University of Notre Dame

Calendar: 1805

1805 Aug. 1

(Seton), Cecilia
(New York, New York)

to (Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton)
(New York, New York)

Cecilia longs to enjoy the society of her own dear sister but God has thought it best they should be separated or it would not have been so. She often thinks of the many happy hours they have passed together. She looks forward to that time when their souls will be no more separated and they will meet the dear souls gone before them. (Elizabeth) is to recollect August 9.

A.L.S. 4pp.

In the same envelope:


Seton, Anna Maria
( )

to (Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton)
(New York, New York)

Anna Maria rejoiced to receive her mother's letter. She had promised to write off the Virgin Mary's song but coming home so soon she cannot. She knows it is wrong to promise a thing and not perform it. Eliza (Maitland) writes too but what was her joy to receive one from (Seton). (Monsignor Robert Seton has noted on the envelope in which these two letters are folded that they are) Notes of Anna Maria and of Cecilia Seton to Mrs. Seton. 1805.

A.L.S. 4pp.

II-1-a A.L.S. 8pp. 32mo.

1805 Sep. 20

Pietro, Cardinal Michael di
Rome, (Italy)

to Bishop John Car(r)oll
Baltimore, (Maryland)

They have received Carroll's letter of February 14, 1804 announcing the purchase of the Louisiana Territory by the American Government. Carroll also mentioned that he had told the faithful in that region that the vacant see would soon be filled. Propaganda wrote on April 21, 1804 asking Carroll to mention the names of three or more priests so that they could choose a new bishop. In the meantime, Father Patrick Walsh, Vicar-General, wrote to Propaganda on April 1, 1805, telling that Father Antonio Sedella, O.M.Cap. had stirred up a schism and was causing much scandal. Walsh asked that someone be appointed to govern the diocese since he feared that his faculties had expired. His Holiness judged that no more fitting person could be placed over the faculties of the diocese in such a way that he may delegate them to another priest. Thus Carroll is to put down the schism as soon as possible. Di Pietro signs as Prefect of Propaganda Fide and Dominicus (Coppola), Archbishop of Mira, signs as secretary.

V-4-c A.L.S. (Latin) 4pp. 4to.