Lectures and Speeches
- CFOM 4/15 Folder : Freedom "Freedom of Choice," A Proposal to the Wranglers
- CFOM 4/16 Folder : Freedom "The Nature of Freedom," Speech, Fall, 1956(?)
- CFOM 4/17 Folder : Guardini Notes "The Church and the Catholic and The Spirit of the Liturgy," An Address to the Architects of Notre Dame, November 22, 1954. J.B. Gremillion, "Interview with Romano Guardini," America, November 15, 1958, pp. 194-95.
- CFOM 4/18 Folder : Guardini "The Thinker in the Church II: The Urgencies of Romano Guardini," handwritten draft of O'Malley's article published in the Review of Politics, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 451-59 (October, 1963)
- CFOM 4/19 Folder : "The Philosophy of Thomas Hardy," lecture
- CFOM 4/20 Folder : "The Harvard Report: Some Notes and Comments"
- CFOM 4/21 Folder : "Hawthorne: The Haunted Mind, the Anti-Puritan," lecture
- CFOM 4/22 Folder : "Hemingway: The Heap of Broken Images," lecture
- CFOM 4/23 Folder : "Integral History," Paper by unidentified author
- CFOM 4/24 Folder : Gerard Manley Hopkins Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, ed. Robert Bridges "Mary the Dawn," poem by unidentified author "Three Poets Discuss New Verse Forms: The Correspondence of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Bridges, and Coventry Patmore," by Derek Patmore "The Library of Congress Division of Bibliography: Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844-1889, A bibliographical list, 1940." "On the Centenary of the Poet's Birth, and Series of Lectures to Honor Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844-1889." outline by O'Malley
- CFOM 4/25 Folder : G.M. Hopkins Lectures "Hopkins Centenary Lectures, I, The Visible World: Sensibility" "Hopkins Centenary Lectures, II, The Visible World:Judgement" "The Windhover--G.M. Hopkins--a penetration," lecture "Hopkins Centenary Lectures, IV: Spiritual Form" Chapter III (pp. 46-52) of larger thesis on Hopkins, author unidentified.
- CFOM 4/26 Folder : "A few notes on G.M. Hopkins," re: Commemorative lectures
- CFOM 4/27 Folder : "The Theology of 'The Wreck of the Deutschland,'" speech delivered at St. Mary's College "The Wreck of the Deutschland," Parts II, IV, and V (pp. 14-39, 58-68, 79-82) of a thesis on Hopkins, author unidentified.
- CFOM 4/28 Folder : "A Note on G.M. Hopkins' The Wreck"
- CFOM 4/29 Folder : G.M. Hopkins Centenary lecture material Unidentified student paper re: "The Wreck of the Deutschland" Pasquale Di Pasquale, "The Influence of Duns Scotus on G.M. Hopkins," B.A. Thesis, 1955.
- CFOM 4/30 Folder : "The Humanist Reaction Against Naturalistic Values," philosophy of literature lecture
- CFOM 4/31 Folder : "Values and A. Huxley," lecture
- CFOM 5/01 Folder : Impressionism Lecture material, chapter XI, pp. 1-16, of larger work; and Bibliography
- CFOM 5/02 Folder : Individualism "The God We Left Behind Us," pp. 1-20 of longer work including prologue poem, "The Catholic Men," (Filed in folder labeled "Talk on Individualism and its Perversions in Society")
- CFOM 5/03 Folder : "The Frustration of Human Nature in James, Conrad, and George Moore (with a note on Romares)," lecture
- CFOM 5/04 Folder : Notes on James Joyce- Notes, clippings, and a student paper by Duggan
- CFOM 5/05 Folder : Special papers on James Joyce "James Joyce and the Significance of Human Action," lecture "Dove in the Thicket: The Liturgy of James Joyce," by Don Connors, student paper
- CFOM 5/06 Folder : "James Joyce, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man," lecture
- CFOM 5/07 Folder : "A Common Confusion," by Franz Kafka: O'Malley outline
- CFOM 5/08 Folder : Kafka lectures
- CFOM 5/09 Folder : Kafka, Silone, Mauriac: Part of a Lecture
- CFOM 5/10 Folder : Kant Lectures "Kant:" Philosophy "Kant" "Summary of Kant, Fuller's Commentary"
- CFOM 5/11 Folder : "President Kennedy: An American in Search of Civilization"
- CFOM 5/12 Folder : Archbishop John B. Lamy "The Life and Letters of John Baptist Lamy, First Archbishop of Santa Fe," lecture, July 21, 1935.
