Other Projects
- AGDM 17520-17521 VT (3/4 inch Video Tape) : Donahue - Married Priests nd
- AGDM 17522 VT (3/4 inch Video Tape) : Notre Dame Law School - A Mirror of Justice nd
- AGDM 17523 VT (3/4 inch Video Tape) : Notre Dame Library Mosaic nd
- AGDM 17524 VT (3/4 inch Video Tape) : WNDU-TV - Blessing of Center for Social Concerns 1983/0414
- AGDM 17525-17527 VSL (Betacam SX - large) : Notre Dame Commencement 2000
- AGDM 17528 VSL (Betacam SX - large) : Senator Joseph Lieberman Speech at Notre Dame 2000/1024
- AGDM 17529-17531 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Night of Spirituals at Sacred Heart Church 1989
- AGDM 17532 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Mario Cuomo Speech at Notre Dame re Abortion, Laity, etc. 1984
- AGDM 17533 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Pope John Paul II at St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, Pope Impromptu Speech, Pope leaves St. Mary's, NBC Broadcast 1987
- AGDM 17535-17536 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Teaching Church - Union Hall Meeting [1986/0925]; Washington, DC [1986/1126] 1986
- AGDM 17537 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Archive Stock Footage - Southwest Airlines - General Operations B-Roll 1995
- AGDM 17539 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Faith and Values Tape # 228: Notre Dame VISN - Gabriel Award Footage, B-Roll Abortion nd
- AGDM 17541-17545 Group : San Diego / Homeless Worktapes 1991/01
- AGDM 17541 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Center B-Roll / Eugene Nixon Interview, Tape # 5 1991/0114
- AGDM 17542 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Center B-Roll / Ronn Mathiew Interview, Tape # 9 1991/0115
- AGDM 17543 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Center B-Roll, Tape # 17 1991/0116
- AGDM 17544 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Center B-Roll / Bonnie Starr Interview, Tape # 18 1991/0116
- AGDM 17545 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Center B-Roll, Tape # 20 1991/0116
- AGDM 17546 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Notre Dame VISN - Homeless: Andre House, Liturgy, Washing of Feet nd
- AGDM 17549-17551 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Notre Dame VISN - Challenge of Our Time: Bishops Meeting, Bernardin Talk, Vote On Abortion nd
- AGDM 17552-17554 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Television / Advertising: Channel One, New York, Tapes # 15, 16, 19 1990/1219
- AGDM 17555 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Notre Dame VISN - Death Penalty: Victor Strieb B-Roll nd
- AGDM 17556 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : B-Roll Women Alumni: B-Roll of Terri Kosik, Pam Meyer, Skip Meyer nd
- AGDM 17558-17563 Group : Ave Maria Press - Our Times Video Series 1990/0604
- AGDM 17558 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Our Times - Should Drugs Be Legalized 1990/0604
- AGDM 17559 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Our Times - Drug Abuse: Symptoms and Solutions nd
- AGDM 17560 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Our Times - Energy and the Environment 1990/0604
- AGDM 17561 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Our Times - Is Peace Possible nd
- AGDM 17562 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Our Times - The Return of Racism 1990/0604
- AGDM 17563 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Our Times - A Throw - Away Society nd
- AGDM 17564-17653 Group : Father Hesburgh Program Work tapes c1979-2002
- AGDM 17564 VPL (Betacam SP - large) : Rev. T. Hesburgh - B-Roll [Property of UND (University of Notre Dame) Not for Use by GDM or others, Tape 3, used to be Faith and Values Tape 352] nd
- AGDM 17565 VPL (Betacam SP - large) : Rev. T. Hesburgh - 1987 Commencement [Property of UND (University of Notre Dame) / Fr. Warner, No One is to use this material, Tape 4, used to be Faith and Values Tape 351] 1987
