A collection of microfilmed scrapbooks with newspaper clippings on amateurand professional baseball in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,with an emphasis on the 1870s. Contents are divided into ten discreteparts, apparently corresponding to the original scrapbooks or groups ofscrapbooks, as follows:
Part 1: Season summaries and reviews [January 1871 - December 1878] andgame stories and box scores [April 1873 - September 1881]. Clippings derivefrom the New York Clipper, and cover the National Association and theNational League.
Part 2: Game stories and box scores. Clippings derive mostly from dailynewspapers from National League cities, especially Chicago and St, Louis,with coverage emphasizing the National League. [May 1875 - May 1879].
Part 3: Game stories and box scores from the New York Clipper, coveringmany college, amateur, and professional teams. [April 1870 - November 1877].
Part 4: Articles on off-field developments in professional baseball,with anemphasis on the American League-National League war. Clippings derive fromvarious dailies, especially from New York. [December 1901 - January 1905].
Part 5: Game stories and box scores. Clippings derive mostly from Bostondailies; coverage emphasizes the Boston National League club and other NewEngland area teams. [May 1879 - September 1882].
Part 6: Articles on baseball from the New York Clipper [January 1879 -March 1881], followed by a few general baseball articles from the 1890s.
Part 7: Articles on amateur and professional baseball from the New YorkClipper [March 1855 - January 1879], followed by a few articles on Bowler'sField Day in Cincinnati, 10 September 1907.
Part 8: Game stories and box scores from the New York Clipper, withcoverage of many college, amateur, and professional teams. [July 1853 -March 1870].
Part 9: Weekly baseball columns by William M. Rankin, mostly written as NewYork correspondent to The Sporting News [June 1904 - October 1912].
Part 10: Game stories and box scores from the New York Clipper, coveringmany professional and amateur teams. [March 1878 - July 1882].
[Courtesy of George Rugg, Joyce Sports Research Collection, University ofNotre Dame]