his health soon. Ryder is sorry he did not get to see Hudson on his way west but perhaps will meet him in a few months.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 18
Scollard, Father John:
St. Joseph's Church
Ponchatoula, L(ouisian)a
to Bishop (Francis Xavier) Leray:
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
On the 8th of last month one year's interest, eighty dollars, feel due on a note held by Scollard against the diocese which he expects Leray to pay. If not, he will add it to the principal and demand compound interest unless he pays principal and interest at once. If Leray repudiates, he is not without a remedy. In justice to himself and his mission he cannot rebate a single cent.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 18
Toohey, C.S.C., (Father) J(ohn) M.:
Lead City, D(akota) T(erritory)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
"Raphael" will be finished in two more installments. The translation of it took all of Toohey's time but it has increased his knowledge of German. Father Colovin is at work studying German, and tomorrow he and Father Gleeson start for Fort Meade. The blank books for Monthly Dues arrived.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 18
Watson, J( ) E.:
Det(roit, Michigan)
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Watson is finishing pictures of the clergy for the orphans fair next week. He would like a picture of Hudson to present to the ladies of the fair.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - kp. - 8vo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 19
Agnes, Sister:
Bourg, (France)
to (Archbishop Napoleon Joseph Perché?:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
She regrets not having been able to write to him before his departure, but she was too overcome with sadness at not being able to accompany him. It would have been a great happiness for her, her family and her congregation. However, the decision of their Reverend Mother to retain her a few months is an indication of God's will. Still she has a great need to return to her native land. She asks him to take care of his health. (P.S.) Mother Espérance asks to be remembered.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}
1880 Nov. 19
(Brownson) Orestes, (A. Jr.):
Dubuque, Iowa
to (Henry F. Brownson):
(Detroit, Michigan)
Orestes is glad to hear that Henry and family are all well and progressing so finely. Henry's children will apparently receive the advantages of an excellent education. Orestes wants to hear often of them. All his family are well except Sarah (Brownson), 15 years old who has a very bad cough and he fears it is the beginning of comsumption. The mercury fell to 10 below zero without any warning and Orestes is sorry to say he was caught without any warm clothing. Is it all due to Orestes' shiftlessness that lately makes him the sport of adversity? He no longer complains. He thinks it has been his fault that he did not better provide for his old age and yet nothing succeeds with him. Everything fails with him so that he gives up all hopes and quietly submits to any sufferings, misery and disappointment thankful for the few blessings of life and occasional happinesses. His son John (Brownson) seems to be more fortunate. He has already purchased a small farm near Orestes and with his frugal wife seems bound to acquire a competence early in life. He asks of a new edition of Brownson's Review to be issued. Orestes takes no papers and seldom sees anybody except some neighboring farmer so that he knows not what the world is doing.
III-3-a - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {3}
1880 Nov. 19
Dallas, A(lexander) I.:
Fort Duncan, Texas
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Hudson's letter written in Brooklyn received. Dallas read in the "Review" that Hudson was to return home. Dallas believes Notre Dame has a bad climate. He is disgusted with a Texas winter already. Father Heyburn is away on a mission 75 miles distant. He wonders how Hudson liked St. Patrick's in New York, and whether Hickey made Hudson a convert to the Brooklyn church. Mrs. Mase would have been glad to see Hudson in Washington. Dallas thanks Hudson for his approach to Mother Angela on the subject of stenography on behalf of his daughter, Marie. He speaks of discipline at St. Mary's, Notre Dame.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 5pp. - 12mo. - {2}
1880 Nov. 19
O'Meara, K(athleen):
Paris, France
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Indiana
O'Meara sends the remaining pages of the manuscript on P. Besson. She hopes he has received her package.
X-2-g - A. Postcard S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}
(1880 Nov. 19)
Vincent, Sister:
(Le Rocher, St. Servan, Ile et Vilaine, France
to Bishop (Francis Xavier Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
It is with great happiness that she joins her Sister S(uperio)r in offering him their best wishes for a good feastday. She asks him to pray that they may receive the constancy to submit in advance to the ignoble decrees of their extremist government.