- AGDM 17566 VPL (Betacam SP - large) : Hesburgh - Priest of God, Property of UND (University of Notre Dame) / Fr. Warner, No one is to use this material, Tape 5, used to be Faith and Values Tape 350] nd
- AGDM 17567-17568 VSS (Betacam SX - small) : Rev. T. Hesburgh - Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony 13 July 2000 [Tape 6 and 7] 2000/0713
- AGDM 17569 VSS (Betacam SX - small) : Tape with Joe Kernon, Evan Bayh, Fr. Hesburgh, Fr. Malloy / some cover of Hesburgh [Tape 8] nd
- AGDM 17570-17573 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : NBC Broadcast of Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony 13 July 2000 [Tape 9 to 12] 2000/0713
- AGDM 17574-17577 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Fr. Hesburgh - Israel Visit, Interview at Tantur and Jerusalem [Tape 13, 4 tapes] nd
- AGDM 17578 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Tantur Reception, 25th Anniversary, Fr. Hesburgh 80th birthday [Tape 14] nd
- AGDM 17579 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Tantur Reception, Prof. Jaroslav Pelikan Presentation [Tape 15] nd
- AGDM 17580 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Tantur: Fr. Edward Malloy Interview, Historical Photos of Tantur [Tape 16] nd
- AGDM 17581 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Tantur: Historical Photos, Exterior / Walking Shots of Tantur [Tape 17] nd
- AGDM 17582 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Tantur Exteriors / Old City B-Roll [Tape 18] nd
- AGDM 17583 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Fr. Hesburgh / Lou Nanni meet with Sec. Cuomo at HUD [Tape 19] nd
- AGDM 17584 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Hesburgh Video, Washington, D.C., Various Monuments, Hesburgh Interview [Tape 20] nd
- AGDM 17585 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Hesburgh Video, Washington, D.C. [Tape 21] nd
- AGDM 17586 VPL (Betacam SP - large) : ISO Tape 1 / 20 April 1999 [Tape 22] 1999/0420
- AGDM 17587 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Hesburgh Opening [Tape 23] nd
- AGDM 17588 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : UNDERC Land O Lakes - lake shots, van in garage, diver [Tape 24] nd
- AGDM 17589 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Hesburgh Video, Center for International Peace Studies, various bw photos of Events as President [Tape 25] nd
- AGDM 17590 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : UNDERC - interview with Ronald Hellenthal, lake shots, aerial shots [Tape 26] nd
- AGDM 17591 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : UNDERC - lake buildings, students working [Tape 27] nd
- AGDM 17592 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Father Hesburgh Delivers Keynote Address and Receives Honorary Doctorate Degree at the Dedication of the University of Kentucky's New Library in Lexington, KY, April 3, 1998 [Tape 28] 1998/0403
- AGDM 17593 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Roastin' Father Ted, Independent Hand Held, 20 April 1997 [Tape 29] 1999/0420
- AGDM 17594-17595 VPL (Betacam SP - large) : Roastin' Father Ted [Tape 30 (part 1), plus unnumbered tape with part 2] 1999/0420
- AGDM 17596 VPL (Betacam SP - large) : Regis and Kathy Lee, mentioning of Roastin' Father Ted [tape 31] 1999/0411
- AGDM 17597 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Tantur - Fr. Hesburgh at Tantur, b-roll / Tantur B-Roll, Fr. Hesburgh / B-Roll, Dome of the Rock, Western Wall [Tape 32] nd
- AGDM 17598 VSS (Betacam SX - small) : ND (Notre Dame) Photo - Coleman / Morse, 30 July 2001 2001/0730
- AGDM 17599 VSS (Betacam SX - small) : Fr. Hesburgh - Olympic Torch Run, 4 January 2002 2002/0104
- AGDM 17600 VDS (Digital Betacam - small) : Fr. Hesburgh Family Animations nd
- AGDM 17601 VSS (Betacam SX - small) : Fr. Hesburgh Family Animations nd
- AGDM 17602 VT (3/4 inch Video Tape) : Matheny on 3/4 inch, various news clips nd
