1907 July 1
Cavanaugh, C.S.C., Father John (W.):
Notre Dame, Indiana
to James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
He requests every loyal graduate to throw his energies into the work of building up the College. He gives the ways this may be done; by directing promising students to Notre Dame, by gift of books or endowment. He encloses blanks. (Note; Blanks for endowments, and prospective students are attached.)
XI-2-j - PRINTED - 3pp. - 8vo. - {1}
1907 July 1
Harless & Company W.W.
Chicago, (illinois)
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
They are pleased to announce their appointment as Cook County agents for the Old Colony Insurance Company of Boston, Mass. They thank him for past favors and are soliciting a continuance of his patronage.
XI-2-j - PRINTED CARD - {1}
1907 Jul. 1
S(toddard), C(harles) W(arren):
Monterey, Calif(ornia)
to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
The two packages of T(roubled) H(eart) have arrived. One of them goes to a lad who is now in the Gen(era)l Theological Seminary, N(ew) Y(ork), the other to a young lady who has never been taught any kind of faith. Did Stoddard tell Hudson of the Simoneaus who are so ill? (Jules) S(imoneau) was Stevenson's friend who cared for him when R.L.S. was ill and hungered. (Martina) S(imoneau), his wife, is dying. George Wharton James last evening lectured on what he calls "The Golden Gate Trinity" - i.e. Bret Harte, Ina Coolbrith and himself. What does Hudson think of M(aurice) F(rancis) E(gan) and the majesty of Denmark? What next from the Cowboy in the White House.
X-4-f - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {6}
1907 July 3
Fitte, C.S.C., Father S(tanislaus):
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
to (James F. Edwards):
Edwards' last favor reached him; he thanks him for the contents. They are absorbed in the holy retreat, Father Michael, a Passionist is the preacher. Fr. General takes his meals there with Fr. Delahanti. They buried Brother Denis, (C.S.C.) this morning. Professor Paul says Judge Paradis, the professor's father is dead.
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1907 July 3
(Edwards, James F.:
Boston, Massachusetts)
Beginning with the next year Holy Cross College is to close its doors to all preparatory students taking four years to eliminate the department. A preparatory school is being erected at Danvers, Massachusetts to be conducted by the Xaverian Brothers. This is a wise movement for Holy Cross College. He advocated a similar movement for Notre Dame, long ago. He attended many of the summer school lectures in Harvard (University). The more he sees the historic places and treasures around Boston, the more is he pleased with the treasures at Notre Dame. He goes on discussing the value of relics and the places he visited, mainly the homes of American poets and authors. (Note: This was written on the back of a circular typed in Berman, in Edwards' handwriting. The circular advertisement was signed by Carl Beck.)
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}
1907 July 3
(Carroll), Frank (E.) and Alice:
Boston, Mass(achusetts)
to (James F. Edwards:
Detroit, Michigan
He received the books on "Anglican Ordinations" and was glad to get them and the inscribed signature of FatherD(aniel ) Hudson, C.S.C. The place will be quiet for Edwards. Alice has so much to tell Edwards she cannot write it. Edwards should look forward to having a rest. Enclosed is a clipping — some lucid facts from Eliot - the Church accumulating wealth in the Middle West.
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 8pp. - 16to. - {1}
1907 July 6
Poesch, Jr.,C(harles) E.:
Fort Wayne, Indiana
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
He is now the father of a fine baby boy; Mother and Son are doing splendidly. His father was in town Sunday. He is very busy and will do better next time.
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}
1907 Jul. 8
Vaughan, Father John S(tephen):
(London, England)
to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.):
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
Vaughan is in London for a few days on business. Vaughan sent Hudson the corrected proof of the Italian quotation on July 1 and proof of "The Danger of Riches" on July 2. He set some verses for the Ave Maria entitled "A Meditation." The Dangers of Intemperance and Impurity are both written.
