- CBRO Correspondent : Foley, David. 1 844 Nov. 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Foley, Thomas. 1857 Feb. 18.
- CBRO Correspondent : Folsom, N. S. 1844 Jan. 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Foran, James. 1857 Aug. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Forbes, Father John M. 1856 Nov. 18.
- CBRO Correspondent : Formby, Henry. 1854 Aug. 21.
- CBRO Correspondent : Forrest, Joseph K. C. 1866 Nov. 23.
- CBRO Correspondent : Foster, Leo. 1840 April 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Foster, Simeon. 1840 Nov. 27 (to Benjamin H. Greene).
- CBRO Correspondent : Franklin, Benjamin (pseudonym). 1843 Feb. 21.
- CBRO Correspondent : Fransioli, Father Joseph. 1859 Oct. 31.
- CBRO Correspondent : Freehan, D. K. 1850 Nov. 4.
- CBRO Correspondent : Freeland, E. B. 1864 Jan. 28.
- CBRO Correspondent : Freeman, William C. 1 842 July 1 t.
- CBRO Correspondent : FrÃİmont, John C. 1864 March 29, April 11.
- CBRO Correspondent : French, D'Arcy A. 1846 July 30.
- CBRO Correspondent : French, Thomas. 1834 March 3, March 18.
- CBRO Correspondent : Frick, A. G. 1859 Oct. 19.
- CBRO Correspondent : Fulason, W. F. 1857 Dec. 31.
- CBRO Correspondent : Fuller, Sarah Margaret. 1844 Jan. 28.
- CBRO Correspondent : Fullerton, James. 1850 Jan. 10, Jan. 18.
- CBRO Correspondent : Furness, W. H. 1862 Jan. 23 (to William D. Kelley, enclosed in 1862 Jan. 24, Wm. D. Kelley to O.A.B.).
- CBRO Correspondent : Gadsden, Gen. James. 1856 Aug. 19 (to J. P. Chazal).
- CBRO Correspondent : Gale, N. 1844 Aug. 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gallagher, Francis. 1852 Dec. 30.
- CBRO Correspondent : Ganahan, James M. 1852 March 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gannett, Ezra Stiles. 1835 April 9, May 8.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gardner, Anna. 1862 May 25.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gardner, Edward M. 1842 Nov. 2; 1846 June 23.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gardner, Melzan. 1842 Jan. 15, April 25.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gardwell, Godek. 1843 Aug. 8.
- CBRO Correspondent : Garesche, Alexander. 1851 Oct. 28; 1853 Jan. 29, Nov. 23, Dec. 1; 1854 April 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gareshche, Father F. P. 1864 March 7.
- CBRO Correspondent : Garland, Hugh A. 1842 Nov. 28.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gameau, F. X. 1853 Oct. 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gartland, Bishop-elect Francis X. 1850 Aug. 19.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gaunder, Joseph E. 1873 July 28.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gayle, G. W. 1846 July 11.
- CBRO Correspondent : General Director of the French Post offlce. 1847 Jan. 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : George, Anita. 1851 Jan. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gerdes, F. H. 1862 March 8; 1863 Nov. 23.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gervais, Father J. H. 1860 Jan. 12.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gilbert, Agun 1853 May 17.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gillespie, C.S.C., Mother Mary of St. Angela. 1859 Oct. 22; 1860 Jan. 2 (?), Aug. 24; 1862 (March 19); 1865 Dec. 3; 1866 Apri1 8; 1870 May 9, Oct. 1; 1875 May 12.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gillespie, Neal H. 1851 May 13.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gillig, Mathias A. 1873 April 28.
- CBRO Correspondent : Glover, Father T. 1847 Aug. 1 7 (to Father J. Coolidge Shaw).
- CBRO Correspondent : Glover, T. James. 1852 Jan. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gockeln, S.J., Father F. William. (1858) Dec. 12; 1861 Oct. 12.
