University of Notre Dame

Calendar: 1818

Flaget, Benedict (Joseph) Bishop of: (Bardstown, Kentucky)
 to  Father (Simon Gabriel Brute): .

According to his heart he would write Brute often but he is guided by his head which Brute knows begins many things which it cannot finish. In his diocese he is in a labyrinth of temporal affairs. Father Scheifers, (Peter Schaeffer) speaking of the blessings that have come to the bishop both on Catholics and Protestants that the people in his congregations are so well disposed that they speak of building a chapel of brick and of building a monastery for 5 or 6 religious and in a third place of buying a plot for a residence for two priests. Father (Guy Ignatius) Chabrat came the day before. He has such a large area to cover that he cannot cover the half of it, yet Father (Jean) Tessier insists that he go to Baltimore. This has worried Chabrat and ha has fallen into a serious melancholy that hinders his work. Yet Flaget is sure that Chabrat's work is useful. Catholics and Protestants admire him and his work for the church in Louisville when the other sects would not dare to build. If Flaget had some one to take his place he would put him in his the seminary where he is needed. Flaget's household constitutions a little world. In one corner 3 or 4 workers cut stones for a horse mill which he needs 3 or 4 masons, 9 or 10 millwrights, 2 or 3 carpenters who prepare the roof of the mill and the floors of his new seminary, 4 or 5 plasters and all his young seminarians some of whom seek sand and other carry it to the roadway they have made themselves, some mix the morter and others carry ot and the domesics work all day and part of the night to prepare food for them. This can go on only six weeks or two months or the episcopal treasure will be exhaused. So far he has been able to escape debts and yet has the resources for 20 or 24 seminarians. His cathedral which he visited yesterday is now 22 feet high and the bricks for finishing it are made in two weeks for fifteen days all the mason work will be finished, the pillars and the materials for covering them are in place or ready and Mr. Rogers assures him that it will covered in the month of November. At the present time all the workers are paid but by Christmas they will have need of $3,000. God provides but Flaget would like Brute to supply some funds also. He has also asked Archbishop (Ambrose) Marechal for aid but he fears that the Archbishop has forgotten him, especially since he is planning his own basilica. He forgot to tell Brute of certain things brought by Father (Charles) Nerinckx. A knight of Nizen Province names Magallaon has sent him two boxes and two trunks which the costoms officier of New Orleans allowed to pass fot the poor bishop of Kentucky. They are full of books and church articles. He asks that Brute join him in thanking Providence. P.S. The letter enclosed (no longer there) is an appeal to Propaganda for what he needs for his diocese. Father (Felix) D'Andreis has encouraged him to make it and has translated it. Flaget asks for some information about Brute's college and seminary. Father Nerinckx has arrived bur Flaget has not yet seen him. He asks to be informed when the Bishop (Louis) William Dubourg arrives. P.S. He sends his regards to Elder. His studies he leaves to his superiors so long as he is fortified in rhetoric and logic because he destines him to teaching. It is time to ordain him subdeacon. Of he is instructed in French that will be useful. He sends the same good wishes to Chance.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. {4to.} 5


(Seton, Elizabeth, Mrs.)
(Emmitsburg, Maryland)

to William Seton (Jr.)
( )

She hopes he is safe in his berth. His little ship at home, because of cloudy weather, has dragged but three knots an hour. "Madam reason" firmly shows them their duty, yet she misses him so that it seems her own self is gone. She begs God to bless him continually and calculates every night where he may possibly be. She longs for his first letter. She has one from "Kit" mentioning William's safe arrival in Philadelphia and that he was to go on next day and spend half a day in New York. He must tell her whom he saw and what happened. Last night she dreamed of him.

II-1-a no signature 1pp. 8vo.

