University of Notre Dame


1912 Sep.12
Ireland, Archbishop John: St. Paul, (Minnesota)
 to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Ireland thanks Hudson for sending a copy of the letter written by J.C. Monaghan. Monaghan says that whatever (Woodrow) Wilson may have written unfavorable to Catholics was written before he had any notion of entering public life. But what was written then was the expression of his inner feelings. He will make use of the letter in writing to (Charles Dewey) Hilles or (William Howard) Taft, to impress upon them that they must absolutely bestir themselves or lose.

X-4-h - T.L.S. - 1p. - 8vo. - {5}

1912 Sep.14
(Bickerstaffe-Drew, Father Francis Browning D.) John Ayscough: Salisbury Plain, (England)
 to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Ayscough has not sent any contributions lately because his are more costly than some and no editor wants too much of one author. The building of a church and finding the money is itself enough to use up all one's time. Ayscough attended the Congress last month and read a paper on literature. The Bishops were all chaffing him for being so nervous. The Bishop of Salford said his books are like spiritual readings and Ayscough agreed. The Bishop of Leeds said he is moving the University of Leeds to confer on Ayscough an Honorary Doctorate of Letters. The praise of Bishop (John Cuthbert) Hedley touched him the most. The Cardinal Archbishop congratulated him. The Congress was a sort of revelation to him of a position he had no idea that he occupied. He lives more like a hermit. From the beginning Hudson spoke up for him. What Ayscough sends now is meant as the first of a series of occasional papers. They deal with Rome. "Faustula" appears in England on October 3. Ayscough liked San Celestino better than all the others put together.

X-4-h - A.L.S. - 8pp. - 8vo. - {1}

1912 Sep.14
Ireland, Archbishop John: St. Paul, (Minnesota)
 to Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.: (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Ireland delayed answering Hudson because he expected to visit with (Charles Dewey) Hilles, the chief manager of (William Howard) Taft's campaign and to take counsel with him as to whether or not a visit from Taft to Notre Dame would be advisable. Hilles promises to visit soon. Ireland thinks it would be difficult for Taft to go to Notre Dame since it would be too conspicuous a declaration of his alliance with Catholics. Ireland hears from every side that Catholic people are lining themselves up with Taft. Ireland will learn from Hilles what other work may be done.

X-4-h - T.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {3}

1912 Sep.30
Ireland, Archbishop John: St. Paul, (Minnesota)
 to Father D(aniel) E. Hudson, (C.S.C.): (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Ireland agrees with Hudson. Matters are improving. (Charles Dewey) Hilles writes that he will see Ireland in a few days. Hilles and his friends are beginning work in certain quarters, notably in St. Louis to ward off the effects of the (Woodrow) Wilson pamphlets. The situation is improving in favor of (William Howard) Taft. Businessmen throughout the country are realizing that Taft is the man to improve prosperity, and that Wilson with his free trade doctrine would be a peril to the country.

X-4-h - T.L.S. - 2pp. - 8vo. - {4}