University of Notre Dame


(1892 Apr.)
Ridder, Herman: (New York, New York)
 to Mrs. John Gilmary Shea: (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Mrs. Shea's letter of the 13th is at hand. Ridder has yet to learn that a person with $15,000 cash (from) life insurance and $15,000 real estate can be considered in want. Ridder never made an arrangement to pay Mrs. Shea any sum of money and never said so to her or her daughter. Had she been in want, he would have come to her help as a matter of charity. As she is not in need, she has no right to ask anything from him. (On the same paper is a note by Mrs. Shea): Dr. (John Gilmary) Shea did not leave $15,000 life insurance, nor $15,000 real estate. There is barely $15,000 and out of that two mortgages to pay, funeral and doctor's bill, and the 4th volume of the History to get out. Ridder came out to say good-bye to Shea the Wednesday before he died and told them of the contract made some years ago, when, instead of making Shea's salary larger, he made this arrangement.

II-2-o - Copy - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1892 April 1
Edgerly, E(dwin) L.: N(ew) Y(ork, New York)
 to (James F. Edwards:

A friend sent him a list of "perverts" from the Church. He was astonished to find the name of Father (Ralph S.) Dewey, S.J. of Philadelphia. Some over zealous friend has sent him the "Converted Catholic" monthly by an ex-priest J. A. O'Connor. He asks if Edwards has heard of it. There may be statements in it that should be refuted.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1892 Apr. 1
Onahan, W(illiam) J.: Chicago, (Illinois)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He has written to Mr. Aubery, president of the Columbus Club, urging that a reception be given to Dr.(Richard H.) Clarke. A lecture is quite out of the line of the club.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1892 Apr. 1
Haynes, John I.: St. Louis, (Missouri)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Owing to business engagements he cannot leave for Notre Dame until Monday night. If Edwards can have the photograph ready he will do him a favor.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 2
Swan, Judge Henry H.: Detroit, (Michigan)
The President and Directors of the Catholic Club(Detroit, Michigan)

Swan appreciates the kind invitation to attend the presentation of the Laetare Medal to H(enry) F. Brownson, but regrets that circumstances beyond his control prevent his acceptance. (In the Henry F. Brownson Collection).

III-3-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 2
O'Connor, Denis, Bishop of London, (Ontario): London, (Ontario)
 to Henry F. Brownson: (Detroit, Michigan)

O'Connor received this morning an invitation from the Catholic Club of Detroit to be present tomorrow night at the presentation to Brownson of the Laetare Medal, awarded by the University of Notre Dame. Though he cannot be present, but he will share in the joy of Brownson's many friends who will be pleased to have him received this acknowledgement of his loyalty and services to the Catholic cause. This joy is enhanced in this case by the fact that the man honors the medal. He hopes that Brownson may for many years enjoy this and like honors which are sure to be well merited by his earnest and careful work in a good cause.

III-3-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 3
Richards, W(illia)m: Washington, D.C.
 to (Henry F.) Brownson: (Detroit, Michigan)

Richards has delayed answering Brownson's last letter in the hope that his essay would soon be published so that he could send him a copy. The Catholic World declined with thanks and "admiration for the work", and the Arena, of Boston, because he is unknown. At last the Catholic Review is bringing it out in three parts and he sends the first part to Brownson. His strongest motive in writing the essay was to attract attention to (Orestes A.) Brownson's works. If Catholic writers would only study his writings carefully, and also (F. W.) Faber's "Creator and Creature" and "The Blessed Sacrament", they would not put forth so many articles with such a weak points in them. The weakest, most dangerous and vicious is the absurd notion that there ever was or could be a natural religion wholly disconnected with the primitive revelation. Yet even (James) Cardinal Gibbons argues in one or two places on that assumption, and so does Father (Reubens) Parsons in his otherwise excellent article on Buddhism. So do the Jesuits and others. Richards hopes Brownson will be pleased with his articles. He wanted to write about the lay movement—(Conde B.) Pallen, (Edmund F.) Dunne, etc.—but he cannot now.

III-3-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 4
Gole, C. E. N.: New York, (New York)
 to (James F.) Edwards: Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

He asks Edwards to send him a report of the Memorial services to he held at Notre Dame for (John Gilmary) Shea so that it can be published in next Sunday's "The Catholic News".