X-4-f - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 16mo. - {1}
1907 July 9
Rowan, Jo(s)e(ph):
Manhattan, Iowa
to (James F. Edwards):
He acknowledges Edwards' dandy remembrance of their wedding. He wants to thank Edwards for the stein. Frank D. could not come to their wedding. He is banking on seeing Edwards in their home. Father (John W. Cavanaugh (C.S.C.) sent congratulations; he will get a letter soon. His wife is better than he thought.
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 4pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1907 Jul. 10
Lefebvre, Thomas:
Roberval, Q(uebec)
to Father Daniel E. Hudson, (C.S.C.):
Notre Dame, Indiana
Lefebvre has read "The Attitude of Catholics toward Holy Writ" in the Ave Maria of July 6 and specially the citation from Archbishop (Eudocius Irenaeus Mignot) of Albi. The second part of this citation might lead some readers astray. Perhaps Hudson might be kind enough to make the matter plainer for laymen.
X-4-f - T.L.S. - 2pp. - 4to. - {2}
1907 July 13
F(itte), C.S.C., Father S(tanislaus):
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
to (James F. Edwards):
( )
The retreat was very successful. The chapter opened Monday morning. Father (Martin J.) Regan (C.S.C.) and Father (William A.) Moloney (C.S.C.) are out of the College. Father (Timothy R.) Murphy (C.S.C.) will be Prefect of Discipline; Father (Matthew) Schumacher (C.S.C.), Director of Studies. Father (Patrick) Carroll becomes President of St. Edward's College and Father (John) Boland, Assistant to Father Spillard.
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {7}
1907 July 13
O'Loughlin, D( ):
New York, (New York )
to J(ames) F. Edwards:
Boston, Mass(achusetts)
He hopes his special delivery did not knock Edwards out of bed. He presumes Edwards sent a postal to N.D. for the numbers of Brownson that were missing in the box. If Edwards thinks of any book now out of print that it would pat to reprint, he should make a note of it.
XI-2-j - L.S.(Typed) - {1}
1907 July 18
LaCoiste, R.:
Mount Clemens, Mich(igan)
to (James F.) Edwards:
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
He sent the goods, and hopes they reach Edwards in good shape.
XI-2-j - Postcard, signed. - {1}
1907 July 19
Alphonsus, C.S.C., Brother:
Notre Dame, Indiana
to (James F.) Edwards:
He thanks Edwards for remembering him at the Mission Church. He encloses lists of Reviews sent to Mr. D. McLoughlin and those retained for Edwards. Father (William A.) Moloney (C.S.C.) and Father (Martin J.) Regan (C.S.C.) have been changed, the former going to Oregon and the latter to Texas. Father T(imothy R.) Murphy, C.S.C. will be prefect of discipline and Father (Matthew) Schumacher, (C.S.C.) prefect of studies.
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 12mo - {5}
1907 July 19
Reed, C.E.:
Mt. Clemens, (Michigan)
Bishops' Memorial HallNotre Dame, Ind(iana)
The shipment of a box of clothing from there to Bishops' Hall is held at Detroit for prepayment of charges. He will be thankful if the amount due is mailed as soon as possible so the goods can go forward.
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {0}
1907 July 22
O'Loughlin, D( ):
New York, (New York)
to (James F.) Edwards:
(Boston, Massachusetts)
The package received today, all agog again. He gives an inventory. He will not ask Edwards to do anything about it until his return, just keep the memo enclosed. He may have to take a western trip; he would stop at N.D. if Edwards were there.
XI-2-j - L.S.(TYPED) - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
1907 July 23
Frawley, (Jr.), Henry:
Deadwood, S(outh) Dak(ota)
to (James F.) Edwards:
(Boston, Massachusetts)
Since he arrived home he has been very busy visiting friends. They were 36 hours late coming home; there was a big wash out. He hopes Notre Dame is looking like it was when he first came in September. He tells of the weather and the crops.
