Slides, prints, and negatives
- GDOM 7/29C B/W Print : Men's Swimming Meet - Swimmer Joey O'Connor starting his final length of the 1000 yard freestyle [this photo was published in the 1972 Dome yearbook, page 162] 1971-1972
- GDOM 7/29C B/W Print : Men's Swimming Meet - Swimmer Gene Krathaus beats his opponents in the 50 yard freestyle [this photo was published in the 1972 Dome yearbook, page 162] 1971-1972
- GDOM 7/29C B/W Print : Men's Swimming and Diving Meet - Diver Larry LaFratta in the tuck position before entering the water [this photo was published in the 1972 Dome yearbook, page 163] 1971-1972
- GDOM 7/29C B/W Print : Men's Swimming Meet - Swimmers Tom Skiba and Joey O'Connor take off for the 1000 yard freestyle [this photo was published in the 1972 Dome yearbook, page 163] 1971-1972
- GDOM 7/29D B/W Print : Men's Swimming Meet - Swimmer Ken VanDeventer takes off for the freestyle competition [this photo was published in the 1974 Dome yearbook, page 154] 1973-1974
- GDOM 7/29D B/W Print : Men's Swimming Meet [this photo was published in the 1974 Dome yearbook, page 155] 1973-1974
- GDOM 7/29D B/W Print : Men's Swimming and Diving Team; see yearbook for identifications [this photo was published in the 1974 Dome yearbook, page 155] 1973-1974
- GDOM 7/29E B/W Print : Men's Swimming and Diving Meet - Robert (Bob) Ebel diving [this photo was published in the 1976 Dome yearbook, page 204] 1975-1976
- GDOM 7/29E B/W Print : Men's Swimming and Diving Team; see yearbook for identifications [this photo was published in the 1976 Dome yearbook, page 204] 1975-1976
- GDOM 7/29E B/W Print : Men's Swimming - A swimmer diving off the starting block (view from above) [this photo was published in the 1976 Dome yearbook, page 205] 1975-1976
- GDOM 7/29F B/W Print : Men's Swimming - Side view of a swimmer that has been outlined in ink c1970s
- GDOM 7/29F B/W Print : Men's Swimming - Swimmer Mike Ferrell; photo by James Canestaro c1969-1970
- GDOM 7/29F B/W Print : Men's Swimming and Diving - Diver Reid Lichtenfels; photo by James Canestaro c1969-1970
- GDOM 7/30A B/W Prints : Men's Tennis Game Scenes [five scenes] c1960s-1970s
- GDOM 7/30B B/W Print : Men's Tennis Practice Game Scene with Joe Brown, Skip Davidson, and Jim Beamis [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 298] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/30B B/W Print : Men's Tennis Game Scene - Captain Jamie Whelan [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 299] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/30B B/W Print : Men's Tennis Game Scene with John Clancy [a similar photo was published in the 1964 Dome yearbook, page 240] 1963-1964
- GDOM 7/30B B/W Print : Men's Tennis Team photo - Jasjit Singh, Carlos Carriedo, Dennis Nigro, Coach Tom Fallon, Frank Honerkamp, Captain Bill Brown, Gary Rierser, and Jim Barnett [this photo was published in the 1967 Dome yearbook, page 189] 1966-1967
- GDOM 7/30C B/W Print : Men's Tennis Game Scene [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 236] 1968-1969
- GDOM 7/30C B/W Print : Men's Tennis Game Scene - Bob O'Malley in individual [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 237] 1968-1969
- GDOM 7/30C B/W Print : Men's Tennis Team photo - Buster Brown, Tim Whiting, Bob O'Malley, Mike Lanahan, Tony Early, Mike Petersmith, Reggie Day, Jay Cusick, Coach Tom Fallon, Jim Faught, Mike Reilly, Bernie LeSage [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 237] 1968-1969
- GDOM 7/30D B/W Print : Men's Tennis Team photo - Mike Lanahan, Bob O'Malley, Greg Reid, Buster Brown, Bernie LeSage, Tony Early, Coach Tom Fallon, Jim Faught, Gregory Murray, John Allare, D. Breccia, Tim Whiting, Manager Reggie Day [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 244] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/30D B/W Print : Men's Tennis Game or Practice Scene - Bernie LeSage [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 244] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/30D B/W Print : Men's Tennis Game or Practice Scene - Bob O'Malley [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 245] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/30E B/W Print : Men's Tennis Team photo - J. Daly, Captain Bernie LeSage, J. Magee, Mike Reilly, John Allare, Tony Early, Greg Reid, Brandon Walsh, Coach Tom Fallon, Rob Schaefer, Dick Murray, Buster Brown, Chris Amato; photo by Jim Hunt [this photo was published in the 1971 Dome yearbook, page 320] 1970-1971