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 4
Haynes, J(ohn) I.: St. Louis, (Missouri)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

The Sisters of the Visitation were very anxious for him to go to Notre Dame but he found it impossible to leave. He writes for Edwards to have the photograph ready so that he can get a number of views of the altar the Sisters spoke of.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 5
Edes, E(lla): Rome, (Italy)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

She feels bowed to the ground with a sense of her own iniquities in delaying to acknowledge the receipt of Lire 200. She sends the receipted bill of Carnevale for the two portraits of Cardinals Manning and Ledochowski. The copy of the Healy Portrait of Abbot Smith, Pro-Rector of the American College at the time of its foundation in 1859, is better than the original. She could not but laugh over Edwards' request for her portrait.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. (Typed) - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 5
Lemmens, Bishop J.M. Bp. Vancouver's: Island Victoria, B(ritish) C(olumbia)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

He received the two rosaries. As to the mitre he is pretty sure that Bishop (John Baptist) Brondel used it, but Lemmens never used it.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr.5
Ryan, Bishop S(tephen) V(incent): Buffalo, N(ew) Y(ork)
 to Archbishop (Michael Augustine Corrigan: New York, New York)

Ryan has been ailing for some weeks. He has received notice from a reliable source in Rome that some German Prelates have written to others in Italy urging appointment of a certain priest as coadjutor of Buffalo whose name is not on their list. Ryan has written to Rome that he did not asks for a coadjutor. He considers this interference of those foreign Prelates unbecoming. He asks (Corrigan) to let him know if anything else whould be done, for he will withdraw application for a coadjutor unless they can manage their own affairs.

I-1-i - A.L.S.(Photostat from Archdiocesan Archives of New York) - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}

1892 Apr. 6
Power, W(illia)m J.: Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: Notre Dame, (Indiana)

He has been successful in getting for Edwards a bust of Archbishop (James F.) Wood (of Philadelphia). He had a cast made from one in St. Joseph's Hospital.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 6
Darragh, E(dward) J.: St. Paul, Minn(esota)
 to James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana

He has just come from Father Conway, editor of the Northwestern Chronicle, with whom he had a long conversation relative to Edwards' great work at Notre Dame. Conway fears that it will be impossible to get a file of the Chronicle from the first issue.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. (Typed) - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr.7
Crowley, Mary Catherine: Detroit, Mich(igan)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Crowley will begin the May story for the Ave Maria at once. It is too bad that they have not a magazine like "Wide Awake" for the Catholic children. But for the Ave Maria, Catholic children would be very much neglected.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 7
O'Brien, Father Frank A.: Kalamazoo, Mich(igan)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He returns the letters Edwards allowed him to take from the Bishops' Hall. He encloses some documents that may be of interest. He is glad Edwards has the crozier. He will send Edwards items as they come along.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 7
Fondrich, Laura Gertrude: Evansville, Indiana
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

Her brother is in Nashville but will return Saturday. She had a charming letter from Father Corby. She attaches a notice about a Professor Edwards being in the city.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 5pp. - 12mo. - {1}

(18)92 Apr.9
R(yan), Archbishop P(atrick) J(ohn): Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania)
 to Archbishop (Michael Augustine Corrigan: New York, New York)

In his note to (Corrigan), Ryan promised to write to the Archbishops of Chicago, Cincinnati and New Orleans, which he had done before he received (Corrigan)'s second note. He hoped (Corrigan) might write to the others. Two reminders will do no harm. The only thing that could be interpreted as an approval was the fact mentioned by Cardinal (James) Gibbons, that Archbishop (John) Ireland offered to give up the Faribault plan if they disapproved of it, and they were silent. R(yan) does not remember hearing this as it may have been said while he was absent from the meeting, called out by a message from Bishop (John Lancaster) Spalding who wanted to give in his chairmanship of the Catholic Congress. R(yan) wishes (Corrigan) would send a copy of the English translation of the proposed letter. R(yan)'s delay was caused because he hoped to hear from Archbishop (Peter Richard Kenrick) of St. Louis as to where he would spend his summer vacation. When R(yan) told the aged Father M( ) of Brooklyn of the appointment of Father (Charles Edward) McDonnell as Bishop of Brooklyn, he seemed to take it pretty well. McDonnell's appointment is an admirable one and he will succeed in every way.

