Outside Organizations [OO]
- CARW 37/45 Folder : OO- Environmental Sabbath 1988
- CARW 37/46 Folder : OO- ERA 1979-1983
- CARW 37/47 Folder : OO- Farm Labor Organizing Committee 1986
- CARW 37/48 Folder : OO- Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions 1976-1978
- CARW 37/49 Folder : OO- Fellowship of Reconciliation 1987
- CARW 37/50 Folder : OO- Food First 1980s
- CARW 37/51 Folder : OO- Food Justice Programs 1985
- CARW 37/52 Folder : OO- Focus on Central America 1988-1989
- CARW 37/53 Folder : OO- Friends 1983
- CARW 37/54 Folder : OO- Full Employment Action Council 1977-1978
- CARW 37/55 Folder : OO- Gifts 1986-1988
- CARW 37/56 Folder : OO- Global Education Associates 1975-1981
- CARW 37/57 Folder : OO- Good Shepherd Parish 1976-1977
- CARW 37/58 Folder : OO- Grailville 1986
- CARW 37/59 Folder : OO- Grailville 1988-1989
- CARW 38/01 Folder : OO- Groundwork 1983
- CARW 38/02 Folder : OO- Groundwork 1984
- CARW 38/03 Folder : OO- Groundwork Newsletter 1977-1978
- CARW 38/04 Folder : OO- Hazelden Continuing Education 1987
- CARW 38/05 Folder : OO- Hot Line / A Service for Justice and Peace 1989
- CARW 38/06 Folder : OO- Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty 1985
- CARW 38/07 Folder : OO- Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty 1988
- CARW 38/08 Folder : OO- Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty 1988-1989
- CARW 38/09 Folder : OO- Illinois Farm Worker Ministry 1986-1989
- CARW 38/10 Folder : OO- Illinois Migrant Council 1989
- CARW 38/11 Folder : OO- Images / Conference for Catholic Lesbians 1986-1987
- CARW 38/12 Folder : OO- Infact 1985
- CARW 38/13 Folder : OO- Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies 1985
- CARW 38/14 Folder : OO- Institute for Women Today 1975-1978
- CARW 38/15 Folder : OO- Institute for Women Today 1978
- CARW 38/16 Folder : OO- Institute for Women Today 1984-1988
- CARW 38/17 Folder : OO- Institute for World Order 1975-1976
- CARW 38/18 Folder : OO- Inter-American Conference of Religious: Religious Life in a Changing World and Culture 1986
- CARW 38/19 Folder : OO- Intercommunity Center for Justice and Peace 1982
- CARW 38/20 Folder : OO- Intercommunity Center for Justice and Peace 1986-1987
- CARW 38/21 Folder : OO- Inferfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility 1972-1976
- CARW 38/22 Folder : OO- Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility 1987-1988
- CARW 38/23 Folder : OO- Inter-Religious Economic Crisis Organizing Network 1982
- CARW 38/24 Folder : OO- Inter-Religious Task Force on Central America 1987-1989
- CARW 38/25 Folder : OO- Invest in Life 1987
- CARW 38/26 Folder : OO- Jobs with Peace 1989
- CARW 38/27 Folder : OO- Juspax 1986
- CARW 38/28 Folder : OO- Just Economy 1986-1987
- CARW 38/29 Folder : OO- Justice & Peace Centers 1976-1979
- CARW 38/30 Folder : OO- Justicia / Newsletter of Genesea Ecumenical Ministries Judicial Process Commission 1989-1990
- CARW 38/31 Folder : OO- Kinheart Quarterly 1986-1988
- CARW 38/32 Folder : OO- Las Hermanas 1986-1989
- CARW 38/33 Folder : OO- Latinamerica Press 1989
- CARW 38/34 Folder : OO- Latinamerica Press 1989
- CARW 38/35 Folder : OO- Leadership Conference of Women Religious 1976-1979
- CARW 38/36 Folder : OO- Leadership Conference of Women Religious 1978
- CARW 38/37 Folder : OO- Leadership Conference of Women Religious 1980
- CARW 38/38 Folder : OO- Leadership Conference of Women Religious, Corresp. 1980-1981
