University of Notre Dame


 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

A drawing from a newspaper of the ruins of a convent in Monterey, California.

X-3-n - Clipping - 1p. - 32mo. - {2}

Angela, (O.S.U.), Sister: St. Peter's Mission, Montana
 to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Hudson's offering and words are among their treasures. Can he not still help them? Sister asks Hudson to forward the accompanying to Father Fidelis Stone, C.P. (no enclosure).

X-3-m - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}


Catholic Summer School

A first draft of a Prospectus of the Catholic Summer School to be held at New London, Connecticut. It is the outgrowth of the Catholic Educational Union and Catholic Reading Circles. It is planned to have a central meeting once a year at a summer resort. The School was organized at the Catholic Club in New York in May. Father Morgan M. Sheedy was elected president; Warren E. Mosher was elected secretary-treasurer. The Catholic Reading Circle Review was chosen as the organ of the school. The prospectus announces that New London has been selected as the site of the school, the objectives are stated and the means of recreation and terms for membership.

I-1-j - Handwritten - 6pp. - 4to. - {6}

Conway, Katherine E.: (Boston, Massachusetts)

Last page of a letter (to Father Joseph H. McMahon of New York) on the Catholic Summer School. Some Catholic editors objected to her paper at the Apostolate of the Press. The Pilot is giving a good deal of attention to the summer school.

I-1-j - A.L.S. - 1(page 7) - 12mo. - {2}

Fendrich, Laura Gertrude: (Evansville, Indiana)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana

She has a secret to impart to Edwards. She is engaged to be married to one of the noblest of creatures, Daniel Edward McCarthy, an army officer. She is very happy. Edwards must keep the secret and write to her soon.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 8pp. - 12mo. - {1}

Ford, Ellen A.: Chicago, (Illinois)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

She is amused to find that little or nothing is being done for the Catholic Exhibit. She asks what does Edwards propose doing.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

(Hughes, S.J., Father Thomas):

Outline of a course of lectures on "Harmony of Science and Revealed Religion" apparently belonging to Father Hughes, for the Catholic Summer School.

I-1-j - Typed Ms. - 4pp. - 4to. - {1}

(Lefevere, Peter Paul, Bishop of Zela:
Administrator of Detroit)

Photograph by Wood of Kalamazoo.

III-2-n - Photograph - - 16mo. - {10}

(MacDonnell), Sister M(ary) Magdalene: Lisbon, (Portugal)
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Sister is translation from the German a short life of Bishop Neumann for Hudson. She asks if he can use it. She sends Hudson Mortimer Collins' version of the Darwinian theory. Sister saw the other day that the Cathedrals of the world will present a golden throne worth $20,000 to the Pope on his Episcopal Jubilee.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

(MacDonnell) Sister Mary Magdalene: Lisbon, (Portugal)
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Their Cardinal Patriarch (Joseph Sebastian Neto) has gone to Rome taking Father ( ) Hickey with him. They travel as two simple religious for the Cardinal gives all he has to the poor. Financial affairs are very bad and people say the Portuguese will have to consent to a foreign administration. There was a grand Kermess got up by the Dowager Queen Maria Pia for the victims of shipping disasters, inundations and strikes. Queen Amelie had a tournament for the same purpose. It is expected she will get the Golden Rose of the Pope this Pentecost. Maria Pia hates her, she has thrown off her widow's robes and spends money like water. Sister enjoyed Hudson's castigation of the Irish Catholic. That was the paper she meant to complain of.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {6}

(McMahon, Father Joseph H.: New York, New York)

Outline of a program for continuing the Catholic Summer School during the year (apparently belonging to Father McMahon).

I-1-j - Handwritten - 2pp. - 8vo. - {10}

Mannix, Mary E.: San Diego, Calif(ornia)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Hudson has not acknowledged Mannix's manuscripts. She is sending the first installment of the memoir of Colonel Garesche. Father (Boniface) Luebbermann wants an Indian story for the Poor Souls' Advocate for which he will give $35. Mannix asks Hudson's advice about saying the Rosary.

X-3-m - A.L.S. - 7pp. - 12mo. - {2}

(1892) Wednesday
Mooney, J(ohn A.): (New York, New York)
 to Father Joseph H. McMahon: (New York, New York)

He promises any assistance he can give to the C(atholic) S(ummer) S(chool) Board. The course is important, especially this year.

I-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {2}

(1892) Sun.
Mooney, J(ohn) A.: (New York, New York)
 to Father Joseph H. McMahon: (New York, New York)

After receiving McMahon's letter he called on (Marc F.) Vallette, but finding him out he left a note telling Vallette that McMahon at Mooney's suggestion asked if he would give a course of lectures on American Catholic history at the Catholic Summer School. Business affairs have kept Mooney from writing. His engagements reach as far ahead as September and he is also summoned the next day for jury duty. He sees in the journals that McMahon is pushing things. He cannot attend the meeting of which he has a notice from McMahon.