I-1-i - A.L.S.(Photostat from Archdiocesan Archives of New York). - 4pp. - 16mo. - {4}

1892 Apr. 10
Carroll, Jeannie: Washington, D. C.
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

She is obliged to Edwards for the advice about Boyce. Had they known Edwards when their old home was closed they could have saved many relics for him. She wishes she could see more of Edwards.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 11
Burke, Joseph E.: Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

According to instructions from William J. Powers, he sent a bust of the late Archbishop (James F.) Wood (of Philadelphia) to Edwards.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr.11
Eccles, Charlotte O'Conor: (London, England)
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Eccles has not received all the Ave Maria. (Mary A.) O'Connell was delighted with her stay in America. She wrote of a charming letter received from Hudson. Is Eccles' friend, Clara Mulholland, a contributor of Hudson's? The unsettled state of Dublin papers is giving Eccles great anxiety.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16mo. - {3}

1892 Apr. 11
Jones & Stanley,:
Publishers of Gilmore's Cyclopaedia of American Biography New York, (New York)
 to (Henry F. Brownson): (Detroit, Michigan)

Brownson's biography has been accepted for publication in Gilmore's Cyclopaedia of American Biography and is asked to pay the cost of the accompanying photograph, if he desires it.

III-3-d - Form Letter - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr.11
Ryan, Bishop S(tephen) V(incent): Buffalo, N(ew) Y(ork)
 to Archbishop M(ichael) A(ugustine) Corrigan: (New York, New York)

Ryan thanks Corrigan for his kind reply. He does not need any further information in regard to the matter referred to in his last letter. It seems to Ryan that something should be done at Rome to prevent foreign Prelates from meddling in American ecclesiastical affairs. Ryan thinks no respectable Polish Prelate should have anything to do with the so-called Dr. ( ) Wolff.

I-1-i - A.L.S. (Photostat from Archdiocesan Archives of New York) - 1p. - 4to. - {2}

1892 Apr.11
Tiernan, F(rances) C(hristine Fisher): Ahualulco, Mexico
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Tiernan has not heard from (H.L.) Kilner yet about the story she offered Hudson. The story appeared twice in print, once in "Home and School" and once in a small Catholic paper published in Richmond, Virginia.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1892 Apr. 12
Binsse, L(ouis) B.: New York, (New York)
 to H(enry) F. Brownson: Detroit, (Michigan)

Binsse has Brownson's letter informing him that (Orestes A. Brownson) in some of his writings censured the Jesuits, etc., as he explains. He asks if he did not take it all back before his death—as Binsse is informed—and if he did not publish this reversal of opinion.

III-3-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 32mo. - {2}

1892 Apr.12
Malbon, Father Charles: Suderland, (England)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Malbon expects missing numbers of the Ave Maria will arrive later. R. H. Domenichetti has turned apostate. About February he announced his intention of rejoining the Anglican Church. He has joined the seminary of the Bishop of Lincoln and intends to take Anglican orders.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1892 Apr.12
Sadlier, Anna T.: Montreal, (Canada)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Sadlier thought of an article on the Irish martyrs, which she submits. She has been absent from town for some weeks and has just returned. They had a visit from Father (Joseph C.) Carrier, (C.S.C.).

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16mo. - {2}

1892 Apr. 13
Clarke, Richard H.: New York, (New York)
 to Henry F. Brownson: (Detroit, Michigan)

Clarke has heard with delight that the University of Notre Dame has conferred upon Brownson the Laetare Medal. Nothing could have been more fit and appropriate. Graceful as the compliment is, it has been well won, and Notre Dame has honored itself while honoring Brownson. His services to religion, Catholic literature and thought, and to good citizenship have never been adequately rewarded, and if his experience tallies with that of others, never will be. The address he made to the president and professors in receiving the medal was full of rich and valuable thought. Notre Dame has a wonderful ability in finding the right man.

III-3-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 13
Gregori, Fannie: Florence, (Italy)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

It is her fault that Edwards did not hear from them sooner. Her father (Luigi Gregori) is just finishing a painting to send to the Columbian Exposition of Geneva. He intends to finish the Nativity in time to send it to the Chicago World's Fair. He asks $4000 for the painting. (A Note in Italian signed by Luigi Gregori contains his greetings to Edwards.)

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1892 Apr. 13
Moses, John: Chicago, (Illinois)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

Chicago Historical Society sends notice of its regular meeting. Wm. J. Onahan will read a memorial paper on John Gilmary Shea.