- A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. -
1880 Nov. 19
Leray, Sister:
Le Rocher, St. Servan, Ile et Vilaine,
to Bishop (Francis Xavier Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
Every day they think of him and they often speak of his visit. She asks him to write and give them some news of him. Father (C. ) Mahé has still not kept his promise to write them. Sister Marie plans to make Leray's feastday a feast of the first class. Since his departure, she has not had any news from their family. The pastor of St. Mala and his assistants have not forgotten him.
- A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. - 12mo. -
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. - 12mo. - {4}
1880 Nov. 20
Benedict, M(aria), Abbot:
Gathsemani, K(entuck)y
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, (C.S.C.):
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
Abbot Benedict has been requested by the Superior to call the attention of the Americans to the Devotion to the Holy Face of Our Lord. He sends copies of what he received to see if it would be proper to be published in the Ave Maria.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}
(18)80 Nov. 21
Seton, W(illiam):
Paris, (France)
to Monsignor Robert (Seton:
Jersey City, New Jersey)
As Liz has no doubt written W(illiam) and Sally had a very pleasant passage. They sailed on Saturday the 2nd and were in Paris at 5 P.M. Sunday the 10th. They have visited Sacré Coeur and saw M(ada)me Beuffroy whom he had not seen in 34 years; she spoke of Robert. He has also called on Père Chocargne, a learned Dominican, whom W(illiam) met in New York 21 years ago. They often meet Mrs. Navarro and Tony, who is very Spanish in looks and tastes. The Navarros are staying with Dr. and Mrs. Shephard. W(illiam) has not called on Madame de Barberey. Robert is to tell about the Baltimore celebration. Did he meet there Egan, Brownson, Ford, Shea? They may go South in a week. He has made the acquaintance of Père Leroy, a Dominican, and the author of a work on evolution. Robert is to call on Mrs. Parrish and Mrs. Lee. How is Sands?
II-1-b - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {5}
1880 Nov. 22
Perché, N(apoleon) J(oseph) Archbishop of New Orleans:
Notre Dame, (Indiana)
to Father (Gilbert) Raymond:
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
In order to pass Sunday peacefully and to rest a little, rather than remaining in New York he has come to Notre Dame. He arrived on Saturday with Father (Alexander) Mariné, (C.S.C.) and two priests who will accompany him to New Orleans on either Friday or Saturday. A Father Joseph Gervais, who was to have met Perché at New York but arrived too late because he sailed from Liverpool, may reach New Orleans before him. If so, Raymond should receive him and allow him to say Mass.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}
1880 Nov. 22
Sullivan, Timothy:
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
to Cardinal Levra (Bishop Francis Xavier Leray?:
New Orleans, Louisiana)
He gives notice this co(u)rt put up ag(a)in this man of the Sacred H(e)art to break it up and have no more to say about him or any belong to him.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 23
Berthet, Father P(eter):
Pointe Coupée, L(ouisian)a
to Bishop Francis (Xavier) Leray:
New Orleans, Louisiana
In answer to Leray's merciful message of the 12th, Father (Charles) Clark accepted joyfully the condition. It gave calm and peace to the truly repenting priest. Too poor to give him a salary, Berthet told him he would make him comfortable for the services he may render until Leray appoints him to any position. As yet there is nothing done towards the settlement of the succession case.
VI-3-h - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}
1880 Nov. 23
Dowd, James J.:
Holyoke, Mass(achusetts)
to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
Notre Dame, (Indiana)
Dowd informs Hudson that a man called Brother Onesimus is dead. The Brother was studying for the priesthood in Ottawa College and was doing very well. He died in the way he lived, in the bosom of the Church. Prayers are asked for him.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 23
Dupre, Father A.:
Ile Brevelle, (Louisiana)
to (James Alphonsus) McMaster:
(New York, New York)
Dupre has not answered McMaster's letter because he has been unable to send the money for his subscription. In a few weeks he hopes to settle his account. Fr. Martin, from France, has written him that he will send a subscription fee to him, by means of the Sisters of the Holy Cross but as yet, Dupre has heard nothing more about it. For the two years Dupre has been with his congregation, his people have been unable to raise even $300. a year as they promised, and so Dupre must be careful that he does not go into debt.