- CARW 38/39 Folder : OO- Leadership Conference of Women Religious 1981-1982
- CARW 38/40 Folder : OO- Leadership Conference of Women Religious 1979-1982
- CARW 38/41 Folder : OO- Leadership Conference of Women Religious 1982
- CARW 38/42 Folder : OO- Leadership Conference of Women Religious: Women Gathered for Peace 1984
- CARW 38/43 Folder : OO- Leadership Conference of Women Religious 1984-1990
- CARW 38/44 Folder : OO- Leadership Conference of Women Religious 1987-1988
- CARW 38/45 Folder : OO- Leadership Conference of Women Religious 1987-1988
- CARW 38/46 Folder : OO- Leadership Conference of Women Religious 1987-1990
- CARW 38/47 Folder : OO- Lesbian Contradiction / Journal of Irreverent Feminism 1988-1989
- CARW 38/48 Folder : OO- Local Organizations 1975-1976
- CARW 38/49 Folder : OO- Loyola University of Chicago 1985
- CARW 38/50 Folder : OO- Lutheran Resources Commission, Washington, News 1983
- CARW 38/51 Folder : OO- Gary McGivern 1981
- CARW 38/52 Folder : OO- Madre 1986-1989
- CARW 39/01 Folder : OO- News Notes / Maryknoll Justice and Peace Office 1988-1989
- CARW 39/02 Folder : OO- Maryknoll Newsletters 1980-1981
- CARW 39/03 Folder : OO- Medical Mission Sisters 1986
- CARW 39/04 Folder : OO- Mexican American Cultural Center 1976-1977
- CARW 39/05 Folder : OO- Mexican American Cultural Center 1981
- CARW 39/06 Folder : OO- Midwest Academy 1977
- CARW 39/07 Folder : OO- Ministries File 1980
- CARW 39/08 Folder : OO- Ministries Magazine 1979
- CARW 39/09 Folder : Outside Organizations 1980
- CARW 39/10 Folder : OO- Mobilization for Survival 1977-1978
- CARW 39/11 Folder : OO- Mobilization for Survival 1978-1979
- CARW 39/12 Folder : OO- Mobilization for Survival 1979-1980
- CARW 39/13 Folder : OO- Mobilization for Survival 1981
- CARW 39/14 Folder : OO- Movement for a New Society 1986
- CARW 39/15 Folder : OO- Ms. Foundation for Women 1980s
- CARW 39/16 Folder : OO- Mujeres Pora el Dialogo 1979
- CARW 39/17 Folder : OO- National Assembly of Church Personnel 1973-1977
- CARW 39/18 Folder : OO- National Assembly of Religious Brothers 1975-1978
- CARW 39/19 Folder : OO- National Assembly of Religious Brothers 1980
- CARW 39/20 Folder : OO- National Assembly of Religious Brothers 1985
- CARW 39/21 Folder : OO- National Association of Church Personnel Administrators 1985
- CARW 39/22 Folder : OO- National Association of Laymen 1967-1970
- CARW 39/23 Folder : OO- National Association of Permanent Diaconate Directors 1987
- CARW 39/24 Folder : OO- National Black Sisters' Conference 1986
- CARW 39/25 Folder : OO- National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund 1987
- CARW 39/26 Folder : OO- National Catholic Coalition for Responsible Investment 1974-1975
- CARW 39/27 Folder : OO- National Catholic Coalition for Responsible Investment 1975
- CARW 39/28 Folder : OO- National Catholic Coalition for Responsible Investment 1976
- CARW 39/29 Folder : OO- National Catholic Coalition for Responsible Investment 1976-1978
- CARW 39/30 Folder : OO- National Catholic Coalition for Responsible Investment 1980-1982
- CARW 39/31 Folder : OO- National Catholic Coalition for Responsible Investment 1987-1988
- CARW 39/32 Folder : OO- National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice 1980-1981
- CARW 39/33 Folder : OO- Commitment / National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice 1987-1988