XI-1-j - Printed Postcard - {3}

1892 Apr. 13
Richards, W(illia)m: Washington, D.C.
 to (Henry F. Brownson): (Detroit, Michigan)

Richards sends the rest of essay to Brownson and is anxious to get his verdict. He agreed with his statement of the education question, which he boiled down into a small compass, yet perfectly satisfactory, more acceptable than the long logomachies of other writers. He asks if Brownson would object to his copying his remarks and sending them to some paper for publication, with or without his name. He asks if Brownson noticed just before Archbishop (John) Ireland left for Rome the trouble between (Conde B.) Pallen, (Edmund F.) Dunne and others on one side and Ireland and others on the other, involving not only the school question but the laymen's action at the next Convention, and asks if there is likely to be any trouble growing out of it.

III-3-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {4}

(1892 Apr.13)
Shea, S(ophie) S(avage): (Elizabeth, New Jersey)
 to (Herman) Ridder: (New York, New York)

(John Gilmary) Shea told Mrs. Shea on his deathbed seven weeks ago an arrangement had been made between Ridder and Shea by which Mrs. Shea was to receive after Shea's death ten dollars per week. Ridder spoke about it the evening he came to see Shea for the last time and also to her daughter. Mrs. Shea's means are so small that she is compelled to remind Ridder of the omission.

II-2-o - Copy - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1892 Apr. 14
Hickey, M. J.: New York, N(ew) Y(ork)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Father Mitchell promised to get him Bishop (John) Loughlin's mitre and also told him where he can get information concerning the bust and the book.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 15
Maurelian, Brother: Chicago, (Illinois)
 to W(illiam) J. Onahan: (Chicago, Illinois)

The enclosed letter with Onahan's favor of April 11 was received. This morning, the Brother's telegram to Peoria was as yet unanswered. He shall probably go to Peoria today. (No Enclosure.)

IX-1-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 April 16
Corrigan, Archbishop M(ichael) A.: New York, (New York)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

He asks that an account of Father Chrysotom's shipwreck be put in the "Ave Maria". The little mission there is flourishing. Twenty converts were to be baptized this morning. Some good Catholics gave Corrigan $2000 to build a new school in Nassau for the colored children. In the "out-islands" there are as yet very few Catholics.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

(18)92 Apr.16
Sullivan, Catharine: Jersey City, (New Jersey)
 to Monsignor (Robert) Seton:

She received Seton's letter. It came as a blessing as she has felt sorrowful since he left Saint Joseph's. Seton was generous to remember her by saying Mass over the tomb of St. Catharine of Siena for the dead members of the family. She has lost a nephew since. The parishioners of St. Joseph's will never forget their late well beloved pastor who labored among them so many years. (A note on the back in Seton's hand): "Write Sunday, Mass as on p.17, No. 1."

II-1-c - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 16
McSorley & Son, John A.: New York, (New York)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

They have been anxiously awaiting the cheque for the balance due them.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 17
Moren, Patrick F. Cardinal, Archbishop of: Sydney, Australia
 to W(illiam) J. Onahan: Chicago, (Illinois)

The bearer, Mrs. Hughes, her daughters, and sister represent one of the most excellent and munificent Catholic families of Sydney. They are introduced to Onahan by Archbishop Moran.

IX-1-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr.17
Seton, Monsignor (Robert): Jersey City, N(ew) J(ersey)

Easter collection List for Saint Joseph's Church. Three pages of names.

II-1-c - Printed List - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr.18
Clarke, Richard H.: New York, (New York)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Clarke sends a syllabus of the present two lectures in Columbus and Washington. How about Notre Dame and the lectures? He asks for a pamphlet on Mother Angela.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

(1892) (Apr.18)
Courson, (Barbara), C(oun)tess de: Paris, (France)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Courson sends a picture of her little boys. Did Hudson receive her Louise de Marillac? They will return to their home in Normandy June 1.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 18
Thomas, Father C( ) F.: Baltimore, (Maryland)
 to W(illiam) J. Onahan: (Chicago, Illinois)

Cardinal (James Gibbons) directs Thomas to reply that he has received a telegram from Brother Maurelian, stating that Bishop Spalding will take charge of the Education Exhibit.


1892 Apr. 17
Maurelian, Brother: Peoria, Ill(inoi)s
 to James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of: (Baltimore, Maryland)

Bishop Spalding home good health authorized me to proceed with Catholic Education Exhibit. (Telegram.)