- GDOM 7/30E B/W Print : Men's Tennis Game or Practice Scene - Buster Brown [this photo was published in the 1972 Dome yearbook, page 141] 1971-1972
- GDOM 7/30E B/W Print : Men's Tennis Team photo - Captain Buster Brown, Dick Murray, Christopher Kane, John Allare, Greg Ried, Brandon Walsh, M. Reilly (Mark or Michael), M. Reilly, Coach Tom Fallon, Barry Andrews, J. Sprank, L. Malkiewich, Bob Johnson, Fred Keuthen, three unidentified [this photo was published in the 1972 Dome yearbook, page 244] 1971-1972
- GDOM 7/30E B/W Prints : Men's Tennis Game or Practice Scenes - Randy Stehilk [these photos were published in the 1976 Dome yearbook, page 211] 1975-1976
- GDOM 7/31 B/W Contact Sheets : Sports - Women's Field Hockey, Cross Country, Baseball, Tennis [contact sheets only, no negatives] c1970s
- GDOM 7/32A B/W Print : Men's Indoor Track Meet - Keith Small and Larry Dirnberger cross the finish line of the half mile race, coming in first and second places [this photo was published in the 1965 Dome yearbook, page 95] 1964-1965
- GDOM 7/32A B/W Print : Men's Outdoor Track Meet - Pat Conroy passes on the outside [this photo was published in the 1965 Dome yearbook, page 96] 1964-1965
- GDOM 7/32A B/W Print : Men's Outdoor Track Meet - Ed Dean crosses the finish line [this photo was published in the 1965 Dome yearbook, page 96] 1964-1965
- GDOM 7/32B B/W Print : Men's Track Team - Coach Alex Wilson, Dave Saykally, Ed Broderick, Paul Gough, Dan Welty, Dan Hellman, Doug Breunlin, Mark Walsh, Pete Farrell, Bob Timm, Assistant Coach Bob Smith, Trainer Len Moretti, John Madden, Kevin O'Brien, John Wehrheim, Mike Milligan, Charles Zabielskis, Ole Skarstein, Ron Kurtz, Manager Jack Donahue, Bill Hurd, Bob Walsh, Tim Meskill, Bill Constantini, Harold Spiro, Brian Cantwell, Al Widdifield, Tim Butler, Captain Mike Chaput, Brian Kenny, Dan Saracino, Bill Sikorsky, Ken Howard, Bill Leahy, Charles Vehorn, John Vuyosevich, Greg Milmoe, John Reid, Dave Dricoll, Joe Quigley, Don Bergan [same image as GASI 7/06] 1967
- GDOM 7/32B B/W Print : Men's Track Team - K. McAuliffe. M. Collins. D. Saykally, B. Hurd, J. Samar, Ole Skarstein, D. Koller. K. O'Brien. J. Cain, M. Walsh. B. Redding. J. Bardy. P. Holleran, D. Stickler, J. Quaderer. P. Mullaley, J. Utz, J. Lehner, J. Duffy, E. Poteelli, P. Dowd, M. McMannon, E. Broderick, J. Quigley, V. Ambrico, P. Gough, D. Breunlin, M. McCann, R. Wohlhurer, M. Dennelly, E. Andrus. B. Sikerski, Coach Alex Wilson; photo by Terry Dwyer [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 209] 1968-1969
- GDOM 7/32B B/W Print : Men's Track Meet - Ed Polcelli prepares for the shot put [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 209] 1968-1969
- GDOM 7/32C B/W Print : Men's Indoor Track Notre Dame Invitational Meet - Mike McCann passes the baton to Rick Wohlhunter in a relay race [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 221] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/32C B/W Print : Men's Indoor Track Notre Dame Invitational Meet - Dan Carroll and Pat Dineen hold good position during the mile race [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 220] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/32C B/W Print : Men's Indoor Track Notre Dame Invitational Meet - Mike McCann passes the baton to Rick Wohlhunter in a relay race [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 221] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/32C B/W Print : Men's Indoor Track Notre Dame Invitational Meet - Mike McMannon leaps to first place in the broad jump [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 222] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/32C B/W Print : Men's Track Team - R. Harris, R. Vzilicelli, K. McAuliffe, D. Carroll, R. Wolhunter, J. Quaderer, T. Buckley, T. Gilhooly, P. Holleran, V. Ambrice, G. Mercer, B Reckling, P. Mullzley, S. Deeb, J. Smer, M. McCann, E. Polselli, E. Dempsey, D. Stickler, T. Desch, J. O'Connor, P. Andretti, J. Roe, J. Utz, B. Casey, B. Reichenbach, M. Donnelly, R. Burrdl, D. Myers, S. Livingston, F. Price, B. Horan, M. Dimick, M. Caulfield, S. McGraw, Coach Alex Wilson, J. Eicher, J. Dufly, M. McMannon, J. Kapitan, P. Sanzo, M. Craig, T. Cahill, B. Smith, J. Groselo, T. McMannon, Manager D. Hilz [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 223] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/32D B/W Print : Men's Indoor Track Meet - Gene Mercer and John Duffy in the 1000 yard race [this photo was published in the 1972 Dome yearbook, page 138] 1971-1972