1818 Jan. 9
David, Father Jean: (Bardstown, Kentucky)
 to  Father (Simon Gabriel) Brute: Baltimore, (Maryland)

David is annoyed at the remarks some make about the frequency of their letters. Some one is attempting to cut short the consolations these letters give. He regrets that Brute did not receive his letter before writing. Brute should supress the title "Rt. Rev." He sent a package addressed to Brute to be sent on to Europe. Every one there knows of Brute's generosity in this. He received with pleasure Brute's observations about the episcopal purple. He disagrees with Brute on what is of precept and what is of privilege in the matters of ornaments. He would follow the directions of the missal and the ceremonial. He thinks they are too much infleunced by Protestant criticisms, almost as bad as the Archbishop who administered baptism, communion and even the massin the vernacular. David does not believe that one gains by these condescensions. In Kentucky the heretics are not such delicate Calvinists; they love the ceremonies of the church. Bishop (Benedict Joseph Flaget) conducts his services in the small shalep and small altar as if he was in a church and at a grand altar and the people are edified. He has no news from the Bishops and David begins to be a bit disturbed. Since he gave Marchand his answers he has many reasons for changing his mind. He takes the liberty to propose to Archbishop (Ambrose) Marechal, that he ask of Brute to give him the letter to Cardinal Litta. He will go to the village after noon and if Marchand has not gone he will take back his letter.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp. {3}

1818 Mar. 7
(Flaget, B(enedict) J(oseph) Bishop of: (Bardstown, Kentucky)
 to  (Father Simon Gabriel Brute): (Baltimore, Maryland)

It has been ages since Flaget has spoken with Brute and he is sorry not to have answered Brute's letters. He has not even sent greetings for the new year. Many things have happened in the time since he last wrote, interesting things and trying things. Brute would have been very happy to see the way Bishop (William) Dubourg's flock welcomed him, the people of St. Louis above all others. Two carriages were sent along the banks of the Mississippi one to carry two bishops and the other for the priests who accompanied them. Father Henry Pralle and Father O'Connor, formerly professor at Georgegtown accompanied them and a large crowd followed in the rear. When they arrived at the presbytery they blessed the crowd. They then went to the Church for the usual ceremonies. Flaget led Dubourg to the throne, and then Dubourg spoke to his flock. The next day, Epiphany to Bishop Dubourg officiated. Four days later Flaget left but was held for eight days at St. Genevieve, that was six weeks ago. Three weeks he spent administering to the spiritual needs of his family and preparing for the recption of two priests that DuBourg is sending him. To his sorrow Father Shafer announced that he is returning to Europe. The Seminarians of DuBourg like Kentucky. They are good subjects. Towards the middle of April Flaget intends to go to Detroit and perhaps Montreal. He will be away seven or eight months. He does not know yet whether he will have a priest for a companion. P.S. The Cathedral goes on, they are working on the interior. The payments do not come so fast. He asks if Brute could say a hundred masses for his intentions and asks others to do the same. He asks that Brute pass on the letter to Father P. Babade since he does not have time to write to him also.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. {4to.} 3

1818 Mar. 30
Grassi, Father John S.J.: Rome, (Italy)
 to  Father (Simon Gabriel) Brute: Maryland?

Let it never be said that he lets Mr. Barber leave Rome without sending a few lines to such a good friend as Brute. Barber and Cooper can tell Brute the news of Rome. Grassi was pleased to see how their young men offered themselves for the American missions. But they need to know more of the American colleges, since there must be enough missioners. Among their own there are only the very old and infirm and the very young who have scarcely made their novitiate he would have gone with Barber and Cooper but he is detained by some important business in England but he will either hasten or postpone his trip to America according to the ord he received from the Superior General.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (English) - 1p. {4to.} 1

1818 April 9
(Cheverus), Jean Bishop of: B(oston), Massachusetts
 to  Father Simon (Gabriel) Brute: of Baltimore, Maryland

