University of Notre Dame

Calendar: Undated Documents: K

(______) (______)

Kane, Father (Michael E.) (New Orleans, Louisiana)

Sermon by Father Kane preached in St. Patrick's Cathedral on the Subject of the Seed of God.

I-1-e Newspaper Clipping 1 column 32mo. 0


Karney, Mrs. Bridget Brockport, N(ew) Y(ork)

to (James Alphonsus McMaster) (New York, New York)

Mrs. Karney sends .55 for a band of seventeen for one month. The prayers are promised. She names the contributors.

I-2-h A.L. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Kean, Peter Chicago, Ill(inois)

to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

Kean sends $5.50 for the Indian Missions, contributed by a band composed of three members of his own family. Twelve nuns at St. Joseph's Convent at Bloomington, (Illinois) will say the prayers.

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 32mo. 1

(______) (May 8 )

Keane, Archbishop John J. Dubuque, (Iowa)

to (William J.) Onahan (Chicago, Illinois)

He finds that he had better postpone his visit to Omaha. On Saturday he will turn homeward from Davenport. Next Sunday he will preach at High Mass at St. Elizabeth's and that afternoon would be the best time for their talk between 4 and 6 at Father Dan's.

IX-1-g A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (Mar. 17 )

Keane, Bishop John J. Richmond, (Virginia)

to (Richard Henry) Clarke (New York, New York)

Keane would like to assist in getting up a fitting memorial to Bishop (John) McGill, but it is a labor full of difficulty. The diocese of Richmond is lamentably destitute of records and documents. But he will put the matter in the hands of a priest.

I-2-n A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (Monday)

Keane, Bishop John J(oseph) Chicago, (Illinois)

to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, C.S.C. (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Keane had a talk with Bishop (John Lancaster) Spalding last night and discussed (Charles Warren Stoddard) with him. When Keane gave Spalding the true picture of the man, Spalding said we must have such men. So he will side with Keane in holding on to Stoddard and Keane thinks he can rouse Stoddard to more energy and work. He hopes Stoddard will stay and that all will be well. Keane goes to Cincinnati tonight.

X-4-j A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 3

(______) (June 10 )

Keating, (Reverend, Mr.) J.O.R. Schraalenburgh, New Jersey

to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

Keating has indubitable proof that Edith O'Gorman is a basely immoral person and a liar. She has made the vilest allegations against such men as Spaulding, Bailey, Becker, and McQuaid, and the Protestant community is shocked. Keating has attacked the Church of his birth, education and ordination, but in this matter he is ready to aid the Catholics in putting down so disreputable an imposter. If McMaster will put him in communication with some dignitary who will take up the matter, he will furnish all proofs. At present he proposes to insert a letter in the dailies under his signature.

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 4to. 1

(______) (Aug. 30 )

Keenan, J. Atchison, Kansas

to (James Alphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

He encloses $2.00 from his family for the Pope and the Vatican Council, thanking God for the definition of Infallibility.

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (Jul. 15 )

Kehoe, L(awrence) New York, (New York)

to (Henry F. Brownson Detroit, Michigan)

He sends a new book on the "Spanish Inquisition". A man in Madrid promises to translate the book, if Kehoe will publish it. He asks Brownson to look into it to see if there is anything new in the book; they have no history of the Inquisition now.

III-3-h A.L.S. 1p. 8vo. 1

(______) (Sep. 20)

Kehoe, L(awrence) New York, (New York)

to (Henry F.) Brownson (Detroit, Michigan)

He would like to go to that meeting, but he cannot. Mr. Hennessy of Burns & Oates, London will be there October 5 and will leave for the coast on the 10th, then he must go to Baltimore. If this meeting is run by Eccles(iastics) then that will end it; let them suggest, guide, but not control (laymen). They ought to be out of their "swaddling clothes" now at least; they have been kept in "leading strings" long enough. The Catholic laity might be intelligent enough now to run a little meeting like the one proposed. Brownson should get Bishop (John Lancaster) Spalding, (Bishop John) Ireland, and some of the younger men. Some of the Eccles(iastics) are afraid to find that some laymen may know more than they do. Brownson can depend on (William J.) Onahan. He knows little of (Henry J.) Spaunhorst. (Maurice Francis) Egan is a good man, but he is mealy-mouthed.

III-3-h A.L.S. 2pp. 8vo. 6

(______) (______)

Kehoe, (Lawrence) (New York, New York)

to (Orestes A. Brownson) (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Kehoe is sending the paper today. The leading of the article is unsatisfactory, nobody would suppose that it was a continuation of the former article.

I-3-d A.L.S. 1p. 8vo. 1

(______) (______)

Kehoe, L(awrence) (New York, New York)

to (Orestes A. Brownson) (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Kehoe sends a draft along with Sadlier's. He made a mistake in the account by putting down the same figure twice, hence he sends this draft. Kehoe expects money from Allen on April 1st. He asks if he should pay it to Alvord?

I-3-d A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Kehoe, L(awrence) New York, (New York0

to (Orestes A. Brownson) Elizabeth, N(ew) J(ersey)

He asks does Brownson have a copy of the work mentioned in the enclosed note? Kehoe sent Brownson's papers by Express as directed by Dr. Hewit. P.S.--If Brownson has a copy of the address mentioned in the enclosed, Kehoe wants him to send it in, and he will forward it. Kehoe asks Brownson to send the note along with the copy.

I-3-d A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Kehoe, L(awrence) (New York, New York)

to (Orestes A. Brownson) (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Kehoe encloses a notice from the "Post", the "Tribune" had a similar one. He will send the notice to those papers. He has sent all the Reviews Brownson ordered. The Review is selling middling well.

