- CBRO Correspondent : Carabin, Father Peter. 1857 April 20.
- CBRO Correspondent : Carberry, Patrick. 1869 Aug. 7.
- CBRO Correspondent : Carbon Father P. M. 1852 Jan. 8.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cargill, Valentine. 1842 Dec. 29.
- CBRO Correspondent : Carrell, Bishop George A. 1857 Jan. 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Carrier, C.S.C., Father Joseph C. 1872 Oct. 12.
- CBRO Correspondent : Carrington, Louisa M. (1850) June 10; 1854 Oct. 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Carroll, Father Martin O. 1875 May 4.
- CBRO Correspondent : Carroll, Sister M. T. Austin. 1872 Nov. 26.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cary, Edward. 1863 April 21.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cass, Lewis O. 1860 Jan. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Caswall, Father Edward. 1857 Dec. 16.
- CBRO Correspondent : Catlin, H. D. 1874 June 26.
- CBRO Correspondent : Caulfield, B. G. 1855 Jan. 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Chabrol, Vicomte de. (186?).
- CBRO Correspondent : Channing, Henry. 1836 Dec. 27.
- CBRO Correspondent : Channing, R. G. 1842 Nov. 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Channing, W. H. 1836 June 15; 1837 June 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Channing, Dr. William Ellery. 1834 Jan. 11; 1836 July 19; 1842 June 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Channing, William F. 1842 Nov. 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Charbonnel, Bishop Armand François Marie de. 1856 Feb. 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Chase, Trah. 1848 Feb. 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Chase, Salmon P. 1862 Aug. 4(?).
- CBRO Correspondent : Chazal, J. P. 1856 Aug. 3.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cheney, Moses E. 1870 Aug. 22.
- CBRO Correspondent : Chenoweth, A. W. 1857 Aug. 23.
- CBRO Correspondent : Chevalier, O.M.I., Father Edward. 1857 July 7.
- CBRO Correspondent : Childs & Peterson. 1858 April 17.
- CBRO Correspondent : Chiniquy, Charles. 1851. Feb. 3.
- CBRO Correspondent : Chiswell, George W. 1855 Oct. 1.
- CBRO Correspondent : Chiswell, William A. 1855 Oct. 1.
- CBRO Correspondent : Chretien, M. Philomene. 1857 Aug. 29.
- CBRO Correspondent : Churchill, F. H. 1855 Nov. 4.
- CBRO Correspondent : Ciampi, Father A. F. 1852 March 20.
- CBRO Correspondent : Clark, E. P. 1859 July 11, Sept. 26.
- CBRO Correspondent : Clark, Joseph F. 1843 Nov. 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Clark, William S. 1843 Aug. 25.
- CBRO Correspondent : Clarke, C. E. T. 1855 Aug. 3, Oct. 23; 1856 Jan. 9, July 4, July 19 (to Mr. Dunigan), July 29; 1857 April 24, Oct. 24; 1860 Oct. 18, Nov. 26.
- CBRO Correspondent : Clarke, D. W. C. 1856 Jan. 27, Aug. 25; 1857 Nov. 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Clarke, Richard H. 1853 Jan. 25; 1855 Feb. 17.
- CBRO Correspondent : Clarke, S.J., Father William F. 1859 June 24; 1873 Dec. 1, Dec. 9; 1874 March 11.
- CBRO Correspondent : Clarkson, C. Asher. (1860); 1863 Sept. 28; 1864 March 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Clay, William. 1865 March 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cleary, S. F. M. 1835 March 26.
- CBRO Correspondent : Clerk, George Edward. 1850 July 3; 1851 April 23, May 31; 1852 April 1; 1856 Aug. 28; 1865 Sept. 21; Undated.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cleveland, Francis. 1845 Dec. 22.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cochin, Augustin. 1857 Sept. 23; 1861 July 30; 1862 Jan. 25.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cochrane, John. 1860 Jan. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cody, M. 1854 July 22.
- CBRO Correspondent : Colburn, Jerr. 1853 Dec. 7; 1861 Feb. 13 (to Father Finotti, enclosed in 1861 Feb. 13, Father J. M. Finotti to O. A. B.).
- CBRO Correspondent : Coleman, Father William. 1875 May 8.
- CBRO Correspondent : Collens, T. Wharton. 1874 Jan. 22.
- CBRO Correspondent : Concilio, Father R. J. de. 18fi9 July 26; 1874 Nov. 27.