Cheverus received Brute's letter of March 23 and sends his answer. He thinks that since Providence brought Brute here he should remain with the assurance that his piety, zeal and science will be very useful to the church in America. That is what he would tell Brute's superior, about whose brother he sends his sympathy. Should they decide otherwise, he hopes that Brute will embark from Boston. William Seton is well but seldom gets a chance to come on land. He has heard from Archbishop (Ambrose Marechal) on April (?) 30. He is visiting but Brute can consult him as he should by now have returned to Baltimore. He cannot but desire Brute's staying among them. God can take care of Tonkin.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. {4to.} 3

1818 May 13
Chabrat, Father G(uy) I(gnatius): Louisville, (Kentucky)
 to  Father (Simon Gabriel) Brute: Baltimore, Maryland

Father (Jean) David having informed him that two of the Sulpicians were about to leave Baltimore for Paris he takes the liberty of sending to Brute two letters which he hopes that Brute will ask the gentlemen to deliver for him. They are letters to his parents who have not heard from him for a long time. The latest news is that Bishop (William DuBourg's) cathedral is up about 7 or 8 feet and the other buildings are rising accordingly. God will reward him for his efforts. Bishop (Benedict Joseph) Flaget should leave tomorrow for Detroit. His cathedral continues to rise. In three weeks Chabrat will go to Pose (Vincennes) with two priests who will take charge of the congregation, one less burden for Chabrat. He hopes soon to start building the seminary at Bardstown and asks Brute's prayers for success. He asks to be remembered to his other friends with whom he has not corresponded because he does not see how he can do so. He received so many letters that he decided not to answer but to leave it all to Providence. If they want to consider him a Sulpician he will do what is necessary not to dishonor the company. But he will continue as he has and does not regard Fathers (Michael) Levadoux, Bressard and Montagner was Sulipicians. He has received a letter from M. Emere (?) in which he says that Charbrat should be considered as a Sulpician. Also he says the suffrages for the deceased members. He begs Brute to pray for him as a poor exposed missionary. P.S. For 4 to 5 years he has tried to get the Lives of the Saints by Godescar and also those of Butler printed in London but it has been impossible to find them. Father (Jean) Tessier will pay and collect from the Bishops.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp.4

(1818) (Jun. 24)

Barry, (Father) Thomas
( )

In the year 1800, February twenty six, I baptized John Purcell legitimate son of Edmund and Joanna Purcell, sponsors Thomas Purcell and Catherine Connell. Testified to on the 24th day of June, 1818. (Note follows) This testifies that John Baptist Purcell has been authentically confirmed, and there are no impediments to his faith. William Coppinger, Bishop of Cloyne and Ross; June 27, 1818.

(Photostatic copy from the Archives of the College of Mt. St. Joseph, Delhi, Ohio).

II-5-h D. Latin 1p. 4to.

1818 July 4
DuBourg, William Bishop of Louisiana: St. Louis, (Missouri)
 to  Father Simon (Gabriel) Brute: Emmitsburg, Maryland

He received a few days ago Brute's letter respecting the widow Ridgely and her sister. He sincerely partakes of his anxiety about them and has done all he can to alleviate their distress. They have been on the verge of returning to Craiger's Town but have been dissuased by friends this delay will give Mr. Hane to write his intentions. If he decided to go to this western quarter where he will wait for his answer. DuBourg has heard some strange things about their dear foster child of the mountains which have been distressing to Brute's friend Mr. D. DuBourg partakes in Brute's feelings. He hopes that Divine mercy will direct everything for the best.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (English) - 1p. {4to.} 2

1818 Nov. 2
Cheverus, Jean Bishop of Boston: Georgetown, (District of Columbia)
 to  Father (Simon Gabriel) Brute: Baltimore, (Maryland)

Fenwick will send Brute the third volume of the work sent by Father (John Grassi). There are 2 third volumes and no second. Cheverus has received one letter addressed to him at Baltimore and he awaits another. If it comes Brute is to hold it as he will be there Monday. He will then tell him the results of his trip. He sends his respects to the Superior Father (Ambrose) Marechal and all the others.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 8vo.2