IX-1-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1892 Apr. 19
Brownson, Henry E(dward): Dubuque, Iowa
 to Henry (F.) Brownson: (Detroit, Michigan)

Brownson lets his uncle know that his father (Orestes A. Brownson, Jr.) is very low and not expected to live. He wanted to let him know before but (the family) wanted to wait until the last minute. He hopes this will reach him.

III-3-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 19
Dowling, S.J.,Father M(ichael) P.: Detroit, (Michigan)
 to (Henry F.) Brownson: (Detroit, Michigan)

Dowling congratulates Brownson upon the clear, complete and scholarly exposition of Catholic thought on the school question, in a recent interview, apropos of ( ) Atkinson's declarations in the (Detroit) News. It is altogether worthy of the traditions of Brownson's family and his own well known loyalty to the Church. The attack which calls forth such an explanation and defense is not an unmixed evil Dowling encloses tickets for the elocution contest for tomorrow night and for the concert of Friday night.

III-3-d - Typewritten Letter Signed - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 19

Heath, D. C. & Co. Chicago, Ill(inois)
 to W(illiam) J. Onahan: Chicago, Ill(inoi)s

Onahan evidently misunderstood the letter and books which were sent to him, since it has no connection with the Exhibit at the World's Fair. Heath was sent books, such as would be read by young Catholic's in the following year. Since Onahan is a member of the Board of Counsellors, it was suggested that books be sent to him for his opinion. If a mistake has been made, Onahan is asked to inform Heath.

IX-1-c - T.L.Unsigned - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 19
Mattingly, Pauline: Terre Haute, Ind(iana)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

By request of her mother she writes to ask pardon for her for her seeming slight in not wishing Edwards goodbye.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr.20
Beissel, C.SS.CC., Father James: Wailuku, H(awaiian) I(slands)
 to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Beissel received from Hudson's kindness a money order and 25 intentions for the dead at the request of (Ira B.) Joseph Dutton. This will help towards paying the debts of his church.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1892 Apr. 20
(Monarch), Ermine and Lily: (Owensboro, Kentucky)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

Examinations were the cause of their delay in acknowledging Edwards' Easter greeting.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 20
Richards, W(illia)m: Washington, D.C.
 to (Henry F. Brownson): (Detroit, Michigan)

Richards has arranged for the first part of his essay to reach Brownson. The whole essay should be in a pamphlet—many would benefit from reading it. If its points had been presented to Richards when he was seeking for the truth, his progress would have been more rapid into the Catholic Church. He asks if some "Truth Society" would publish it. The inside history which Brownson gave him of the lay convention three years ago and of the present status of things pertaining to the next one was new to him, and his interest was increased by reading the significant article from the Civilta Cattolica reproduced in the Freeman's Journal of April 9th. If the statements made therein are true, he does not see how the Pope is going to sustain Archbishop (John) Ireland. He was glad to get the Detroit News with Brownson's interview on the school question and has sent it to his brother to make use of. He was pleased that Brownson approved his essay and regrets at the same time his ignorance of languages.

III-3-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {2}

1892 Apr.21
Ball, Father J.: Ars, (France)
 to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Hudson must have used up the pictures and relics of the Cure d'Ars. Ball is sending more. The news from Rome about (St. John Baptist Vianney) is good. They have four lawyers and work is progressing.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1892 Apr.21
Elder, Archbishop William Henry: Cincinnati, Ohio
 to Archbishop M(ichael) A(ugustine) Corrigan: New York, (New York)

Corrigan's letters of the 15th and 21st were received. Elder leaves home this evening for two weeks. If possible, he will write to the Cardinal of Propaganda, but if he does not, he authorizes Corrigan to use his name to the effect that Elder looks on the Faribault plan as an expedient which may be tolerated under necessity, but cannot be adopted commonly without disastrous effects to religion.

I-1-i - A.L.S.(Photostat from Archdiocesan Archives of New York) - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}

1892 Apr. 21
Moore, Joseph B.: Detroit, Mich(igan)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

He has been trying to work up sentiment in favor of securing Dr. (Richard H.) Clarke for a lecture before the Catholic Club. The consensus of opinion is that the club is hardly in shape for the lecture this season.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. (Typed) - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 22
Brent, Jennie Elise: St. Louis, M(iss)o(uri)
 to William J. Onahan: (Chicago, Illinois)

Miss Brent asks whether there is an association organized for the purpose of getting up displays from the Catholic Institutions of the Country for the World's Fair. If so, she asks its place of location, and address of manager.