- CFOM 5/13 Folder : Archbishop John B. Lamy Bulletin announcing a lecture by O'Malley re: Lamy, Sunday, July 21, 1935 Copies of Items in Lamy File, Loretto Motherhouse, Loretto, Kentucky, November 4, 1937. Photostats of some Lamy correspondence O'Malley's thesis on Lamy, Chapter I: The Giant Endurance Chapter II: The New Bishop of Santa Fe and His Vicar-General Chapter III: The Journey to Santa Fe Notes on Lamy and "Social Background of American Literature: Roman Catholicism and Non-Catholic Sects"
- CFOM 5/14 Folder : D.H. Lawrence- "The Modern Revolt Against Puritanism: D.H. Lawrence," Lecture
- CFOM 5/15 Folder : D.H. Lawrence "D.H. Lawrence," lecture "Lawrence's Denial of the Intellect," lecture "The Religion of D.H. Lawrence," by John William Meaney, B.A. Thesis, U. of Notre Dame, Department of English, June, 1940.
- CFOM 5/16 Folder : Literary Criticism Principles and Methods of Literary Criticism A History of Literary Criticism
- CFOM 5/17 Folder : Literature "The Literature of This Century: A Literature of Agony" "IX, Hovering," poem by unidentified author "Present Turning Points in American Life: Literature"
- CFOM 5/18 Folder : Literature "The Present State of Literature," lecture Notes
- CFOM 5/19 Folder : Literature and Religion Special Lectures: "Modern Literature and the Religious Attitude to Life," Handwritten and typed copies. Program: Religion and the Crisis of the Twentieth Century, April 22, 1953, Symposium
- CFOM 5/20 Folder : Liturgy and Literature Liturgy and Literature: Lecture I (missing one page) Liturgy and Literature: Lecture II: Three Modern German Catholics, Adam, Guardini, Von Hildebrand (Liturgical Roots)
- CFOM 5/21 Folder : John Locke "John Locke: Idealist? Realist?" lecture "John Locke: His Sensism," lecture "John Locke: Finale," lecture "The Triumph of Scientism and Naturalism," lecture "Alexander Pope and Nature," lecture
- CFOM 5/22 Folder : Robert Lowell "Robert Lowell: The Mills of the Kavanaughs," review
- CFOM 6/01 Folder : Nature of Art Manuscript Untitled manuscript by unidentified author (probably O'Malley) Re: the Nature of Art, Mauriac, Silone, and Kafka
- CFOM 6/02 Folder : Nature of Art Manuscript untitled manuscript by unidentified author (probably O'Malley) Chapters I (The Nature of Art) and III (Kafka)
- CFOM 6/03 Folder : Nature of Art Manuscript Untitled manuscript by unidentified author (probably O'Malley) Chapter II (Silone)
- CFOM 6/04 Folder : Nature of Art Manuscript Untitled manuscript by unidentified author (probably O'Malley) Chapter IV (Mauriac)
- CFOM 6/05 Folder : Marian Poetry "Marian Poetry of Charles L. O'Donnell: Approaches and Notes" Hopkins, The Blessed Virgin Compared to the Air We Breathe" Peguy, "The Passion of Our Lady" Chesterton, "The Arena"
- CFOM 6/06 Folder : Marxism "The Marxian Interpretation of History and Society," lectures, 3 Parts. Excerpts on "Socialism and Society," by George H. Dune, The Commonweal, Vol. 43, November 23, 1945, pp. 134-39. "Dostoevsky and Revolution," Unidentified student paper
- CFOM 6/07 Folder : Mauriac- first four pages of a lecture on Mauriac
- CFOM 6/08 Folder : "Francis Mauriac (some quick observations)"
- CFOM 6/09 Folder : Thomas Merton, notes
- CFOM 6/10 Folder : John Stuart Mill "John Stuart Mill, I: J.S.M. and the Utilitarianism (Benthamism)," Victorian Humanists lecture "J.S. Mill, II: The Congress of Humanity," lecture "Values in J.S. Mill," by E.J. O'Laughlin, student paper
- CFOM 6/11 Folder : John Milton "The Rationalism of John Milton," speech delivered to the American Catholic Philosophical Association, April 12, 1950, St. Paul, Minnesota (page 6 missing)