I-2-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 23
Gusman, A.L.:
Baton Rouge, (Louisiana)
to Bishop (Francis) X(avier) Leray:
New Orleans, L(ouisian)a
Gusman writes in regard to promissory notes given by Archbishop (Napoleon Joseph) Perché to the late W(illia)m S. Pike and secured by mortgage upon the St. Joseph Catholic Church of (Baton Rouge). After Pike's death in January, 1875, they became the property of his widow and children, but seem to have come to the nominal possession of Hezakiah S. Bell, a retainer of the Pikes and manifestly an interposed party between them and their creditors. Gusman asks Leray to turn a deaf ear to all demands for payment. He is the liquidation commissioner of an insurance company that has a judgment against the Pikes for over $115,000 and $60,000 of interest. In 1873 Pike appropriated to his own use some $237,000 which he held for the company as its Treasurer. This embezzlement was facilitated by the glaring malfeasance of one of the trustees who, being informed at the time by Pike, tacitly condoned the offense upon the promise of Pike that as soon as the then prevailing crisis was over and his business would permit he would return the funds. Gusman believes Pike was sincere, but since his death his widow and children have done all they could to solidify the at least quasi theft into an actual theft. The insurance company's judgment is now nearly two years old and only $1200 have been realized upon it. He also has a Catholic view to present which he could not omit without feeling that he was doing an injustice to Father (Cyril) Delacroix. If Leray arranges with the Pikes for the payment of the notes, it will cause serious trouble to and within the congregation. Leray expects the congregation to furnish the wherewith to pay the notes since they were given for the congregation. Their people are willing to subscribe liberally towards completing the church and towards Catholic objects and works, but as to the Pike debt nothing, for they reason that it stands neither in equity nor in common sense that they should make sacrifices to pay leprous individuals who cavalierly propose to plunder more than 100 Catholics of the Parish and twice that many Protestants.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 8pp. - 4to. - {6}
1880 Nov. 23
Hutchison, Anastasia M.:
London, (England)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Mrs. Hutchison and her husband were pleased to see the notice in the Ave Maria of the book, "Catholic Belief" by Dr. Bruno which they sent last September. They suggest Hudson revise the list of American converts in the book. They have mailed a copy of "Graphic" to Hudson. They ask about Ave Maria contributors.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 24
Bell, James W.:
Terre Haute, Indiana
to J(ames) F. Edwards:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
There is a boy named Pritchett here who is thinking of going away to school. Bell referred him to Notre Dame. Pritchett is one of their best boys. If Bell has his days over he would apply himself carefully to his books. He asks for a picture of the college to hang in his office. The clerks are busy filling orders for Thanksgiving.
