to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
In "The Unseen Friend" (Sara Trainer) Smith evidently thinks "morass" is accented on the first syllable.
X-3-n - A.L.Cut - 1p. {2}
Henrotin, Ellen M.:
(Chicago, Illinois)
to (William J.) Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
She will be free to see His Grace the Archbishop at either twelve or three.
IX-1-g - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}
Illinois, Chicago, Archdiocese of
List of delegates to the Columbian Catholic Congress from the country parishes. (Written on a printed list of the parishes.)
IX-1-i - A.Form unsigned - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}
(1893) ( )
Keane, John J., Bishop of Ajasso:
Chicago, (Illinois)
to (William J.) Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
Bishop Keane shall visit Onahan the following evening, if no word comes to the contrary.
IX-1-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
Kirsch, C.S.C., Father A(lexander) M.:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
to J(ames F.) Edwards:
(Chicago, Illinois)
He came up this morning with the views of Notre Dame and has brought them to Mr. Mages for framing. They will be sent to the Exposition grounds by special messenger, either today or tomorrow. He will call again.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16to. - {1}
McLaughlin. W( ) S.:
Chicago, (Illinois)
to J(ames F.) Edwards:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
As Edwards anticipated, he is in Chicago. He expects to run down to Notre Dame toward the last of the week and hopes to see Edwards. Bishop (Charles E.) McDonnell has sent two sisters there and he will bring them with him to see the University; he asks for accommodations for them.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {2}
(MacDonnell), Sister M(ary) Magdelene:
Lisbon, (Portugal)
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Sister is glad to hear circulation has increased. (Emile) Zola sends thousands of his books into Portugal. She was glad that the Ave Maria did not join in the tone adopted by the Catholic Press in Europe on the occasion of Zola's visit to Lourdes. Such men should be treated like black beetles. The ministry has fallen and another just as bad is in. Sister cannot claim kindred with the poet of whom (Clara) Mulholland gave so interesting an account.
X-3-n - A.L.S. - 8pp. - 12mo. - {3}
McKenna, Charles F.:
(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
to (William J. Onahan:
Chicago, Illinois)
List of delegates appointed by Bishop Richard Phelan to represent the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the Columbian Catholic Congress.
IX-1-i - T.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}
(1893) ( )
Mahon, C( ) J.:
Chicago, Ill(inois)
to (William J. Onahan):
(Chicago, Illinois)
Because of changes, and disorganization in the job department, (Onahan's) printing was delayed for which Mahon is sorry. He asks whether he could use some of (Onahan's) matter in the editorial columns of "The Catholic Home," such as on the Catholic Colonization Association, or the letters to the Bishops on the Educational Exhibit. However, he will not touch these subjects without permission, though he would like to have some original Chicago news.
IX-1-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
(1893) ( )
Mair, Cha(rle)s A.:
(Chicago, Illinois)
to (William J.) Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
Mr. Brennan and Father McGuire think that it would be advisable to cancel the date of Sept. 2 as issued by the "Catholic Educational Exhibit," and unite all Catholic activities on Sept. 9. This is to be considered by the authorities as soon as possible.
IX-1-d - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 16mo. - {1}
Markoe, W(illia)m F.:
Chicago, (Illinois)
He requests that recognition of the new society, the Catholic Truth Society of America which was one of the results of the American Catholic Congress, approved by Pope Leo XIII and the American Hierarchy be inserted in the resolutions of the Columbian Catholic Congress. (Resolution is attached.)
IX-1-o - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {3}
Michigan, Detroit, Diocese of:
List of delegates to the Columbian Catholic Congress.
IX-1-i - A.Form unsigned - 2pp. - 4to. - {1}
Morrissey, C.S.C., Father Andrew:
Notre Dame, Indiana
to (William J. Onahan):
Chicago, (Illinois)
He sends a list of delegates from the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana to the Columbian Catholic Congress. (Form attached.)
IX-1-i - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {2}
(Moynihan, Father Humphrey):
St. Paul, Minn(esota)
Notes and outline of questions discussed in the Columbian Catholic Congress. (Written on the stationery of the Secretary of the Archdiocese of St. Paul, handwriting unknown.)
