University of Notre Dame


1905 Nov.
Marucchi, D. Guiseppi: Rome, (Italy)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He has the pleasure to send his photo as a mark of his friendship. He begs Edwards once more to look after the selling of his painting; his poor Church wants to be helped. He sends some wine. He received Edwards' letter; the painting is not of Rubens but of Caravaggio. In a few days he will send the Cardinal's hat. There are no expenses, but if Edwards would collect some money for his church he would be pleased.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16to. - {1}

1905 Nov.
(Rhodius, George): Indianapolis, (Indiana)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

He desires to express his heartfelt thanks for the kind sympathy shown in his recent bereavement.

XI-2-h - PRINTED - 1p. - 16to. - {1}

1905 Nov. 1
Guiney, L(ouise) I(mogen): Oxford, (England)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Hudson won't have forgotten her, a five-years' expatriate? She ran across this the other day and she hopes Hudson may like it enough and use it.

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 1
Nester, Rosemary: Detroit, Mich(igan)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

She knows Edwards will regret to hear that John (Nester?) is very ill with typhoid fever and complications. Her mother and George went up. George will have to be up there to help. Her mother will stay and bring John down when he is able.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16to. - {1}

1905 Nov. 4
Mulholland, St. Clair: Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

If possible should send him a copy of Father (William) Corby's "Memoirs of a Chaplain's Life". He had several copies but they are gone. When his book comes out he will send a copy to Notre Dame.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 5
Paradis, Jobson: Montreal, Canada
 to Father S(tanislaus F.) Fitte, C.S.C.: Notre Dame, Indiana

Announcement of painting classes at the National Conservatoire.

XI-2-h - Postcard, Printed - (French) - {1}

1905 Nov. 6
Moran, Emma E.: (Covington, Kentucky)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

She desires to add her own gratitude for the blessing of the Pope which Edwards secured. Bill seems well and she hopes that he begins to realize his opportunities. Father Tom Sherman (S.J.) who was a pupil at Notre Dame is giving lectures there. He agrees with her in advancing the scope of the University and admits its advantages.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16to. - {2}

1905 Nov. 7
Nester, Lilian: Baraga, Mich(igan)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: N(otre) D(ame, Indiana)

John (Nester?) getting along very nicely and they consider him out of danger.

XI-2-h - Telegram - {1}

1905 Nov. 9
O'Sullivan, Father T(imothy) D.: Chicago, (Illinois)
 to Ja(me)s F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He regrets that he was out when Edwards called. He asks Edwards why he didn't stay all night. They would have furnished the necessities. He hopes Edwards will do better next time. Miss Cooke thanks Edwards for the mementoes from the Eternal City.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 10
Campbell, W(illia)m J.: Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania)
 to (James F.) Edwards: Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

Archbishop (Robert) Seton informs him that he thinks the original profile in crayon of his mother and father made by St. Memin are in Memorial Hall. He asks if Edwards knows where a similar portrait of his uncle, John Curzon Seton is. He asks Edwards to have the American Catholic Historical Society put on the mailing list and that the Society would like to get as many of the annual catalogues of the University as possible.

XI-2-h - L.S.(Typed) - 1p. - 8vo. - {3}

1905 Nov. 12
(Quirino), Ernesto (R.): Chicago, Ill(inois)
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He has written to (Mary E.) Mannix and told her of the joyous times he had with Hudson. Elizabeth (Mannix) sent him a present. Father (Edward J.) Vattman(n) and Mannix's niece came to see him. He has received a copy of the Notre Dame Scholastic from Father (Denis) Hagerty. He has been working and studying all the time. Father (J. J.) Carroll, the pastor of his Parish, is a good orator. He heard a lecture in the University about the foundation and works of the Y.M.C.A.

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 8pp. - 16mo. - {3}

1905 Nov. 12
Seraphin, O.M.C., Father: Harar, Abyssinia
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He thanks Hudson for mentioning the plight of their seminary in the Ave Maria and recommending them to the charity of the faithful in the United States. Seraphin spent four years in Ottawa, Canada. Seminarians and priests are working on construction in order to economize.

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 13
(Carroll), Alice: Boston, Mass(achusetts)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

She asks what they have done, for they have written and never received a line. They received Edwards' kind blessing from the Pope, but not the Crucifix. Frank (Carroll) cannot imagine, what they have done, for they have not intended to offend Edwards.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16to. - {1}

1905 Nov. 14
Trahey, C.S.C., Father J.J.: Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He asks that Edwards kindly have a periodical that he names put on the library magazine list.