- GDOM 7/32D B/W Print : Men's Indoor Track Meet - Tom McMannon strains for a winning jump [this photo was published in the 1972 Dome yearbook, page 139] 1971-1972
- GDOM 7/32D B/W Print : Men's Track Team photo; see yearbook for identifications [this photo was published in the 1972 Dome yearbook, page 187] 1971-1972
- GDOM 7/32E B/W Print : Men's Cross Country Team - Mike Collins, Pat Holleran, Dave Saykally, Captain Kevin O'Brien, Bob Watson, Mike Donelly, Coach Alex Wilson, Jim Rycina, Jim Lehner, Mark Walsh, and Rick Wohlhuter; photo by Terry Dwyer [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 228] 1968/Fall
- GDOM 7/34A B/W Print : Wrestling Match Scene c1960s-1970s
- GDOM 7/34A B/W Prints : Wrestling Match Scene - Dick Arrington? in the Fieldhouse [two scenes] c1960s
- GDOM 7/34A B/W Print : Wrestling Match Scene [this photo was published in the 1969 Dome yearbook, page 254] 1968-1969
- GDOM 7/34B B/W Print : Wrestling Team - Jim Hansen, Bob Habig, Ken Ryan, John Maas, Captain Keith Giron, Tom Ciaccio, Phil Gustafson, Todd Carey, Dean Olhmstead, Tom Powell, Bill Hasbrook [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 231] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/34B B/W Print : Wrestling Match Scene - Jim Hansen attempts a take down; photo by John K. Anderson Jr. [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 232] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/34B B/W Print : Wrestling Match Scene - The referee watches closely as Ken Ryan rolls his opponent [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 232] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/34B B/W Print : Wrestling Match Scene - Ken Ryan rolls his opponent [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 233] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/34C B/W Print : Wrestling Match Scene - Tom Ciaccio vs. Marquette c1970
- GDOM 7/34C B/W Print : Wrestling Team - P. Scheuerman, Tom Ciaccio, S. Moylan, R. Esposto, Ken Ryan, Robert (Bob) Habig, J. Reagan, Coach T. Mather, R. Bennett, J. Dueker, Phil Gustafson, R. Aselage, M. Kemp, R. Rocek, C. Page [this photo was published in the 1971 Dome yearbook, page 320] 1970-1971
- GDOM 7/34C B/W Print : Wrestling Match Scene - Mike Kemp gets points [this photo was published in the 1972 Dome yearbook, page 156] 1971-1972
- GDOM 7/34C B/W Print : Wrestling Match Scene - Dave Boyer and his opponent contort for the points of victory [print is damaged] [this photo was published in the 1973 Dome yearbook, page 180] 1972-1973
- GDOM 7/34C B/W Print : Wrestling Match Scene [this photo was published in the 1976 Dome yearbook, page 199] 1975-1976
- GDOM 7/34D B/W Print : Wrestling Match Scene - Wrestler Bob Golic receiving award for first prize in the National Catholic Wrestling Tournament [this photo was published in the 1978 Dome yearbook, page 302] 1977-1978
- GDOM 7/34D B/W Print : Wrestling Match Scene [this photo was published in the 1977 Dome yearbook, page 295] 1976-1977
- GDOM 7/34D B/W Prints : Wrestling Match Scenes [three scenes] c1970s
- GDOM 7/35 B/W Print : Freshman Students climbing a telephone pole - John Purdie, Stephen Zeber, Michael Liscek, Gerald Wysocki, Richard Abel, Francis Kastelic, and Donald Merchant [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 179] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/35 B/W Print : Freshman Students in a pumpkin patch - Charles Wetli, Norman St. Laurent, Arthur McDermott, James Blanchard, James Brunell, Peter Wanderer, Anthony Doheny, and Paul Borda [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 178-179] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/35 B/W Print : Freshman Students sitting on a grassy hill - James Kisting, James Fitzgerald, Philip Baldwin, Maurice Girardi, Kenneth Odmark, William Slattery, Wernest Eaton, Mike Dwyer, James Burke, Ed Glennon, Bernard Raimo, James Mahoney, Larry Ducharme, Robert Klucha, Thomas Gaffney, Raymond Blake, Ron LaSpisa, and William Kane [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 183] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/36 B/W Print : Sophomore Students around a mulberry bush with female students - William Kiernan, Stephen Rall, Jim Drury, John Riley, Theodore Konen, Paul Trost, Jerome Tucker, Michael Hahn, Thomas Kenneally, Dennis Paquette, David Hansen, William Schma, William Vanosdol, Robert