Archdiocese of New Orleans: Microfilm
- MANO : Denis, O.F.M., Father Joseph.
1796 Jan. 15 ; 1798 Oct. 1 .
- MANO : DePerea, Father Estevan.
1633 .
- MANO : Deschamps, Amidieu.
1801 Aug. 29 .
- MANO : Dispuig y Dameto, Ant(oni)o, Archbishop of Seville, (Spain).
1796 March 22 .
- MANO : Deva, O.M.Cap., Father Bernardo de
1788 Nov. 17 ; 1789 June 6 ; 1790 March 20 ; 1792 July 12 , July 24 , Oct. 27 ; 1793 March 26 ; 1796 Feb. 8 (?), June 18 ; 1797 Aug. 4 (encl'd in 1798 Dec. 31 , Father McKenna to Bishop Penalver y Cardenas); 1799 Nov. 19 , Nov. 20 ; 1800 Sept. 12 ; 1803 Aug. 17 .
- MANO : Deverges, Pedro.
1802 Oct. 5 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : De Villiers, Jumonville.
1772 Feb. 14 .
- MANO : Diaz, Francis.
1803 May 20 .
- MANO : Didier, (O.S.B.), Father P(ierre Josef).
1796 Oct. 1 .
- MANO : Digne, Joseph. 1736 May 15 (note, added to
1736 May 2 , Cardinal Oliverius).
- MANO : Dolives, Louis.
1801 Oct. 14 .
- MANO : Domine, Saturnino. 1796 March 12 (encl'd in
1796 March 22 , Archbishop Despuig y Dameto to Bishop Penalver y Cardenas).
- MANO : Dominguez, Ignacio.
1790 Aug. 7 .
- MANO : Douneaux, Nicolas.
1796 June 20 .
- MANO : Dreux, Luis Lenfroy.
1803 May 14 .
- MANO : Dreux, Pierre.
1735 July 17 ; 1736 July 8 .
- MANO : Duarte, Santiago.
1796 Feb. 5 (documents concerning immunity sought by Duarte).
- MANO : DeBreuil, Jacovo.
1788 Jan. 17 ; 1798 April 18 .
- MANO : DuBreuil, Joseph Villars.
1739 Jan. 6 ; 1740 Jan. 3 .
- MANO : Duclozel, Pierre Olivier.
1802 Feb. 26 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Ducoumau.
1789 March 22 .
- MANO : Duenas, Manuel de. 1788 March 28 (encl'd in
1788 March 28 , Penalver to Sedella).
- MANO : Duerot.
1760 Jan. 27 .
- MANO : Duforest, Marie Angelique Revoil.
1799 Jan. 28 .
- MANO : Dufour, Charles.
1800 Nov. 7 . (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Duga, Miguel.
1798 Feb. 5 (proceeding for dispensation).
- MANO : Duliepore, O.S.U., Sister Margarita de St. Ignacio.
1792 Nov. 3 ; 1793 March 19 , June 7 ; 1795 Jan 14 .
- MANO : Dumon, Miguel.
1799 Feb. 23 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Duparc (William).
1796 Aug. 8 ; 1799 Nov. 20 ; 1803 Sept. 30 , Oct. 2 .
- MANO : Dupard, Catalina.
1795 Nov. 3 .
- MANO : Dupard, Francios Delille.
1795 Nov. 3 .
- MANO : Dupre, Gilberto.
1801 May 19 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Dupuis, Hipolite.
1799 Dec. 16 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Dupuis, Juan Bautista.
1796 Sept. 26 .
- MANO : Dupuys, Josephe.
1798 July 10 .
- MANO : Duralde, Martin.
1801 May 28 (proceedings by Duralde for payment for wood taken by Father Pedro Zamora), Nov. 2 .
- MANO : Dussiau, Baltazar Lacroix.
1796 Jan. 7 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Dusio, Sister Adelaide de St. Solange.
1793 June 7 .
- MANO : Dusuo, Sister Francesca de St. F.
1793 June 7 (proceedings concerning the requirements necessary for students to enter the Ursuline Cloister.)
- MANO : Ebert, Zacharie.
1801 June 17 .
- MANO : Elmer, Theo(philo).
1802 July 19 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : English Inhabitants of Natchitoches.
1798 Oct. 1 .
- MANO : Episcopal Chancery, Milan, Italy.
1576 May 27 .
- MANO : Escalera, (Merced.), Father Isodoro Ant(oni)o.
1802 April 28 .
- MANO : Escobar, Jose (Benito).
1801 Aug. 1 .
- MANO : Estevan, Thomas.
1802 Oct. 13 .
- MANO : Fafalla, Father Juan Mig(ue)l.
1797 Oct. 18 .
- MANO : Fafar, Jose.
1800 May 24 (proceedings in regard to the clandestine marriage of Fafar and Isavel Olivo).
- MANO : Farjon, Sister Marie Theresa of St. Xavier.
1793 June 7 ; 1795 Jan. 14 ; 1796 .
- MANO : Fazende, Charlotte.
1801 May 27 .
- MANO : Fejeiro, Vic(en)te Fern(ande)z.
