Books of Historical Interest and Ceremonial Books
- PCRM 1/27 Title : Rule and Constitutions/1581 Text of the Primitive Constitutions and of the Constitutions of Alcala 1991
- PCRM 1/28 Title : Formulaire 1894
- PCRM 1/29 Title : Latin - English Supplement 1950
- PCRM 1/30 Title : Vade Mecum 1965
- PCRM 1/31 Title : Rules and Constitutions 1862
- PCRM 1/32 Title : Discalced Carmelite Nuns Rule Constitutions Declarations 1977
- PCRM 1/33 Title : A Summary of Indulgences Granted to the Order of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel
- PCRM 1/34 Title : Divine Office
- PCRM 1/35 Title : Ceremonial of the Discalced Nuns of the Order of Our Blessed Lady of Mount Carmel 1930
- PCRM 1/36 Title : Rule and Constitutions of the Discalced Nuns 1928
- PCRM 1/37 Title : Ceremonial of the Discalced Nuns 1949
- PCRM 1/38 Title : Manual Divine Offices Discalced Carmelites 1932
- PCRM 1/39 Title : The Rite of Religious Profession for Discalced Carmelite Friars and Nuns 1984
- PCRM 1/40 Title : Charter of Life
- PCRM 2/ Series : Books Typeset by Indianapolis Carmelites
- PCRM 2/01 Title : The Monastic Impulse / Walter Capps 1983
- PCRM 2/02 Title : A Special Kind of Love: Care of the Dying Child / Robert W. Buckingham 1983
- PCRM 2/03 Title : Introduction to Theology / Marianne H. Micks 1983
- PCRM 2/04 Title : Views from the Intersection Poems and Meditations / Virginia Ramey Mollenkott and Catherine Barry 1984
- PCRM 2/05 Title : Distant Echoes: Medieval Religious Women / John A. Nichols and Lillian Thomas Shank Volume One 1984
- PCRM 2/06 Title : Peace Weavers: Medieval Religious Women / John A. Nichols and Lillian Thomas Shank Volume Two 1987
- PCRM 2/07 Title : The Common Life: The Origins of Trinitarian Mysticism and Its Development / Jan Ruusbroec and Louis Dupré 1984
- PCRM 2/08 Title : Japan Journey: The Columban Fathers in Nippon / Edward Fischer 1984
- PCRM 2/09 Title : The Eucharist Yesterday and Today / M. Basil Pennington 1984
- PCRM 2/10 Title : The Letters of Armand-Jean De Rancé: Abbot and Reformer of la Trappe / A. J. Krailsheimer Volume One 1984
- PCRM 2/11 Title : The Letters of Armand-Jean De Rancé: Abbot and Reformer of la Trappe / A. J. Krailsheimer Volume Two 1984
- PCRM 2/12 Title : Health and Medicine in the Reformed Tradition / Kenneth L. Vaux 1984
- PCRM 2/13 Title : Health and Medicine in the Catholic Tradition / Richard A. McCormick 1984
- PCRM 2/14 Title : When A Person Dies: Pastoral Theology in Death Experiences / Robert L. Kinast 1984
- PCRM 2/15 Title : The Mardi Gras Syndrome: Rethinking Christian Sexuality / Joan Timmerman 1984
- PCRM 2/16 Title : The Complete Book of Home Health Care / Robert W. Buckingham 1984
- PCRM 2/17 Title : Seizing The Apple: A Feminist Spirituality of Personal Growth / Denise Lardner Carmody 1984
- PCRM 2/18 Title : Changes: A Spiritual Journal / John Michael Talbot 1984
- PCRM 2/19 Title : Human Formation: Formative Spirituality / Adrian Van Kaam Volume Two 1985
- PCRM 2/20 Title : Formation of the Human Heart: Formative Spirituality / Adrian Van Kaam Volume Three 1986
- PCRM 2/21 Title : Scientific Formation: Formative Spirituality / Adrian Van Kaam Volume Four 1987
- PCRM 2/22 Title : Wellness Spirituality / John J. Pilch 1985
- PCRM 2/23 Title : The Lover and The Beloved: A Way of Franciscan Prayer / John Michael Talbot 1985
- PCRM 2/24 Title : Mosquitoes in Paradise: A New Look at Genesis, Jesus and the Meaning of Life / John R. Aurelio 1985
- PCRM 2/25 Title : Hospital Ministry: The Role of the Chaplain Today / Lawrence E. Holst 1985
- PCRM 2/26 Title : Church, Charism And Power: Liberation Theology and the Institutional Church / Leonardo Boff 1985
- PCRM 2/27 Title : On Growing Older: A personal guide of life after 35 / Eugene C. Bianchi 1985
- PCRM 2/28 Title : The Fire of God / John Michael Talbot 1986
- PCRM 2/29 Title : Health and Medicine in the Anglican Tradition / David H. Smith 1986
- PCRM 2/30 Title : Studia Patristica XVIII: Papers of the 1983 Oxford Patristics Conference / Elizabeth A. Livingstone Volume One 1985
- PCRM 2/31 Title : The Double Cross: Ordination, Abortion and Catholic Feminism / Denise Lardner Carmody 1986
- PCRM 2/32 Title : Health and Medicine in the Jewish Tradition / David M. Feldman 1986
- PCRM 2/33 Title : Health and Medicine in the Methodist Tradition / E. Brooks Holifield 1986
- PCRM 3/01 Title : The Golden Epistle: Cistercian Fathers Series / William of St. Thierry 1976
- PCRM 3/02 Title : Bernard of Clairvaux and the Cistercian Spirit / Jean Leclercq 1976
- PCRM 3/03 Title : The Letters of Adam of Perseigne / Thomas Merton 1976