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}
1907 July 23
Hudson, C.S.C., Father Daniel E.:
Notre Dame, Indiana
to (James F. Edwards:
He was gratified to receive Edwards' pleasant letter; Edwards needed a long rest and entire change. Mr. Fish wrote and is about to sail for Europe. The Abbe Felix Klein is in Chicago, he hears. Father (Andrew) Morrissey (C.S.C.) is going there tomorrow. Father (Stanislaus) Fitte (C.S.C.) seems weaker. Father (William A.) Moloney C.S.C.) goes to Oregon and Father (Martin S.) Regan (C.S.C.) goes to Texas. Father (Timothy) Murphy (C.S.C.) is Prefect of Discipline and Father (Matthew) Schumacher (C.SC.) is Director of Studies.
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 3pp. - 12mo. - {7}
1907 Jul. 24
Florendo, Elizabeth and Eleanor de Leon:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Indiana
Sister Mary Rita delivered the remembrance that Hudson sent them. It was kind of Hudson to think of them.
X-4-f - A.L.S. - 2pp. - 16mo. - {3}
1907 July 24
(Huffer), Herman:
Baltimore, (Maryland)
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
Edwards' postcard is at hand. He is glad to hear that Edwards is feeling better. The heart has simply been awful. In a few hours he will be off for home, Edwards can imagine how happy he is. He should write soon.
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
1907 July 26
Fitte, C.S.C., Father S(tanislaus):
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
to (James F. Edwards:
He would have answered Edwards' letters sooner but he waited for certain news: Father (David) O'Leary, (C.S.C.) president of St. Edwards College and Father (Thomas) Hennessy, (C.S.C.) vice-president. There were seven new priests ordained, two Poles and one Hungarian. As a result of the St. Mary's elections there were no changes except the mistress of Novices. The Provincial was glad to receive Edwards' letter. Father Tim(othy) (O'Sullivan) sends regards to Edwards and Mary Cook.
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {3}
1907 Jul. 27
Bertrand, Father J(oseph):
Gotemba, (Japan)
to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
(Notre Dame, Indiana)
The poor lepers are very happy to receive the $571.28. Thanks to the generosity of Hudson's readers last year's deficit has been wiped out. Bertrand gives a statement of the revenue and expenses for the year 1906. Hudson can see how cheaply they can care for 70 to 80 lepers.
X-4-f - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. - 12mo. - {1}
1907 July 27
O'Loughlin, D.:
New York, (New York)
to J(ames) F. Edwards:
Boston, Mass(achusetts)
He is in receipt of Edwards' favor of the 26th. He examined the box and found two numbers. He gives the numbers. He made a mistake, he finds, on the number to be sent. They should let the matter remain in abeyance until Edwards return to Notre Dame.
XI-2-j - L.S.(Typed) - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
1907 July 27
Hill, Walter S.:
Pittsburg, (Pennsylvania)
to (James F.) Edwards:
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
Through a recommendation of their mutual friend, Mr. George Meyers he spent between two and three years at Notre Dame and remembers Edwards' kindnesses to him. He recommended the University to Robert Phelan who will enter in the fall. Edwards might call on Phelan while he is East.
XI-2-j - L.S.(Typed) - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
1907 July 31
Alphonsus, C.S.C., Brother:
Notre Dame, Indiana
to (James F. Edwards:
Enclosed Edwards will find the missing numbers of Everybody's Magazine. He told Brother Martial to give Edwards' Ave Marias and Scholastics to Father (Timothy) Maher, C.S.C. He lists the magazines that are missing.
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 12mo. - {1}
1907 July 31
O'Loughlin, D( ):
(New York, New York)
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
Here he jumps to conclusions about the number and series and Edwards didn't even mention it. He has been trying to get too much, instead of 14 volumes Edwards would owe only 6 volumes. He supposes Edwards is having a good time. (Note: An exeorpt from a letter of Edwards' is attached, saying what he has.)
XI-2-j - A.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {1}
1907 Jul. 31
Berlioz, Bishop A(lexander):
Sendai, Japan
to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.:
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
Berlioz arrived in Japan on July 7 and paid a visit to the Archbishop of Tokyo and to the Bishops of Nagasaki and Oaka. Today he sends Hudson a notice about their own Trappists of Hakodate and also an Ordo of their Society.
X-4-f - A. Postcard S. - 1p. - 32mo. - {1}