Biographical Files A-S, Fourth Run
- GDIS Additions Folder : Taylor, James I. (Emeritus, Civil Engr/Geological Sciences) 1976-2001
- GDIS Additions Folder : Taylor, Richard E. (Chemistry and Biochemistry) 1995-2003
- GDIS Additions Folder : Temple, Kerry M. (Notre Dame Magazine) 1977-2008
- GDIS Additions Folder : Thistlethwaite, William 1982-1987
- GDIS Additions Folder : Thomas, J. Kerry (Emeritus, Chemistry and Biochemistry) 1970-2005
- GDIS Additions Folder : Thompson, M.D., Robert no date
- GDIS Additions Folder : Thompson, Richard James 1958-1979
- GDIS Additions Folder : Tidmarsh, Jay (Law School) 1992-2007
- GDIS Additions Folder : Tihen, Joseph Anton 1960-1963
- GDIS Additions Folder : Tomasch, Walter J. (Retired Faculty) 1974-1987
- GDIS Additions Folder : Trifone, Edward A. 1994-1995
- GDIS Additions Folder : Trozzolo, Anthony M. 1976-2006
- GDIS Additions Folder : Trubac, Edward R. (Emeritus, Finance) 1965-2003
- GDIS Additions Folder : Truesdell, Timothy 1974-1996
- GDIS Additions Folder : Turner, James (History; Nanovic Institute) 1995-2008
- GDIS Additions Folder : Uhran, Jr., John Joseph (Associate Dean, College of Engineering; Computer Science and Engineering) 1974-2001
- GDIS Additions Folder : Utz, Dr. Patrick (Psychology) 1988-2001
- GDIS Additions Folder : Vacca, Robert (Classics) 1974-2004
- GDIS Additions Folder : Valenzuela, J. Samuel (Sociology; Kellogg Institute) 1989-2006
- GDIS Additions Folder : Van Es, Jeanine (Development- Salaries) 1992
- GDIS Additions Folder : Vann- Hamilton, Joy (Assistant Provost, Provost Office) 1999-2000
- GDIS Additions Folder : Varma, Arvind (Chemical Engineering) 1976-2000
- GDIS Additions Folder : Vasta, Edward (Retired Faculty) 1973-1989
- GDIS Additions Folder : Vuckovic, Vladeta (Retired Faculty) 1974-1975
- GDIS Additions Folder : Waddick, Robert James (Custodian, Joyce Center Housekeeping) 1963-1998
- GDIS Additions Folder : Wadsworth, Michael 1994-2004
- GDIS Additions Folder : Walicki, Andre J. 1986-2006
- GDIS Additions Folder : Walshe, A. Peter (Political Science; Institute for International Peace Studies) 1972-2004
- GDIS Additions Folder : Walter, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph L. (Emeritus, Chemistry and Biochemistry) 1974-1992
- GDIS Additions Folder : Walton, James H. (Emeritus, English; Nanovic Institute) 1969-1989
- GDIS Additions Folder : Walvoord, Barbara (Professional Specialist, Provost- Other; Arts and Letters English; Institute for Educational Initiatives) 1996-2008
- GDIS Additions Folder : Webb, Kathleen 1992-1996
- GDIS Additions Folder : Weber, John A. (Marketing) 1983, 2000
- GDIS Additions Folder : Weber, Ronald (American Studies) 1972-2006
- GDIS Additions Folder : Weigert, Andrew J. (Sociology; Institute for International Peace Studies) 1968-2002
- GDIS Additions Folder : Weigert, Kathleen 1979-1996
- GDIS Additions Folder : Weinstein, Paul P. (Retired Faculty) 1973-2008
- GDIS Additions Folder : Werge, Thomas (English) 1974-1995
- GDIS Additions Folder : Westfall, Carroll William (Architecture) 1998-2003
- GDIS Additions Folder : White, Kevin 2000-2008
- GDIS Additions Folder : Whitman, Dr. Thomas (Psychology) 1972-2004
- GDIS Additions Folder : Wieber, Paul T. (University Communications Design) 1982, 1996
- GDIS Additions Folder : Wilber, Charles K. (Emeritus) 1975-2004
- GDIS Additions Folder : Wilkie, Dr. William L. (Marketing) 1987-2007
- GDIS Additions Folder : Williams, O. F. 1993-2008
- GDIS Additions Folder : Williamson, Robert W. (Emeritus) 1975-1996
- GDIS Additions Folder : Wilson, C.S.C., Rev. John H. 1958-2002
- GDIS Additions Folder : Wimmer, Albert K. (German/Russian Language and Literature) 1977-2001
- GDIS Additions Folder : Wiskirchen, C.S.C., Rev. George 1993-2005
- GDIS Additions Folder : Wittenbach, James L. (Accountancy) 1972-1997
- GDIS Additions Folder : Wolf, Eduardo E. (Chemical Engineering) 1976-1994
- GDIS Additions Folder : Wong, Warren J. (NONND) 1974-1997
- GDIS Additions Folder : Woo, Carolyn (Dean Business School) 2002-2010
- GDIS Additions Folder : Wordland, Stephen Theodore 1966-1993
- GDIS Additions Folder : Wostmann, Dr. B.S.J. 1958-1984
- GDIS Additions Folder : Yoder, John H. 1978-1999
- GDIS Additions Folder : Zeugner, Jr., Lorenzo A. 1979, 2003
- GDIS Series : Digital Images