University of Notre Dame

Calendar: 1823


( )

to (Bishop Edward D. Fenwick, O.P.)
Cincinnati, (Ohio)

A list of the sacred furniture and other objects given by Pope Leo XII and the Congregation of Propaganda for use in the Diocese of Cincinnati Vestments, chalices and other sacred vessels, candlesticks, etc. are listed. The notice of the pictures given by Cardinal (Joseph) Fesch and perhaps from others has been sent to Cincinnati by the Rector of the College of Propaganda. (In the Detroit papers).

III-2-f A.D. (Italian) 3pp. 8vo.

1823 ( )

Plessis, Joseph Octavius
Quebec, (Canada)

to Bishop Edward (Dominic) Fenwick
Cincinnati, Ohio

Having learned of the erection of the diocese of Cincinnati coterminal with the diocese of Quebec and knowing that his priests will have occasion of crossing into the new diocese and that the priest of Fenwick may have business in the diocese of Quebec, Plessis makes Fenwick his Vicar General giving to him all his faculties insofar as the apostolic indult of his faculties permits. This is signed in the seminary of St. Rose, Kentucky by A. Robert, Vicar general at the command of the bishop of Quebec. Signed also by H. Demers priest and N.C. Fortier as pro-secretary.

III-2-f D.S. and Sealed (Latin) 2pp. 4to.

1823 Jan. 11

Delano, Moreau
Utica, (New York)

to Orestes A. Brownson
Ballston Spa, N(ew) Y(ork)

She has not forgotten him and rejoices that he has been brought to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Loring (Delano) has not gone to the South this winter because of his lameness. She expects a journey next week to the East and may write from Schenectady.

I-3-e A.L.S. 2pp. 8vo.

1823 Feb. 1

Delano, Moreau
Albany, (New York)

to Orestes A. Brownson
Ballston Spa, (New York)

She is well and her father's family was well when she left Utica. Her father was calculating to start a journey west. Loring (Delano) is engaged in a Doctor's office this winter. She is on the way to Massachusetts and Rhode Island. She spent time in the Capitol.

I-3-e A.L.S. 1p. 8vo.

1823 Feb. 4
(David), Jean B(aptiste) M Bishop of Mauricastro: Bardstown, (Kentucky)
 to  Father (Simon Gabriel) Brute: Emmitsburg, M(aryland)

Brute should be as surprised by his long silence as he is at Brute's. . . Pressed by work he delayed writing until he received copies of his pamphlet on the rule of faith which was put off from day to day for two months. It has finally come. He sends a copy for him and for Father Dubois. He conseccated(?) all his free time to answering the reply of Hall which was he understand the product of 4 or 5 ministers, but it was wild with misrepresentations, lies and contraditions. It was not difficult to refute it. His time was interrupted so that he is not as concise as he desired. The repetitions of errors have led to repetitions in his own defense. He hopes he has omitted nothing important. He writes under obedience and the obedient man will speak of victory. Brute will see that the passages he sent him were not useless. He promises a second address on infallibility. He has material almost ready and if Brute has anything to help or knows of a book on the subject, he should let him know. He used Brute's letter IV and letter V will be an aid in the next address. His plan is first to prove the infallibility independently of scripture by the nature and constitution of the Church of Christ, then by the scripture. As things go they have had 4 or 5 of the best subjects ill. The doctor has given him mercury to one of them who is a deacon. Their college is growing; they have sixteen boarders. The Sisters (of Charity) are in difficulty in paying for the plantation that they bought the Sister O'Connor property at the point has lost its value because of the yellow fever. Otherwise they do well with 25 boarders and 30 externs in the good season. There are 4 sisters in Union County 150 miles away, 5 at St. Thomas, 4 who care for the laundry there and do housekeeping, 3 at Bardstown, and they are ready to send 4 to Scott County 60 miles away. They are desired for a hospital in Louisville where one of the priests is to be placed. A priest by name of Carroll applied to the Bishop to work in Louisville. The Bishop insisted first that he make a retreat and live among them. He did not like this and went up the river. What they heard of his letter caused them no regrets. They are having trouble with their domestic help. The Negros are nearly all rascals who would devour them. They need white men for butcher, baker, refrectory men and gardner. They have tried to form a group of brothers for this work without success. If Brute finds any laymen who desire this kind if work he should write to them.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 2pp. {4to.} 3

1823 Mar. 23

Delano, Loring
Utica, N(ew) Y(ork)

to Orestes (A.) Brownson
Ballston Spa, (New York)

His family is in the same state of health that they were in last fall. Moreau (Delano) has returned to Boston. Brownson has appeared to change his principles of religion and he hopes for the better. He believes that he will not be able to do any work this summer.

