Alphabetical Pamphlet Collection: Printed Material
- PALP 9/17 Title : God's Heroes No. 10 Saints of High Position / by Lahey, Thomas A. CSC 1935
- PALP 9/18 Title : God;s Heroes No. 11 Bravery of the Saints / by Lahey, Thomas A. CSC 1935
- PALP 9/19 Title : God's Heroes No. 12 Suffering of the Saints / by Lahey, Thomas A. CSC 1935
- PALP 9/20 Title : God's Heroes No. 13 Sympathy of the Saints / by Lahey, Thomas A. CSC 1935
- PALP 9/21 Title : God's Heroes No. 14 Saints Who Were Sinners / by Lahey, Thomas A. CSC 1935
- PALP 9/22 Title : God's Heroes No. 15 Saints Who Were Martyrs to Duty / by Lahey, Thomas A. CSC 1935
- PALP 9/23 Title : God's Heroes No. 16 Women Saints / by Lahey, Thomas A. CSC 1935
- PALP 9/24 Title : God's Heroes No. 17 Timid Saints / by Lahey, Thomas A. CSC 1935
- PALP 9/25 Title : God's Heroes No. 18 Saints of Various Vocations / by Lahey, Thomas A. CSC 1935
- PALP 9/26 Title : God's Heroes No. 19 Saints in Disguise / by Lahey, Thomas A. CSC 1935
- PALP 9/27 Title : God's Heroes No. 20 Saints of the Future / by Lahey, Thomas A. CSC 1935
- PALP 9/28 Title : Our Lady's Warning at Fatima / by Lahey, Thomas A. CSC 1951
- PALP 9/29 Title : Notes on Ingersoll / by Lambert, L. A. Rev. 1900
- PALP 9/30 Title : You Can be Holy / by Lane, Clem 1961
- PALP 9/31 Title : Two Lancashire Martyrs vv. John Rigby and Richard Herst / by Lane J. I. Rev. 1929
- PALP 9/32 Title : The Quakers / by Langdon D. M. J. 1926
- PALP 9/33 Title : The Spanish Church and Politics / by Langdon-Davies John 1938
- PALP 9/34 Title : Catholic Schools / by Larkin, Michael J. Rev. 1927
- PALP 9/35 Title : How to be a Christian in Business / by Latchford, Stephen F. SJ 1959
- PALP 9/36 Title : Inspiration / by Lattey, C. SJ 1930
- PALP 9/37 Title : Revelation / by Lattey, C. SJ 1930
- PALP 9/38 Title : His Last Retreat / by Lavall, William 1922
- PALP 9/39 Title : What Every Family Should Know / by Le Beau, Walter 1949
Subject: The Doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ
- PALP 9/40 Title : The Death of the Cross a Physiological Study / by Le Bec, E. Dr. 1962
- PALP 9/41 Title : The Catholic Layman / by Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle, NY (Magazine) 1963
- PALP 9/42 Title : My Changeless Friend / by LeBuffe, Francis P. SJ 1927
- PALP 9/43 Title : Broken Homes / by LeBuffe, Francis P. SJ 1936
- PALP 9/44 Title : Human Evolution and Science / by LeBuffe, Francis P. SJ 1922
- PALP 9/45 Title : Let's Look at Sanctifying Grace / by LeBuffe, Francis P. SJ 1946
- PALP 9/46 Title : What is the Bible? / by LeBuffe, Francis P. SJ 1943
- PALP 9/47 Title : Choice and Formation of Native Clergy in Foreign Mission / by Ledochowski, Wlodimir, SJ 1919
- PALP 9/48 Title : How to be Humble / by Lee, Francise M. CSSR 1955
- PALP 9/49 Title : Right to Work Laws: Some Economic and Ethical Aspects / by Lee, William James SS MA 1961
- PALP 9/50 Title : Liturgie et Action Catholique / by Lefebvre, Dom Gaspar 1961
- PALP 9/51 Title : Seven Last Words of Christ / by Lefebvre, Reginald R., SJ 1961
- PALP 9/52 Title : What they Ask about Our Blessed Mother / by LeFrois, B., SVD 1961
- PALP 9/53 Title : Towards the Eternal Priesthood / by Lelen, J. M. Rev 1913
- PALP 9/54 Title : 1st English Printed Protestant Bible and its Significance / by Lenhart, John M. OMCap 1935
- PALP 9/55 Title : Pope Leo XIII on Anglican Orders 1932
- PALP 9/56 Title : Apostolical Letter of our Most Holy Lord Leo XIII Pope 1899
- PALP 9/57 Title : Christian Marriage Encyclical Letter Pope Leo XIII - Arcanum Divinae Sapientiae 1942
- PALP 9/58 Title : The Condition of Labor - Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII 1891
- PALP 9/59 Title : On the Sect of the Freemasons / by Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo the Thirteenth 1884
- PALP 9/60 Title : On the Condition of Labor / by Encyclical Letter of Pop Leo the Thirteenth 1891
- PALP 9/61 Title : Human Liberty Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII - Libertas Humana 1941
- PALP 9/62 Title : Pope Leo's Encyclical on the Condition of Labor
- PALP 9/63 Title : The Condition of Labor - Rerum Novarum / by Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII 1939
- PALP 9/64 Title : Encylical Letter of Pope Leo XIII on Condition of Labor / by Rerum Novarum 1891
- PALP 9/65 Title : The Rosary and England's Ancient Love of Mother of God - Encyclical Letter Pope Leo XIII 1883
- PALP 9/66 Title : The Unity of the Church / by Pope Leo XIII 1949
- PALP 9/67 Title : A Questionnaire / by Lemmer, John A.