- CFOM 6/12 Folder : John Milton Student paper, untitled, author unidentified, 12 pages and one page of bibliography. "The Metaphysics of Milton," lectures "The Failure of Milton the Poet," student paper used by O'Malley as a lecture "Milton on Education," student paper by R. Kennedy used by O'Malley as a lecture "Light Out of Darkness," unidentified student paper (1938)
- CFOM 6/13 Folder : John Milton "Milton's Protestantism," lecture "Milton's Ethics," lecture
- CFOM 6/14 Folder : Miscellaneous Fragments Re: American literature, particularly Ambrose Bierce (one page) Re: The Christian in the World (two pages) Re: Erich Frank---Bibliographic note (one page) Re: Freud, Bergson--note (one page) Re: Pieper--bibliographic notes (one page) title page: "Religion and Modern Literature," (one page) title page: "Notes on Stravinsky," (one page)
- CFOM 6/15 Folder : Modern Catholic Writers "Lecture I: The World of Intellect and Art in the World of Worship" Student paper on Art and Scholasticism, re: Hopkins' Sonnet 34, author's name deleted "Modern Literature and the Religious Attitude to Life"
- CFOM 7/01 Folder : Newman "Newman and the Oxford Reformers and the Search for the Truth," Lecture I, The Victorian Humanists "The Tragedy of Newman" "The One Fold: The Development of Newman's Mind As Revealed in His Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine," unidentified student paper
- CFOM 7/02 Folder : "The Spirit of Newman," manuscript draft
- CFOM 7/03 Folder : "The Thinker in the Church: The Spirit of Newman," manuscript draft
- CFOM 7/04 Folder : "The Spirit of Newman," two manuscript drafts: one handwritten, one page typed
- CFOM 7/05 Folder : "The Thinker in The Church: The Spirit of Newman," by Frank O'Malley, typed draft, handwritten noted on Newman
- CFOM 7/06 Folder : "The Thinker in the Church: The Spirit of Newman," typed draft
- CFOM 7/07 Folder : Nineteenth Century Novel and Novelists "The Nineteenth Century Novel: Jane Austin and Walter Scott," lecture "Dickens and Thackeray," lecture "English Fiction: The Eighteenth Century," lecture "The Mid Victorian Novelists," lecture "The Late Victorian Novel," lecture "Romantic Writers," title page only "Twentieth Century Fiction," lecture
- CFOM 7/08 Folder : The Novel: Problems of Art and Morality--notes
- CFOM 7/09 Folder : "The Renascence of the Novel"
- CFOM 7/10 Folder : Re: Willis Nutting, O'Malley's speech
- CFOM 7/11 Folder : Paper delivered at faculty workshop- September 22, 1954- "How Teaching Can Be Made Personal and Individual"
- CFOM 7/12 Folder : "Fr. Charles O'Donnell, C.S.C.," lecture, 1954.
- CFOM 7/13 Folder : Peace Observance "Remarks by Professor Frank O'Malley at the Peace Observance," Notre Dame, January 28, 1973.
- CFOM 7/14 Folder : Peguy Lectures Student Papers "Work in Christian Culture: Gill and Peguy," by Sister Petra, O.S.B. "The Classical Man--Peguy," by Sister Marion, C.S.J. The Commonweal, Vol. XLII, No. 23 (September 21, 1945) Vol. LIII, No. 5 (November 10, 1950) "The Evangelism of Georges Bernanos," By Frank O'Malley, reprint The Review of Politics, Vol. 6, No. 4, (October, 1944) pp. 403-21.
- CFOM 7/15 Folder : Peguy: Lecture Notes
- CFOM 7/16 Folder : Philosophy of English Literature "A Philosophy of English Literature," by Frank Cunningham, student paper used by O'Malley for lecture "The Philosophy of Literature III: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Backgrounds," outline "The Loneliness of Civilization: The Artist," lecture Philosophy and English Literature," student (?) paper, author unidentified
- CFOM 7/17 Folder : Philosophy of Literature, "II. Plato," lecture
- CFOM 7/18 Folder : Philosophy of Literature "III. Aristotle" "IV. Aristotle" "V." incomplete, pp. 4-9 "VI. Pseudo-Classical Criticism" (Probably parts of larger (student) thesis used by O'Malley as lecture material.)
