Diocese of Richmond: Microfilm
- MDRI 2 Document : McGill, Bishop John [baptismal record signed by McGill] 1855/1102
- MDRI 2 Letter : Polk, Joseph to Bishop John McGill 1855/1129
- MDRI 2 Letter : Plunkett, Fr. Joseph H. to Bishop John McGill 1855/1205
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1855/1214
- MDRI 2 Letter : Polk, Joseph to Bishop John McGill 1855/1217
- MDRI 2 Letter : McGill, Bishop John to Fr. A. L. Hitzelberger 1855/1217
- MDRI 2 Letter : O'Keefe, Father Matthew to Bishop John McGill 1855/1219
- MDRI 2 Document : Murphy, John & Co. [Bill to Bishop John McGill] 1855/1231
- MDRI 2 Document : Lucas Brothers [Bill to Bishop John McGill] 1855/1231
- MDRI 2 Document : McGill, Bishop John, Admin. ["Statuta Synodi . . ."] 1856
- MDRI 2 Letter : O'Keefe, Father Matthew to Bishop John McGill 1856/0101
- MDRI 2 Document : Hedian & O'Brien [bill to Bishop John McGill] 1856/0109
- MDRI 2 Letter : Plunkett, Fr. Joseph H. to Bishop John McGill 1856/0129
- MDRI 2 Letter : Wallace, William to Bishop John McGill 1856/0131
- MDRI 2 Document : Lucas Brothers [Bill to Bishop John McGill] 1856/0208
- MDRI 2 Document : McGill, Bishop John, Admin. [marriage dispensation] 1856/0320
- MDRI 2 Letter : Neumann, Bishop John N. to Bishop John McGill 1856/0402
- MDRI 2 Letter : Sherry, R.M. to Bishop John McGill 1856/0509
- MDRI 2 Document : Lucas Brothers [Bill to Bishop John McGill] 1856/0512
- MDRI 2 Document : Myers, Chas. H., & Bro [Bill during McGill adminis.] 1856/0618
- MDRI 2 Letter : Croghan, Charles J. to Bishop John McGill 1856/0618
- MDRI 2 Document : Dunigan, Edward, and Bro. [Bill to Bp. John McGill] 1856/0626
- MDRI 2 Letter : Plunkett, Fr. Joseph H. to Bishop John McGill 1856/0703
- MDRI 2 Letter : Valentine, Crenshaw, & Co. Bill to Bishop John McGill 1856/0710
- MDRI 2 Letter : Stonestreet, Fr. Charles H. SJ to Bishop John McGill 1856/0802
- MDRI 2 Letter : Murphy, John & Co. [Bill to Bishop John McGill) 1856/0830
- MDRI 2 Letter : Piet, John B. to Bishop John McGill 1856/0909
- MDRI 2 Letter : Spalding, Bp. Martin John to Fr. John McGill 1856/0917
- MDRI 2 Letter : Lewis, L. P. to Bishop John McGill 1856/1102
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1856/1118
- MDRI 2 Letter : Lewis, L. P. to Bishop John McGill 1856/1123
- MDRI 2 Document : McGill, Bishop John, Admin. [receipts] 1856/1126
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1856/1127
- MDRI 2 Letter : Plunkett, Fr. Joseph H. to Bishop John McGill 1856/1201
- MDRI 2 Document : McGill, Bishop John [copy of letter to Rome by McGill] 1856/1203
- MDRI 2 Document : McGill, Bishop John [1st draft of letter to Dufriche] 1856/1210
- MDRI 2 Document : Dufriche, Abbe [1st draft of letter by Bp. McGill] 1856/1210
- MDRI 2 Document : McGill, Bishop John [to congregation of St. Peter's] 1857
- MDRI 2 Letter : Murphy, John & Co. to Bishop John McGill 1857/0101
- MDRI 2 Document : O'Neill, John [Receipt-O'Neill during McGill Admin.] 1857/0112
- MDRI 2 Letter : Slattery, Michael to Bishop John McGill 1857/0120
- MDRI 2 Document : Mutual Assurance Society [Statement of Society] 1857/0120
- MDRI 2 Document : McGill, Bishop John, Admn. [John Hagan vs. St. Joseph] 1857/0131
- MDRI 2 Letter : Tealing, Fr. John to Bishop John McGill 1857/0131
- MDRI 2 Document : St. Joseph's Orphanage, Richmond, Va [vs John Hagan] 1857/0131
- MDRI 2 Document : Hagan, John [concerning Hagan vs. St. Joseph's] 1857/0131
- MDRI 2 Letter : Valentine, Crenshaw, & Co. Bill to Bishop John McGill 1857/0303
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1857/0330
- MDRI 2 Letter : O'Regan, Bishop Anthony to Bishop John McGill 1857/0411
