General Collection: Printed Material
- PGEN 30/1247 Title : The first Irish in Illinois: reminiscent of old Kaskaskia days / by Barry, P.T. Chicago : Chicago Newspaper Union, 1902. 16 p. ; 24 cm.
1. Irish in America, 2. Illinois- History, 3. Kaskaskia- History.
- PGEN 30/1248 Title : Address [at unveiling of the Shaw monument, Boston, 1897]. / by Washington, Booker T., 1859-1915. [s.l. : s.n.], 1897. [11] p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
1. Shaw, Robert Gould, 1837-1863, 2. United States- History- Civil War, 3. Blacks in American Civil War, 4. 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment.
- PGEN 30/1249 Title : Sketches of the history, manners, and customs of the North American Indians, with a plan for their melioration, vol. II / by Buchanan, James. New York : William Borradaile, 1824. 156 p. ; 20 cm.
1. Indians of North America- Languages, 2. Indians of North America- Religion.
- PGEN 30/1250 Title : The life and labors of William M. Wadley, with an account of the Wadley Memorial Association and the ceremony of unveiling the statue / by Catherwood, T.B. Savannah : Morning News Steam Printing House, 1886. 59 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
1. Wadley, William M., 1813-1882, 2. Railroads- Management- Biography, 3. Businessman- Biograpny, 4. Capitalists and Financiers- Biography.
- PGEN 31/1251 Title : The Dongola Expedition of 1896 / by Atteridge, A. Hilliard. [s.l. : s.n.], 1897. 21 p. ; 25 cm.
1. Egypt- History- 19th century, 2. Great Britain- History, Military, 3. Military history- 19th century.
- PGEN 31/1252 Title : A grate-ful country-man [poem] / by Whelan, William G. [s.l. : s.n.], c1940. 8 leaves; 22 cm.
1. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano U.S. pres. 1882-1945, 2. Poetry.
- PGEN 31/1253 Title : Synopsis of the proceedings during the first five years. / by Western Pennsylvania Historical Society. Pittsburgh: Myers, Shinkle and Co., 1884. 39 p. ; 23 cm.
1. Pennsylvania- History, 2. Historical societies.
- PGEN 31/1254 Title : Proceedings of the first public meeting held by the United States Catholic Historical Society, at the University Club Theatre, New York City, Thursday, May 14, 1885. New York: Press of the Society, 1885. 32 p. ; 23 cm.
1. Historical societies, 2. Catholic history.
- PGEN 31/1255 Title : Proceedings of the second public meeting held by the United States Catholic Historical Society, at the University Club Theatre, New York City, Thursday, October 29, 1885. New York: Press of the Society, 1886. 46 p. ; 23 cm.
1. Historical societies, 2. Catholic history.
- PGEN 31/1256 Title : Proceedings of the third public and first annual meeting held by the United States Catholic Historical Society, at the University Club Theatre, New York City, Thursday, February 11, 1886. New York: Press of the Society 1886. 26 p. ; 23 cm.
1. Historical societies, 2. Catholic history.
- PGEN 31/1257 Title : Charter and by-laws. / by United States Catholic Historical Society. New York: [s.n.], 1885. 15 p. ; 23 cm.
1. Historical societies, 2. Catholic history.
- PGEN 31/1258 Title : History in our Public Schools / by Rev. Francis P. Donnelly, S.J.
Philadelphia : Diocesan School Board, 1905. 30 p. ; 20 cm. (Educational briefs no. 9) Reprint from American Catholic Quarterly Review, October 1904, 1. Catholic history- Study and teaching, 2. Church history- Historiography, Anti-Catholicism?
- PGEN 31/1259 Title : Letters of travel in Europe, Egypt and Palestine / by Boll, Joseph A. Baltimore : Krevzer Bros., 1883. 124 p. ; 23 cm.
1. Europe- Description and travel- 19th century, 2. Egypt- Description and travel- 19th century, 3. Palestine- Description and travel- 19th century, 4. Voyages and Travels, 5. Travel.
- PGEN 31/1260 Title : Letter to the Rev. Dr. Shuttleworth, warden of New College, Oxford / by Holland, Vassall. 2d. edition. London : James Ridgway, 1827. 33, [3] p. ; 23 cm.
1. Catholic Church in Great Britain- History, 2. Great Britain- Church History, 3. Shuttleworth.
- PGEN 31/1261 Title : Persecuted Mexico. / by Tholen, H.J. [Hays, Kansas? : s.n.], 1935. 63 p. ; 16 cm.
1. Catholics in Mexico, 2. Church and state in Mexico, 3. Mexico- Church history.
- PGEN 31/1262 Title : The Catholic church in America : a lecture / by Butler, Thaddeus J. Dublin : W.B. Kelly, 1869. 41 p. ; 22 cm.
1. United States church history- to 1869- Addresses, lectures, essays, 2. Catholicism- United States- History- Addresses, lectures, essays.
- PGEN 31/1263 Title : The story of early and medieval Abington / by Conway, John Placid, O.P. Newcastle-on-Tyne, England : Maswon, Swan and Morgan, 1885. 39 p. ; 25 cm.
1. Abingdon, Engl- History.
- PGEN 31/1264 Title : The Catholic church in the United States : its rise, relations with the republic, growth, and future prospects / by Hecker, Isaac Thomas, Rev., 1819-1888. [1st ed.] -- New York : Catholic Publication Society, 1879. 26 p. ; 24 cm.