I-1-j - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {2}

(1892) Sun. P.M.
Mooney, J(ohn) A.: (New York, New York)
 to Father (Joseph H.) McMahon: (New York, New York)

Mooney asks McMahon if he has (Eliza Allen) Starr's Life of Isabella in one of his libraries. He asks that he lend it to him for a month.

I-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}

(1892) Sun. P.M.
Mooney, J(ohn) A.: (New York, New York)
 to Father Joseph H. McMahon: (New York, New York)

He acknowledges McMahon's letter. The next day he went to see Mr. Sloane but he was out. He wrote Sloane and he writes that he will be in town the next day. Mooney sees that he is announced as manager of a course and in the Pittsburgh Dispatch as giving a course. He promises to get even with the jokers. He asks if McMahon has asked Henry Brownson for anything. He sees that McMahon is hard at work.

I-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {1}

(1892) Tues. P.M.
Mooney, J(ohn) A.: (New York, New York)
 to Father (Joseph H.) McMahon: (New York, New York)

Mooney asks McMahon if he has thought of Monsignor (Bernard) O'Reilly to give two or three lectures on Saint Bernard. He asks if there is no Dominican to give one paper. One wrote a book on the first Dominicans. Las Casas would take up one lecture. McMahon should have one or more public school teachers. He asks if he has thought of Mr. Sloane for a science lecture. He asks whether Henry Brownson could give something, say on Balmes.

I-1-j - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {1}

(1892) Sun. Eve
Mullany, Father J(ohn) F.: Syracuse, N(ew) Y(ork)
 to Father (Joseph H.) McMahon: (New York, New York)

Mullany sends Syracuse papers on the Catholic Summer School. There are very many errors in the statement. He is pleased that the location is fixed but he thinks that the St. Lawrence Woods would have been a better location because the air at the sea shore does away with the desire to study. Now that it is settled he will do all he can for the success of the undertaking. The excursion to the islands should attract national attention. He met Webb who was pleased but hoped that the north woods would be considered for the permanent location. He regretted that there were two or three firebrands on their committee, They came without invitation. He himself lost patience for a while because the men from New York had everything in their hands. He had secured the interest of the New York Central in the movement. But he is pleased now. The Citizens of Clayton at a mass meeting promised to raise a large fund if they would go there this year. Father (Joseph) Conroy and Edward Brice telegraphed Mullany asking the committee to go to Clayton. He told them that the site had already been chosen. Mullany asks McMahon if he saw the remarks of Bishop (Henry) Gabriels. They are good. Last evening he met Bishop (P.A.) Ludden for the first time since the excursion and he said that this was a fad and would soon pass. Mullany warns McMahon that they must be above criticism. He tells him this because he noticed that McMahon was easily cast down.

I-1-j - A.L.S. - 7pp. - 12mo. - {6}

New York, Archdiocese of: (New York, New York)

This document answers the letter of the Bishops of the New York Province concerning the letter of Pope Leo XIII of May 23, 1892. The question was asked if the Bishop in his answer to the Pope was denying that Archbishop (John) Ireland had made a historical error in saying that there was a fear of anti-Catholicism in the country. The answer is that the Bishops had a right to make this note but the canonists make a distinction as to whether the error had to do with the substance of the decision or something alien to the decision. They say that there was no error in what pertains to the essence of the decision. There is no doubt about the basis of the Roman decision. The Bishops, however, can send a new proof of their contention without irreverence to the Holy Father. (Note signed by) Archbishop M(ichael) A(ugtine) C(orrigan): Remarks by the author of the pamphlet "Tolerari Potest." It is possible that the Holy Father never saw Archbishop Ireland's Memorial or heard of the threat of possible dangers ahead in America.

I-1-i - Copy (Photostat from N.Y. Archdiocesan Archives) - (? Latin) - 4pp. - folio - {3}

Onahan, William J.: Chicago, (Illinois)

Group of tax receipts and notices marked tax matters. (Group II folder.)

IX-1-g - Printed D. A. - 7 pp. - 12mo. -

(Onahan, William J.: Chicago, Illinois)

Rough draft (in two handwritings, one Onahan's) of an invitation to Pope Leo XIII to attend the dedication ceremonies of the buildings for the Exposition on October 21, 1892, or to send a personal representative.

IX-1-c - A.L. unsigned - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

(1892?) ( )
(Onahan, William James): Chicago, (Illinois)

List of names suggested by Bishops for membership on the General Committee of the Catholic Congress of 1893.

IX-1-c - A.D. Unsigned - 5pp. - 8vo. - {10}

1892 ( )
Onahan, William J(ames): Chicago, Illinois

Onahan lauds the Catholic laity in their loyalty, and their union with the hierarchy. Those who make trouble shall be unsuccessful; there should be no hesitancy in trusting the laity. Even though the Church can get along without them, the laity can be of great value in promoting the work of religion. The time has come for the laity to demonstrate its usefulness to the Church. (Page 11 and 12; letter incomplete.)

