Knute Rockne
- PATH 3-5-Stx Folder : Rockne and Studebaker Extra Large Posters
- PATH 3-5-Su Folder : Rockne's Summer Camps / Camp Chickagami for Girls / Camp Rockne for Boys
- PATH 3-5-Wr Folder : Rockne as a Writer
- PATH 3-9- Subseries : Things About or Named for Knute Rockne
- PATH 3-9-Au Folder : Automobiles Named After Rockne - Studebaker's Rockne Six 1931-33,1988
- PATH 3-9-Bo-1 Folder : Books about Rockne - Advertisements, Reviews, etc. 1931,2006
- PATH 3-9-Bo-2 Folder : Bookends, Busts, Statuettes, etc., of Rockne 1931-2007
- PATH 3-9-Bu Folder : Bust of Rockne by Nison Tregor 1940
- PATH 3-9-Ex-1 Folder : Exhibits About Rockne - Exhibit in Hesburgh Library Concourse, Fall 1995 1995
- PATH 3-9-Ex-2 Folder : Exhibit About Rockne at the Northern Indiana Center for History 2006
- PATH 3-9-Ex-3 Folder : Exhibits About Rockne: Miscellaneous 2010s
- PATH 3-9-Ex-3 Subject : Studebaker Museum Exhibit "Knute Rockne: The Rest of the Story" 2012-2013
- PATH 3-9-Fi Folder : Films About Rockne- "Rockne and His Fighting Irish" (Florentine Films 1993 PBS Documentary) 1993
- PATH 3-9-Fk-1 Folder : Films About Rockne- "Knute Rockne All American" Articles re Filming and Production 1939-1940
- PATH 3-9-Fk-1x Folder : Films About Rockne- "Knute Rockne All American" Extra Large Clippings 1939-1940
- PATH 3-9-Fk-2 Folder : Films About Rockne- "Knute Rockne All American" Articles About Pat O'Brien 1940-1964
- PATH 3-9-Fk-3 Folder : Films About Rockne- "Knute Rockne All American" Premiere Program and Tickets 1940/1004
- PATH 3-9-Fk-4 Folder : Films About Rockne- "Knute Rockne All American" Articles About the Premiere and the Movie 1940
- PATH 3-9-Fk-5 Folder : Films About Rockne- "Knute Rockne All American" Articles 1941-
- PATH 3-9-Fk-6 Folder : Films About Rockne- "Knute Rockne All American" 1985 Premiere Recreation 1985
- PATH 3-9-Fo-1 Folder : Football Games Named After Rockne- "Knute Rockne Bowl Game" (NCAA Division II East Region Championship Game) 1969-1970s
- PATH 3-9-Fo-2 Folder : Football Trophies Named for Rockne: "Knute Rockne Memorial Trophy "For The College Team Ranked Highest by the Dickinson System" 1932-
- PATH 3-9-Me-1 Folder : Memorial to Rockne at Bazaar, Kansas / Easter Heathman 1990-2008
- PATH 3-9-Me-2 Folder : Memorial to Rockne at Matfield Green Rest Stop on the Kansas Turnpike 1960s,2000s
- PATH 3-9-Mi-1 Folder : Miscellaneous Items Honoring / Commemorating Rockne 1930s
- PATH 3-9-Mi-2 Folder : Military Units Named for Rockne: Army Air Corps "Knute Rockne Cadets"
- PATH 3-9-Mu Folder : Musicals About Rockne - "Rockne", "Knute Rockne All American [Musical]" 2000s
- PATH 3-9-Mux Folder : Musicals About Rockne - "Rockne" Extra Large Posters 2000s
- PATH 3-9-Pa-1 Folder : Paintings of Rockne, Miscellaneous 1941
- PATH 3-9-Pa-2 Folder : Painting of Rockne by Eugene Montgomery 1934
- PATH 3-9-Pl-1 Folder : Plaque for Rockne at Voss, Norway, by Warner Williams 1960s
- PATH 3-9-Ra-1 Folder : Radio Shows / Plays about Rockne 1930s
- PATH 3-9-Sc-1 Folder : Sculpture of Rockne by Jerry McKenna 2005
- PATH 3-9-Sh Folder : Ship SS Knute Rockne (1943 Liberty Ship) 1943
- PATH 3-9-So Folder : Song for Knute Rockne "Kink Knute Rockne" 1924
- PATH 3-9-St Folder : Stamp of Rockne Issued in 1988 and First Day of Issue Ceremonies, March 9, 1988 4 PATh 3-9-St"x" ~ 1988 ~ Folder ~ Stamp of Rockne Issued in 1988 and First Day of Issue Ceremonies, March 9, 1988, Also see eXtra size folder 1988
- PATH 3-9-Tx Folder : Town Named for Rockne - Rockne, Texas 1943-1988
- PATH 8- Series : Other Sports Teams / and Minor Intercollegiate Sports
- PATH 8-Bs- Folder : Baseball
- PATH 8-BkM- Folder : Basketball (Men's)
- PATH 8-BkM- Subject : Glenn and Stacey Murphy Endow Notre Dame Head Mens' Basketball Coaching Position
- PATH 8-BkW- Folder : Basketball (Women's)
- PATH 8-BkW Subject : Karen and Kevin Keyes Endow Notre Dame Head Women's Basketball Coaching Position
- PATH 8-Cr- Folder : Crew / Rowing / Sailing
