Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals
- PCHE 21/06 Title : The Russians Secret: What Christians Today Would Survive Persecutions? / by Peter Hoover and Serguei V. Petrov 1991
- PCHE 21/07 Title : His Eminence and Hizzoner: A Candid Exchange / by John Cardinal O'Connor and Mayor Edward I. Koch 1989
- PCHE 21/08 Title : The Pastoral Letters of Bishop Thomas Langdon Grace: Bishop of Saint Paul / by Bishop Raymond A. Lucker 1859-1884
- PCHE 21/09 Title : Custody of the Heart: Selected Spiritual Writings of Abbot Martin Veth, O.S.B. / by William P. Hyland, Ph.D. 2001
- PCHE 21/10 Title : The Mind of An Archbishop / by The Most Rev. Karl J. Alter, D.D., LL.D. 1960
- PCHE 21/11 Title : Spiritual Insights of a Practicing Psychiatrist / by Henri Samson, M.D., Ph.D., S.J. 1966
- PCHE 21/12 Title : Thoughts: On Apparitions, Chastisements, The Church / by William A. Reck 1993
- PCHE 21/13 Title : The Messages of the Lady of All Nations / by Josef Kunzli 1996
- PCHE 21/14 Title : John Paul II Speaks To Religious Book VII / by Father Jean Beyer, S.J. 1991-1992
- PCHE 21/15 Title : Seedlings / by Right Rev. Charles H. Colton, D.D. Bisop of New Buffalo, New York 1906
- PCHE 21/16 Title : Spiritual pages for the Guanellian family / by Father Louis Guanella 1999
- PCHE 21/17 Title : You Better Believe It: A playboy turned Priest talks to teens / by Rev. Kenneth J. Roberts 1977
- PCHE 21/18 Title : Priests of Christ: Unity, Fraternity and Spirituality / by Jose Tharayil 1995
- PCHE 21/19 Title : The First Five Years of the Priesthood: A Study of Newly Ordained Catholic Priests / by Dean R. Hoge 2002
- PCHE 21/20 Title : Simple Priesthood / by Sean Connolly 2001
- PCHE 21/21 Title : The First Five Years of the Priesthood: A Study of Newly Ordained Catholic Priests / by Dean R. Hoge 2002
- PCHE 21/22 Title : The Catholic Preisthood: Part I The Great Dignity of the Priesthood / by Rev. Michael Muller, C.SS.R. 1885
- PCHE 21/23 Title : The Catholic Priesthood: Part II The Private Life of the Priest / by Rev. Micharl Muller, C.SS.R. 1885
- PCHE 21/24 Title : Holiness for All: Vatican II Spirituality / by William L. Doty 1969
- PCHE 21/25 Title : His Way: An Everyday Plan for Following Jesus / by David Knight 1977
- PCHE 21/26 Title : Guidance To Heaven: On the Catholic View of Life / by Cardinal Giovanni Bona 1995
- PCHE 21/27 Title : Bringing Fourth Justice: Basics for Just Christmas / by Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk 1999
- PCHE 21/28 Title : Saving The World From Your Home: What One Person Can Do / by P.H. Raynis 1987
- PCHE 21/29 Title : Teaching Authority and Infallibility in the Church: Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue VI / by Paul C. Empie, T. Austin Murphy, and Joseph A. Burgess 1978
- PCHE 21/30 Title : Conversations with God: A Catholic View of Prophecy / by Robert Baldwin 1988
- PCHE 21/31 Title : A Still, Small Voice: A Practical Guide on Reported Revelations / by Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R. 1993
- PCHE 21/32 Title : Liturgiam Authenticam: Fifth Instruction on Vernacular Translation of the Roman Liturgy 2001
- PCHE 21/33 Title : Enriching Our Worship 2: Ministry with the Sick or Dying Burial of a Child 2000
- PCHE 21/34 Title : Pastoral Care of the Sick Cuidado Pastoral De Los Enfermos 1986
- PCHE 21/35 Title : Cry the Gospel with your life: Religious Life in the Footsteps of Brother Charles of Jesus / by Little Brothers and Little Sisters of Jesus
- PCHE 22/01 Title : Father O'Hara of Notre Dame: The Cardinal-Archbishop of Philadelphia / by Thomas T. McAvoy, C.S.C. 1967
