1909 ( )
Burrows, Charles W(illia)m:
Cleveland, (Ohio)
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
The Burrows Brothers Company enclose a copy of a map, "Plat of the Seven Ranges of Townships, Ohio Survey, 1785-7" which they reproduced in their Avery's history. They ask Edwards to accept the map with their complements. (Note: Map is attached.)
XI-2-l - TYPED - 2pp. - 8vo. - {1}
1909 ( )
Clark, C.U.:
Albany, N(ew) Y(ork)
to J(ames) F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Ind(iana)
If he wishes to study Spanish, Italian, French, German, Greek, Latin or Natural Histroy or prepare for college entrance exams by a beautiful lake near the Vermont border he should send to Clark for a catalog of the Massawippi Summer School.
XI-2-l - Postcard, PRINTED - {1}
1909 ( )
Edwards, James F.:
Notre Dame, Indiana
A last will and testament with all names and dates blank stating that Edwards is the sole beneficiary of all the property of every kind and nature.
XI-2-i - A.MS. (unsigned) - 2pp. - 8vo. - {10}
1909 ( )
Griffin, Martin I.J.:
Philadelphia, (Pennsylvania)
to (James F. Edwards:
Notre Dame, Indiana)
XI-2-l - Printed - 1p. - 16to. - {1}