1818 Dec. 1
David, Father Jean: (Bardstown, Kentucky)
 to  Father Peter Babad: Baltimore, (Maryland)

He commenced a letter to Babad the other day but he was so badly occupied that several days before he could answer. Yesterday evening he received some letters from Bishop (Bendict Joseph Flaget) and without noting he completed that answer on the letter he had begun to Babad. He discovered this at the end but sent the letter just as it was. The news the bishop gave of his health worries David. He did not hear from him for six weeks and then he wrote that he had a fever at the treaty camp and that he had been sick 8 days and Mr. Bertrand three weeks. On his return to Detroit he had it a second time for 4 days and had not left him. Oct. 23 when he wrote. The letter he received yesterday was dated Nov. 6 and he felt well enough to undertake a mission of 5 days at the beginning of which the fever returned. He assures David that it is not serious but as such a distance David is very uneasy, since he would succeed in case the Bishop dies. With the letter he received from Babad was a letter of Archbishop (Ambrose) Marechal enclosing one from the Cardinal Litta. The Cardinal has communicated David's objections and the Pope has said that they would pray that Flaget outlive David. He added that the work of training priests is properly the work of Bishops. Their seminary now numbers 20 counting Miretti who does not study. At Christmas they will receive a man who has been there twice before but who is so fervent that he will give him a third chance. They are embarassed about the cathedral. They have stopped work on it for want of money. They owe 5 or 6 thousand of which one thousand is urgent. They need the presence of the bishop but he is thinking of visiting some of the scattered missions of Michigan and along the Mississippi. If he does that he will have to remain there until April because the ice will not permit him to travel before that and they would not see him before August or September. David thinks that Flaget should send in the Bishop's place Father Janvier or Father (Gabriel) Richard. Otherwise they should establish a Bishop at Detroit, choosing the bishop from one of the orders. David hopes the Bishop will be consecrated in January the month best for travel over the frozen snow. As to the two girls recommended for the Sisters of Nazareth, the Mother to whom he sent Babad's letter has no doubt about the first since he has the consent of her parents but the second seems to be dependent on the consent of her father and if he persists she cannot be received. The school at Nazareth which was so full at times that it refused students is reduced now to 2 or 3 boarders. The mother has not lost courage and hopes for new applications after Christmas. She has plenty of poor girls who are willing to work for part of their teaching, they have taken 5 or 6 of that description, but their work does not cover their expense. The Sisters number 20 and they have 2 or 3 postulants whom the Mother would like to refuse because of their poverty. David expects in the spring Miss Souzac whose passage the Bishop has agreed to pay. They cannot double that expense so that if Babad proposes to send Josephine and her Father refuses to pay her passage it will be necessary to get some friends to pay. The Sisters are building school and are in debt. If Miss Souzac does not come as she has failed twice already he will take care of Josephine. He has asked Father (Jean) Tessier to tell Miss Souzac that since she consented to live with Madame Bawnais that he hopes that the latter will agree to give the sisters the globes and maps which they will find very useful. Tessier did not answer and has probably forgotten. David asks that Babad remind Tessier or speak to Madame Bawnais (among the papers of Father Simon Gabriel Brute)

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. {4to.} 6

1818 Dec. 22

D(uBois), Father J(ohn)
(Emmitsburg, Maryland)

to (Catherine) Josephine Seton, St. Joseph's
(Emmitsburg, Maryland)

Josephine's request will be cheerfully granted. Daily he shares his "Little" with "our boys." He will offer the tears of the Infant and his dying blood for these two precious souls. He urges Josephine and her tearful mother, )Elizabeth Seton) to unite their communion to his offering. Two sacrifices of the purist victim, a virgin's innocence, one's sufferings for charity, a mother's tears will be powerful with God. When she comes to the mountain again she must, he says, pick out what suits her. He now sends her the "Expedition to Russia," which reveals what was endured for worldly ambition. They would be very rich if they would undergo only half as much for heaven. He suggests they use the aspiration of St. Francis of Sales. "Vive Jesus, mon Enfant."

II-1-a A.L.S. 1p. 24mo.