I-3-e A.L.S. 1p. 8vo.

1823 Mar. 27

Calkins, Elisha H.
Half Moon, (New York)

to Orestes A. Brownson
Ballston Spa (New York)

He hopes that their friendship is so firmly cemented that trifles will not dissolve it. He is very much disappointed in his not coming into the neighborhood and teaching school. The neighborhood does not wish to have their children become lawyers or doctors. None of Brownson's scholars here have yet studied a profession.

I-3-e A.L.S. 3pp. 8vo.

1823 Mar. 30

Ballston (Spa, New York)

to Orestes A. Brownson
Ballston (Spa, New York)

He has chosen religion as his theme. He is going to communicate to Brownson a sketch of some early impressions--impressions which he has not communicated to anyone else.

In the early age of childhood he was privileged with the pious guardianship of maternal tenderness. At the age of 14 he had left off prayer and was living forgetful of Him who was continually showering down mercies upon him. He enjoyed health, friends and a mind capable of enjoying the more rational delights of life. The fictitious glare of earthly pleasures gave them the appearance of value they cannot possess. He dreamt of happiness and supposed it actual enjoyment. A call from the divine agent broke his slumber. the glitter of earthly enjoyments disappeared. He will not disappear though he be polluted and sinful.

I-3-e A.L.S. 3pp. 8vo.

1823 Apr. 16

Fenwick, Edward D(ominic), Bishop of
Cincinnati, (Ohio)

to Cardinal (Ercole Consalvi)

A member of his order (Dominicans) had been sent to Rome with letters from Fenwick asking either that his resignation be accepted or that he be given the help that his position and circumstance require. These circumstances are:
(1) In choosing a bishop for the new diocese to be erected in the state of Ohio, the bishops of the province sought one who could get help for the diocese destitute of clerics. Considering that the Dominicans established in Kentucky could help both diocese, although otherwise unworthy, he was considered suitable to fulfill this condition.
(2) These things were brought to the attention of Cardinal (Francesco Luigi Fontana) and he chose Fenwick bishop of Cincinnati.
(3) When notified of his election Fenwick told Bishop (Benedict Joseph) Flaget and his superior that he could not accept with a safe conscience; but at the urging of Flaget and his superior he accepted with the understanding that the Dominicans would be divided between the two diocese.
(4) But the Superior General forbade him to withdraw anyone from Kentucky without the consent of Flaget and this left him almost destitute of help.
(5) He raised the question whether the Sacred Congregation has treated him justly.
(6) He asks then that: 1. the goods of the Dominicans be divided between Kentucky and Ohio. 2. the religious be divided, and 3. a new novitiate be erected in Ohio. Finally, because of his own lack of theology, and because he has no one with whom to consult except the Dominican provincial Fenwick asks that the Sacred Congregation send him some one with whom he can consult, just as he now consults Flaget.

A.S. (Latin) 3pp. 8vo.

To this are added the following notes:

1823 Apr. 20

(Flaget), Benedict Joseph, Bishop of Bardstown
Louisville, (Kentucky)

to Cardinal (Ercole Consalvi)
(Rome, Italy)

Although not desiring to interfere in matters that concern the Dominicans and conscious of the great good they have done for him in his diocese, Flaget feels that he must agree with Fenwick and support his petition as the only way in which Fenwick can fulfill his obligations in the new diocese. At the same time Flaget thinks that it will promote religion in both diocese.

A.L.S. (Latin) 2pp. 8vo.

Dubourg, Louis William, Bishop of
(New Orleans, Louisiana)

to (Cardinal Ercole Consalvi)
(Rome, Italy)

Having returned to his own diocese after seeing with his own eyes the needs of the bishop of Cincinnati, he adds his petition to that of Bishop Flaget, because with this aid religion will make great increases in the new diocese. This is shown in the progress made within one year in the city of Cincinnati, especially with the aid of Father Augustine Hill who came there recently from Rome.

