- CBOS : Raymond T. Bosler: Manuscripts
- CBOS 1/01 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1967-1971
- CBOS 1/02 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1971-1972
- CBOS 1/03 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1973
- CBOS 1/04 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1974
- CBOS 1/05 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1976
- CBOS 1/06 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1977
- CBOS 1/07 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1978
- CBOS 1/08 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1979
- CBOS 1/09 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1980
- CBOS 1/10 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1981
- CBOS 1/11 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1982
- CBOS 1/12 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1983
- CBOS 1/13 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1984
- CBOS 1/14 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - Talks and Writings
- CBOS 1/14 Title : Oh Parsifal / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/14 Title : Bring the Message Brother / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/14 Title : Catholic Action / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/14 Title : Freedom of the Press / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/14 incipit : We have the Pope's word for it / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/14 Title : Talk at Dialogue with Disciples of Christ / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/14 Title : Death of Pius XI / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/14 Title : Te Deum Lecture / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/14 incipit : This is a unique period of history we live in / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/14 incipit : We can not ignore what is on all our minds / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/14 Title : Our Lady of Mt. Carmel / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/14 Title : Thinking with the Church / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/15 Folder : Msgr. R.T. Bosler - Talks and Writings Transcribed from Tape Recordings
- CBOS 1/15 Title : Talk on Social Justice / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/15 Title : Day of Renewal - Tape I - History of the Church / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/15 Title : Indianapolis Literary Club 1993-1994
- CBOS 1/15 Title : Paper Read to Indianapolis Literary Club / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/15 Title : Paper Read to Indianapolis Literary Club / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/15 Title : Blessed Assurance / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/16 Folder : Sermons
- CBOS 1/16 incipit : Let me firmly assure you, he who believes has eternal life / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/16 incipit : Get out of sight, you Satan / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/16 incipit : What would happen if the Rev. Martin Luther King would lead a march of Negros down Bozart / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/16 Title : Funeral Sermons - St. Thomas Aquinas
- CBOS 1/17 Folder : The Vatican Council and the Jews
- CBOS 1/17 incipit : When I was a young seminarian attending St. Meinrad Seminary / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/18 Folder : Commencement
- CBOS 1/18 Title : Baccalaureate Services of the 90th Commencement Exercises 1961/0604
- CBOS 1/18 Title : Commencement Providence High School
- CBOS 1/18 Title : Commencement Address
- CBOS 1/18 incipit : The May rains have fallen, Summer is nigh, and the voice of the Commencement speaker is heard once more in our land / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/19 Folder : Radio Talks and Sermons
- CBOS 1/19 incipit : Wouldn't it be a great privilege to have the Blessed Lord standing here speaking / Msgr. R.T. Bosler 1949
- CBOS 1/19 incipit : There probably never has been in all history an age which worried more about how to take care of children / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/19 incipit : During these days of Lent we should be thinking often of the greatest event in history / Msgr. R.T. Bosler 1949-1950
- CBOS 1/19 incipit : Are you lonely? Is your life empty? / Msgr. R.T. Bosler 1948-1949
- CBOS 1/20 Folder : Notes
- CBOS 1/20 incipit : What I want to do / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/20 incipit : Introduction: We are living in an age of Crisis / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/20 incipit : Advancement of Science helps us understand our religion / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/20 incipit : A seemingly irradicable habit of Christians: to think the end of the world is coming soon / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/20 incipit : What has been happening to the world as such / Msgr. R.T. Bosler
- CBOS 1/21 Folder : Autobiography / Memoirs - New Wine Bursting Old Skins: Memories of an Old Priest Longing for a New Church
- CBOS 1/22 Folder : Letters from Admirers
- CBOS 1/23 Folder : Newspaper Clippings and Articles
- CBOS 2/01 Folder : Vatican II - Council Lecture at Cincinnati
- CBOS 2/02 Folder : Lecture Series by Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Bosler - Notes
- CBOS 2/03 Folder : Monsignor Raymond Bosler - Biographical File
- CBOS 2/04 Group : Note Cards - Sermons and Talks
- CBOS 2/05 Scrapbook : The Question Box - Universal Press Syndicate 1967-1978
- ABOS : Raymond T. Bosler: Audio-Visual Material
- ABOS 25158-25164 CT : Raymond T. Bosler reads his Memoirs
- GBOS : Raymond T. Bosler: Photographs
- GBOS BW/Print : Msgr. Raymond T. Bosler - 1.5" x 2"
- GBOS BW/Print : Msgr. Raymond T. Bosler - 2.5" x 3.5"
- GBOS ColorPrint : Msgr. Raymond T. Bosler - 2" x 3.25"
- GBOS Image(s) : Other photographs
- OBOS : Raymond T. Bosler: Objects
- OBOS Item : Biretta
- OBOS Item : Mortarboard (Academic Cap)
- OBOS Item : Indiana Academy Medal and Lapel Pin
- OBOS Item : Relic of St Thomas Aquinas with Certificate of Authenticity 1938/0520
- OBOS Item : Certificate of Authenticity for Relic of St John Vianney 1947/0610
- OBOS Item : Certificate of Appreciation from Indiana Catholic and Record / Criterion Press (Plaque) 1987/1015
- OBOS Item : Paper Punch to Mark Books in Personal Library
- OBOS Item : Metal Replica of Social Security Card
- OBOS Item : Two Medals Encasing Snippets of Clothing from Pope John XXIII
- PBOS : Raymond T. Bosler: Printed Material
- PBOS v. 1 Title : De Imitatione Christi 1926
- PBOS v. 2 Title : Enchiridion Symbolorum / Denzinger 1946
- PBOS v. 3 Title : Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Decreta 1962