- MGCD 20/13,059 : Chicago's Spanish speaking Population Selected Statistics (B)
- MGCD 20/13,060 : Minority Report: The Representation of Poles, Italians, Latins and Blacks in the Executive Suites of Chicago's Largest Corporations (B)
- MGCD 20/13,061 : The Spanish Speaking Peoples of Chicago. Working Paper V-9. Chicago Regional Hospital Study, January 1974 (B)
- MGCD 20/13,062 : Spanish Speaking Peoples Study Commission Report to the 78th General Assembly of the State of Illinois Illinois: 1972 35 pp (B)
- MGCD 20/13,063 : Spanish Speaking Peoples Study Commission Illinois Legislative Council, Legislative Service Unit, Report to the 77th General Assembly of the State of Illinois (B)
- MGCD 20/13,064 : Data on the Spanish Speaking Population of Suburban Cook County, Illinois, Cook County Office of Economic Opportunity (Planning Department) (B)
- MGCD 20/13,065 : Ethnographic Description of Chicago's Spanish Speaking Barrio in the Lower Westside (B)
- MGCD 20/13,066 : A Tour of South Chicago's Mexican Colony, W.P.A. Adult Education Program, Chicago Tours for Chicanos, Syllabus, No. 26, Arranged by Lillian Stanton (B)
- MGCD 20/13,067 : Mexican Community Theatre in a Midwestern City Latin American Theatre Review (B)
- MGCD 20/13,068 : Towards the Documentation of Mexican American Literature in the Midwest. Department of Spanish, Indiana University Northwest (B)
- MGCD 20/13,069 : Spanish Americans in North Central Region A Summary Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor (B)
- MGCD 20/13,070 : Some sources of Federal Documentation of Minority Groups in Chicago. Preliminary Draft Prepared for the Conference on the National Archives and Urban Research
- MGCD 20/13,071 : Racial Survey: Student, September 30, 1974 James F. Redmond, General Superintendent of Schools (Acting) Chicago Public Schools (B)
- MGCD 20/13,072 : Selected School Characteristics: Report on the City Wide Testing Program, Report on Per Pupil Staff ing Costs: Elementary Schools, Chicago Public Schools (B)
- MGCD 20/13,073 : Testimony Before the House Subcommittee on Labor and Education, DTS Corporation Chicago, Illinois (B)
- MGCD 20/13,074 : Crime and Criminal Justice Among the Mexicans of Illinois, Section III Report on Crime and the Foreign Born, by Paul LivingstOne Warnshuis (B)
- MGCD 20/13,075 : University of California Publications in Economics Data and Tables on Mexican Labor in the United States (B)
- MGCD 20/13,076 : The Mexican Immigrant in the Chicago Area during the 1920's Illinois State Historical Society Journal (B)
- MGCD 20/13,077 : The Puerto Rican Residents of Chicago: A Report on an Open Hearing, July 15 and 16, 1966 (B)
- MGCD 20/13,078 : Puerto Rican Dropouts in Chicago: Numbers and Moti-vations, HEW by Lucas, Isidro (B)
- MGCD 21/13,079 : Pilsen Between 2 Worlds in Chicago Tribune by Michael Kirkhorn (B)
- MGCD 21/13,080 : County Profile of Agricultural Migrant Workers in Illinois -- A Report of the Committee on Agricultural Migrant Workers, Springfield, Illinois (B)
- MGCD 21/13,081 : Summary of Illinois Laws Relevant to Agricultural Work Division of Statistics, Programs and Publications (B)
- MGCD 21/13,082 : A Directory of Urban and Urban Related Master Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations of the University of Chicago (B)
- MGCD 21/13,084 : Hispanos en Marcha Federal Regional Council Spanish Speaking Task Force, Region V. Newsletters (Re)
- MGCD 21/13,086 : Liberacion August, 1972 Magazine (Re)
- MGCD 21/13,088 : Mexican American Art Fiesta Presented by Museum of Science and Industry of Chicago, Illinois in Cooperation with the Mexican American Advisory Committee (B)
- MGCD 21/13,089 : El Nacional - Guia De Diversion en Chicago Durante La Semana October 1, 1971 (Re)
- MGCD 21/13,090 : Quien He Representa (Local and Federal Information Booklet) (B)
- MGCD 21/13,091 : The Digest - Chicago Public Schools Newsletter (B)
- MGCD 21/13,092 : Project Vencermos Student Survey Social, Economic and Language Characteristics of Project Venceremos Students (B)
- MGCD 21/13,093 : 1973 Evaluation Report. Project Venceremos. Gilbert Cardenas (B)
- MGCD 21/13,094 : Social Indicators of the Spanish Speaking Populations Centro de Estudios Chicanos e Investigaciones Sociales (B)
- MGCD 21/13,095 : Proyecto Venceremos Estudio Interview Form (Re)