Bartoldus, Richard Wolfe, Richard France, Richard Liberman, Richard Primeau, Richard Miles, Thomas Finnegan [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 168] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/36 B/W Print : Sophomore Students by St. Joseph Lake - Francis Smith, Charles Gretsch, Richard Kowalski, John Malone, Gerald Kardas, David Stout, Don Kelly, Robert Wiecoarek, Michael Freeman, David O'Brien, Joseph Terranova, Robert Johnston, Henry Panek, John Lyons, Linus Portman [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 170] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/36 B/W Print : Sophomore Students on the golf putting green beside the Rockne Memorial - Bernard O'Callahan, Ronald Vomero, George Lang, Eugene Koster, Robert Hernan, Frank Jost, Dennis McCracken, David Nardone, David Stronsky, Joseph DiBartolo, John McNally, John Kenney, Thomas Dolan, Oscar Sidenfaden, John Garcia, Joseph Sperber, Thomas Kenny, Michael Kihm, Dale Galasso, Richard Berry, Kevin Yelmgren 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/37 B/W Print : Junior Students posed outside - John Koss, Richard Huelsmann, Vincent Massa, William Moran, James Boland, Robert Kaltenbacker, Emory Gray, Leo Marus, Walter Chiles, Mike Queenan, Gerald Boland, Dennis Morrow, Alex Desko, Thomas Fisher, Stephen Rickert [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 144] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/37 B/W Print : Junior Students on the baseball field dugout - Lee Mulvihill, Brian Shea, Kevin Hart, John Shaf, Kenneth Telesca, Thomas Wich, Michael O'Connell, James Fox, Robert Sullivan, John Van Dewalle, Bartley O'Hara, Mitchell Mack, Michael Gartland, Lawrence Valli, James Kletter, Richard Woods, Robbins Stocking, Michael Connor [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 145] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/37 B/W Print : Junior Students hanging outside of classroom windows - David Armstrong, Raymond, McEneaney, Fred Morelli, Arthur Ricchiuti, John Norton, Albert Leinweber, Joseph Whiteside, Frank Bolek, Robert Rowe, Charles Knapp, James Grodin, John Karcz, Geroge McGuire [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 148] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/37 B/W Print : Junior Students with two female students outside of the Morris Inn - Edward Huntzinger, William Markwell, Michael Maguire, Martin Meeker, Harold Reno, Robert Brutvan, Thomas Peterson, Thomas Profy, Ronald Stapleton [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 149] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/37 B/W Print : Junior Students outside of the Mahogany Room at the Morris Inn? - Leo McIntyre, Michael Blake, Thomas Ruggiero, Robert Liptak, Thomas Dyman, Lawrence Norton [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 149] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/37 B/W Print : Junior Students posed outside - John Neis, Francis Lamboley, Bill Bowling, John Sammon, Robert Moran, John Christ, Thomas Gordon, George O'Meara, Richard Fellrath, William Kelley, Bill McMahon, Hugh Shevlin, Dietzler, Robert Clark, Robert Falkner, David Fogarty [this photo was published in the 1962 Dome yearbook, page 144] 1961-1962
- GDOM 7/38 B/W Print : Student Life - Off-campus Housing - A kitchen sink full of dishes [this photo was published in the 1974 Dome yearbook, page 86] 1973-1974
- GDOM 7/38 B/W Print : Student Life - Off-campus Housing - A male student makes dinner salads [this photo was published in the 1974 Dome yearbook, page 86] 1973-1974
- GDOM 7/38 B/W Print : Student Life - Off-campus Housing - Three male students eating dinner [this photo was published in the 1974 Dome yearbook, page 87] 1973-1974
- GDOM 7/38 B/W Print : Student Life - Off-campus Housing - A male student eating dinner [this photo was published in the 1974 Dome yearbook, page 87] 1973-1974