- PALP 9/68 Title : The Legion of Mary / by Leonard CP 1939
- PALP 9/69 Title : Religious Tolerance in Catholic Tradition / by Lercaro, Giacomo Cardinal 1960
- PALP 9/70 Title : Catholics and the International Labor Organization / by Le Roy, Albert SJ 1939
- PALP 9/71 Title : Thompson, Francis - Words Spoken in Washington Hall at the U of Notre Dame / by Leslie, Shane MA LLD 1935
- PALP 9/72 Title : Dialogues of Defence: I - Infallibility, Anglican Orders, Fasting and Abstinence - The Celibacy of The Clergy / by Lester, Edmund SJ 1928
- PALP 9/73 Title : Is There a True Church? / by Levy, Rosalie Marie 1928
- PALP 9/74 Title : Why are We? / by Levy, Rosalie Marie 1928
- PALP 9/75 Title : The Church of Jesus Christ - Where is the Church of Christ? How Shall I Know It? / by Lewis, William 1950
- PALP 9/76 Title : Saint Teresa 1515 - 1582 / by Lewis, David 1950
- PALP 9/77 Title : I was a Communist / by Liberov, Alexei B. 1936
- PALP 9/78 Title : When a Catholic Marries / by Liederbach, C. A., Rev. 1949
- PALP 9/79 Title : Life of the Spirit v. XVIII No. 204 / by The English Dominicans, Editors 1963
- PALP 9/80 Title : Conformity to the Will of God / by Liguori, Alphonsus, Saint 1928
- PALP 9/81 Title : Stations of the Cross / by Liguori, Alphonsus, Saint 1894
- PALP 9/82 Title : The Liguorian v. XLIII No. 5 / by Redemptorists Fathers 1955
- PALP 9/83 Title : Why be a Catholic? / by Lilly, Warren C., SJ
- PALP 9/84 Title : Father Isaac Joques - Among the Iroquois / by Little, Arthur SJ 1924
- PALP 9/85 Title : A Youth Centre at Work / by LLoyd, Frances 1942
- PALP 9/86 Title : The Church in Latin America / by Lochemes, Mary Frederick and McNamara Mary Patrice 1945
- PALP 9/87 Title : Directives for Catholic Action - Expounded by Pope Pius XI / by Loeffler, James D. SJ 1951
- PALP 9/88 Title : Housing for the Elderly / by Loeffler, James D. SJ, The Central Bureau of the Catholic Central Union Verei 1960
- PALP 9/89 Title : Reveille in Christendom - A Summons to Catholic Action / by Loeffler, James D. SJ 1934
- PALP 9/90 Title : Devotions in Lent / by Lonergan, William I. SJ 1931
- PALP 9/91 Title : Did Man Make Religion? / by Lonergan, W. I. SJ 1931
- PALP 9/92 Title : Do Miracles Happen? / by Lonergan, William I. SJ 1931
- PALP 9/93 Title : The Story of Lent / by Lonergan, William I. SJ (Annotated) 1931
- PALP 9/94 Title : Ask Me Another / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1944
- PALP 9/95 Title : The Call of Christ - A Study of Religious Vocation for Young Men / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1927
- PALP 9/96 Title : The Call to Catholic Action / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1933
- PALP 9/97 Title : Christ the Modern / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1932
- PALP 9/98 Title : Don't Say It / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1929
- PALP 9/99 Title : Don't Swear Like That / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1943
- PALP 10/01 Title : Everybody's Talking About Heaven / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1935
- PALP 10/02 Title : Forever and Forever / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1936
- PALP 10/03 Title : Going Steady / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1941
- PALP 10/04 Title : His Strong and Loving Heart / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1954
- PALP 10/05 Title : How to Pray the Mass - Methods of Offering Our Sacrifice / by Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1934
- PALP 10/06 Title : I Can Read Anything / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1930
- PALP 10/07 Title : I don't Like Lent / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1930
- PALP 10/08 Title : Is Religion Bad for your Mind? / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ - McCarthy, Raphael C. SJ 1946
- PALP 10/09 Title : A Letter to our Non-Catholic Neighbors / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1950
- PALP 10/10 Title : Life of the Blessed Mother the Loveliest Mother of all / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ
- PALP 10/11 Title : Love, Sex, and the Teen-Agers / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1947
- PALP 10/12 Title : May Your Christmas be Merry / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1945
- PALP 10/13 Title : My Faith and I / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1931
- PALP 10/14 Title : Prayers are always Answered / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1937
- PALP 10/15 Title : The Questions They Always Ask / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1943
- PALP 10/16 Title : The Ruling Passion / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1932
- PALP 10/17 Title : The Sacrament of Catholic Action / by Lord, Daniel A. SJ 1936