- PCHE 22/02 Title : Pere Marquette Priest, Pioneer and Adventurer / by Agnes Repplier Litt.D. 1929
- PCHE 22/03 Title : The Warrior Saint / by R.V.C. Bodley 1954
- PCHE 22/04 Title : William Pardow of the Company of Jesus / by Justine Ward 1914
- PCHE 22/05 Title : Rebel Bishop: The Life and Era of Augustin Verot / by Michael V. Gannon 1964
- PCHE 22/06 Title : The Works of Bishop Frederic Baraga Volume 1 / by Charles A. Ceglar, S.D.B. 1991
- PCHE 22/07 Title : Bishop Frederic Baraga Bibliography Volume 2 / by Charles A. Ceglar, S.D.B. 1992
- PCHE 22/08 Title : Hospital: The Biography of Benedictine / by Cynthia Lowry 1976
- PCHE 22/09 Title : Isaac Hecker: An American Catholic / by David J. O'Brien 1992
- PCHE 22/10 Title : Thy Will Be Done: A Spiritual Portrait of Terence Cardinal Cooke / by Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR and Terrence L. Weber (2 copies) 1990
- PCHE 22/11 Title : The Cardinal of Africa: Charles Lavigerie Founder of the White Fathers / by Jose de Arteche 1964
- PCHE 22/12 Title : John Baptist de La Salle: The Formative Years / by Luke Salm, FSC 1989
- PCHE 22/13 Title : Ignatius Loyola: The Founder of the Jesuits / by Paul Van Dyke 1926
- PCHE 22/14 Title : Odyssey in Faith: The Story of Mother Alfred Moes / by Carlan Kraman, OSF 1990
- PCHE 22/15 Title : The Life of Archbishop John Ireland / by James H. Moynihan 1953
- PCHE 22/16 Title : A Man After God's Own Heart: Life of Father Paul Ginhac, S.J. / by William Doyle, S.J. 1913
- PCHE 22/17 Title : Archbishop John Ireland and the Faribault Stillwater School Plan of the 1980's: A Reappraisal / by Timothy Hughes Morrissey 1975
- PCHE 22/18 Title : The Ecclesiology of Archbishop John Ireland: Its Nature, Development and Influence / by Thomas E. Wangler 1970
- PCHE 23/01 Title : Compendium of the History of the Cistercian Order / by A Father of the Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky, of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappist) 1944
- PCHE 23/02 Title : The Christian Brothers in the United States (1900-1925) / by W. J. Battersby, Ph.D. 1967
- PCHE 23/03 Title : The Christian Brothers in the United States (1925-1950) / by W. J. Battersby, Ph.D. 1976
- PCHE 23/04 Title : Franciscan Brothers of Peace: Statutes and Brotherhood Covenant: Our Way of Life / by Anthony J. Sweere, fbp 1994
- PCHE 23/05 Title : Voices of Silence: Lives of the Trappists Today / by Frank Bianco 1991
- PCHE 23/06 Title : The Trappist Monk / by H.J. McDermott 1924
- PCHE 23/07 Title : A Study of Freemasonry / by Monseigneur Dupanloup 1876
- PCHE 23/08 Title : The Power and Secret of the Jesuits / by Rene Fulop-Miller 1930
- PCHE 23/09 Title : The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church / by Malachi Martin 1987
- PCHE 23/10 Title : The Jesuits (1534-1921): A History of the Society of Jesus from Its Foundation to the Present Time / by Thomas J. Campbell, S.J. 1921
- PCHE 23/11 Title : One Mind and Heart in God: Dominican Monastic Life / by Sister Mary Catherine Wolfe, O.P. 1989
- PCHE 23/12 Title : A Franciscan Saga: The History of the Province of the Immaculate Conception U.S.A. / by Fr. Leonard Bacigalupo, O.F.M. 1986
- PCHE 23/13 Title : The Dominican Province of Saint Joseph / by The Very Rev. Victor Francis O'Dainiel, O.P., S.T.M., Litt. D., Hon. Cor. Mem. 1942
- PCHE 23/14 Title : Sisters in Arms: Catholic Nuns through Two Millennia / by Jo Ann Kay McNamara 1996
- PCHE 23/15 Title : Saints We Love / by Rev. Joseph E. Brasky and Rev. Bernard Felsecker 1933
