(______) (______)
Lake, (Father) H.S. (______), (______)
to (James Alphonsus McMaster) (New York, New York)
Since Lake has just been transferred by the Archbishop to Manhattan Villa, he would like his address changed accordingly. He will see McMaster when things are somewhat more settled, and asks McMaster to come and see him, reminding him that stages run every twenty minutes.
I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 16mo. 1
(______) (______)
Lambert, L.A. Waterloo, N(ew) Y(ork)
to (James Alphonsus McMaster) (New York, New York)
He sends his answer to a letter of the Rev(erend) Mr. Saxe's which was published in the Rochester Union of June 27, (______). He thinks McMaster may consider it worth reprinting.
I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 32mo. 1
(______) (______)
Lathrop, G(eorge) P(arsons)
Print of a photograph of Lathrop.
I-1-e Photograph 4to. 0
(______) (______)
Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne
Print of a photograph of Mrs. Lathrop.
I-1-e Photograph 4to. 0
(______) (Oct. 26)
Leach, John C.
to Orestes A. Brownson (______)
Leach asks Brownson for a letter of introduction to John Calhoun in Washington. Leach intends to spend the winter there and wants to make the acquaintance of Calhoun.
I-3-e A.L.S. 1pg. 8vo. 1
(______) (______)
Leo, Brother Desplaines, Ill(inois)
Advertisement for St. Mary's Training School giving accommodations and rates and railroad routes serving the school. (3 copies.)
IX-1-g Printed D.S. 1p. 4to. 1
(______) (______)
Lewiston Journal Lewiston, M(ain)e
Anecdote about James (Gillespie) Blaine as a Maine schoolboy. (In the Austin E. Ford papers.)
I-1-k Newspaper clipping 1 column 1
(______) (Aug. 31 )
L'hiver, (Father) L.A. Hamilton, Ont(ario), C(anada)
to (Orestes A. Brownson) (______)
L'hiver asks Brownson if it is true that he took his son to be married, and the priest refused or delayed, so Brownson had him married by a minister. L'hiver is a Frenchman who has lived in Canada for twenty years, and is a constant reader of the Review.
I-3-d A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1
(______) (______)
Linahan, Denis (______), (______)
to (James Alphonsus McMaster) (New York, New York)
(first portion of letter is missing) P.S. Linahan has received further contributions for the Indian Missions and sends the names of seven contributors of whom are colored people. The negroes are very delighted with the praise McMaster gave them in the Journal so Linahan believes he can rally them.
I-2-c A.L.S. 2pp. 16to. 1
(______) (Oct. 11 )
Livingston, L(______) L. Plattsburgh, (New York?)
to (Henry F.) Brownson (Detroit, Michigan)
Brownson's letter came in his absence; he was ordered to Ft. Monroe, Va. soon after Brownson left. There has not been a fish caught since Brownson left. (______) Hobbs just returned from Ogdensburgh where he went to buy a boat. He hopes Brownson and Mrs. Brownson are satisfied with their new home.
III-3-h A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1
(______) (______)
Lyles, Julia Gardino (______), (______)
to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)
She received his letter too late for her to see Mrs. Hamill. She had not known before that McMaster was her champion in "the flag" affair, and begs him to accept her thanks now.
I-2-h A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1
(______) (Oct. 5)
Lynch, Ann C. (______)
to Orestes a. Brownson Boston, Massachusetts
Miss Lynch has begun to study German again. She has lost all her knowledge of the script. She must write to thank Brownson for the kind note he sent her in answer to her last letter. She had not expected him to write after the "little incident" of a previous morning. She will always find comfort in his goodness. Brownson was irritable yesterday and supposed that she was playing critic when she only wanted to complain a little of his estimate of women. He views them as mere agents for populating the earth. She praises him for his article on the origin of the name of the Democratic Party. She praises him for sections of his article wherein he pays tribute to beauty and good housewifery. She entreats him not to sacrifice any of his opinions and his expression of them for evil treatment received from political parties. She is pleased to see that the Quarterly is to be revived. She promises to write something, if she can, on a subject that she feels keenly and send it to him.
I-3-e A.L.S. 4pp. 8vo. 1