- CBRO Correspondent : Goddall, Warren N. 1852 May 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Goddard, Madeleine Vinton (see also Dahlgren). (1862?); 1862 July 4, July 15, Sept. 3, Oct. 15; 1863 Dec. 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Goetz, Father Francis J. 1875 Feb. 25, March 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gooch, James. 1838 May 16.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gooch, John. 1862 March 7.
- CBRO Correspondent : Goodrich, S. B. 1867 March 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gordon, Cuthbert C. 1842 Nov. 30.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gourdin, H. 1843 Oct. 20.
- CBRO Correspondent : Grace, Bishop Thomas L. 1870 March 23 (to Dennis & James Sadlier & Co.); 1875 Feb. 12.
- CBRO Correspondent : Graham, James. 1851 May 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Graham, James Lorimer, Jr. 1 855 May 25, June 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Graham, John. (184?) (to the Officers and Members of the Chelsea Naturalization Society).
- CBRO Correspondent : Graham, T. H. 1875 Oct. 22.
- CBRO Correspondent : Grasty, Q. C. 1855 Aug. 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Graves, E. A. 1862 Jan. 3.
- CBRO Correspondent : Greeley, Horace. 1843 June 16.
- CBRO Correspondent : Green, Frances H. (1844); (1844?) Feb. 29.
- CBRO Correspondent : Green, Philip J. 1861 Dec. 21.
- CBRO Correspondent : Greene, Benjamin H. 1839 Nov. 18; 1855 Sept. 14, Oct. 29, Dec. 4.
- CBRO Correspondent : Greene, James H. 1846 March 2.
- CBRO Correspondent : Greene, John H. 1861 Jan. 28.
- CBRO Correspondent : Greene, William B. 1842 Aug. 24; 1849 Jan. 24.
- CBRO Correspondent : Greenleaf, Abner. 1844 Aug. 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gresselin, S.J. Father Charles. 1859 Sept. 26; 1860 Nov. 19, Dec. 7, Dec. 20; 1861 Jan. 3, Sept 4, Dec. 9; 1862 Feb. 10, Feb. 19, Feb. 23, July 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Griffin, James. 1862 March 15 (to the Editor of the Boston Pilot).
- CBRO Correspondent : Griffin, Thomas. 1858 Sept. 16, Sept. 27.
- CBRO Correspondent : Griffith, Howard. 1855 Oct. 1.
- CBRO Correspondent : Griffith, John A. 1857 Feb. 18.
- CBRO Correspondent : Griswold, Rufus W. 1846 March 27, Nov. 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gross, C.SS.R., Father William H. 1872 Nov. 17.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gruber, William. 1834 March 18.
- CBRO Correspondent : Gurley, John A. 1862 Dec. 6, Dec. 24; 1863 Jan. 3, March 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Guth, Father Francis. 1848 March 4, April 12; 1849 July t0.
- CBRO Correspondent : Guy, O.S.B., Robert E. (Brother Ephraim). 1860 Aug. 9; 1861 Aug. 12; 1862 Jan. 31.
- CBRO Correspondent : H., G. I. 1855 Sept. 8.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hadley, Josiah G. 1844 Aug. 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Haggerty, Francis Jos. 1862 Jan. 31.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hale, Thomas. 1855 March 24.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hall, T. Randolph. 1855 Oct. 1.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hallinan, Father M. 1853 Nov. 3.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hambleton, James P. 1861 Feb. 8.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hamilton, George A. 1850 Dec. 2; 1859 Nov. 12.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hamilton, James A. 1862 Sept. 6, Sept. 27, Oct. 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hammerer, Augustus. Undated.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hancock, Maj. Winfield Scott. 1869 Nov. 23.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hand, James. 1870 Nov. 19.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hanford, C. J. (1849); 1849 Aug. 25, Nov. 23, Dec. 24.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hanlon, O. H. 1854 Sept. 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hannah, Patrick J. 1852 Nov. 29.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hany, Benjamin F. 1841 Jan. 16.
- CBRO Correspondent : Hardy & Mahony (Publishers). 1875 Nov. 22.