- CBRO Correspondent : Quinn, Thomas. 1859 Nov. 26, Dec. 11; 1860 March 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Rafferty, John. 1861 Jan. 21; 1862 Jan. 31.
- CBRO Correspondent : Randall, Henry S. 1862 May 6, May 16, May 23, June 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Rappe, Bishop Amadeus. 1853 Oct. 17.
- CBRO Correspondent : Ravold, J. P. 1861 Nov. 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Raymond, Father Gilbert. 1845 Aug. 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Read, William George. 1857 Feb. 18.
- CBRO Correspondent : Reardon, Father Thomas. 1872 Dec. 19, Dec. 23.
- CBRO Correspondent : Redfield, H. J. 1834 Feb. 27.
- CBRO Correspondent : Reggio, Nicholas. (1851); 1852 April 1.
- CBRO Correspondent : Reid, Benjamin F. 1855 Oct. 1.
- CBRO Correspondent : Rhett, R. Barnwell. 1841 June 8; (1842?); 1843 Sept. 12; 1847 July 7.
- CBRO Correspondent : Rice, John S. 1843 Nov. 27; 1844 Jan. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Richards, C. C. 1844 Nov. 6.
- CBRO Correspondent : Richards, Henry L. 1875 April 29, May 31 (to Mrs. James Sadlier).
- CBRO Correspondent : Richardson, Father R. 1873 May.
- CBRO Correspondent : Riddick, W. F. 1855 June 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Ripley, George. 1833 Jan. 15; (1834); 1834 March 26; 1842 Dec. 18; 1843 July 22; 1848 June 22; (1858) July 17, Aug. 5; Undated.
- CBRO Correspondent : Ripley, Sophia Willard Dana. 1849 July 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Robinson, E. G. 1846 July 17.
- CBRO Correspondent : Robinson, W. G. 1863 Dec. 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Roche, Thomas. 1857 Feb. 18.
- CBRO Correspondent : Roddan, Father John P. 1848 Oct. 14; Undated.
- CBRO Correspondent : Rogers, Alvin. 1853 April 30.
- CBRO Correspondent : Rolando, Father Joseph. 1870 May 7.
- CBRO Correspondent : Rood, Alvah. 1856 Feb. 16.
- CBRO Correspondent : Rosecrans, Father Sylvester H. 1853 Oct. 25.
- CBRO Correspondent : Rosecrans, Gen. William S. 1 849 Nov. 25; 1863 April 3; 1864 Jan. 22; 1870 March 17.
- CBRO Correspondent : Ross, Daniel J. 1853 March 3.
- CBRO Correspondent : Rouquette, Father Adrian. 1851 Dec. 10; 1855 Feb. 7; 1860 April 8.
- CBRO Correspondent : Ruggles, John. 1834 Sept. 24.
- CBRO Correspondent : Ruland, C.SS.R., Father George. 1875 July 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Rupell, Ida. 1843 June 23, Oct. 30, Nov. 15; 1854 Sept. 3; Undated.
- CBRO Correspondent : Ryan, Father John C. 1861 Nov. 11.
- CBRO Correspondent : Ryan, C.M., Father Stephen. 1864 June 30.
- CBRO Correspondent : Ryder, S.J., Father James. 1847 March 11, (July 24); 1848 May 16.
- CBRO Correspondent : Ryder, Patrick F. 1854 Dec. 3 (to Benjamin H. Greene).
- CBRO Correspondent : Sadlier, James. 1850 March 15, Sept. 24, Oct. 5; 1851 March 1, July 21, Oct. 17, Dec. 29; 1852 March 28, Dec. 14; 1860 Sept. 20; 1863 Aug. 12; 1866 Dec. 19; 1867 April 12, April 15, June 4, June 28, Oct. 18; 1868 June 3, July 28, Sept. 21; 1869 March 25, April 3, April 12, Nov. 16.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sadlier, Mary Anne. 1867 Jan. 8; (1872).
- CBRO Correspondent : Sadlier and Co., Dennis and James. 1856 July 18; 1860 May 2; 1867 Feb. 9 (to S. H. Emery, Jr.), Nov. 3; 1868 Dec. 16; 1869 Dec. 2; 1870 Oct. 25; 1874 March 25.
- CBRO Correspondent : St. John's College. 1860 Sept. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : St. Mary's Literary Society. 1850 May 6.
- CBRO Correspondent : Salaun, Father J. F. 1860 Feb. 14 (to ?).
- CBRO Correspondent : Sallen, A. W. 1874 June 4.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sands, Louis. 1874 May 25.
- CBRO Correspondent : Santee, Father J. W. 1870 Nov. 18 (to the Editor of the Catholic World)
- CBRO Correspondent : Sargent, Epes. 1863 Dec. 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Saunders, William. 1854 Jan. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Saxton, J. A. 1841 Oct. 3.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sayward, J. 1850 March 4.
- CBRO Correspondent : Scafi, C.M., Father Felix. 1847 Feb. 12.