IX-1-g - A.D. unsigned - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}
Murphy, Father John T.:
Pittsburg(h), P(ennsylvani)a
to (William J. Onahan):
Chicago, (Illinois)
He lists the delegates from Holy Ghost College, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to the Columbian Catholic Congress.
IX-1-i - A.Form S. - 1p. - 4to. - {2}
(Nester, Drusie) Drusilla:
Chicago, (Illinois)
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
It seems that the Fates are at work to keep her from seeing Edwards. She will meet Edwards at the Exhibit with Elize whose arrival Thursday prevented her from coming out to the Fair.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}
Nebraska, Omaha, Diocese of:
A list of delegates from Omaha, Creighton College, Creighton Medical College, and Young Men's Institute, #141.
IX-1-i - A.L.U. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
New York, Brooklyn, Diocese of:
List of delegates to the Columbian Catholic Congress.
IX-1-i - T.L.(unsigned) - 4pp. - 8vo. - {1}
O'Kennedy, Father R(ichard):
(Partickswell, Ireland)
to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
O'Kennedy is in (Maurice Francis) Egan's debt. So Madge Mannix is the daughter of M(ary) E. M(annix). The papers on the Irish Martyrs were useful. Father Denis Murphy, S.J. has been entrusted with the collection of papers referring to the cause. He is one of their great antiquarians.
X-3-n - A.L.S. Incomplete - 2pp. - 12mo. - {5}
O'Malley, Austin:
Washington, D(istrict of) C(olumbia)
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
O'Malley sends verses for the Ave Maria.
X-3-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
(Onahan, William J.:
Chicago, Illinois)
to Brother Adjutor:
It would be of considerable advantage to Brother Adjutor to have copies of the list of delegates to the (Columbian Catholic) Congress so that he can mail them the circular on hotel accommodations. Onahan only mailed the circular with the programme when it was requested.
IX-1-g - A.L. unsigned - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}
(Onahan, William J.:
Chicago, Illinois)
to Benziger Bro(ther)s:
N(ew) Y(ork, New York)
Onahan desires a definite answer today to the proposition to publish the proceedings of the (Columbian) Catholic Congress so that it can be announced to the Congress in session. He will need 500 free bound copies to distribute to distinguished delegates. (Rough draft.)
IX-1-g - A.D. unsigned - 1p. - 4to. - {2}
(Onahan, William J.:
Chicago, Illinois)
to Father Dan( ):
Father Dan knows something of Cardinal (James Gibbons') programme but not all. He gives the schedule for arrival on Wednesday, and for Thursday. (Incomplete; in Onahan's handwriting; a rough draft.)
IX.-1-g - A.L. unsigned - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}
O(nahan), W(illiam) J.:
(Chicago, Illinois)
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
He attaches souvenir tickets "Chicago Day" World's Columbian Exposition.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
(Onahan, William J., Papers):
18 returned envelopes.
IX-1-h {10}
Papers of William J. Onahan:
15 press clippings on the Columbian Catholic Congress, Sept. 6-10, 1893, including some on plans for its preparation, Catholic Education Exhibit, lists of delegates, and speeches and comments.
IX-1-i - P.D. -
(Onahan, William J., Papers):
Four envelopes addressed to Church dignitaries in Rome.
IX-1-h {10}
Ascension, (C.S.C.), Mother M.:
Notre Dame, Indiana
to J(ames) F. Edwards:
(Chicago, Illinois)
They are very happy to learn the good news; of course Edwards w ll accompany His Excellency. She asks if Edwards could give an idea what should be done in preparation; she has already given an order for the banquet. Sister Ludovica, (C.S.C.) went to St. Mary's and she requested Mother General to keep her.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
(Onahan, William J., Papers):
14 returned calls to the Columbian Catholic Congress originally sent out by Onahan.
IX-1-h {10}
(Onahan, William J.:
Chicago, Illinois)
Group of miscellaneous notes, addresses, etc., on various slips of paper of different sizes. (Group III folder)
IX-1-g - A.D. - 42pp.
(Onahan, William J., Papers):
List of speakers invited to the Columbian Catholic Congress, lists of dioceses.
IX-1-i - A.D. unsigned - 6 pp. - 4to. - {1}
(Onahan, William J., Papers):
Lists of committees appointed by various delegations to the Columbian Catholic Congress (57 pp.). Typed lists of delegates (114 pp.). 46 guest cards to the Columbus Club of Chicago.