1801 Aug. 29 .
- MANO : Ferdinand, O.M. Cap., Father. 1776 May 30 (encl'd in
1789 Nov. 27 , Sedella).
- MANO : Fernandez, Andres.
1802 Feb. 27 , Aug. 18 .
- MANO : Fern(ande)z de Silva, Felipe.
1803 Feb. 17 .
- MANO : Filhiol, Juan.
1800 May 24 ; 1802 March 4 (proceedings against Filhiol for witnessing marriages as a priest).
- MANO : Fitzgerald, Mary.
1796 July 11 .
- MANO : Fleuriau, Francois.
1736 July 8 ; 1740 Jan. 3 .
- MANO : Folch, Vicente.
1801 March 10 .
- MANO : Fortier, Michel.
1803 Oct. 13 .
- MANO : Fortier, Norbert.
1802 Oct. 8 . (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Fossier, Alfonso.
1795 Dec. 30 . (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Foucault, Denis Nicolas.
1769 March 15 .
- MANO : Fromentin, Antonio.
1802 Nov. 16 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Fuentes, (O.F.M.), Father Simon de.
1796 Jan. 15 .
- MANO : Fulton, Alex(ande)r.
1802 Dec. 14 .
- MANO : Gaillard, P(ier)re.
1801 Jan. 5 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Galvez, Jose.
1786 May 18 , June 17 , July 10 (three copies, encl'd in 1786 Nov. 19 , Miro to Sedella), Aug. 6 .
- MANO : Gamarra, Father Francisco.
1788 Oct. 11 , Nov. 28 , Dec. 28 ; 1789 March 8 , July 16 , July 26 , Aug. 21 ; 1790 Feb. 18 .
- MANO : Garate, Miguel Ign(aci)o.
1801 Nov. 30 .
- MANO : Garcia, Juan.
1795 Oct. 8 . (1796 ?).
- MANO : Garcia, Father Manuel.
1793 Dec. 7 .
- MANO : Gareuil, M.
1798 July 10 .
- MANO : Garic, Jean Baptiste.
1764 Sept. 1 .
- MANO : Garnhart, Catalina.
1797 June 21 .
- MANO : Gaudeau, (Pierre).
1799 Sept. 19 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Gautreau, Pedro.
1796 March 18 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Gayarre, Carlos.
1802 Feb. 15 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Gayoso de Lemos, Manuel.
1796 Sept. 26 ; 1797 Aug. 11 , Nov. 23 , Dec. 10 (proceedings for dispensation), Dec. 15 ; 1798 April 14 , May 18 , June 19 , July 2 , July 10 , Oct. 1 , 1799 Jan. 29 , April 9.
- MANO : Gelabert, Jean Fransisco.
1772 Feb. 22 ; 1774 June 22 .
- MANO : Genti, Pierre.
1800 Feb. 1 (proceedings to annotate the baptismal entry of one of Genti's slaves who had been recorded as free).
- MANO : Gerardini, Benvenuto.
1778 Sept. 19 .
- MANO : Gerbois, Father Claude Nicolas.
1796 Aug. 8 (proceedings for appointment as pastor).
- MANO : Gibault (also Gibaud), Father Pierre.
1796 Dec. ; 1797 May 6 , May 15 (proceedings against Father Gibault).
- MANO : Gili, Father Sebastian.
1796 Aug. 5 ; 1797 Aug. 18 , Aug. 19 ; 1798 Jan. 16 , April 18 ; 1800 May 24 ; 1801 June 12 , Nov. 27 ; 1802 March 11 , July 14 , Nov. 26 ; 1803 May 4 , Oct. 31 , Nov. 29 .
- MANO : Gios, Cristobal.
1802 June 21 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Girard, (Francois).
1801 Sept. 16 (proceedings to validate marriage).
- MANO : Godain, Eduardo.
1796 Feb. 16 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Godrau, Joseph. 1803 Aug. 17 (encl'd in
1803 Aug. 18 , Father St. Pierre to Father Thomas Hasset).
- MANO : Godro, Juan.
1800 Feb. 10 (proceedings for dispensation).
- MANO : Gomez, Fran(cis)co Ign(aci)o.
1797 Aug. 22 .
- MANO : Gomez, Jose.
1798 April 18 .
- MANO : Gomez, Juan Nepomuceno.
1801 April 9 (proceedings on acceptance for an ecclesiastical career), June 5 (proceedings to procure papers necessary to be ordained a priest).
- MANO : Gonzales, Ramon.
1801 March 10 (proceedings in regard to marriage of Gonzales and Catalina Hiberni).
- MANO : Gonzales, de Velasco, Juan Antonio.
1790 dossier No. 19.
- MANO : Gonzalez, Francisco.
(1790?) .
- MANO : Gonzalez, Juan.
1796 Jan. 15 .
- MANO : Gonzalez, Pedro Jose.
1795 Oct. 8 .
- MANO : Gradenigo, Juan.
1797 Oct. 21 .
- MANO : Grand-Pre, Carlos de.
1799 Dec. 3 ; 1800 April 4 .
- MANO : Guadagni, Cardinal John Anthony.
1758 April 20 .