- PCRM 3/04 Title : One Yet Two / M Basil Pennington ocso 1976
- PCRM 3/05 Title : Community and Abbot: In the Rule of Saint Benedict / Adalbert de Vogue Volume One 1979
- PCRM 3/06 Title : In The Face OF Death / Louis Evely 1979
- PCRM 3/07 Title : Total Presence: The Language of Jesus and the Language of Today / Thomas J.J. Altizer 1980
- PCRM 3/08 Title : Discerning the Way: A Theology of the Jewish-Christian Reality / Paul Van Buren 1980
- PCRM 3/09 Title : Thomas Merton on St. Bernard 1980
- PCRM 3/10 Title : The Life of Saint Pachomius / Pachomian Koinonia Volume One 1980
- PCRM 3/11 Title : Pachomian Chronicles and Rules / Pachomian Koinonia Volume Two 1981
- PCRM 3/12 Title : Instruction, Letters and Other Writings of Saint Pachomius and his Disciples / Pachomian Koinonia Volume Three 1982
- PCRM 3/13 Title : Theology of Christian Marriage / Walter Kasper 1980
- PCRM 3/14 Title : God Who Dares to be Man: Theology for Prayer and Suffering / Bonnell Spencer, OHC and Paul Moore, Jr. 1980
- PCRM 3/15 Title : The Message of Thomas Merton / Brother Patrick Hart 1981
- PCRM 3/16 Title : Not Alone: For the Lord is Nigh / Mary Lewis Coakley 1981
- PCRM 3/17 Title : Call to Integration: A New Theology of Religious Life / Vadakethala F. Vineeth 1981
- PCRM 3/18 Title : Worship Points The Way: Celebration of the Life and Works of Massey H. Shepherd, Jr. / Malcolm C. Burson 1981
- PCRM 3/19 Title : I Am Food: The Mass in Planetary Perspective / Roger Corless 1981
- PCRM 3/20 Title : The Heart of the World: A Spiritual Catechism / Thomas Keating 1981
- PCRM 3/21 Title : Solitude in the Thought of Thomas Merton / Richard Anthony Cashen 1981
- PCRM 3/22 Title : Prayers / Theodore Parker Ferris 1981
- PCRM 3/23 Title : Jesus and the Hunger for Things Unknown / Pierre Talec 1982
- PCRM 3/24 Title : Molchanie: The Silence of God / Catherine De Hueck Doherty 1982
- PCRM 3/25 Title : The Cistercians in Denmark: Their Attitudes, Roles, and Functions in Medieval Society / Brian Patrick McGuire 1982
- PCRM 3/26 Title : Bringing the Mother With You: Sources of Healing in Marian Meditation / Ronda Chervin and Mary Neill 1982
- PCRM 3/27 Title : Gateway to God / Simone Weil 1982
- PCRM 3/28 Title : The Occupation of Celtic Sites in Ireland: By the Canons Regular of St Augustine and the Cistercians / Geraldine Carville 1982
- PCRM 3/29 Title : The Teacher: An Existential Approach to the Bible / Zvi Kolitz 1982
- PCRM 3/30 Title : A Faithing Oak: Meditations from the Mountain / Robert A. Raines 1982
- PCRM 3/31 Title : The First Day of Eternity: Resurrection Now / George A. Maloney 1982
- PCRM 3/32 Title : The Feminist Mystic: And Other Essays on Women and Spirituality / Mary E. Giles 1982
- PCRM 3/33 Title : Conversations with the Crucified / Reid Isaac 1982
- PCRM 3/34 Title : Christian Introspection: Self-Ministry through Self-Understanding / Robert J. Wicks 1983
- PCRM 3/35 Title : The Rule of Saint Benedict: A Doctrinal and Spiritual Commentary / Adalbert de Vogue 1983
- PCRM 3/36 Title : The Love of Jesus and the Love of Neighbor / Karl Rahner 1983
- PCRM 3/37 Title : Health and Medicine in the Lutheran Tradition 1983
- PCRM 3/38 Title : Sermons in a Monastery: Chapter Talks / Matthew Kelty 1983
- PCRM 3/39 Title : How Shall We Find the Father? Meditations for Mixed Voices / Mary Neill, Ronda Chervin, and Don Briel 1983
- PCRM 3/40 Title : Maybe A Second Spring: The Story of the Missionary Sisters of St. Columban in China / Edward Fischer 1983
- PCRM 3/41 Title : Christ and the Sacrament Church / Pierre Talec 1983
- PCRM 3/42 Title : Urodivoi Fools for God / Catherine De Hueck Doherty 1983
- PCRM 3/43 Title : The Monastic Rule of Iosif Volotsky / David M. Goldfrank 1983
- PCRM 4/01 Title : Zelo Zelatus Suim Pro Domino Deo Exercituum
- PCRM 4/02 Title : Godding Human Responsibilty and the Bible / Virginia Mollenkott 1987
- PCRM 4/03 Title : Screening Space The American Science Fiction Film / Vivian Sobchack 1987
- PCRM 4/04 Title : The Limits of the Papacy / Patrick Granfield 1987
- PCRM 4/05 Title : Gertrud the Great of Helfta Spiritual Exercises / Gertrud Jaron Lewis and Jack Lewis 1989
- PCRM 4/06 Title : The Spirituality of the Christian East / Tomas Spidlik 1986
- PCRM 4/07 Title : Shepherds Speak: American Bishops Confront the Social and Moral Issues that Challenge Christians Today / Dennis M. Corrado and James F. Hinchey 1986
- PCRM 4/08 Title : Caught in the Middle: Meeting God in the Midst of Problems / Henry Libersat 1987
- PCRM 4/09 Title : Reading Corinthians: A Literary and Theological Commentary on 1 and 2 Corinthians / Charles H. Talbert 1987