IX-1-i227pp. {1}
O(nahan), W(illiam) J., (Papers of):
(Manuscripts of speeches given before the) Columbian Catholic Congress: Richard H. Clarke, "Christopher Columbus: His Mission and Character"; George Parsons Lathrop, "Consequences and Results, to Religion, of the Discovery of the New World"; Martin F. Morris, "The Independence of the Holy See: Its Origin and the Necessity for its Continuance in the Cause of Civilization" (2 copies); Mary Josephine Onahan, "Isabella the Catholic"; Charles A. Wingerter, "Public and Private Charities. How to make them more beneficial and effective"; Thomas F. Ring, "Public and Private Charities: How can they be made more Effective and Beneficial. A Catholic Layman's Experience"; Bishop (John A.) Watterson, (Untitled speech); Richard R. Elliott, "Public and private charities. From a Catholic standpoint"; Warren E. Mosher, "Young Men's Societies"; Father James M. Cleary, "Intemperance: The Evil and the Remedy"; Anna T. Sadlier, "Women of the Middle Ages"; F.M. Edselas, "Woman's Work in Religious Communities"; E.M. Sharon, "Life Insurance and Pension Funds for Wage-Workers" (2 copies); Edward Osgood Brown, "The Rights of Labor"; J(ohn) P. Lauth, "Guilds and Fraternal Benefit Societies. Their Insurance Feature Preferable to Pension Fund"; Father William Barry, "The Duties of Capital" (4 copies); John Gibbons, "The Rights of Labor, The Duties of Capital" (2 copies); Henry C. Semple, "The Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII touching the Conditions of Labor" (2 copies); M(ary) T(heresa) Elder, "Pauperism and its Remedy. The Remote Cause"; Robert M. Douglas, "Trade Combinations and Strikes" (2 copies, pamphlets).
IX-1-m - A. and Printed D. (some signed) - {21}
(Onahan, William J., Papers):
Population figures for Dioceses of the United States listed by Provinces (on Columbian Catholic Congress forms).
IX-1-i - A.D.unsigned - 13pp. - 4to. - {1}
(Onahan, William J., Papers):
3 returned envelopes:
IX-1-h {3}
(Onahan, William J., Papers):
25 empty envelopes.
IX-1-h {10}
(Onahan, William J., Papers):
Typed and written lists of delegates from colleges, and list of colleges and universities.
IX-1-i6pp. - 4to. - {1}
(Onahan, William J.:
Chicago, Illinois)
to W.A. Amberg:
(Chicago, Illinois?)
Amberg is probably aware that the Columbian Catholic Congress is to be held in Chicago the week of September 4, 1893. In addition to the Congress arrangements have also been made for holding general conventions the same week in the same building for The Catholic Young Men's National Union, the German Catholic Young Men's Guilds, the Societies of St. Vincent de Paul, Catholic Press convention and American Louvain Students. Such an unusual event should elicit some sign of hospitality and appreciation from representative Catholic organizations of Chicago. Up to this time, Onahan knows of no general expression of this kind; this is not creditable to the public spirit for which Chicago is famous. He hopes Amberg will take the proper steps to repair the apparent neglect. (Note: Copy to M. H. Cavanagh, President of a Catholic Library. Apparently a rough draft.)
IX-1-g - A.L.unsigned - 3 pp. - 8vo. - {8}
(1893) ( )
O'Shaughnessy, Michael:
to William J. Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
Bishop O'Sullivan's card, honoring O'Shaughnessy as a delegate, and Onahan's inclosure came to hand while O'Shaughnessy was in Chicago. However the writer will be unable to come to Chicago again, and will be unable to attend the Columbian Catholic Congress.
IX-1-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
Pratt, F. B.:
Boston, (Massachusetts)
to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Pratt thanks Hudson for the book about Father Damien's work. He did not return to Boston till October. Pratt has often thought of his pleasant visit to Notre Dame. He extends his wishes to all, including Ned and Charles Roby.
X-3-n - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {3}
Ryan, James, Bishop of:
Alton, Illinois
to (William J. Onahan):
Chicago, (Illinois)
List of delegates to the Columbian Catholic Congress from the Diocese of Alton, Illinois.