XI-2-h - A.LS. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 15
Chesbrough, J.M.: St. Louis, (Missouri)
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: Indianapolis, Ind(iana)

As requested in the letter of the 14th J.C. Edgeworth, their agent at South Bend, he encloses a press ticket reading from Frankfort to South Bend, account the Notre Dame Scholastic.

XI-2-h - L.S.(Typed) - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 15
(Sweeney, Robert) Bob: Cambridge, Mass(achusetts)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Edwards' letter was appreciated. He is engaged to a Catholic and most charming girl. He plans to spend all of next summer in Europe. If Edwards is going, they must join forces. He is anxious to learn the inside story of the starting changes at Notre Dame.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 16to. - {1}

1905 Nov. 15
Taunton, Father Ethelred (L.): Rome, (Italy)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Taunton laughed at the digs of Hudson on him and Father (John) Gerard. Taunton thanks Hudson for the kind remarks about "Law of the Church". The Pope accepted his dedication. The Archbishop who is not friendly to Taunton, wrote to the Pope and told him that he could not give his "imprimatur", so naturally Pius X said he must withdraw the dedication. Taunton said he was willing to make any corrections, but this was to no avail. Taunton will lay the facts before the H(oly) F(ather). He is preparing for Hudson, "The Saints of the Canon."

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {2}

1905 Nov. 16
Younge, L.J.: Philadelphia, P(ennsylvani)a
 to J(ames) F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana

He wishes they could have dinner together. He visited Keith's Theatre: it is the handsomest theatre in the world.

XI-2-h - Postcard, signed - {1}

1905 Nov. 17
Fitte, C.S.C., Father S(tanislaus): Notre Dame, Indiana
 to James F. Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He thanks Edwards for the sad information Edwards gave him and he wrote a note to George (Rhodius) to tell him that he takes part in his grief. He did not know the lady very well, but had learned to esteem her through Father General's words about her sterling qualities.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 17
Marucchi, Giuseppe: Rome, (Italy)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He sends Edwards enclosed, two photos of paintings; one belonging to the large painting of Caravaggio and the other of St. Francis of Assisi, a classic work of the Trevisani. He discusses terms of sale. He hopes Edwards receives the wine and hat safely. (Note: Photos attached)

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 2pp. {1}

1905 Nov. 17
(Ryan), Archbishop Patrick John: Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania)
Archdiocese of Philadelphia

They feel that they cannot make the annual appeal for the Catholic University more eloquently and convincingly than by quoting from the letters of Cardinal Gibbons and the Board of Directors. The quotations follow; the collection should be sent to Chancellor before December 15.

XI-2-i - PRINTED - 2pp. - 8vo. - {0}

1905 Nov. 17
S(traniero), Msgr. G(ermano): Paris, (France)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

He got two letters from Edwards. In the first Edwards speaks about some blessings asked for while he was in Paris. In the second Edwards asks more blessings for good friends. As he is far from Rome he asked M. Calabresi F.F. Piazzi della Minerva to secure and send them; seven on Edwards' name and eight on Brother Albeus, (C.S.C.). Edwards should write the names more distinctly.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 16to. - {1}

1905 Nov. 18
Otto, Carl: St. Louis, M(issouri)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He opened the mail and found the Bulletin of Notre Dame. It brought around him many faces and many names, some present, some absent. He always has gratitude for the time and blessings of Notre Dame. He thinks of the Notre Dame Band often, Gillespie leading it. Brother Basil is not forgotten. He mentions the names and tells of incidents that happened while he was a student, during '73 - '74 (?).

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 18
S(toddard), C(harles) W(arren): Monterey, (California)
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Stoddard has been to San Francisco. An impromptu musical was given at the Bohemian Club just to please Stoddard. George Bromley sat next to Stoddard during the musical. Father (Henry) Stark, C.S.P. was there. He was in Stoddard's class at the University and is as near to Stoddard as Kenneth was in Washington. He was some days with Joaquin Miller at the Heights.

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}

1905 Nov. 22
Nester, Lillian N.: Baraga, Mich(igan)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

They were both pleased with the benediction Edwards brought them from the Pope. John (Nester) is getting along nicely now, but had quite a serious time. They look forward to seeing Edwards at Christmas time. John figures in Florida for a winter build-up.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16to. - {1}

1905 Nov. 22
Smith, Goldwin: Toronto, (Canada)
 to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He is much obliged to Hudson for sending him the cutting from the Ave Maria. He presumes Hudson has encountered skeptics before. Smith is willing to admit anything that is proved and has never denied God's power of suspending the natural law. Smith has no ill feeling against the Catholic religion, only against the acts of the Papacy and the Jesuits.