- GDOM 7/39A B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - A male student working at a typewriter, there is liquor on the desk; photo by Patrick J. Gibbs [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 84] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/39A B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - A male student makes pizzas for the dorm sales; photo by Patrick J. Gibbs [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 89] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/39A B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - Four male students gathered in a dorm room; photo by Patrick J. Gibbs [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 83] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/39A B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - A male student in a dorm hallway wearing only a towel; photo by John K. Anderson Jr. [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 85] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/39A B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - A male student on the fire escape of a dorm [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 84] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/39B B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - A male student studying at a desk while wearing headphones [this photo was published in the 1974 Dome yearbook, page 82] 1973-1974
- GDOM 7/39B B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - A male student sleeping in a chair [this photo was published in the 1974 Dome yearbook, page 82] 1973-1974
- GDOM 7/39B B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - A male student resting on a couch [this photo was published in the 1974 Dome yearbook, page 83] 1973-1974
- GDOM 7/39B B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - A male student studying on a couch [this photo was published in the 1974 Dome yearbook, page 83] 1973-1974
- GDOM 7/39C B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - A female student talking on a telephone [this photo was published in the 1975 Dome yearbook, page 52] 1974-1975
- GDOM 7/39C B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - A male student next to a bookshelf with an aquarium [this photo was published in the 1976 Dome yearbook, page 27] 1975-1976
- GDOM 7/39C B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - A male student outside walking toward Morrissey Hall main entrance door [this photo was published in the 1976 Dome yearbook, page 35] 1975-1976
- GDOM 7/39C B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - A woman working as the Lyons Hall security guard and hat-check [this photo was published in the 1976 Dome yearbook, page 34] 1975-1976
- GDOM 7/39D B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - Two female students in a dorm room; photo by Paul Joyce [this photo was published in the 1977 Dome yearbook, page 123] 1976-1977
- GDOM 7/39D B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - Sorin Hall Talent Show [this photo was published in the 1977 Dome yearbook, page 120] 1976/Fall
- GDOM 7/39D B/W Print : Student Dorm Life - Three male students building a snow sculpture on North Quad for Cavanaugh Hall; photo by Paul Joyce [this photo was published in the 1977 Dome yearbook, page 115] 1976-1977
- GDOM 7/40A B/W Print : Student Life - A woman asleep in a metal folding chair at a party [this photo was published in the 1971 Dome yearbook, page 184] 1970-1971
- GDOM 7/40A B/W Print : Student Life - Three women sitting on a couch; photo by Patrick J. Gibbs [this photo was published in the 1971 Dome yearbook, page 225] 1970-1971
- GDOM 7/40A B/W Print : Student Life - A group of male students at a party in a bar [this photo was published in the 1973 Dome yearbook, page 260] 1972-1973
- GDOM 7/40B B/W Print : Concert - Two members of the Thymes singing outdoors on campus [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 24] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/40B B/W Print : Student Life - A band playing on Sorin Hall front porch on the First Friday [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 25] 1969/Fall
- GDOM 7/40B B/W Print : Student Life - A male student on crutches standing next to his date, who is holding two champagne glasses; photo by Patrick J. Gibbs [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 28] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/40B B/W Print : Student Life - A male student playing pool billiards; photo by John K. Anderson Jr. [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 29] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/40B B/W Print : Student Life - A group of male students watching a pool billiards tournament at Senior Bar; photo by John K. Anderson Jr. [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 32] 1969-1970
- GDOM 7/40C B/W Print : Student Life - Dave Dewan playing pool billiards at Senior Bar; photo by John K. Anderson Jr. [this photo was published in the 1970 Dome yearbook, page 33] 1969-1970