- AGDM 17603 VPL (Betacam SP - large) : Fr. Ted Deep Sea Fishing, 25 March 1999 [Tape 2] 1999/0325
- AGDM 17604 VH (VHS Video Tape) : Dedication of Holy Family Parish Church with Bishop D'Arcy of Fort Wayne nd
- AGDM 17605 VH (VHS Video Tape) : Sargent Shriver at Peace Corps Headquaters 1994/0511
- AGDM 17606 VH (VHS Video Tape) : Peace Corps B Roll - Peace Corps Logo, JFK 1961 Speech, early volunteers, JFK PSA nd
- AGDM 17607 VH (VHS Video Tape) : Hesburgh in Jerusalem - AVID offline nd
- AGDM 17608-17609 VH (VHS Video Tape) : Rev. T. Hesburgh - Man of God [2 copies] nd
- AGDM 17613-17614 VH (VHS Video Tape) : T. Hesburgh - Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony, 13 July 2000 [VHS, two tapes] 2000/0713
- AGDM 17616 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Service to Country Music nd
- AGDM 17618 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Music Holy Cross nd
- AGDM 17619 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Tuesday / WFSI - Cut-A-Way, Marian Paric / Bob Christ Interview nd
- AGDM 17620-17621 VSS, VM / VP : Hesburgh: Priest and Peacemaker, 10 October 2000 [2 copies] 2000/1010
- AGDM 17622 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : The Challenge of Faith, Revised, Unmixed Audio Tracks nd
- AGDM 17623 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : T. Hesburgh - Various TV - Interviews 1979-1986 1979-1986
- AGDM 17624 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : The Challenge of Faith and Learning, Rough mix, Campus Shots, 1995 c1995
- AGDM 17625 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : The University of Notre Dame - B-Roll, Campus Shots, c 1992 c1992
- AGDM 17626 VSS (Betacam SX - small) : Fr. Hesburgh Living Legend Award, July 2001 with Fr. Joyce 2001/0727
- AGDM 17627 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Fr. Hesburgh blesses Hospital and other shots of him in Ecuador. A Vision of Hope Andean Health and Development 2001/0601
- AGDM 17628 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Fr. Hesburgh Open for Progam on Extraordinary Synod nd
- AGDM 17629 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Shot of Fr. T. Hesburgh Coin nd
- AGDM 17630 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Fr. Hesburgh - Priest of God nd
- AGDM 17631-17634 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : NCEA / Hesburgh - Fr. Hesburgh Interview nd
- AGDM 17635 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Fr. Hesburgh Interview Washington, DC, 1 of 1 nd
- AGDM 17636-17637 VM / VP (Betacam - small) : Fr. Hesburgh Interview at the U.N. [2 tapes] nd
- AGDM 17639-17641 DAT (Digital Audio Tape) : 3 DAT tapes nd
- AGDM 17642 VSL (Betacam SX - large) : Toastin' Fr. Ted [For Sale Version] 1999
- AGDM 17643 VPL (Betacam SP - large) : Toastin' Fr. Ted Video tape Master Teel for Show, 20 April 1999 1999/0420
- AGDM 17644 VPL (Betacam SP - large) : 142nd Notre Dame Commencement, Fr. Hesburgh's Final Commencement as President nd
- AGDM 17645-17648 VPL (Betacam SP - large) : T. Hesburgh Congressional Medal of Honor Ceremony [2 copies, 4 tapes] 2000/0713
- AGDM 17649 VPL (Betacam SP - large) : Tape #1 Line, 20 April 1999 1999/0420
- AGDM 17650 VSL (Betacam SX - large) : Hesburgh Congressional Medal 13 July 2000 2000/0713
- AGDM 17651 VPL (Betacam SP - large) : Tape with Stills re Hesburgh Program provided by Notre Dame Archives 2001/0301
- AGDM 17652 VSL (Betacam SX - large) : Hesburgh Live Feed nd
- AGDM 17653 VSL (Betacam SX - large) : Hesburgh Off Air nd
- AGDM 17654-17658 Group : National Pastoral Life Center [NPL] - Catholic Common Ground 1997
- AGDM 17654 VH (VHS Video Tape) : NPL - Catholic Common Ground - The Church's Response to Generation X 1997/1229
- AGDM 17655 VH (VHS Video Tape) : NPL - Catholic Common Ground - Managed Care nd
- AGDM 17656 VH (VHS Video Tape) : NPL ~ Catholic Common Ground - Let Us Pray: Mystery and Community at Sunday Worship nd
- AGDM 17657-17658 VH (VHS Video Tape) : NPL ~ Catholic Common Ground Initiative [2 copies] 1997/0310