Reports of parishes in the diocese including financial reports, statistical reports on population and ethnicity, parish histories, and other material specific to certain parishes.
- CDBL 9/12-25 Subseries : Sermons, manuscripts, writings. Primarily theological 1868-1936
Pastoral letter, sermons, and other manuscripts which discuss theological issues or biographical accounts of members of the clergy.
- CDBL 9/12 Folder : Michael Bouchet Easter oration 1868
- CDBL 9/13 Folder : Pastoral letter of Timothy Corbett, Bishop of Crookstowm 1936/0111
- CDBL 9/14 Folder : Transcript of notes taken at memorial meeting for Msgr. George Schumann 1931/1216
- CDBL 9/15 Folder : Manuscript about the Golden Rose nd
- CDBL 9/16 Folder : Unidentified manuscripts about theological issues; probably written by Bishop William McCloskey nd
- CDBL 9/17 Folder : Theological Manuscripts 1880s
1. Booklet, c. 80 pp, "De Matrimonio, Cartello II", Alexander Harnist, Coll. Am., Romae. Continuatio examinis argumentorum primae sententiae -- Continuatio argumentorum traditionalium secundae classis Tertiae classis argumentorum traditionalium ad examen revocatio Ad exortitatis theologorum et rationis theologicae Ad examen revocantius argumenta eorum qui dicunt contraliates esse ministros sacramenti De Materia et forma Sacramenti Matrimonii Caput II -- De proprietalibus Matrimonii De Unitate -- Propositio: Jure divino illicitum est Christianis plures simul habere uxores Argumenta ex scripturis Triplex caput argumentorum traditionalium -- [sirione] ex patribus Secundum caput eorumdum -- Ecclesiae praxis Tertium id -- confessio haereticorum Difficultatis De matrimonii Indissolubilitate -- quaestio prima -- propositio Argumenta ex scripturis Argumenta ex patribus Consensus theologorum -- difficultates Quaestio secunda -- Propositio -- de ratio et non consummato Difficultates Altera quaestio -- Quo jure dirimitur matrim. rat. et non consummatum Tertia quaestio -- De Indissolubilitate matrimonii rati et consummati De Erroribus Propositio prima Propositio secunda Incipit interpretatio verborum Mathaei prima interpretatio Incipit secunda interpretatio
2. Booklet, approx. 30 pages. Primarily French, some Latin. On the sacrifice of the Mass: existence, nature, who the minister is, obligation, intention, time of celebration of Mass, etc. Divided into 6 chapters, and subdivisions; some large subdivisions in Latin. Clearly part of a larger whole; cannot tell how much missing.
3. Small booklet, 50 pp. English. Apologetic to Protestants on nature of scripture, interpretation of scripture. Incomplete (pages missing at beginning and end), poor condition, esp. beginning and end. Addressed to "my brethren,"sometimes abbr. to "m.b." -- draft copy or notes for an address?
- CDBL 9/18 Folder : Unidentified manuscripts, probably homilies nd
- CDBL 9/19 Folder : Unidentified manuscripts about theological issues nd
- CDBL 9/20 Folder : Unidentified manuscripts about theological issues nd
- CDBL 9/21 Folder : Unidentified manuscripts about theological issues nd
- CDBL 9/22 Folder : Unidentified manuscripts about theological issues nd
- CDBL 9/23 Folder : Sermon by Reverend Jerome 1926/0530
- CDBL 9/24 Folder : Sister Martha's account of Reverend Hosten and Carroll family nd
- CDBL 9/25 Folder : Statement re Denis A. McCarthy for Catholic Columbian 1931/0911
- CDBL 9/26-53 Subseries : Institutional and Group 1811-1937
Material from different lay organizations within the Diocese, such as The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Clerical Aid Society, and Catholic Knights of America, which detail fundraising efforts and other activities. Also included in this series are records and statements from educational institutions, asylums, and colleges, in addition to some printed material.