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1857/0415
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1857/0419
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1857/0612
- MDRI 2 Letter : [--] to Bishop John McGill 1857/0701
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1857/0711
- MDRI 2 Letter : Pawlowski, Father Leopold to Bishop John McGill 1857/0716
- MDRI 2 Letter : Moriarity, Bishop D. to Bishop John McGill 1857/0722
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kain, John J. to Bishop John McGill 1857/0918
- MDRI 2 Letter : O'Keefe, Father Matthew to Bishop John McGill 1857/1005
- MDRI 2 Letter : Finn, Margaret A. to Bishop John McGill 1857/1007
- MDRI 2 Document : McGill, Bishop John, Admin. [Lease of property] 1857/1020
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1857/1107
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1857/1121
- MDRI 2 Letter : McLaughlin, J. Fairfax- Marriage License to Brooke 1857/1204
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1857/1229
- MDRI 2 Letter : Lhomme, F. to Bishop John McGill 1858/0103
- MDRI 2 Letter : Verot, Fr. A. to Bishop John McGill 1858/0211
- MDRI 2 Letter : Costello, Michael to Bishop John McGill 1858/0212
- MDRI 2 Letter : Lynch, Bishop-elect P. N. to Bishop John McGill 1858/0214
- MDRI 2 Letter : Lynch, Bishop-elect P. N. to Bishop John McGill 1858/0228
- MDRI 2 Letter : Costello, Michael to Bishop John McGill 1858/0303
- MDRI 2 Letter : Downey, Father Daniel to Bishop John McGill 1858/0417
- MDRI 2 Letter : Lewis, L. P. to Bishop John McGill 1858/0430
- MDRI 2 Letter : Lhomme, F. to Bishop John McGill 1858/0605
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1858/0618
- MDRI 2 Letter : Jenkins, C.S. to Bishop John McGill 1858/0628
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1858/1001
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1858/1029
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1858/1122
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1858/1125
- MDRI 2 Document : Newman, Father John Henry [copy of letter to Bp. Lynch] 1858/1207
- MDRI 2 Document : Lynch, Bishop P. N. [copy of letter to Newman] 1858/1207
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1859/0106
- MDRI 2 Document : McGill, Bishop John [Rough draft of letter of Propaga.] 1859/0331
- MDRI 2 Document : Propagation of the Faith, Paris, France [letter] 1859/0331
- MDRI 2 Document : Barnabo, Alexander [copy of letter by Bp. John McGill] 1859/0415
- MDRI 2 Document : McGill, Bishop John [copy of letter to Card. Barnabo] 1859/0415
- MDRI 2 Letter : Downey, Father Daniel to Bishop John McGill 1859/0517
- MDRI 2 Letter : O'Keefe, Father Matthew to Bishop John McGill 1859/0531
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1859/0620
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1859/0624
- MDRI 2 Letter : O'Keefe, Father Matthew to Bishop John McGill 1859/0628
- MDRI 2 Letter : Talty, Father Andrew to Bishop John McGill 1859/0707
- MDRI 2 Letter : Wood, Bishop James F. to Bishop John McGill 1859/0806
- MDRI 2 Letter : Costello, Michael to Bishop John McGill 1859/0827
- MDRI 2 Letter : Costello, Michael to Bishop John McGill 1859/1220
- MDRI 2 Document : McGill, Bishop John, Admin. [Account of dedication] 186-
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1860/0103
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrich, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1860/0103
- MDRI 2 Letter : Spalding, Bp. Martin John to Fr. John McGill 1860/0203
- MDRI 2 Letter : Kenrick, Archbp. Francis P. to Bishop John McGill 1860/0210