- OACR : Catholic Religious Artifact Collection: Objects
- OACR 1993-279 item : Blue nylon banner for CSC's 150 years in US and 90 years at the University of Portland
given by the University of Portland.
- OACR 1997-214 item : 8 medals
given by Sister Kathryn Callahan, CSC.
- OACR 1997-214 medal : Pope Pius XII - Porta Sancta
- OACR 1997-214 medal : Pope Paul VI - Successor to Peter 1967
- OACR 1997-214 medal : Pope Paul VI - Holy Year (2 medallions) 1975
- OACR 1997-214 medal : International Eucharistic Congress (Philadelphia) 1976
- OACR 1997-214 medal : James Cardinal Gibbons, 1861-1911 1911
- OACR 1997-214 medal : Mgr. Grente de l'acadÃİmie Française, Eveque du Mans
- OACR 1997-214 medal : Memorial Medal - WWI - The siege and defense of Arras 1914-1918
- OACR 2001-088 item : Sick Call Set 1914
candles, candle holder, holy water bottle, etc., kept at home for priest coming to administer sacraments. Given by in honor of Dr Edward and Lillian Singler Lipetska by their children and spouses
- OACR 2003-346 item : Holy Water Bottle
molded in the shape of Our Lady (Mary, BVM, Madonna).
- OACR 2013-407 item : Crucifix
with a fund-raising package from the St. Joseph Home for Boys, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, addressed to Mr. A. Crone of 7700 Lawnview Ave, Cleveland, Ohio, consisting of undated solicitation letter, photo booklet, address label, donation reply, and the crucifix.
- OACR 2018-325 item : Portable Mass Kit 1890s?
in a 10.5" x 11.5" x 4.5" wooden box. Three of the pieces have 1896 and 1897 patent dates stamped on them. Given by Luke Hosinski.