- PATH 8-CC- Folder : Cross Country (Men's and Women's)
- PATH 8-CCT- Folder : Cross Country and Track (Men's and Women's)
- PATH 8-Fe- Folder : Fencing (Men's and Women's)
- PATH 8-FHW- Folder : Field Hockey (Women's)
- PATH 8-Go- Folder : Golf (Men's and Women's)
- PATH 8-Ho- Folder : Hockey
- PATH 8-LaM- Folder : Lacrosse (Men's)
- PATH 8-Ri- Folder : Rifle Club and Team
- PATH 8-Ru- Folder : Rugby
- PATH 8-Ru- Subject : "Gentlemanly Game for Ruffians" Sports Illustrated, April 1966 4 PATh 8-Ru- ~ ~ Subject ~ Rugby Rememberances at Notre Dame, 1960s
- PATH 8-SoM- Folder : Soccer (Men's)
- PATH 8-SoW- Folder : Soccer (Women's)
- PATH 8-Sb- Folder : Softball (Women's)
- PATH 8-Sw- Folder : Swimming (Men's and Women's)
- PATH 8-TeM- Folder : Tennis (Men's)
- PATH 8-TeM Subject : John and Kim Callaghan Make 3 Million Dollar Gift to Endow Men's Tennis Head Coaching Position
- PATH 8-TeW- Folder : Tennis (Women's)
- PATH 8-Tr- Folder : Track (Men's)
- PATH 8-Vo- Folder : Volleyball
- PATH 8-We- Folder : Weightlifting
- PATH 8-Wr- Folder : Wrestling
- PATH 9- Series : Intramural, Non-Varsity, Club, Recreational Sports
- PATH 9- Title : Inter-Hall [Athletics] and Gymnasium Regulations c1909
- PATH 9- Folder : Physical Fitness, Exercise 1900s-1970s
- PATH 9- Title : UND Physical Directory (by P.J. Weiss, Gymnasium) 1902
- PATH 9- Title : The Treatment of Athletic Injuries (by O. H. Glimstedt, Athletic Trainer, UND, 1920s?) 1920s?
- PATH 9- Subject : Physical Health / Exercise / Diet / Student Hygiene 1902
- PATH 9- Subject : Jogging / Pedestrianism / Rev. Arthur B. O'Neill 1910/1112
- PATH 9- Subject : 4 Notre Dame Students Walk 120 Miles to Carlisle Football Game (Edward Marcus, Russell Downey, Gerald Clements, and Wilmer Finch) 1914/11
- PATH 9- Folder : Non-Varsity Athletics: Mailings and Announcements 1980s-1990s
- PATH 9- Group : Individual Sports / Events
- PATH 9-Ben-2 Folder : Bengal Bouts - Programs 1930s-1990s
- PATH 9-Ben-3 Folder : Bengal Bouts - Chronological 1940s-1980s
- PATH 9-Ben-3 Subject : Tribute to Dominic "Nappy" Napolitano 1980/0309
- PATH 9-Ben-3 Subject : History of Boxing at Notre Dame 1936
- PATH 9- Folder : Bookstore Basketball 1980s
- PATH 9- Folder : Notre Dame Cricket Club 1864
- PATH 9- Folder : Interhall Boxing and Wrestling 1920s
- PATH 9- Folder : Bowling 1940s
- PATH 9- Folder : Handball
- PATH 9- Folder : Running and Jogging
- PATH 9- Folder : Track
- PATH 9- Folder : O.S.C.A.R.S. / Outstanding Students Celebrating Achievement and Recognition Showcase Programs 2005-
- PATH 9- Group : Newsletters
- PATH 9- Title : Fitness Focus [Non-Varsity Athletics Newsletter] 1980s
- PATH 9- Title : Health for Wellness [Non-Varsity Athletics Newsletter] 1980s
- PATH 9- Title : New Dimensions in Wellness [Recreational Sports Newslr] 1990s
- PATH Series : "Bookshelf" (Books re Notre Dame Sports)
All 100s series are books filed next to PNDP's "Notre Dame Bookshelf."
- PATH100- Group : Notre Dame Athletics (General)
- PATH100-Tuit Title : "The Culture of Success / A Holistic Approach to Student Athlete Development: A Case Study of Support Services for Scholarship Student Athletes at a Division I University" [ Dissertation by Maura T. Tuite, Loyola University of Chicago, May 2002] 2002
- PATH110- Group : Biography - General
- PATH110-Ande Title : Notre Dame, Chicago Bears, and Hunk : football memoirs in highlight / Heartley W. "Hunk" Anderson, with Emil Klosinski ; special introduction by George Halas ; postscript by Wayne Millner. Oviedo, Fla. : Florida Sun-Gator Pub. Co., c1976. 1976
- PATH110-Blei Title : Fighting Back [by Rocky Bleir with Terry O'Neil] 1975
- PATH110-Bola Title : Joe Boland, Notre Dame man [by Boland, Peg]. [Hammond, Ind., NSP Pub. Co., 1962] 1962
- PATH110-Bren Title : Terry Brennan of Notre Dame [by Dave Warner]. Westminster, Md., Newman Press, 1956. 1956
- PATH110-Faus Title : Gerry Faust: The Golden Dream [by Gerry Faust and Steve Love, Foreword by Regis Philbin] 1997