X-4-e - L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 23
Finegan, S.J., Father Philip M. and Father James P. Monaghan, S.J.:
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

They write to Hudson at the request of Archbishop J(eremiah) J(ames) Harty who wishes to place the following facts before the Catholics of the United States through the medium of the Catholic press. They are visiting the garrisons, hospitals, and prisons in and about Manila. They have no fund of any kind to aid them. Many could help by sending them Catholic newspapers and magazines, books and pamphlets.

X-4-e - L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1905 Nov. 25
Courson, Countess Barbara de: Paris, (France)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

(France) is indeed in a sad condition. It would need a miracle of God's power to bring a change. The whole system of government is corrupt beyond words. Her husband is very busy. The new Minister M. Berteaux is no better than G(enera)l Andre, being a Free Mason and a socialist.

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 25
Kenedy & Sons, P.J.: New York, (New York)
 to (James F. Edwards): Notre Dame, Ind(iana)

They have the ad from the Ave Maria advertising a set of Quarterly Review. As they have had inquiries about the work, they will write to the parties at once, and will let Edwards know if it is desired. (Note: Father Daniel E. Hudson added a note refering the letter to Edwards).

XI-2-h - TYPED - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 25
Tiernan, F(rances) C(hristine Fisher): Salisbury, N(orth) C(arolina)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

In the last five months Tiernan has spent only two or three weeks out of bed. She gives Hudson these particulars to excuse the fact that she has not sent the completed manuscript of the promised story. The story is called "Vera's Charge".

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 25
Wadin, Bohman P.: Bombay, (India)
 to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He thanks Hudson for putting the Theosophic Gleaner Company on Hudson's exchange list.

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 26
Goveas, Father Antony: Mandalay, Burma
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He asks Hudson to register his name for next year as a subscriber to the Ave Maria under the same conditions. P.S. About his health, he has nothing special to say, no improvement perceptible, except that his right ankle occasionally cracks.

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 27
John, Sister Mary: Ruhaga, (Africa)
 to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Sister Claver died in August in Mysala during her projected visitation of all their equatorial stations. If somebody has conferred a favor on their poor sleepers, Hudson could send his gift to the Superior of the White Sisters at Kisubi. At Kisubi they have 70 sleepers. The natives conserve their extreme abhorrence of the sickness and often forget all relations of blood and friendship when their brethren are declared "Sleepers."

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {3}

1905 Nov. 27
Nester, Frank P.: Duluth, Minn(esota)
 to (James F. Edwards: Notre Dame, Indiana)

He received the picture of the Holy Father and thanks Edwards. They have been very worried over the condition of John (Nester) but a telegram from the doctor says there is no cause for alarm. He is sure Edwards had a splendid trip. He will write on improvement of John.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1905 Nov, 27
Otto, Carl: St. Louis, M(issouri)
 to (James F.) Edwards: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He thanks Edwards for the letter. Should be able to visit Notre Dame he will with pleasure and will ask Father John Zahm for recreation. If his boy lives and his pocket book can afford it, Carl Otto, Jr. will be at Notre Dame. He will send Edwards' letter to his mother.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 27
Riordan, Father M.J.: Pikesville, M(arylan)d
 to President,:
Notre Dame University(Notre Dame, Indiana)

He is engaged in gathering material for a short sketch of the history of the Cathedral parish in Baltimore. He asks if there are some articles at Notre Dame and that were once in the Cathedral. He asks for anything of their history or reference to those who might know.

XI-2-h - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16to. - {1}

1905 Nov. 27
Turton, W( ) H.: Bristol, England
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He thanks Hudson for sending him the November 11 issue of the Ave Maria containing a review of his book, "The Truth of Christianity."

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 1p. - 16mo. - {1}

1905 Nov. 30
S(toddard), C(harles) W(arren): Monterey, (California)
 to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Stoddard is very homesick for Cambridge and the East. He is alone for Thanksgiving and the ten members of his family, all within reach of each other are to dine at five different boards. How different were the Thanksgivings at the Bungalow when for six years Kenneth (O'Connor) and he had a table full of fellows. He wonders if Hudson has seen a copy of the enclosed photograph. The youth in the center is George Sterling. Father (Henry) Stark, of old St. Mary's San Francisco, where Stoddard was baptized, met some Holy Cross Fathers from Notre Dame at Columbia University, Portland, Oregon.

X-4-e - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {3}