IX-1-c - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

(1892) Apr.22
Fitzgerald, Percy: (London, England)
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Hudson's letter gave him pleasure. Fitzgerald will see about a set of little books. The Shakespeare is out of print, but he will send his own copy. He will be able to send something on the Imitation.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 22
Ford, E.: New York, (New York)
 to (James F.) Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana

They send by express the missing copies of New York Freeman's Journal.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. (Typed) - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr.22
Howard, Albert A.: Cambridge, (Massachusetts)
 to Monsignor Robert Seton: (Jersey City Heights, New Jersey)

Howard is interested in the study of Greek and Roman musical instruments and is preparing an article on the tibia. He asks Seton's assistance in getting a photograph of the tibiae from a sarcophagus in the Vatican collection in Rome.

II-1-c - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr.23
Johnson, Rossiter: New York, (New York)
 to (Austin E.) Ford: (New York, New York)

He encloses a check for Ford's article, ("Roman Catholic Church") in "The Annual Cyclopaedia." He has already said that Ford should consider himself the regular contributor of the article and thus be free to make it up early and without haste.

I-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 23
(Monarch) Benita: (Owensboro, Kentucky)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

Last Saturday Lily Burkhardt was there and she and Ermine painted Easter eggs all day and only got six painted. Benita bets she could paint more. She doesn't intend to write to Lamar as he makes fun of everything she says.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr.23
Seton, Father Rob(ert): Jersey City Heights, N(ew) J(ersey)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Seton hears of so many Catholic writers who have to betake themselves to non-Catholic periodicals to get a hearing that he gets discouraged. As for any other Catholic periodical except the Ave taking notice of anything he or his brother William might invite, he is not aware of it. He feels particularly grateful to the Ave Maria.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1892 Apr.25
Mosher, Warren, E., Secretary:
The Catholic Educational Union and the Catholic Reading Circle Review Youngstown, O(hio)

(Circular Letter) The project of a Summer assembly for Catholics similar to the Chautauqua plan has been generally and thoroughly discussed and meets with favor among prelates, clergy and laity. The next important consideration is the selection of a location, also the arrangement of details. For this purpose a meeting of those interested should be held as early as possible. Kindly inform us by return mail, if Wednesday and Thursday, May 11th and 12th would suit your convenience, and if you would attend. You are urged to attend. (In the papers of Father Joseph H. McMahon)

I-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {3}

1892 Apr. 25
Mosher, Warren E., Secretary,:
Catholic Educational Union Youngstown, O(hio)
 to (Henry F. Brownson): (Detroit, Michigan)

The project of a summer assembly for Catholics similar to the Chautauqua plan has been generally and thoroughly discussed and meets with favor among prelates, clergy and laity. The next important consideration is the selection of a location and the arrangement of details. For this purpose a meeting of those interested should be hold as early as possible. Brownson is asked to notify the committee if Wednesday and Thursday, May 11 and 12, would suit his convenience.

III-3-d - Form Letter Duplicated - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr.25
Vagnier, (C.S.C.), Father Tho(ma)s: Earl Park, Indiana
 to Father Dan(iel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): Notre Dame, Indiana)

Would it be possible for Hudson to come to Earl Park to give a temperance lecture?

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr.26
Ball, Father J.: Ars-s(ur)-Formans, France
 to Father Daniel E. Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Ball sent Hudson a package of pictures and relics of the Cure d'Ars. Today he received the $60 Hudson sent for which he expresses thanks.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 27
Lambert, Father L. A.: Scottsville, (New York)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

The pencil he gave Edwards in Rome was the one he wrote "Notes on Ingersoll" with. He sends two books. The larger one is a curiosity; the small one once belonged to Bishop (Simon G.) Brute of Vincennes. He sends also a stone broke off the rock Areopagus where St. Paul stood when preaching to the Athenians. The other stone he picked up from the ruins of the temple of Diana of the Ephesians. The Philosophical Society of Great Britain has made him a member.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1892 Apr.27
Smith, Sara Trainer: Cape May Point, N(ew) J(ersey)
 to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, C.S.C.: Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

Smith sends two stories and a poem. She counts upon about eight years of life.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr.27
Spalding, Bishop J(ohn) L(ancaster): Peoria, (Illinois)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Spalding returns the proof. "Comprehend" is doubtless better that "see through".