III-2-f A.L.S. (Latin) 1p. (4pp. in all) 8vo.

1823 April 28
Badin, Father S(tephen) T(heodore): Paris, (France)
 to  Father (Simon Gabriel) Brute: Baltimore, Maryland

Brute's friend Abbe (Felicite) de Lamennais asked Badin two years before to forward some of his books to Brute. These an American lady promised to send with a letter. A gentlemen sent back the packet saying that he would take only the letter. She has told Badin that Mr. (Albert) Gallatin, the American ambassador would deliver them and she has asked him to tell Brute of this fact. Badin sometimes sees clergymen and physicians of Brute's acquaintance and has written to Brute several times on business about the Kentucky mission and sent letters from Brute's mother and sisters but has received no answer from Brute. He hopes that his letters were received and that the Kentucky affairs have met with no disappointments in Baltimore. Brute undoubtedly knows that a new conrodate has been made and 30 new bishop rics(?) erected. Abbe De Bonlad was consecrated yesterday at St. Sulpice as Bishop Puy en Velay on May 1st bishops of Orleans and Tulles were consecrated at Issy. Religion seems to emerge. As to the Kentucky missions he has better hopes which he cannot discuss now. He has not heard from (Bishop Benedict Joseph) Flaget for 7 months, when he was in London. Since priests are scarce in Paris and he has been called on my the Grand Aumonier. He has finally agreed to act as chaplain protempore at the Hospital for the blind. He thinks it advantageous to make himself useful in France for the foriegn missions. He intends to write Flaget by the present occasion. He has learned that Bishop (William) BuBourg spent the winter in Baltimore. Bishop (Jean Cheverus), nominated Bishop of Montauban is expected in Paris. His friend Mr. Hyde is going shortly to Constatinople as Ambassador. He sends his respects to Archbishop (Marechal, Father John Tessier and Father (John) Moranville. P.S. Father Delamennais is in Paris. His brother formely v.g. of Sr. Brieux is that day v.g. of the Grand Aumonier. Both live together.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (English) - 3pp. {4to.} 5

1823 June 14
David, Jean B(aptist) M Bishop of Mauricastro: Bardstown, K(entucky)
 to  Father (Simon Gabriel) Brute: Emmitsburg, M(arylan)d

To explain his long silence he blames Father (M Derigaud who has had Brute's letter and failed to return it. He begins a letter knowing that he will not finish it that day. From St. Joseph there he will go to Nazareth for the examinations which will number 40 or 50. Bishop (Benedict Joseph Flaget) will be with him. He will have with him one of the French priests from New Orleans, a colleague of Father Martial. He is taking refuge with them if matters permit. The comparison of matters in New Orleans with the imposter Father Angelo Ingesi and the horrible relaxation of discipline makes life at Bardstown much better. The names of the priests are Evremond and Fouche ages 32 and 40. Fouche speaks a little English and the other speaks so well that he has been given a class in French at the college. David continues to be the professor of English. They have nearly a hundred students in the college including 25 or 30 boarders. Father George Elder has done very well and has the friendship of the public. His prefect (Joseph) Hazeltine is a good man whom Bishop Flaget met on his trip to Detroit. He is in philosophy and will receive the subdeaconate. Mr. Lonce, a convert separated from his wife is the second prefect. Father (Francis Patrick) Kenrick is vice president until Reynolds returns. Bardstown is visited very much by people from Louisville where they have the yellow fever. They plan to finish the tower and the facade of their cathedral. The city and the congregation have charge of it. It will cost $1,800 to $2,000. The other cities of Kentucky have furnished the interior at nearly $2,000. David comments on Brute's criticisms of his pamphlet. The phrase during brethern he thinks proper, as also dear souls and beloved brethern. He has sent his defense of the Vindiction to Lexington to be printed. It is more than a hundred pages. He has worked hard but a better mind would have done a better job. He has many other things to write. He is undertaking a new catechism for the diocese. He also teaches music at the cathedral and has to copy much. He examines at the school where there are 50 boarders and 30 externs, not counting the 10 girls who go half time and work half. He hears confessions of the Catholics including the 20 Sisters there and 8 at Bardstown. David explains the difficulties and task under which he has composed his studies. He is consolded by the good news of the progress of religion in Europe given to Brute.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 4pp. {4to.} 6