- MGCD 21/13,096 : Press Release Concerning Project Venceremos El Centro de la Causa (Re)
- MGCD 21/13,097 : The Negotiation Method of Data Dissemination Stephen L. Schensul (Re)
- MGCD 21/13,098 : The Internal Differentiation of Ethnic Groups: A Challenge to Ethnic Stereotypes (B)
- MGCD 21/13,098 : Comparison of Folk and Professional Diagnoses Using the Hypothetical Case Study Method by Emile N. Schepers, 1971 (B)
- MGCD 21/13,099 : Action Research: The Applied Anthropoligist in A Community Health Program. A Paper Presented at the Southern Anthropological Society Meetings, Columbia (B)
- MGCD 21/13,100 : Selected Papers from the Community Research Unit of the Community Mental Health Program. Presented at the Society of Applied Anthropological Meetings, Miami, Florida by Stephen L. Schensul (B)
- MGCD 21/13,101 : Folk Practices, Folk Medicine and Curandevismo of the Lower West Side of Chicago. Philip Ayala (B)
- MGCD 21/13,102 : Problems in the Political and Social Adaptation of Recently Migrated Mexicans Barbara Simon and Sevilla-Casas, Elias
- MGCD 21/13,103 : Fiesta, Fiesta Publications, 5228 5. Homan Avenue Magazine (Re)
- MGCD 21-23/ Subseries : Indiana
- MGCD 21/13,107 : A Statistical Report on Spanish Language Population, South Bend, SMSA (Data from Census Tracts, 1970) (B)
- MGCD 21/13,108 : Statistical Profile of the Spanish Language Population South Bend, Indiana, 1970 - 1973 (B)
- MGCD 21/13,109 : Mexicans are Lazy and Ignorant: Article Regarding School Walkouts in East Chicago (B)
- MGCD 22/13,110 : 1973 Social, Economic and Demographic Characteristics of a Survey Population of Chicanos South Bend, Indiana (concerning conditions circa 1971) (Re)
- MGCD 22/13,111 : Newspaper - Clippings Indiana (Re)
Included in document 13,115
- MGCD 22/13,112 : Indiana Citizens Committee on Migrant Labor Correspondence Notes on Meetings, Etc. (Re)
- MGCD 22/13,113 : Isaias Barrones vs Harold B. Warner, Warner Farms, Pre-Trial Order (Re)
- MGCD 22/13,114 : Transcript of Proceedings, Indiana Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, in the Matter of: Informal Hearing on Migrants, Fourth Floor, City-County Building South Bend, Indiana, Friday, August 16 (B)
- MGCD 22/13,115 : U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Background Information South Bend Follow-up Subcommittee of the Indiana State Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights (B)
- MGCD 22/13,116 : U.S. Commission on Civil Rights South Bend Public Meetings: May 13, 1967 (B)
- MGCD 22/13,117 : Access to Migrant labor Camps Case Press Release August 1, 1972 (Re)
- MGCD 22/13,118 : Executive Order for the Establishment of a Commission on the Status of Spanish Heritage Peoples of the State of Indiana (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,119 : Jim Faught, Social and Economic Conditions of the Spanish Origin Population in South Bend, Indiana Report No. 1 Census of the Population (B)
- MGCD 23/13,120 : Selected Social and Economic Characteristics of the South Bend Spanish Language Population, 1970 (B)
- MGCD 23/13,121 : Socioeconomic Profile of the Spanish Speaking in Lake County, Indiana Maria Tapia (B)
- MGCD 23/13,122 : Change in the Mexican-American Family: A Study in the South Bend Community, Senior Paper Edward E. Butler (B)
- MGCD 23/13,123 : A Report on the East Chicago Youth: Mexican American Youth in East Chicago (B)
- MGCD 23/13,124 : School City of Gary. A Proposal to Develop and Implement an Experimental Schools Program in Gary, Indiana Submitted to: The Experimental Schools Program, United States Office of Education (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,125 : Strike: The South Bend Settlement in Scholastic, by Patrick Gaffney (B)
- MGCD 23/13,126 : South Bend Human Relations News October, 1973 Newsletter (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,127 : United Mexican Americans of South Bend Proposal for Funding for the UMA. 1970 (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,128 : Proposal to Establish a Multi-Purpose Community Center, Submitted to Action, Inc. by Gilberto Cardenas on Behalf of El Centro, April 25, 1971 (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,129 : 1964 Farm Business Summary Northern Area, Newsletter (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,130 : Migrant Ministry 1970 Indiana Migrant Ministry Names and Reports from Counties and Committees (B)