XI-1-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 25
Enaut, Father L(udovic):
Monroe, L(ouisian)a
to Bishop F(rancis) X(avier) Leray:
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
Enaut should have sent the $50 which Leray perhaps has paid for him to the (Little) Sisters of the Poor. He wrote to the Mayor of Lake Providence to ascertain whether or not the $50 he gave by mistake to the clerk of the boat have been paid to the Sisters, but he has not yet answered. He wonders if Leray has paid the order he gave to the Sisters. It was not intended that they should get $100. Leray could let him know by the same occasion if he has received the accounts of Father (Joseph Marie) Ouelard. About four weeks ago he asked more faculties for dispensing from the prohibiting impediment of mixed religion, as he can dispose of only two more cases. Leray knows that he visited both Lake Providence and Milliken's Bend in October. If he wishes him to visit them again before the appointment of a resident pastor, he should let him know. Father (C.) Mahé's health does not seem to be very good. A few days after his return from France, he was sick and though he does not shrink before the work his strength is not equal to his zeal.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {4}
1880 Nov. 25
Gentille, Father J(oseph):
Shreveport, (Louisiana)
to Bishop F(rancis) X(avier) Leray:
New Orleans, L(ouisian)a
During Father (P. Felix) Dicharry's visit to Shreveport and before Leray's arrival from Rome, Gentille introduced one of his young boys aged 15 who could make a splendid candidate for the priesthood. He wrote to Dicharry asking him to present the subject to Leray's consideration and he did so. Gentille pledges himself and his congregation to $100 every year towards the tuition and ecclesiastical studies of Willie Pat Colgan and wonders if the diocese could do the balance. He would like to send him about New Year. St. Charles' College, Maryland, under the management of the (Sulpicians), would be the place.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}
1880 Nov. 26
Edes, Ella B.:
Rome, (Italy)
to F(ather Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Hudson's letter received. The relics Hudson desired were sent registered mail. She has a cousin who is a Catholic and is thinking of marrying a Protestant. She asks Hudson to send a copy of "Mixed Marriages" to her. Miss Edes is humored by Hudson's remark of the foreign correspondent writing at home. During the summer Miss Edes took the Roman letter for the "Tablet." An article she wrote appeared in the "Register" with the same mistakes that were made on it in the "Tablet." Monsignor Fortini (?) has the idea that he is fit for any position from Pope down and had an idea that he was to be sent to Canada as delegate Apostolic. She will forward the remainder of her article soon, but she had to wait for some information. It is not true that the Propaganda has intended to establish colleges in Maita. The Ave Maria is very interesting. The mother of Cecile de Viner is her very close friend and that issue of the Ave Maria will be sent to her mother Mrs. Edward Fritn. Miss Edes had a natural quarrel with the Archbishop of Cashel. Regards to Father General (Edward Sorin).
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 8pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 26
Oreglia, a S. Stephano Aloysius Cardinal Prefect.:
(Rome) Italy
Declaration urbis et orbis of the decree of April 13, 1878
In explaining the meaning of the decree of the Sacred Congregation of April 13, 1878 the Cardinal makes five points. 1. that in the society mentioned by the decree and similiar societies limited to a country or region there can be no membership in absentia strictly understood, 2. that in universal sodalities there can be no strict absence and consequently there is no such restriction in membership in these. 3. that in such universal sodalities presence is ordinarily required to fulfill certain rites of entrance unless exception is granted in single cases. 4. In these sodalities the right of inscription of members can be subdelegated provided the purpose of the society is preserved. 5. This decree is to be understood to apply to existing sodalities and to others that may be founded. (Copy sent to Archbishop John Baptist Purcell of Cincinnati.)
II-5-f - Printed letter - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 27
Enaut, Father L(udovic):
Monroe, (Louisiana)
to Bishop F(rancis) X(avier) Leray:
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
At Milliken's Bend there remains due on the church $93 for lumber and about $40 for labor. The congregation has made many sacrifices. They ceiled it this year, had pews made and still need many things, especially a room back of the church for the visiting priest. A letter received yesterday from H.B. Morancy notifies him that there are a large number of Irish at work on the levees at the Bend, and Leray knows that they are in the habit of contributing to the church. If he does not send a pastor soon, he might, if he deems it proper, send either Father (C.) Mahé or Enaut, with a mission ad hoc, for the purpose of collecting.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {5}
1880 Nov. 27
Kelly, William D.:
Boston, Mass(achusetts)
to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Kelly sends some verses and wonders if they are worth anything to Hudson, and if other contributions would be accepted.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 27
St. Bernard, D.C., Sister:
Academy of St. Vincent
(Fairfield, Louisiana)
to Bishop F(rancis) X(avier) Leray:
New Orleans, L(ouisian)a
(The Daughters of the Cross) will pray for him with renewed vigor on the feast of his patron. She thanks him for his letter received a few weeks ago. She has written to Sister Anne (de Jesus, D.C.) to know if it is best to send for subjects now or to wait some months longer. Father (Ludovic) Enaut has bought the two houses adjoining the convent for $1900. He had to borrow the money and to raise the sum was obliged to have the property insured at a cost of $100. He asked them to pay a part of it. She would have written Leray but Enaut could not wait, so they agreed to pay the premium as they will have the use of one of the houses.