1823 Jul. 5

S(eton), W(illiam)
U.S. Ship Cyane

to Miss C(atherine) J. Seton
Baltimore, Maryland

He received her letter this morning. He supposes the dear little stories are to be kept for their meeting which he desires very much. He fears he will be one of the last to leave of the eight remaining on board. Captain Spence has permitted two to leave, one of them Midshipman Pinckny. He cannot see her before the first of the month. The Captain has asked the department for eight new midshipmen but even if ordered they cannot join the ship until it is out of quarantine. The officers will be permitted to go to the city on the 13th. The health officer says the ship must be kept in quarantine until Nov. unless they unstow her provisions, etc. and whitewash the hold. This is unlikely as it would be too much of a strain on the sick crew in hot weather. When the new midshipmen join he can get a leave of absence. He also received a kind litter from D. Chatard enjoining him not to come to Baltimore unless he stays with him. He says he will write Chatard immediately though this is the first letter he has gotten from him since Emmitsburg. Sad scenes often take place alongside the ship as a result of its recent mishap. He relates how a grey-haired man and two women came alongside in a boat asking for Simeon Davis. After hesitancy on the part of the crew, William had to tell them that Davis was dead. The three were the dead man's father, sister, and wife. Heaven has been truly good to them. However he longs to see and talk with her.

II-1-a A.L.S. 3pp. 8vo.

1823 Jul. 6

(Dubourg), L(ouis) W(illia)m
B(isho)p of N(ew) Orleans

to Bishop Edward Fenwick
of Cincinnati then at Rome

Explains failure to send introductory letters. Instructs Fenwick to ask for him as coadjutor, Father Joseph Rosati - objects to separation of Missouri from Louisiana also to the erection of Sees in Alabama and Mississippi suggesting that they be added to the Diocese of Florida and St. Louis respectively. Prefers Rev. Enoch Fenwick to Rev. Mr. Powers for the new see (Florida). As to Detroit he prefers Father Badin to Father Richard - Suggests Father (Augustine) Hill as Fenwick's own successor.

II-4-d A.L.S. 4pp. 8vo.

1823 Aug. 12

Miguissanessi (Bear's Paw), Chief and others
Arbre Croche, (Michigan Territory)

to the President of the United States
(Washington, D.C.)

The undersigned chiefs of the Ottawas residing at Waganakisi (Arbre Croche) thank the President and Congress for their efforts to bring them civilization. Trusting in their good intentions, they now ask for a minister of the same denomination as the Black Robes supplied by the French government to their parents. They are willing to be taught religion, arts, and agriculture by ministers of the Catholic religion. They ask such ministers to come and reside in the place formerly occupied by Fathers (Louis Marin) LeFranc and (Pierre) Dujaunay and others on Lake Michigan at the lower end of their village of Arbre Croche. For so doing they will pray to God to bless the president and his white children.
Signed by totems of the chiefs 22 in number. Witnessed by Mathieu McGulpin and W. McGulpin(?). (Body of letter in handwriting of Father Gabriel Richard).

III_2-f L.S. 3pp. 8vo.

1823 Aug. 12

Macate Binessi, (William)
Arbre Croche, (Michigan)

to President (James Monroe)
(Washington, D.C.)

The undersigned chiefs and others of the tribe of the Ottawas at Arbre Croche thank (Monroe) and Congress for their exertions to bring them to civilization and to the knowledge of Jesus. They pray that (Monroe) will let them have a minister of the gospel belonging to the same denomination established by F(ather) Marquet(te) and others of the order of the Jesuits. During a great many years they resided among them and instructed their fathers in Christianity and agriculture. Such teachers they invite to settle on the same spot occupied until 1765 by F(athe)r (Pierre) Dujaunay.
Signed with their totems by Macate Binessi (Black Bird), main chief at Arbre Croche, Pakosigane, first chief (and 28 other Indians).
Witnesses: Alexandre Baurassa and John Losly. W. McGulpin and Mathieu McGulpin also sign.