- CBRO Correspondent : Condon, John F. 1860 Feb. 3, April 3.
- CBRO Correspondent : Congregation of Holy Cross at Notre Dame. 1850 April 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Conway, M. F. 1862 Jan. 15, Jan. 20.
- CBRO Correspondent : Conwell, H. M. 1846 Sept. 16.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cook, W. J. 1861 Dec. 17.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cooney, Peter. 1851 May 13.
- CBRO Correspondent : Copes, Joseph A. 1849 June 14; 1850 March 1.
- CBRO Correspondent : Corbett, S.J., Father Michael. 1860 Jan. 5, April 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Corbett, Michael O'S. 1873 Oct. 27.
- CBRO Correspondent : Corcoran, Faffier James A. 1856 April 26; 1858 June 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cornell, C.SS.R., Father J. H. 1858 Jan. 18.
- CBRO Correspondent : Corrigan, Father Michael A. 1870 June 15; 1871 April 12, April 21, Sept. 25, Nov. 8, Dec. 29; 1873 May 24.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cosans, M. T. 1856 March 31.
- CBRO Correspondent : Coskery, Charles. 1862 Nov. 18 (to James Shields).
- CBRO Correspondent : Coskery, H. B. 1857 Feb. 18, May 26. )
- CBRO Correspondent : Coulter, Joseph. 1851 May 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cousin, Victor J. 1837 Jan. 10; 1838 Feb. 15, Dec. 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cozans, Edward H. 1849 Dec. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cozans, Philip. 1858 April 20.
- CBRO Correspondent : Crane, Elijah. 1835 April 19, May 30, June 7, July 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Crawford, Samuel G. 1862 Feb. 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Crist, George. 1842 Jan. 26.
- CBRO Correspondent : Croffert, W. A. 1861 Nov. 30, Dec. 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Crosley, Jr. 1833 May 23.
- CBRO Correspondent : Crowe, M.D., J. E. 1858 Jan. 8.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cumming, Father William. 1857 Oct. 6.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cummings, Father Jeremiah W. (1848) March 12, April 14, May 23; 1849 Jan. 29, June 8, Sept. 1, Oct. 26, Dec. 5; 1850 Sept. 31(?); 1855 Feb. 26; 1856 Aug. 18; (1859 May?); 1859 Nov. 1; 1860 July 21, Aug. 28, Nov. 29; 1861 Jan. 1, Jan. 25, July 19, Oct. 9, Dec. 29, Dec. 31; 1862 June 9; 1864 Nov. 5; (1865) Sept. 19; 5 Undated.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cunningham, Peter F. Undated.
- CBRO Correspondent : Curran, Patrick M. 1854 Nov. 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Curtin, J. C. 1875 Oct. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Curtis, M. A. Fuller. 1857 May 15, June 2.
- CBRO Correspondent : Cusack, Sister M. Francis
- CBRO Correspondent : Clare. 1873 Jan. 23, Feb. 8.
- CBRO Correspondent : D., C. Undated.
- CBRO Correspondent : Daherty, Father
- CBRO Correspondent : David J. 1874 Oct. 12.
- CBRO Correspondent : Dahlgren, Madeleine Vinton (see also Goddard). 1866 Oct. 4, Oct. 10, Oct. 16, Nov. 19, Nov. 20, Dec. 11; 1867 March 6, March 31, Aug. 12, Nov. 1; 1869 June 9; (1871) Nov 23; 1871 Dec. 23; 1872 Jan. 30 Feb. 4, Feb. 9, May 27; 1873 Dec 30; 1874 Sept. 22, Sept. 29, Oct 19, Nov. 12, Dec. 4, Dec. 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Dahlgren, Admiral W. 1866 Oct. 29
- CBRO Correspondent : Dalton, Father Thomas J. 1875 Feb 16.
- CBRO Correspondent : Danels, Bolivar B. 1845 Dec. 16.
- CBRO Correspondent : Danforth, J. B., Jr. 1853 Jan. 20.
- CBRO Correspondent : Daniel, S.J., Father Ch. 1859 Dec. 22
- CBRO Correspondent : Daugherty, P. M. 1858 May 4.
- CBRO Correspondent : Davis, Asher A. 1853 Sept. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Davis, Hugh J. 1855 June 7, June 18 July 11.
- CBRO Correspondent : Davis, William J. 1848 Oct. 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Day, Charles. 1835 May 8.