- CBRO Correspondent : Schaf, Philip. 1847 Feb. 8.
- CBRO Correspondent : Schieffelin, Bradhurst. 1862 Dec. 20.
- CBRO Correspondent : Schley, Mrs. M. H. (1858) July 6.
- CBRO Correspondent : Scott, J. Parkin. 1843 Oct. 19; 1846 Jan. 5; 1851 Dec. 13; 1857 Feb. 18.
- CBRO Correspondent : Seabrook, E. M. 1852 Nov. 23.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sears, E. J. 1858 Nov. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Seavy, S. S. 1843 Jan. 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sedwith, Richard F. 1845 Feb. 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Seidenbush, O.S.B., Father F. Rupert. 1860 Oct. 1.
- CBRO Correspondent : Semmes, Thomas J. 1855 Feb. 5, March 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sennott, George. 1863 Oct. 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sestini, S.J., Father Benedict. 1873 Dec. 6.
- CBRO Correspondent : Seton, Elizabeth. 1866 Feb. 20; 1870 Dec. 22; 1873 Dec. 23; 1875 Jan. 12.
- CBRO Correspondent : Seton, William. (1871?) April 4; 1871 Nov. 19; 1872 Feb. 28, March 9, June 9; 1874 March 4, Aug. 17, Oct. 31; 1876 April 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Seton, William, Jr. 1860 Oct. 4.
- CBRO Correspondent : Severance, George. 1862 March 22; 1874 Nov. 30 (to Frederick R. Pustet, enclosed in F. R. Pustet to O.A.B.), Dec. 28.
- CBRO Correspondent : Shackford, C. C. 1862 Jan. 11.
- CBRO Correspondent : Shafer, P. W. 1852 Dec. 20.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sharon, Joseph. 1845 Dec. 24.
- CBRO Correspondent : Shaw, Abner. 1843 Jan. 11.
- CBRO Correspondent : Shaw, J. Coolidge. 1845 Oct. 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Shaw, Libby. 1864 Jan. 29.
- CBRO Correspondent : Shea, John G. 1864 Sept.
- CBRO Correspondent : Shea, S.J., Father Joseph. 1870 June 16.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sherman, Ellen Boyle Ewing. 1858 May 4; 1862 March 13; 1872 Jan. 30 (to Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren, enclosed in 1872 Jan. 30, M. V. Dahlgren to O.A.B.), Feb. 21; 1873 Feb. 6; 1874 Dec. 8; 1875 Jan. 4, Sept. 28.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sibley, George E. 1869 June 1.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sibley, John Langdon. 1862 Oct. 27; 1873 April 8.
- CBRO Correspondent : Simplicia, Sister. 1870 Oct. 7, Oct. 29, Dec. 2.
- CBRO Correspondent : Simpson, Richard. 1853 April 4 (to Father Hecker); 1862 July 4.
- CBRO Correspondent : Slack, Charles W. 1844 June 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Slade, Charles. 1852 Dec. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Smalley, E. Marvin. 1859 Nov. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Smarius, S.J., Father C. F. 1858 Sept. 24, Oct. 13; 1860 Nov. 5.
- CBRO Correspondent : Smeddinck, Father B. 1861 Aug. 18.
- CBRO Correspondent : Smith, Abby Parker. (1844?) May 7; 1845 Dec. 21; 1847 May 31; 1853 May 9.
- CBRO Correspondent : Smith, Anna E. 1872 Nov. 1.
- CBRO Correspondent : Smith, E. S. 1857 Oct. 23.
- CBRO Correspondent : Smith, J. C. 1844 Nov. 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Smith, Lorenzo. Undated.
- CBRO Correspondent : Smith, Marshall. 1861 Nov. 10.
- CBRO Correspondent : Smith, T. G. 1858 March 28.
- CBRO Correspondent : Smith & Co., John Dillon. 1844 Nov. 28.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sophopoiana Society of the College of St. Joseph. 1850 Nov. 15.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sorin, C.S.C., Father Edward. 1851 May 13; 1854 May 14; 1865 Oct. 12, Nov. 7, Nov. 11, Dec. 3, Dec. 5, Dec. 6, Dec. 15, (Dec. 21); 1866 Feb. 3, April 8, May 2, June 5, July 1, Nov. 3, Dec. 29; 1867 Jan. 10, Nov. 11; 1868 Jan. 14, May 12, Oct. 21; 1869 Aug. 9; 1872 May 13.
- CBRO Correspondent : Sourin, Father Edward J. 1850 Jan. 29; 1851 April 15; Undated.
- CBRO Correspondent : Spalding, Father John L. 1874 Jan. 14.
- CBRO Correspondent : Spalding, James R. 1856 Sept. 20.
- CBRO Correspondent : Spalding, Father Martin J. 1844 Nov. 21; 1853 Nov. 15; 1857 Oct. 15, Nov. 19; 1858 Feb. 16.
- CBRO Correspondent : Spellissy, Father James M. 1872 Dec. 21.