III-2-f (Photostat of letter in Office of Indian Affairs given to the archives by Monsignor E. Hickey) 3pp. 8vo.

(1823) Aug. 27
David, John B. M Bishop of Mauricastro: Bardstown, K(entuck)y
 to  Father (Simon Gabriel) Brute: Emmitsburg, Maryland

He answers Brute's letter of July 15. First he assures him which Father (Jean) Dubois that he has nothing to fear about Mr. Lowe. They know all that Brute has said of his past life. They agree and so does he about his character and unstability for the ecclesiastical life. He is also a hypocondriac. The president cures him by applying the punishment he used on the students. He seems afraid that he will hear from his wife, but the letter she sent to Bishop (Benedict Joseph) Flaget does not offer much hope. David does not think that the man will be happy and the positive refusal of his wife might persuade him to seek his happiness in other circumstances. He has asked his sister in law to be a mediatrix. He does well enough in his studies and is sufficiently respected by the students whose sub prefect he is. His defence is printed in Lexington. He has a copy from which to prepare an errata sheet for the worst errors. He will not have copies for some days because they will come by way of Louisville. Brute's friendly criticism will be welcome although the pamphlet was written in fits and starts and amidst interruptions. The Minister tried to see what was being printed but through a friend Mr. Palmer this was prevented. David does not claim infallibility. He will send a copy to Brute when the printing is delivered. He wishes he were freed from the turbulence but submits to the will of God. Bishop (John England) of Charleston and Archbishop Ambrose Marechal suggest that he retire to a convent of the sisters where he could write but that is not possible. The Sisters are far behind those of Brute. When school ended they had 50 boarders. They would have more in September of they had the room. They cannot build because they do not yet have the deed. They have only a log cabin for a chapel. Flaget is visiting the western missions as far as Vincennes and will return in October. He would like to talk to Brute. Brute is assure Mister Rose that he has received her letter with the addition of Eleanore Elder, and is to tell her that they have received the rules for the hospitals with the second volume of the life of St. Vincent de Paul. David thinks they have sent the first part perhaps with Mr. Phalen. They can send other things for them by Father (Ignatius) Reynolds who is returning to Kentucky. He ought to answer Sister Francis at Baltimore.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 3pp.4

1823 Sept. 24
(Cheverus, John Bishop of: Boston, Massacusetts
 to  Father Simon (Gabriel) Brute: Emmitsburg, Maryland

Cheverus has received Brute's 2 letters and he appreciated the purity of Brute's zeal. In May he followed the advice of Archbishop (Ambrose Marechal) and transmitted his letter to the Grand Almoner. Instead of accepting his refusal the King ordered them to appoint him in his name and of the country which demanded his services. He can do no less than throw himself at the feet of his majesty. He does so against his inclination. Brute may blame him but have pity of him and pray for him. P.S. The relic was sent over a year ago. It must have been mislain. He sends his regards to Father (John) Dubois and to the Sisters. (Attached to the translation is a newpaper clipping about Cheverus departure. (Note) He has written to M. LaMennais at Harem.

II-3-o - A.L.S. - (French) - 1p. {4to.} 2

1823 Nov. 11

Trowbridge, Ch(arle)s A., Secretary
Detroit, Michigan

Trowbridge asserts that these proceedings are a true copy of the records of the University of Michigan: At the meeting of these trustees held at the Academy in Detroit, Monday, Nov. 10, 1823, there were present Lewis Cass, president, William Woodbridge, Solomon Sibley, John R. Williams, Austin Ewing, Abraham Edward, Peter J.Desnoyers and John Leib. The report of Woodbridge, Beddle, and Williams of a memorial to Congress for permission to locate the sections and fraction donated to the University was read, as follows: (Included in the minutes). According to the Act of Congress of Mar. 21, 1804, townships of land were set aside for the encouragement of literature and for a university. While Detroit was set up under that act, the provisions of the land for the University were not carried out. They ask now that since the country has been improved and a university established the grant to be made, but ask that since there is scarcely a whole township uninhabited that the land be granted in smaller strips throughout the peninsula. This would not decrease the value or the utility of the land. To the objection that it would increase the value of the fund, they answer that considering the attendant gain to the inhabitants of the neighboring lands, there would be no pecuniary loss to the government. To further the petition, the memorialists point out the nearness to British dominions and the lack of schools in this frontier country. Should the condition of the territory be inferior to the British dominions, comparisons would likewise be made of political institutions fostering them. Consequently Congress is requested to allow the trustees to choose the strips so long as taken together they do not exceed the equivalent of a township. The memorial was adopted at the motion of Mr. Sibley and the president of the University was ordered to transmit a copy of it. (The endorsement reads): Dec. 17, 1823 referred to Committee on public lands. Feb. 3, 1824, "decided to lie."