IX-1-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {10}

Onahan, William J.: (Chicago, Illinois)
 to Mrs. Bertha M. H. Palmer: (Chicago, Illinois)

In her letter of the 10th she asked him to have the Columbian Catholic Congress consider the work which women accomplish under the guidance of the Church. He is heartily in favor of the subject being brought before the Congress. As Mrs. Palmer said the history of the missions conducted by Roman Catholic women in this country alone would be of the most thrilling interest, and would demonstrate what a powerful influence the religious communities have had on the country. Onahan goes on to praise the work of the Sisters and he will give all his cooperation to Mrs. Palmer and her good work. (Rough draft.)

IX-1-c - A.L.S. - 5pp. - 12mo. - {3}

O'Neill, W. Lane: New York, (New York)
 to (Austin E.) F(ord: New York, New York)

F(ord)'s answer to (Grover) Cleveland at the Catholic Club was capital; it should not be allowed to die, but should go the rounds of the papers to give their friends a good hearty laugh. The remark was immense; F(ord) fires off good things all the time. He feels blue about the defeat; F(ord) should drop in oftener.

I-1-k - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

Preston, T(homas) B.: Brooklyn, (New York)
 to (Austin E.) Ford: (New York, New York)

He may be able to help Ford on the (Frank G.) Dossert matter since he is now in the Foreign Department of the New York Herald. If Ford will send him the matter tomorrow he may be able to fix it in advance. He returns the letter from Rome. How does Ford like his paper? It is running behind and if Ford would feel like subscribing it would help. Ford promised to put him on the exchange list, but he never sees the (New York) Freeman('s Journal.)

I-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

Shea, Isabel: (Elizebeth, New Jersey)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Her mother was ill the last day they spent in Chicago; she talks as much of Notre Dame (University) as she does of the Fair. She is collecting a few things to send to Edwards. She is going to get rid of her father's private publications in the fall.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

(Westminster), England

News Bulletin (apparently from Westminster Cathedral parish) printed at T. Renton & Co. London.

I-1-j - Lithographed - 3pp. - 4to. - {10}

White, Alf(red?) J. L.: Rosario, Argentina
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

White sends a notice of the pilgrimage to the shrine at Lujan for the Ave Maria. He is professor of English at the National College, and Father Fidelis (Stone), C.P., who was received into the Church ten years ago, calls him his eldest South American child.

X-3-m - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {2}

(1892) ( )
(Ford, Austin E.): New York, (New York)
 to Archbishop John Ireland: St. Paul, Minn(esota)

(Ford) had a talk a few days ago with Archbishop (Michael Augustine) Corrigan on the subject of Ireland's Memorial. (Ford) feels he should allay certain impressions which Ireland labors under in connection with the actions of Corrigan. (Ford) asked Corrigan whether his opposition to Ireland's Faribault-Still- water school arrangement was prompted by any personal motive. Corrigan answered most emphatically no. There can be found no utterance of Corrigan's anywhere in criticism until his conscientious judgement was asked. Was he not entitled to that? Corrigan said he never initiated any of the discussions in which his name was arrayed against Ireland's. Corrigan has no malice towards Ireland and has in nothing been actuated by personal motives. (Ford) then said that it has been said that Corrigan made unfair use of possession of the Memorial and sought to influence the case by outside pressure while it was under advisement. Corrigan said there was no mark of secrecy on the document as it came to him, and he felt that he was in no wise transgressing the laws of etiquette. The copy in Corrigan's possession came from a well-known ecclesiastic whose name he cannot give. Corrigan cabled to substantiate the further authenticity of it and received a confirmatory answer. (Ford) asked if there was in the brandishing of the cablegram at the consecration dinner of the Bishop of Ogdensburgh an undue exultation over the supposed defeat of Ireland? Corrigan said that there was far more made of that than he ever dreamed. Corrigan read it as a conclusion to his remarks and the papers did the rest. (Ford) said that under the circumstances it was expected that Corrigan would call on Ireland when Ireland returned. Corrigan said this was not the rule. It is customary for the visiting prelate to call upon the resident bishop, and Ireland had done so on previous occasions. Corrigan was disappointed when Ireland did not call. Corrigan said that when Ireland returned, he intended to maintain silence on all subjects of a controversial nature. When some of Corrigan's priests began to speak and the Sunday Democrat continued to criticize, (Ford) asked if that was not reason for Ireland to feel that Corrigan was following him up unnecessarily. Corrigan said he was not responsible for the utterances and his injunction has been to say nothing to the newspapers. Such was (Ford)'s talk with Corrigan. If (Ford) can be the happy medium of straightening out any misunderstanding existing between these two distinguished prelates, he will not feel sorry that he has been unwittingly brought into this matter.

I-1-i - T.L. Copy - 8pp. - 4to. - {3}

 (Photostat from Archdiocesan Archives of New York) 

1892 Jan. 1
Carroll, Jeannie: (Washington, D. C.)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

She sends New Year's greetings. Edwards' life is so filled with goodness and sublime acts of usefulness that he must be supremely happy. Edwards knows how she values his friendship. They are all well.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}