1. United States- Church History- to 1879.
- PGEN 31/1265 Title : The Catholic church in the United States : its rise, relations with the republic, growth, and future prospects / by Hecker, Isaac Thomas, Rev., 1819-1888. [2nd ed.] -- New York : Catholic Publication Society, 1879. 26 p. ; 24 cm.
1. United States- Church History- to 1879.
- PGEN 31/1266 Title : The importance of local history / by Durrie, Daniel Steel, 1819- . [s.l. : s.n.], [ca. 1870]. [4] p. ; 24 cm.
1. Local history- Addresses, essays, lectures, 2. Historiography.
- PGEN 31/1267 Title : History in our public schools / by Donnelly, Francis P., S.J. New York : Cathedral Library Association, 1905. 36 p. ; 15 cm. -- (Pedagogical Truth Library, no. 10) Reprint from American Catholic Quarterly Review, October 1904.
1. Catholic history- study and teaching, 2. Church history- Historiography.
- PGEN 31/1268 Title : Gonzalo de Mendoza's "historia de las cosas mas motables, ritos y costumbres del gran reyno de la china," and its place in Americana and New Mexicana. [s.l. : s.n.], [ca. 1880]. 21 p. ; 24 cm.
1. Southwest, New- History- 16th century, 2. New Mexico- History- 16th century, 3. Rodriguez, Friar Augustine, O.S.F., 4. Espejo, Don Antoniao
- PGEN 31/1269 Title : Oration delivered at the commemoration of the landing of the pilgrims of Maryland / by McCaffrey, John. Gettysburg H.C. Neinstedt, 1842. 32 p. ; 22 cm.
1. United States church history- Colonial period- Addresses, essays, lectures, 2. Catholics in Maryland- Colonial Period- Addresses, essays, lectures.
- PGEN 31/1270 Title : Oration delivered at the second commemoration of the landing of the pilgrims of Maryland celebrated May 15, 1849. / by Lee, Z. Collins. Baltimore : John Murphy and Co., 1849. 39 p. ; 21 cm.
1. United States church history- Colonial period- Addresses, essays, lectures, 2. Catholics in Maryland- Colonial period- Addresses, essays, lectures.
- PGEN 31/1271 Title : Quatrieme Centenaire de la Decouverte de L'Amerique. Christophe Colomb. Discours Prononce a Notre Dame. / by Feuillette, R. P. 1892
- PGEN 31/1272 Title : Address of the Hon. Joseph R. Changler, at the Celebration of the Landing of the Pilgrims of Maryland, at the Site of St. Mary's City, May 15, 1855. [1st ed.] Baltimore : Hedian and O'Brien, 1855. 40 p. ; 23 cm. 1855
- PGEN 31/1273 Title : Discourse of Rt. Rev. John Quinlan, Bishop of Mobile, in the cathedral of Ss. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia, July 4, 1876. / by Quinlan, John Bp., 1826-1883. McLaughlin Bros., 1876. [8] p. ; 24 cm.
1. United States- History- Revolutionary War--Anniversary, 2. American Revolution- Centennial celebration, 3. Catholics in America.
- PGEN 31/1274 Title : How Shall I teach History? nd
- PGEN 31/1275 Title : L'Eglise et l'etat dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique: la Theorie et la Pratique / by Baart, Peter A., 1858-1908. New York : Fr. Pustet, 1899. 22 p. ; 21 cm.
1. Church and state- Catholic Church, 2. Church and state in the United States
- PGEN 31/1276 Title : Church and State in the United States of America, theory and practice / by Baart, Peter A., 1858-1908. [s.l. : s.n.], c1899. 21 p. ; 21 cm.
1. Church and state -- Catholic Church, 2. Church and state in the U.S.
- PGEN 31/1277 Title : Sermon delivered by the Hon. and Rev. George Spencer in the church of St. Francis of Assisium, Dublin on Sunday, 31st of July, 1842. / by Spencer, George. Dublin: William Powell, 1842. 16 p. ; 21 cm.
1. Occasional sermons, 2. Catholics in Great Britain, 3. Catholics in Ireland.
- PGEN 31/1278 Title : The Mote and the Beam. A Rejoinder to an American Hispanophobe. 1897
- PGEN 31/1279 Title : Concise Lesson in Irish History contained in a Letter to Mr. H. T. Davenport, M.P. / by Arthur Brownfield. 1886
- PGEN 31/1280 Title : Memoir of Thomas Devin Reilly: a lecture / by Mitchell, John. New York: P.M. Haverty, 1857. 49 p. ; 19 cm.
1. Reilly, Thomas Devin 1824-1854, 2. Irish authors, 3. Irish in America, 4. Catholics, Irish in America.
- PGEN 31/1281 Title : Reply to Dr. Elliott's Attacks on the Catholic's of Ireland. / by Conry, Michael J. c1904
- PGEN 31/1282 Title : Ireland the virtuous: a lecture delivered at St. Patrick's Church, Dubuque, Iowa, Wednesday evening, Mar. 17, 1886. / by Carroll, Charles. Dubuque : Palmer, Winall and Co., 1886.
1. Ireland- History- Addresses, essays, lectures, 2. