University of Notre Dame

Calendar: Undated Documents: S

(______) (______)

S., G.D.

to (James Alphonsus McMaster) (New York, N.Y.)

He sends sixteen line poem entitled "Magnolia."

I-1-m 1p. 8vo. 1

(______) (______)

"Sacerdos" (______), (______)

to (James Alphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

The writer refers to the Freeman's Journal of February 3, (______), in which McMaster has inserted a "Casus Difficilis" from the "Inquirer", regarding St. Patrick's Day suppers and dances. In his opinion the oyster and meat suppers which some bishops have approved for March 17, during Lent, are directly opposed to the spirit of the Church, and if Rome were consulted in the matter, she would give a decisive disapproval of the celebrations, for the fast of Lent can be broken in this respect only if March 17 occurs on a Sunday, and the supper ends before midnight. Dancing is not a sin per se, nor are balls a sin when properly conducted and all immoral dancing is excluded, only proper company is admitted, and all youth is under parental supervision. But even though balls and dances are not expressly forbidden, they are unfit for a time of mortification and penance, and are a scandal to the weak. St. Paul would never approve. Any bishop who approves such St. Patrick's Day celebrations is doing something contrary to the object for which Lent was established, and should be corrected by the proper authority.

I-2-h A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Sacerdos (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

to (James Alphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

The writer, a German priest, refers McMaster to the pastoral letter of Bishop (P.J.) Baltes, in which the bishop speaks in plain language, condemning round dances, picnics, and the like, and forbids his priests to accept any money raised by such balls or dances, feeling that this is devil's money. Sacerdos wishes that McMaster would write a few words about this subject, as it is a question of some importance. Sacerdos does not want his letter mentioned, because he fears that some other priest of Pittsburgh might be suspected because of a ball that took place there for the benefit of a Catholic school. He encloses a letter he wrote that year at the time of the school question, and which he did not mail until now. (Possibly Father Francis Weninger.

I-1-n A.L.S. 4pp. 12mo. 3

(______) Mar. 9

Sadlier, Anna T. (______)

to (William J.) Onahan (Chicago, Illinois)

She will accept Onahan's suggestion and try to gather some thoughts on "Women of the Middle Ages." She has already looked up the subject some for a literary club to which she belonged.

IX-1-g A.L.S. 2pp. 16mo. 1

(______) Oct. 24

Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo Overbrook, P(ennsylvani)a

to (James F. Edwards (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Program for the Corner Stone Laying of the Archbishop Ryan Memorial Library Building.

XI-2-l PRINTED 4pp. 12mo. 1

(______) Feb. 26

St. Joseph, Sisters of Warrington, Fl(orid)a

to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

The writer sends McMaster some verses on the death of the Sisters of St. Joseph, which he may publish. Although the sisters died the previous September, the writer was stricken with a fever a few days after their deaths and has only now felt like writing. She herself is the only surviving member of the community. McMaster's agent, (Maurice Francis) Egan and Mrs. Egan visited the convent. She wishes McMaster success.

I-2-h A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Seton, Monsignor Robert (Jersey City, New Jersey)

to (Richard Henry Clarke) (New York, New York)

A copy of the Latin inscription on the tomb of Bishop John B. David at Nazareth, Kentucky. Seton notes that the word for daughter is incorrectly spelled in the inscription. The tomb is simply a rectangular foundation of a reddish stone about 4 feet high covered with a slab on which the epitaph is inscribed. There are no inscriptions on the sides. (P.S.) (Martin J.) Spalding in his life of Flaget says the Latin inscription was written he believed by Father (Stephen Theodore) Badin.

I-2-o A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 4

(______) Jan. 5

Seton, Monsignor R(obert) Convent, (Trenton, New Jersey)

to R(ichard) H. Clarke (______)

Seton troubles him with this note in case Clarke should be thinking of going to Benediction at the convent the next evening, Epiphany. They will have an evening service because he is going to New York and will have benediction after High Mass.

I-2-n A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Shandelle, S.J., Father Henry J. Washington, D(istrict of) C(olumbia)

to (Richard Henry Clarke) (New York, New York)

(Page) 5....they have in the Riggs Library, one being part of the Shea collection. Shandelle will take inquiries elsewhere. It is encouraging to see Clarke so active in the pursuit of such information and every effort redounds to the great absorbing cause of Mother Church.

I-2-n A.L.S.(incomplete) 5pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Shea, J(ohn) G(ilmary) (______)

tp (Richard Henry Clarke) (New York, New York)

He encloses his paper. It is not at all clear in his mind what the originators of the Congress desire. On that point he asks for suggestions. There are ideas that may be developed and some that may be omitted.

I-2-n A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) Feb. 26,

Sisters of St. Joseph Warrington, Fl(orid)a

to J(ames) A(lphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

The writer sends McMaster some verses on the death of the Sisters of St. Joseph, which he may publish. Although the sisters died the previous September, the writer was stricken with a fever a few days after their deaths and has only now felt like writing. She herself is the only surviving member of the community. McMaster's agent, (Maurice Francis) Egan and Mrs. Egan visited the convent. She wishes McMaster success.

I-2-h A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Sausse, Charlotte H. Beaufort Castle

to Reverend Mother (______)

She regrets that at present she cannot carry out Mother's wishes to their fullest extent until things are decided at Rome. No enrollments take place in the Oeuvre. The whole thing out of France is suspended not condemned or disapproved of in any way. She hears constantly from and of Pere de Bray. It is a sad trial for him not to be able to go on with this great work for the present. Sausse could not do any more at present in a direct way for Our Lady of Angels. She was anxious to honor her through (The Archconfraternity of) St. Michael and the Holy Angels. She has already enrolled more than 40,000 and has had opportunities of introducing others in far distant lands to the Director "Pere Robert". She wrote to all the Bishops and they willingly gave their approval. (P.S.) Her mother has been hopelessly ill for many months.

X-4-j A.L.S. 12pp. 32mo. 2

(______) (______)

Scenlen, Mrs. J. (probably Scanlan) Canandoigna, (______)

to (James Alphonsus McMaster) (New York, New York)

The writer sends $5.00 for the Indian missions, promising to say all the prayers she can. P.S. She also encloses $5.00 for Father Genin.

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 12mo 1

(______) (______)

St. Mary's Church Urbana, O(hio)

Statement of condition of his parish: 171 families; 48 baptisms; 7 marriages; 25 deaths; 900 Easter Communions; year's receipts, $2006.95; year's expenditures, $1880.15; 105 children at parochial school.

II-4-d statement written 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

St. Onge, (Father) L(ouis) A. Glenn's Falls, N(ew) Y(ork)

to (James Alphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

St. Onge sends McMaster a report by the Surveyor General of Washington territory, Dr. Henry, in order to give McMaster some additional information about the St. James Mission Claim. He also sends some extracts from the report, which McMaster may publish if he thinks proper. He has read McMaster's reports on the matter with pleasure, and thinks that at the present time the officials must be urged strongly to execute the law impartially. If they do not act through a sense of justice, the fear of public opinion may urge them to do right.

A.L.S. To this is added: "Extracts of the opinion and decision of the Surveyor General of Washington territory about the St. James Claim at Vancouver." The extracts quoted indicate that the Surveyor General, Dr. Henry, believes the military reserve was made on lands previously granted the mission, and believes that the mission is entitled to a full 640 acres of land.

I-2-h A.L. 3pp. 4to. 1

(______) (______)

Seminarians and Students of St. Vincent College (______), (______)

to Ja(me)s A(lphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

The enclosed $36.87 is for the Indian missions. The Hail Mary's will be said. They wish him God's reward and blessing.

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Seraphim, Sister M., C.S.C.

to James Farnham Edwards

29 letters.

(Withdrawn to Provincial Archives).

Seton, Catherine:

Notes on the Gospel "Be Merciful as your heavenly father is merciful". She notes two kinds of mercy, forgiving, forgive and it will be forgiven you. And giving - give and it shall be given you. . . At prayers we are the beggers of the Lord. What does the poor ask but a little bread, what do we ask by Christ who is the living bread. You want forgiveness, forgive. (missing)

II-3-o - A. - note - 1p8vo.

(______) (______)

Seton, Monsignor Robert (Jersey City, New Jersey)

to (James F. Edwards (Notre Dame, Indiana)

He has been dangerously ill; the doctor made his last visit yesterday; he is better, but weak and liable to relapse. The commandant of the Zabriskie G.A.R. Post wanted the loan of his badge that they gave him twenty years ago as an associate member. They want to present him with a gold and jewelled badge before he leaves. He must have given the badge to Edwards. He instructs Edwards to write and to explain the matter to the commandant, if he finds the badge. He has already told them that it is at Notre Dame in Memorial Hall to be better preserved after his death in great honor.

XI-1-a A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Seton, Father Robert Jersey City, N(ew) J(ersey)

to Father (Daniel D. Hudson, C.S.C.) (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Seton sends a little article which his sister sent him from Germany. He has not received the"Ave Maria" since he left Madison, but hopes Hudson received his few lines on the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

X-4-j A.L.S. 2pp. 16mo. 1

(______) (______)

Shea E(mma) I(sabel) Elizabeth, N(ew) J(ersey)

Printed circular offering for sale small editions of various works by John Gilmary Shea. The works are listed with their prices.

II-2-o Printed Circular 3pp. 8vo. 1

(______) Jun. 7

Shea, Emma Isabel Elizabeth, N(ew) J(ersey)

to Father (Daniel E.) Hudson, (C.S.C.) (Notre Dame, Indiana)

The circular Shea sends will tell its own story. She has been anxious to carry out her father's wishes and publish his translation of "Rodriquez's Christian Perfection." She hopes to go to press very soon. Will Hudson please have an advertisement in the "Ave Maria" for the next two months and send her the bill. She thinks with pleasure of her visit to Notre Dame with her father (John Gilmary Shea). She has thought of returning to Notre Dame the medal and address given to her father to be kept in the archives as the first Laetare series of medals.

X-4-j A.L.S. 3pp. 32mo. 2

(______) (______)

(John Gilmary Shea) (______)

Mexican printing did not stop with this one book. A gentleman in Mexico City, Joaquin Garcia Scarbalceta has in his library: (Shea lists 45 books) all printed before the Bay Psalm Book.

II-2-o Manuscript 5pp. 8vo. 1

(______) (______)

Shea, J(ohn) G(ilmary) New York, (New York)

to Dear Friend (______)

This on opening proved not to be for Shea and he returns it. He hopes to see daylight soon. (Written on his business card with the Catholic News).

II-2-o A.Note S. 2pp. 32mo. 0

(______) (______)

Shea, John Gilmary (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

to (Father Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.) (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Shea published Father (______) Mengarini's Grammatica Selica--Flathead Grammar, as Vol. 2 of his "Library of American Linguistics". It was not in any respect a Smithsonian publication. Shea's Series of American Linguistics contained 15 volumes, ten of which were works of Catholic missionaries, grammars or vocabularies of the Indian tribes among whom they labored and all of North American tribes.

X-4-j A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 2

(______) (______)

Shea, J(ohn) G(ilmary) Elizabeth, New Jersey)

to (Marc F.) Vallette (New York, New York)

Father (Patrick J.) Dealy can exert great influence with Mayor (William Russell) Grace. Eugene Kelley, on account of the death of his son, cannot be approached decorously. Jose F. Navarro can be reached through W(illia)m Seton (4) to whom Shea encloses a letter (no enclosure). The Branton letter, Shea would have addressed to the Board, and treat on general principle. Vallette's experience as a teacher and his linguistic knowledge will come in to bolster up and justify action.

II-2-o A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 6

(______) Oct. 5

Shea, John G(ilmary) (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

to (Marc F.) Vallette (New York, New York)

They missed Vallette last night and Father (Richard Lalor) Burtsell asked Shea to write appointing Thursday for a meeting of his committee.

II-2-o A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 2

(______) (______)

Sheldon Pigeon Prairie, (Michigan)

A recipe for lumbago with a note that Sheldon, the collector and his family 30 miles from Bertrand are Catholic.

III-2-n D. 1p. 8vo. O

(______) (______)

Sherman, G(ertrude) (______)

to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.) (Notre Dame, Indiana)

Will Hudson please send a copy if he publishes this poem and also of the one on "Faith".

X-4-j A.L.S. 1p. 32mo. 1

(______) Aug. 26

Siesl, Joseph C. Brownville, Nebraska

to (James Alphonsus McMaster) (New York, New York)

The concluding name in the list acknowledging subscriptions from Brownville, Nebraska, which appeared in the Freeman's Journal for Aug(ust) 13, (______), is misspelled. The name is Shiesl, and not Striesl.

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 32do. 1

(______) (______)

Sidley, (Father) R.A. Sandusky, O(hio)

to Ja(me)s (Alphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

Sidley congratulates McMaster on his lacerating the Telegraph's (editors), who however are probably so blind that they miss the point. He also almost congratulates himself on being the patron who occasioned the Telegraph's "squib". The (editors) of the Tablet are to be pitied for having endorsed the harmless "squib". He encloses a a letter on the subject from the Tablet, giving Lee's weak reasons in defense of his silence; he would not send McMaster this letter were it not that Lee publicly sanctions the Telegraph's blunders. Sidley compliments McMaster on his seeing the want of the times and speaking out, for which he is gaining an increasing number of friends among the clergy. P.S. He encloses $5.00, part of which is for a subscription for James Sidley, the rest for himself. He is also a subscriber to the Tablet.

I-2-h A.L.S. 3pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Simpson, R.J. (______), (______)

to (James Alphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

If McMaster thinks the enclosed letter to the editor may be of interest to his readers he should publish it. (Enclosure not present.)

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 32do. 1

(______) (______)

Smith, Lorenzo (Boston, Massachusetts)

to O(restes) A. Brownson (Chelsea, (Massachusetts)

Smith sends Brownson a tract; he wants to know Brownson's opinion of the value of the paper and the advisability of carrying this reform for the suffering poor forward. Several others have joined him in the plan and soon they intend to have public meetings. He is laboring at his trade in the city, but as soon as he gets a free day he will call on Brownson for advice on the movement.

I-3-d A.L.S. 1p. 8vo. 1

(______) (______)

Snerz, Antonnio de Arosaiy Commander of the Port (?)

to the Director

The director has abandoned Snerz. Snerz does not complain for the director has shown unparalelled generosity towards him. He regrets that the director believes him capable of tricking him. He is not. He is just as he was in Spain, and his name has resounded in the newspapers. Whatever the director thinks of Snerz, Snerz is. But for what good does he disculpate him. Snerz regrets the matter on account of his little Dionisio. But Snerz will go Sunday to the Apanish Consul, and he will be in position (to do) what he pleases God (?). Snerz is in his hands. Snerz begs the Director to pardon him for having dared to write him. But he is obliged to do so in order to thank him for what he has done for him and to thank the gentlemen of the Committee. with respects he is entirely divorced (taut divorce') (?). (In the James Alphonsus McMaster papers)

I-2-g A.L.S. (French) 2pp. 8vo. 1

(______) (______)

Sorin, C.S.C., Father E(dward) (Notre Dame, Indiana)

to Father (Daniel E. Hudson, C.S.C.) (Notre Dame, Indiana)

God alone knows how deeply Sorin feels the beauty of Hudson's message. They should pray for each other more and neither will have any reason to regret the little incident of the morning.

X-4-j A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) Jan. 25

Sourin (Sorin?), Father Edw(ard) J. Phila(delphia, Pa.)

to (Orestes A. Brownson) (______)

Sourin invites Brownson to dinner on the following Thursday, he asks Brownson to name any other day, except Saturday, if Thursday is not satisfactory.

I-3-d A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Spaunhorst, H(enry) J. St. Louis, M(iss)o(uri)

to W(illiam) J. Onahan Chicago, Ill(inoi)s

He thanks Onahan for his congratulations. He is going to Pittsburgh to attend the German Catholic Annual Convention as an observer. He cannot say whether he will come up on the 8th but will let Onahan know in time.

IX-1-g A. Postcard S. 1

(______) (______)

Spring, Reuben R.

Newspaper account of will of Springer, listing gifts to various Church and public societies.

II-5-g Newspaper clipping 1 columns

(______) Nov. 10

Starr, Mrs. E(liza) A(llen) (Chicago, Ill.)

to Orestes a Brownson (______)

Dr. (Caspar) Beleke wishes Brownson to know that he will be at the university - (St. Mary's of the Lake" where he proposes to remain. The George P.) Healy's were all well. They gave a clerical party to Father (Robs?). Brownson's clerical friends think highly of his frankness of opinion. Theodore Metcalf married a convert.

I-3-d A.L. (incomplete) 2pp. 10mo. 3

(______) April 6

Stearns, S.F. Savannah, G(eorgi)a

to Orestes A. Brownson (Chelsea, Mass(achusetts)

He thanks Brownson for sending him the magazine without prepayment. He admires Brownson's uncompromising position on the Church. Stearns calls liberality "slip-shod Catholicism." In spite of his Protestant background, he will not compromise the strict truth. He embraced Catholicism because he sees the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism, not because he saw their unia; it is the air of Protestantism around these Catholics that causes them to cling so lightly to their faith. He would rather have the faith in all its strength. The present day demands an unshorn Sampson to restore its Faith--nobody else is equal to the task. He hopes to be admitted to the Sacraments soon. He does not know what convinced him, at last; but the July number of the Review is responsible.

P.S.--June 21. Miss Watson has been his companion in conversion and today both of them were Baptized. He would like to spend an hour with Brownson because he realizes what good conversation can do.

I-3-d A.L.S. 4pp. 8vo. 1

(______) Aug. 31

Stearns, S(arah) F. (Laurell, Massachusetts)

to O(restes) A. Brownson Chelsea, Massachusetts

Sarah is unable to come to Chelsea as planned. She wants Brownson to lend her a book which was recommended by Emily Harper. The book is entitled "Muhler's Sympolism." She would not ask this favor but for Brownson's interest. Also, Sarah would like to have a good history of the Church. Directions are given for sending the book.

I-3-d A.L.S. 1p. 8vo. 1

(______) Dec. 10

Stoekley, W.F.O. Fredericton, Canada

to (Henry F. Brownson Detroit, Michigan)

He thanks Brownson for so kindly answering the letter. He made no mistake about the passage; the cathechism he teaches on Sunday contains the words... "knowing the Church to be the only true Church" in it. He quotes Pius IX and a number of other sources.

III-3-h A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Stokes, W.A. (Chelsea, Massachusetts)

to O(restes) A. Brownson Chelsea, (Massachusetts)

Stokes having arrived from Europe would have come to see Brownson but for the uncertainty of finding Brownson home. He would like to know if Brownson will come over to the Bishop's house and shall expect to see Brownson.

I-3-d A.L.S. 1p. 8vo. 1

(______) (______)

Strain, Archbishop (John) Edinburgh, (Scotland)

to (Bishop James Roosevelt Bayley Newark, New Jersey)

A calling card.

II-2-n Card 1p. 32mo. 1

(______) (______)

Strain, (Father) Patrick (Paris, France)

to (Prestes A.) Brownson (______)

At the request of a seminarian, Father Strain is writing Brownson about a subscription to the Review. The Review should be sent, commencing with July and Father Strain will bring the money when he sees Brownson in October. Should there be any delay Father's brother, Reverend J. Strain, will be answerable for the numbers. The first number should be sent by way of England.

I-3-d A.L.S. 2pp. 12mo. 1

(______) Mar. 25

Stroehle, B. (New York, New York)

to (James Alphonsus McMaster) (New York, New York)

The office of Police Captain in the 22nd Ward is vacant. Stroehle suggests that it be filled by Mr. Murphy, who is a Sergeant, a Catholic, and a good reporter. He asks McMaster to do what he thinks convenient in Murphy's favor, and begs his pardon for troubling him.

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

Stuart, C.T. Hartford, Conn(ecticut)

Photograph of (Bishop Lawrence Stephen McMahon).

I-1-c Photograph 12mo. 1

(______) (______)

A Student

(______), (______)

to (James Alphonsus McMaster) (New York, New York)

The writer, in a letter obviously written for publication in the Freeman's Journal, quotes a professor in one of the Western theological Seminaries who said Waynooth (University), Ireland) was tainted with Jansenism, giving as proof the fact that Irish penitents, after making their confessions, ask the confessor if they may now receive Holy Communion. This writer quotes from the Papal Bull "Cum Occasione" five propositions containing the heretical doctrine of Jansenius. The conclusion that the action of the penitents is heretical cannot be derived at in the light of these propositions. Rather the penitents have such a profound veneration for the Sacrament that they, simple-minded as they are, ask the confessors if they may receive it. The writer does not dispute the charge of a Jansenistic tendency at Maynooth. He has, however, had no suspicion of the least taint of heresy, and desires information on the subject.

I-2-e A.L.S. 2pp. 4to. 3

(______) Dec. 6,

"Subscriber" (Brooklyn, (New York)

to (James Alphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

The writer asks if the enclosed sketch of the life of the Holy Father is correct. He feels McMaster's Journal is the only paper that can be relied upon in these days of wickedness. He is an old subscriber and constant reader. P.S. The enclosed sketch has been clipped from the New York World, which printed it from the London Figaro. (Enclosure not present.)

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 16mo. 1

(______) Aug. 24,

"Subscriber" (Oshkosh, (Wisconsin)

to James A(lphonsus) McMaster (New York, New York)

The writer encloses $2.00 for Dom Isidore (Robot), (O.S.B.) and his brethren working for the Indians.

I-2-h A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1

(______) May 22

Syndicate Trading Company New York, (New York)

to H(enry) F. Brownson Detroit, (Michigan)

An order to ship Tarducci's "Life of Columbus" to the Bloomsbury Public Library, Bloomsbury, Pennsylvania.

III-3-h Printed form, A. 1p. 12mo. 1