- CFOM 7/19 Folder : Philosophy of Literature "The Meaning of A Catholic Art and Literature," unidentified student paper "A Philosophy of Literature," by J.H. Johnston. Reprinted from Concord, Vol. 2, No. 8, May 1949. "The Blood of Robert Lowell," by Frank O'Malley. Reprinted from Renascence, Vol. II, No. i, Fall, 1949. With handwritten note attached Handwritten notes by O'Malley on: Notre Dame helping the "thinker to perceive the church" Notre Dame as a Catholic university A non-Catholic educator
- CFOM 7/20 Folder : Philosophy of Literature (continued) "Tolerance and Consensus," by Francis G. Wilson, University of Illinois. Typed manuscript of 32 pages. "Catholic Values in a Disintegrating World: The Renascence of the Novelist and the Poet," by Frances J. O'Malley, manuscript copy "Insertion: John Middleton Murry," two handwritten pages
- CFOM 7/21 Folder : Philosophy of Literature "Lecture IIB. The Struggle between an Ethical or Theological Philosophy and a Scientific Philosophy" "Giordano Bruno, the Pantheist," lecture
- CFOM 7/22 Folder : Philosophy of Literature "VII. Romantic Criticism (Part I)" "German Transcendentalist Philosophy" "Poetic Principle" "A Very Holy Devil," by R.J.J. Ames, student paper re: music, used by O'Malley as a lecture, ending in O'Malley's handwriting. "The Inner Death of Civilization and the Search for Unity," lecture. "The Average Man and The Classical Man," paper by unidentified author inserted within the above listed item (between pp.10 and 11) *This was apparently a talk given by O'Malley at Grailville, Loveland, Ohio, circa 1948. Information supplied to Stephan Bolger by Daniel J. Kane. "VIII. Romantic Criticism (Part II)" "The Romantic Ego,' by Russel Harris, student paper, 1941.
- CFOM 7/23 Folder : Philosophy of Literature "Philosophy and Twentieth Century Physicists," lecture
- CFOM 7/24 Folder : Philosophy and Literature, "The Last Lecture English 99"
- CFOM 7/25 Folder : "The Plight of the Soul," The Review of Politics, July fragments. 1945/07
- CFOM 7/26 Folder : O'Malley's Poetry "At Christmas" "Hodie Salvator Apparuit" "The King of Heaven" "The Saviour" "The Sun and the Shadow"
- CFOM 7/27 Folder : Poetry "The Renascence of Poetry," by Frank O'Malley, handwritten draft and one mimeographed page on "Some Notes About Poetry"
- CFOM 8/01 Folder : Rationalism "Philosophy of Rationalism: The Philosophy of Aristotle and St. Thomas," lecture
- CFOM 8/02 Folder : Rationalism "Philosophy of Rationalism, Lecture I: Thomism" "A Footnote to the Problem of Rationalism: The Development of British Philosophy Through the Age of Reason'
- CFOM 8/03 Folder : Rationalism "Philosophy of Rationalism, Lecture IIIB: Seventeenth Century Materialism and Scientism"
- CFOM 8/04 Folder : Rationalism "The Philosophy of Rationalism and Neo-Classicism: A Summation Part I" "The Philosophy of Rationalism and Pseudo-Classicism: A Summation, Part II"
- CFOM 8/05 Folder : Realism and Naturalism "IX. Natural Science and Literary Theory"
- CFOM 8/06 Folder : Realism "The New Realism of Gissing and Meredith," lecture
- CFOM 8/07 Folder : Reason and Intuition, notes
- CFOM 8/08 Folder : Religion and Education "Some Thoughts on Religion and Education," homily by O'Malley, Second Sunday in Advent
- CFOM 8/09 Folder : Religious Liberty "What is Religious Liberty?" speech
- CFOM 8/10 Folder : "The Renascence of the Novelist and the Poet" Paper and correspondence with the Catholic Renascence Society and Loyola University Press regarding its publication. (See also "Catholic Values in a Disintegrating World)
- CFOM 8/11 Folder : Review of Politics: 20th anniversary dedication to Gurian and O'Hara
- CFOM 8/12 Folder : E.M. Roberts "E.M. Roberts: The Physical and Metaphysical Fact and Vision" "A Place of Our Own," student paper, author's name deleted
- CFOM 8/13 Folder : Romanticism (German): Fichte and Schelling "The Romantic Philosophy in Germany" "Schelling: Dreams and Mists and Rational Disaster" "Schelling: Summary" "The philosophical Support of Romanticism Lecture I: Romantic Spirit and the Fichtean Ego" "Fichte"
- CFOM 8/14 Folder : Romanticism Fichte and Hegel: lectures
- CFOM 8/15 Folder : Romanticism Neo-Hellenism and Other Things "Hegel" "Fichte and Schelling"
- CFOM 8/16 Folder : Romantic Writers "The Romantic Disaster" "The Falsity of Shelley" "Shelley's Poetry, Part II"
- CFOM 8/17 Folder : Rousseau "Rousseau's Philosophy of Felling"
- CFOM 8/18 Folder : John Ruskin Note on William Morris "Ruskin: The Problem of Culture and Civilization"
- CFOM 8/19 Folder : Satire, notes