IX-1-i - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {2}
(1893) ( )
Satolli, Francis, Archbishop of Lepanto:
Washington, D. C.
to W(illia)m J. Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
The Archbishop is grateful for the invitation to attend the Columbian Catholic Congress, but will be unable to do so because of engagements elsewhere. He is glad to see Cardinal Gibbons at its head. (Four copies.)
IX-1-d - T.L.Unsigned - 4pp. - 8vo. - {1}
Seton, (Msgr. Robert):
(Jersey City, New Jersey)
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana
He thanks Edwards; it would have read better if printed in the "Scholastic" just as in the corrected proof sheets Edwards sent him. If Edwards cares for the bibles, he will give them to Notre Dame Library or Memorial Hall upon due recognition.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
Tarnoszy, Adalbert de:
Chicago, (Illinois)
to (William J. Onahan:
Chicago, Illinois)
He is in possession of a recommendation of Father J(ohn) Hogan of Catholic University and should like to make Onahan's acquaintance in order to visit some prominent buildings in Chicago. He comes to see the Exposition from Europe.
IX-1-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
Thomas, (Father) C( )F.:
Baltimore, (Maryland)
to W(illiam) J. Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
Several names are given as delegates to the Columbian Catholic Congress from the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Maryland. (Attached: list of Baltimore delegates, signed by Cardinal Gibbons.)
IX-1-i - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 4to. - {2}
Bartlett, A. C.:
Chicago, (Illinois)
to (William J.) Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
Dr. Barrows told him that Onahan would furnish a list of the Catholic clergy and others of that denomination who are to be invited to his reception Monday evening. He asks that a list be returned with the bearer.
IX-1-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
Bernardine, Sister:
(Chicago, Illinois)
to (William J. Onahan:
Chicago, Illinois)
She came to Chicago to see the World's Fair and Onahan. She asks when she can see him.
IX-1-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
(1893) ( )
Bonaventura, F( ), Bishop of:
(Zacatecas, Mexico)
to William J. Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
The Bishop thanks Onahan for the invitation to attend the Columbian Catholic Congress; however, circumstances will not allow him to do so.(7 translations attached.)
IX-1-d - A.L.S. - (Spanish) - 8pp. - 8vo. - {1}
Browne, Minnie J(osephine):
(Yonkers, New York)
to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Browne is run down and will never be well again.
X-3-n - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}
(Burke, Maurice F., Bishop of:
St. Joseph, Missouri)
to (William J. Onahan:
Chicago, Illinois)
List of delegates from the Diocese of St. Joseph, Missouri to the Columbian Catholic Congress.
IX-1-i - A.L.U. - 2pp. - 4to. & 12mo. - {2}
(1893) ( )
to William J. Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
Since America was discovered by a Catholic, and the United States, in the fight for Independence, was ably assisted by Catholic France, it seems proper that at the dedication ceremonies of the World's Fair, in October, the head of the Catholic Church in the United States should conduct the religious ceremonies.
IX-1-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
Cherubim, (C.S.C.), Sister M.:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
She inquires if Edwards could send her the cape he promised as a model for Msgr. Satolli. She wants to write to Baltimore for material and has to have an idea of how much to order. She told Sister to make him a skull-cap. (P.S.) Father-General sent another prohibition to ( ) Z( ) to go to St. Mary's.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
C(herubim, C.S.C., Sister M.:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
Sister M. Holy Innocents was found dead in her bed this morning in Lowell. The Mother received a note from Msgr. Satolli saying that he approves of the plan of opening a postulate, but she must arrange with Mother General for reception of candidates. She asks if Edwards thinks them in danger.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
(Columbian Catholic Congress
Chicago, Illinois)
Resolution that the Congress strongly endorse the principles and application of conciliation and arbitration as the proper remedies for the settlement of strikes and lockouts and that it instruct the permanent committee to consider promptly and adopt the most feasible methods for putting such a system of arbitration into execution. Submitted by T. J. Sheridan.
IX-1-o - A.D.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
Columbian Catholic Congress
(Chicago, Illinois)
Resolutions adopted by the Congress. (In the papers of Austin E. Ford).