VI-3-b - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {4}
1880 Nov. 27
Toohey, C.S.C., (Father) J( ohn ) M.:
Lead City, D(akota) T(erritory)
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
The last installment of "Raphael" has been mailed. Toohey has formed a class of Italians to whom he will introduce English. Father Colovin keeps leathering away at the German. Toohey had a marriage of two Sclavonians. The bridegroom could speak some English but his bride had only her native tongue.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 28
Strub, (Father) Jos(eph):
Morrilton, (Arkansas)
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Strub is sending by mail the life of Father Libermann as a token of gratitude. The St. Joseph Colony is improving.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 29
Brownson, H(enry) F.:
Detroit, Mich(igan)
to Father D(aniel E.) Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
Brownson returns the proofs of "Index to Brownson's Review." The titles or headings of articles in the index fail to give a clear notice of the matters treated, and can be done only by an elaborate index. He intends such an index to follow the complete edition. Hudson should send Mr. Collier's address.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 29
Devereux, J(ohn) G.:
New Orleans, (Louisiana)
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, (Indiana)
Devereux read in the "Catholic Mirror" where a copy of "Index to Brownson's Review" could be obtained from Hudson. He will contribute towards the expense for a copy. He would like to know where he could secure copies of the Review as his set is complete save a few issues.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 29
Dorsey, E( ) L.:
Washington, D. C.
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Indiana
On Saturday when the manuscripts were mailed, the enclosed had no salutation. Hudson should regard this explanation as an apology.
X-2-g - A.Postcard S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 29
Egan, Maurice F(rancis):
New York, (New York)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Mrs. Johnson was indignant because Egan did not take Hudson to dinner. He discusses the terms on which Mr. Robinson will write a story. Egan was in New York when Hudson called to see him. Shall Egan accept an article on the school question by Dr. Holland? Johnson wishes to meet Hudson again.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 29
Hickey, P(atrick) V.:
New York, (New York)
to F(ather) D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Hickey would like Hudson to send immediately Lassene's book and the translation. The announcements of the "I(llustrated) C(atholic) A(merica)" are to be made over for 1881. Hudson should refer to the advertising pages of the "Catholic Review." He asks when they should go west. Hudson should give them a notice in the Ave Maria.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 29
White, R(hoda) E.:
Pisa, Italy
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Miss White names three articles sent to the Ave Maria. She asked Madame White of Providence to send one also. She asks Hudson to send $50 for these articles. She spent half of that in obtaining suitable material. She hopes young people will benefit from her work.
X-2-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 30
O'Meara, K(athleen):
(Paris, France)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
Notre Dame, Indiana
Miss O'Meara is sending the remainder of her manuscripts. Hudson should have received the other package by now.
X-2-g - A.Postcard S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 30
Raoux, Father J ( ):
Concordia, Kentucky
to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Indiana
If the Index of Brownson is finished, he would like a copy. He would also like information on listed numbers of The Review.
X-2-g - A. Postcard S. - (French) - 1p. {1}
1880 Nov. 30
Ryder, Eliot:
Sante Fe, N(ew) Mex(ico)
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C. S. C.:
Notre Dame, Indiana
Ryder starts east today on business and will try to see Hudson enroute.
X-2-g - A.Postcard S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}
1880 Nov. 31 (?)
E(gan), M(aurice) F(rancis):
New York, N(ew) Y(ork)
to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Indiana
He requests two copies of Brownson's index for Mr. Galwey and himself.
X-2-g - A.Postcard S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}