- PCHE 23/16 Title : Military Chaplains from Religious Military to a Military Religion / by Harvey G. Cox, Jr. 1969
- PCHE 23/17 Title : The Early Christians in Their Own Words / by Eberhard Arnold 1970
- PCHE 23/18 Title : Van Rooten's Book of Improbable Saints An Irreverent Hagiography / by Luis d'Antin van Rooten 1975
- PCHE 23/19 Title : The Book of Irish Saints / by Eoin Neeson 1967
- PCHE 23/20 Title : The Irish Saints / by Daphne D. C. Pochin Mould, B.Sc., Ph.D. 1964
- PCHE 23/21 Title : Saints Who Spoke English / by Leo Knowles 1979
- PCHE 23/22 Title : Heavenly Friends / by Rosalie Marie Levy 1979
- PCHE 23/23 Title : A Calendar of Saints for Unbelievers / by Glenway Wescott 1976
- PCHE 23/24 Title : The Saint-a-Day Guide / by Sean Kelly and Rosemary Rogers 2001
- PCHE 24/01 Title : The Book of Catholic Quotations / by John Chapin 1956
- PCHE 24/02 Title : Men Astutely Trained: A History of the Jesuits in the American Century / by Peter McDonough 1992
- PCHE 24/03 Title : The Rise and Fall of Alexandria: Birthplace of the Modern Mind / by Justin Pollard and Howard Reid 2006
- PCHE 24/04 Title : Adolescent Spirituality: Pastoral Ministry for High School and College Youth / by Charles M. Shelton, S.J. 1983
- PCHE 24/05 Title : New Dictionary of the Liturgy / by Gerhard Podhradsky 1966
- PCHE 24/06 Title : The Blood and the Shroud: New Evidence that the World's Most Sacred Relic is Real / by Ian Wilson 1998
- PCHE 24/07 Title : An American Experience of God: The Spirituality of Isaac Hecker / by John Farina 1981
- PCHE 24/08 Title : The Miracle of the Mountain: The Story of Brother Andre and the Shrine on Mount Royal / by Alden Hatch 1959
- PCHE 24/09 Title : Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers 1988
- PCHE 24/10 Title : Celibate Love / by Paul M. Conner, O.P. 1979
- PCHE 24/11 Title : The First Jesuits / by John W. O'Malley 1993
- PCHE 24/12 Title : The Case of Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac / by Richard Pattee 1953
- PCHE 24/13 Title : The Hidden Pope: The Untold Story of a Lifelong Friendship that is Changing the Relationship Between Catholics and Jews / by Darcy O'Brien 1998
- PCHE 24/14 Title : Lost Christianities: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew / by Bart D. Ehrman 2003
- PCHE 24/15 Title : Cardinal Manning: A Biography / by Robert Gray 1985
- PCHE 24/16 Title : John Cardinal O'Connor: At the Storm Center of a Changing American Catholic Church / by Nat Hentoff 1987
- PCHE 24/17 Title : The Lost Painting / by Jonathan Harr 2005
- PCHE 24/18 Title : The Courtier and the Heretic: Leibniz, Spinoza and the Fate of God in the Modern World / by Matthew Stewart 2006
- PCHE 24/19 Title : Papal Sin: Structures of Deceit / by Garry Wills 2000
- PCHE 25/01 Title : Charles De Foucauld / by Robert Ellsberg 1999
- PCHE 25/02 Title : Bioethics: Bridge to the Future / by Van Rensselaer Potter 1971
- PCHE 25/03 Title : Therese Neumann: Mystic and Stigmatist (1898-1962) / by Adalbert Albert Vogl 1987
- PCHE 25/04 Title : Spirit and Reality / by Nicolas Berdyaev 1939
- PCHE 25/05 Title : By Way of the Heart: Toward a Holistic Christian Spirituality / by Wilkie Au, S.J. 1989
- PCHE 25/06 Title : The Life and Cult of Saint Anne / by Gerard Desrochers, C.Ss.R.
- PCHE 25/07 Title : Soeurs Auxiliatrics Constitutions Annexes 1978
- PCHE 25/08 Title : Evangelizing Blacks / by Glenn C. Smith 1988
- PCHE 25/09 Title : Paradox of Poverty: Francis of Assisi and John of the Cross / by Lyn M. Falzon Scheuring 2001