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 27

John C. Winston & Co., per J.C.W. Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania)
 to H(enry) F. Brownson: Detroit, Mich(igan)

W. orders Tarducci's Columbus and asks whether he can secure electrotypes of a few of the illustrations to insert in their "History of America".

III-3-d - Typewritten Letter Initialed - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr.28
John and Son Company Boston, (Massachusetts)
 to Father Daniel E. Hudson, (C.S.C.): Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

They are mailing Hudson a specimen book of half-tone plates which they enclose.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 12pp. - 4to. - {1}

1892 Apr. 28
McSorley & Son, John A.: New York, (New York)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

The two cases were entered as antiquities. The appraiser reported all dutiable. He gives his return.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 28
McSorley & Son, John A.: New York, (New York)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

The three cases they sent all free as antiquities. They send a bill on duties paid.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 28
McSorley & Son, John A.: New York, (New York)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana

The appraisers would not consider the articles as antiquities. They trust that as they acted in the best of faith, Edwards will not blame them.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 29
Ball, Jemison: New York, (New York)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: Notre Dame, (Indiana)

He is surprised that Mr. Miller has forgotten to send Edwards a check for the negatives. He willaccept the Nativity at (Luigi) Gregori's price $4000. He asks how soon he can deliver the painting.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 29
Brownson, Dr. (John J.): Dubuque, Iowa
 to Henry F. Brownson: Detroit, Mich(igan)

(Orestes A. Brownson, Jr.) died this morning. Burial Sunday.

III-3-d - Telegram - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}

1892 Apr.29
Carroll, Reuben: Washington, D.C.
 to Austin (E. Ford: New York, New York)

He has just returned from a lengthy chat with (James G.) Blaine. Carroll fears Blaine's days on earth are numbered; he is very pale and is lacking in that fire and vigor of former days. Blaine made numerous and kindly inquiries about Ford; if there is any favor Ford desires, Carroll is sure it could be obtained through Blaine. Ford should not say anything about Blaine's health as he doesn't want it spoken of. Ford should come to Washington if there is anything he wants. He sends his kindest regards to his sister Ellen (A. Ford?).

I-1-k - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1892 Apr.29
Eccles, Charlotte O'conor: (London, England)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

There is a chance of her "For Daily Bread" being reprinted in book form. Eccles asks Hudson for the numbers that have not reached her. Mrs. (Mary A.) O'Connell gives a glowing account of her American tour.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 16mo. - {2}

1892 Apr. 29
Fitzgibbon, Father D. J.: Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He thanks Edwards for the $5 for the St. Joseph's Association and trusts that God will reward him for his interest in homeless boys.

XI-1-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1892 Apr. 29
Hennessy, Father P(atrick): Jersey City, (New Jersey)
 to (Henry F.) Brownson: (Detroit, Michigan)

Hennessy regrets that on Brownson's last visit he was not informed that he was in the parlor and he did not know this until he discovered his card. He hopes Brownson will overlook this seeming slight and that the next time he comes East he will call and dine. He wanted to ask him what progress he was making with the life and letters of (Orestes A. Brownson), whether he has completed the contemplated book on philosophy, if the additional volume of the work is ready yet, and of what he thinks, and what his father would have thought, of Archbishop (John) Ireland's school plan.

III-3-d - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {2}

(1892) Apr.29
Schreiber, Ellis: London, (England)
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Schreiber thanks Hudson for the 4 pounds 10. He sends two readings for the Ave Maria. The appointment of Dr. (Herbert) Vaughan seems to give general satisfaction. He is liked personally, but the ascendancy given to the Vaughan family is regarded in some quarters with a slight suspicion.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16mo. - {2}

1892 Apr.29
Starr, Eliza Allen: (Chicago, Illinois)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Starr asks Hudson to get the authoritative approbation of Father General (Edward F. Sorin, C.S.C.), for the (Queen) Isabella Association to erect a statue of bronze of Isabella. (Clare) Mohun says she has written to Father General twice and has received no answer. P.S.2: Starr offers Hudson a poem on the Mater Dolorasa. She sends Father Young's letter.

X-3-n - A.L.S. - 6pp. - 12mo. - {4}