I-3-d A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Kehoe, L(awrence) (New York, New York)

to O(restes A. Brownson (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Kehoe has learned from Captain McGee that Colonel Nugent is relieved as Provost Marshall, and General Hayes is appointed in his place. If Brownson has an opportunity or can make an occassion to write to either Captain Henry or the General and mention that it would be well to keep Captain McGee in his present position. He has done all the work in the office, and would like to stay there because he has his eye on certain parties. If it would not be too much trouble or would not compromise Brownson, Kehoe wishes he would write. The appointment is made and may take place any day. P.S.--Captain McGee is now aid to the Provost Marshall.

I-3-d A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (Jan. 7 )

Kehoe, L(awrence) New York, (New York)

to (Orestes A. Brownson) (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Kehoe paid $150 to Alvord yesterday and has no more. He did not think that there was that much on hand. He has been too busy to get out the sets of the Review; he will do it next week. He lists numbers he needs to complete a set of the Reviews. He has sent off the bills and will wait a few days to see if there are returns before putting them in the hands of Allen. P.S.--About that fund Mrs. Sherman will send $200 soon.

I-3-d A.L.S. 1p. 8vo. 1

(______) (Mar. 5 )

Keiley, Ellen, M. Richmond, (Virginia)

to (James Alphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

She read in the Freeman's Journal that some devout Catholic has some water of Lourdes for distribution, and this has reminded her to ask McMaster to send a bottle of it to Mrs. George R. Richardson, Edenton, N(orth) C(arolina). She will have a Mass said for McMaster on her part, and Mrs. Richardson will act on his suggestion.

I-2-h A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Kelly, (Father) B. B. (Warren, Ohio)

to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

His introducing to McMaster his admiring friends Mr. Thomas Hynes and his wife, may be superfluous, but he will not let them go to New York without his (letter of introduction). They are both staunch and fervent Catholics, and advocates of the Journal. Any courtesy extended them will be well bestowed.

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Kelly, O.S.D., Father J(______) A. (______)

to (James Alphonsus McMaster) (New York, New York)

McMaster has many friends in this region. W(illiam) E. Fink, the Democratic candidate for Congress, will without doubt be elected. He is an earnest Catholic, and is State Senator at present. John O'Neil, the Democratic nominee in the adjoining district is also a Catholic, but faces a Republican majority against him. They are both polished orators and should make good in Congress. He writes this for McMaster's private benefit.

I-2-h (incomplete letter signed) 1p. 12mo

(______) (Aug. 5 )

Kelly, K. Chappaqua, (______)

to (James Alphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

The writer encloses $2.00 for the Indian fund and for the paper for three months from five persons.

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Kenrick, Archbishop Peter Rich(ar)d St. Louis, (Missouri)

to W(illiam) J. Onahan (Chicago, Illinois)

His name was erroneously inserted in the list, and he asks that Onahan withdraw it.

IX-1-g A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Kieran, Brother (______)

Details of the life of Bishop James Myles O'Gorman.

I-1-f A. Notes 11pp. 8vo. 1

(______) (______)

Kinahan, (Father) R. Conshohocken, P(ennsylvani)a

to (James Alphonsus) Mc(Master) (New York, New York)

Kinahan, in a letter which he indicates is not intended for the public, wonders if "Jus" is going to abondon the American Clergy. He is a natural leader, who can be likened to Moses, and may be destined to lead the clergy from the Egypt of bondage and arbitrary power to the land of law and love. A petition signed by the majority of clergy is necessary, but there is no leader, and meetings of the clergy in each diocese would not be well attended, for there is not independence enough among the clergy. Kinahan suggests that Jus draw up a petition (in favor of extending Canon Law to the United States) and at the signatures of those who endorse it be sent to the Freeman's Journal.

I-2-h A.L.S. 3pp. 12mo. 2

(______) (______)

Kirby, Father P.J. Dalton, G(eorgi)a

to O(restes) A. Brownson

Kirby tells Brownson how he buys each issue of the Review in spite of the fact that he cannot afford it. He does not adopt all of the views of the Review. He will mention two points of disagreement with Brownson: the axiom after Gioberti, that the order of knowledge should follow the order of substance; this is an assumption. This axiom rests for its proof on something else. He praises Brownson for bringing forward the only argument by which it could be proved, and he has made more captial of them than any other writer. There is first, that the syllogism prove nothing, and which Brownson tried to prove with great art in something on the metaphysical proof of the existence of God, in a review of a French Book. At the time he first read it, Kirby thought it was more saphistry which could be disproved in a moment. Anyhow, it cannot be taken separately from Brownson's main difficulty, i.e., the origin of universal ideas. This is a strong difficulty and stronger from the observations Brownson made on it. St. Thomas made the difficulty before and solved it in a different way, and Catholics should presume that he was right. Kirby feels that the difficulty is more apparent than real. He promises to review his philosophy on the matter. Brownson's work is good and should be sustained. Kirby has ignored the foolish criticism of Brownson that has appeared in various papers.

I-3-d A.L.S. 4pp, 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Kirley, Father P(______) Yreka, Cal(iforni)a

to H(enry) F. Brownson (Detroit, Michigan)

He orders volumes of the Works of Orestes A. Brownson. He is much pleased, sometimes astounded at the great Doctor's learning, sound and deep philosophy, strict logic, and his wonderful ecclesiastical and theological knowledge.

III-3-h A.L.S. 1p. 16mo. 2

(______) (______)

Knortz, Karl New York, (New York)

to Henry F. Brownson (Detroit, Michigan)

He asks for a copy of Brownson's translation of Tarducci's "Columbus". He wants to review it in a German journal; he will send a copy of the review in due time.

III-3-h A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1