- MGCD 23/13,131 : 1965 Pocket Supplement: Indiana Labor Laws with Industrial Health and Safety Rules Agriculture Labor Camps (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,132 : Why Migrant Workers Do Not Receive Poor Relief. A Presentation Before the Indiana Advisory Council to the United States Civil Rights Commission by the Indiana Center on Law and Poverty, Inc., Louis Rosenberg (B)
- MGCD 23/13,133 : List of Labor Camps and County Maps - Indiana (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,134 : Fiesta de La Raza Program for September 11, 1970 Stepan Center Notre Dame, Indiana (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,135 : Spanish-American Student Association 1969 Constitution of the Indiana University Spanish American Student Association (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,136 : Indiana University 1974 Latino Orientation at Indiana University April 19-20, 1974 (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,137 : The Admissions Office, Minority Resruitment Efforts, February, 1971 Notre Dame University Peter Grande (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,138 : La Raza Unida Party of Indiana Minutes of Meetings and Communications 1972-73 (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,139 : El Campito Day Care Center Communications Concerning El Campito Day Care Center, 1973-74 (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,140 : Indiana State Board of Health. Amended Rule HSE 29-R Agricultural Labor Camps (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,141 : La Colonia Del Harbor: Mexicanos in East Chicago 1919-1932. Paper Presented At American Historical Association, Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 1974 by Ciro Sepulveda (B)
- MGCD 23/13,142 : Spanish Farm Workers in Transition (Paper tr Urban Ethnic Seminar, U.S.) by Regi Meredith (B)
- MGCD 23/13,146 : El Laberinto Union de Estudiantes Chicanos y Indios September 1972, February 1975 (Re)
- MGCD 23/ Subseries : Iowa
- MGCD 23/13,147 : Iowa State Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights A Donde Vamos Anora! Where are We Going Now. A Report on the Problems of the Spanish Surnamed and Migrant Population in Iowa (B)
- MGCD 23/13,148 : Chicano Conference University of Iowa April 18-20 and April 26-27, 1975 (Agendas and Purposes) (Re)
- MGCD 23/13,149 : El Laberinto 1972 Magazine (B)
- MGCD 23-24/ Subseries : Kansas
- MGCD 23/13,150 : MECHA: Kansas State University (Re)
- MGCD 24/13,151 : The Kansas Migrant Survey: An Interpretative Profile of the Mexican-American Migrant Family. Institute for Social and Environmental Studies, University of Kansas Elizabeth Gutierez, and Herman Lujan (B)
- MGCD 24/13,152 : The Chicano in the State of Kansas Presented at Midwest Conference of La Raza, April, 1970 (B)
- MGCD 24/13,153 : Explanation of, Communications, and Statements. Justicia, Inc. Topeka, Kansas (Re)
- MGCD 23-25/ Subseries : Michigan
- MGCD 23/13,154 : Mexican Americans in Transition - Migration and Employment in Michigan Cities. Final Report of the Project "The Mexican American Farm Worker in Transition."
- MGCD 24/13,155 : Chicano-Boricua Studies Program at Wayne State University, Michigan (Brochure) (Re)
- MGCD 24/13,156 : Holland Human Relations Commission Holland, Michigan 1972 Latino and Anglo in Holland, Michigan (B)
- MGCD 24/13,157 : La Raza Unida of Michigan 1970 Proposal for La Raza Unida of Michigan (B)
- MGCD 24/13,158 : 1966 An Analysis of the Characteristics of Michigan's Labor Force in the Next 15 Years. Final Report on the Michigan Manpower Study (B)
- MGCD 24/13,159 : History of Sugar Beet Labor in Michigan, from National Defense Migration House Hearings, 77th Congress, 1st Session, Part 19, 1941 Detroit Hearings
- MGCD 24/13,160 : The People of Michigan, Michigan Dept. of Education State Library Services, 1974 George P. Graff
- MGCD 24/13,161 : Migrant Services Directory, Guia de Servicios para los Obreros en las Cosechas en Michigan, Michigan Economic Opportunity Office, compiled by Ed Frey
- MGCD 24/13,162 : Latino Life and Social Needs: A Detroit Survey for the Latin American Secretariat of the Archdiocese of Detroit Co-sponsored by: New Detroit Inc., 1973