- CDBL 9/26 Folder : Cathedral of the Assumption, Louisville, KY; early Flaget correspondence, transcripts, contracts, etc. 1811-1859
- CDBL 9/27 Folder : Subscriptions for the erection of Cathedral in Louisville, KY 1849-1851
- CDBL 9/28 Folder : Record of funds for building of Louisville Cathedral by Bishop Martin J. Spalding 1859
- CDBL 9/29 Folder : Contracts for repairs to Louisville Cathedral 1898
- CDBL 9/30 Folder : Society of St. Vincent de Paul 1897,1930
- CDBL 9/31 Folder : Laymen of the Automobile Subscription Fund; Minutes 1916-1920
- CDBL 9/32 Folder : Reports and correspondence of the Clerical Aid Society of Louisville, KY 1913-1934
- CDBL 9/33 Folder : Members' receipt book, Catholic Knights of America, St. John's Branch 1911-1912
- CDBL 9/34 Folder : Statement and Raffle Tickets, Catholic Woman's Club Bazaar 1911/10
- CDBL 9/35 Folder : Cathedral School documents, Louisville, KY 1906-1911
- CDBL 9/36 Folder : The History Quarterly title page and contents, V. 1 1926-1927
- CDBL 9/37 Folder : Prospectus of St. Mary's College, Marion County, KY 1860
- CDBL 9/38 Folder : Documents relating to The Record 1865-1895
- CDBL 9/39 Folder : Documents relating to orphans and orphanages 1865-1927
- CDBL 9/40 Folder : Reports of the Clergy Relief Union of the Diocese of Indianapolis 1904,1917
- CDBL 9/41 Folder : Statements, reports regarding educational institutions 1884-1937
- CDBL 9/42 Folder : Reports of seminary students - St. Thomas Seminary, St. Meinrad Seminary 1952
- CDBL 9/43 Folder : Statements regarding asylums - St. Vincent's, St. Benoit-Joseph's c1890
- CDBL 9/44 Folder : Programs and attendance lists of theological conference of the Diocese of Louisville 1928-1930
- CDBL 9/45 Folder : Minutes of Board of St. Louis Cemetery 1874
- CDBL 9/46 Folder : List of hurricane damages to the Diocese of Galveston 1900/0917
- CDBL 9/47 Folder : Louisville Classical High School 1875
- CDBL 9/48 Folder : Church of the Assumption 1898
- CDBL 9/49 Folder : Catholic School Board, Louisville, Kentucky nd
- CDBL 9/50 Folder : Documents and agreements re: building churches nd
- CDBL 9/51 Title : Application for Aid, Commission for the Catholic Missions Among the Colored People and the Indians nd
- CDBL 9/52 Title : Returns of the Good Friday Collection, Commissary of the Holy Land 1905
- CDBL 9/53 Title : An Exhibit of Catholic Charities nd
- CDBL 10/01-07 Subseries : Diocesan Histories 1896-1909
Histories of the Diocese in English and Latin and a narrative about the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blesses Virgin Mary in Louisville.
- CDBL 10/01 Folder : History of the Diocese of Louisville nd
- CDBL 10/02 Title : Diocese of Louisville nd
- CDBL 10/03 Folder : Copy of a history of the Diocese of Louisville by P. M. Rock nd
- CDBL 10/04 Title : Diocese of Louisville by P. M. Rock 1909
- CDBL 10/05 Title : Relatio Status Dioeceseos Ludocicopotansi - brief history in Latin 1896
- CDBL 10/06 Title : The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Louisville nd
- CDBL 10/07 Title : A Community Built on Faith, Flaherty, Kentucky nd
- CDBL 10/08-09 Subseries : Journals 1836-1864
Journals of Benedict J. Flaget and transcipt of one by Martin J. Spalding.
- CDBL 10/08 Folder : Journal of Bishop B. J. Flaget 1836-1847
- CDBL 10/09 Title : Journal of Martin John Spalding, Bishop of Louisville, transcript 1860-1864
- CDBL 10/10-11 Subseries : Maps 1890
- CDBL 10/10 Folder : Map of Middlesborough, KY showing improvements 1890/0901
- CDBL 10/11 Folder : Maps of downtown Louisville, KY nd
- CDBL 10/12-16 Subseries : Clippings and printed 1852-1959
Clippings from newspapers including The Mount, devotional pamphlets, and printed cards and invitations.
- CDBL 10/12 Folder : Newspaper clippings on a variety of topics nd
- CDBL 10/13 Title : The Mount 1938/11
- CDBL 10/14 Folder : Death and funeral notices, cards, clippings 1852-1959
- CDBL 10/15 Folder : Devotional Pamphlets 1898,1901
- CDBL 10/16 Folder : Business cards and invitations 1870-1954
- CDBL 10/17-23 Subseries : Miscellaneous subject files 1808-1901
Includes a Papal Bull of Pope Pius VII appointing Flaget Bishop, certificates, a comparison of Bishops Maes and Moeller, and part of the Kentucky Constitution.
- CDBL 10/17 Folder : Papal Bull of Pope Pius VII/Cardinal Antonelli appointing B. J. Flaget first Bishop of Bardstown 1808/0408
- CDBL 10/18 Folder : Certificate granting Reverend Michael Bouchet 1863
exemption from U.S. military service and certificate of Bouchet's French nationality
- CDBL 10/19 Folder : Comparison of two bishops, Maes and Moeller, by Bishop William McCloskey nd
- CDBL 10/20 Folder : Section 170 of Kentucky Constitution regarding revenue and taxation 1891/0928
- CDBL 10/21 Folder : Document in German regarding Franz Schlageter with biographical information 1849-1934
- CDBL 10/22 Folder : Books received of George Schuhmann by Bp. McCloskey 1900-1901
- CDBL 10/23 Folder : Augustus Selinger application for U. S. citizenship 1858/0616
Passport, citizenship application, other documents in German and English.
1. Form, German -- from the consulate of the Grand Duchy Baden in St. Louis, Nov. 11, 1863. -- to August Selinger, St. Charles, MO.
2. Receipt for duty paid, in German, July 1852. stamp: "GR.BAD.HAUPT-ZOLLAMT KEHL" Grand Duchy Baden main customs office." On other side: "Legitimationsschein" -- form not filled out
3. Passport, in German. Grand Duchy of Baden. for August Selinger. July 9, 1852. physical description (eyes, hair, face, etc.). All domestic and foreign civil and military authorities requested to allow A.S. to pass free and unhindered. stamps and endorsements show voyage through France to New York.
4. Export permit -- German. August Selinger. 22 Oct., 1852. exportation of wine.
5. German document, 1852. Seal of Grand Duchy Baden.
6. Citizenship document, Augustus Selinger.
- CDBL 10/24-26 Subseries : Church documents in Latin 1845-1930
Certificates, documents and papal decrees, many of them in Latin.