I-1-l - Typed Manuscript (2 carbon copies) - 9pp. - rto. - {10}
C(onway), K(atherine) E.:
(Boston, Massachusetts)
to (William J.) Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
Onahan is to read the enclosed and return. Is not the W.A. running on the lines of the projected "Woman's Day?" She objects to the segregation of Catholic women.
IX-1-d - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}
Corrigan, Michael Augustine, Archbishop of:
New York, New York
to (William J. Onahan):
(Chicago, Illinois)
Corrigan signs a list of delegates to the Columbian Catholic Congress from the Archdiocese of New York, New York.
IX-1-i - A.L.S. - 9pp. - 4to. - {2}
Dalton, W(illia)m J.:
Kansas City, M(issouri)
to (James F.) Edwards:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
He has a student for Notre Dame that he would like to have over to Edwards. He is so young he would like to him in some one's care. He will leave word for Edwards arranging a meeting.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
Dubin, John M.:
(Chicago, Illinois)
to J(ames) F. Edwards:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
The sad news about Father (Thomas B) Walsh (C.S.C.) came as a great shock. He writes to ask if he can secure a photo of (Luigi) Gregori's portrait of (William J.) Onahan. Congratulation of all on Edwards' most splendid showing at the Exposition.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
Eddy, M. A.:
(Chicago, Illinois)
to (William J.) Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
The Chicago Herald desires all the papers of the Columbian Catholic Congress for publication in full.
IX-1-g - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {2}
(1893) ( )
Felix, M( ), Bishop of:
(Trier, Germany)
to (William J. Onahan):
(Chicago, Illinois)
The Bishop is thankful for the invitation to attend the Columbian Catholic Congress, which the distance will not permit him to do. However, he shall follow the events with interest, and expects successful agreement regarding important questions.(6 translations attached.)
IX-1-d - A.L.S. - (German) - 9pp. - 8vo. - {1}
Fitzgerald, Edward:
Little Rock, (Arkansas)
to (William J. Onahan):
List of delegates to the Columbian Catholic Congress for Dioceses of Little Rock. Arkansas, and Dallas, Texas. (Written by Father P. F. Callaghan.)
IX-1-i - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {4}
189(3) ( )
Ford, E( ) T.:
Chicago, Illinois
to (William J) Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
Ford asks about the medals. He tried to call on Onahan but has not been able to contact him. He will see that they are put in the hands of the parties at the desk in the Art Building.
IX-1-d - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}
Ford, Ellen A.:
Chicago, Ill(inois)
to (James F. Edwards:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
She finds she can go tomorrow and return Monday. She will be at the Rock Island depot. Phip Silvers and her mother arrived this morning. They will remain some weeks; Edwards may meet them then.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
Gregori, Fannie:
Chicago, (Illinois)
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana
They cannot go tomorrow as they expected, but will leave Chicago with the 10:30 a.m. next Thursday. If Edwards should go before them, she asks that he tell them when they are coming.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
(Hardenbergh, W.) Ad:
Chicago, (Illinois)
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
He is greatly idsappointed not to have seen Edwards. He is at the Auditorium registered as W. E. Hunt and will leave about 5:30.
XI-1-k - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
Hardig, C.A.:
Phila(delphia), P(ennsylvani)a
to William J. Onahan:
Ch(ica)go, (Illinois)
Onahan may rely on Archbishop (Patrick J.) Ryan; he virtually promises. Onahan should not assign a night until he hears from the Archbishop or Hardig.
IX-1-g - Telegram - {2}
Hennessy, John, Archbishop of:
Dubuque, Iowa
to (William J. Onahan):
Chicago, (Illinois)
He lists the delegates to the Columbian Catholic Congress from the Archdiocese of Dubuque, Iowa. (Clipping concerning Sioux City delegate attached.)
IX-1-i - A.L.S. - 1p. - 4to. - {2}
Henrotin, Ellen M. (Mrs. Charles):
Chicago, (Illinois)
to (William J.) Onahan:
(Chicago, Illinois)
She regretted not seeing Onahan when he called. She asks Onahan to answer an enquiry of Mlle. Marie Ann de Bovet of Paris about the subject of Roman Catholic Women and other representations in the Columbian Catholic Congress. Onahan should call again or send Mrs. Onahan.
IX-1-g - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {2}