III-2-f A.D.S. 8pp. 8vo.

1823 Nov. 25

(Dubourg), Bishop L(ouis) Wil(liam)
St. Michael's (Louisiana)

to Father (Anthony) Blanc
Pointe Coupee, (Louisiana)

Pastoral letter ordering prayers for the repose of the soul of Pius VII and the election of his successor. The name of Father C(harles) de la Croix appears on the document as secretary.
(Notation in pencil on back of letter): Baptized Louis Leon, son of Francois (?) and Marie Francoise, born September 7, 1822; godparents L. Brant (?) and Marie Lafermier (?).

V-4-c Printed D. (French) 2pp. folio

1823 Dec. 9

Badin, Father S(tephen) T(heodore)
Paris, (France)

to (Bishop Edward Fenwick)
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

He delayed answering Fenwick's letters because he was in retreat. He will forward Fenwick's letters to America. Fenwick should apply to the Duke of Laval, the French Ambassador, whose brother Badin knows quite well. He congratulates Fenwick on the success of his journey and the reception he received from the Pope and Monsignor Caprano. He could not expect less since he has been entrusted with a most difficult and heavy task. He has admired Fenwick's courage and energy. He thanks Fenwick for the offer of a Bishopric, but would rather decline the honor. He could have done no better than going to Rome to get the German priest, where there is to be found the spiritual resources of the Church. He shall write to Detroit and Cincinnati and Fenwick's aunts can forward his letters twice a month free from postage to America. He asks that Fenwick stay with him when he comes to Paris. Mr. Keating extends his respects. He encloses a copy of Fenwick's letters published in the Catholic Spectator at Badin's request. Father ( ) Picots wrote a miserable article that was repeated in the Tablettes Ecclesiastique. The schism in Philadelphia would not have occurred had Bishop (Michael) Egan been assisted by a Coadjutor. The size of the American provinces allows intrusion of Calvinistic influence. Monsr. Moranville informs him that the infamous (Angelo) Inglesi is now in Philadelphia strengthening the schismatical party. The Pope has nothing to do with political intrigues in the erection of Bishoprics in the U.S. and the Bishops have nothing to expect for its support. Father Didier Petit is in Paris and is disposed to aiding the mission. Fenwick should write to him and visit him on his way to Paris. The Duke de Orleans presented the mission with a gift. Bishop (Benedict Joseph) Flaget writes that corn is selling at $1 a bushel and that the crop is poor. He has heard that yellow fever has penetrated into their backwoods. He encloses a printed French statement on the K(entuck)y mission. He asks Fenwick to notice the postscript.
P.S.--He asks for a speedy reply. Moranville looks like a dying man. Bishop (Jean) Cheverus is in LeMans. If Fenwick sees Fathers Borgna or Valerano he sends his regards.

II-4-d A.L.S. 3pp. 8vo.

1823 Dec. 17

Leo XII P(ope)
Rome Sacred Congregation of the Propagands. (Signed by)Petrus Capranus. Abp. Iconiensis Secret.

to Eduardo Fenwick (O.P.)
Cincinnati, Ohio

Grant of Episcopal powers made in an audience of that date includes dispensations as to Holy Orders, Matrimony, Reading of forbidden books, Indulgences and recitation of the Office.

II-4-d Copy of A.D.S Latin 3pp. 8vo.

1823 December 18
Brute, S(imon Gabriel):

For considerations between M. Mullan and himself Brute asks Mr. Grover to carry to his account credit for $50 which he will pay Grover.

II-3-o - A.D.S. - 320 - 2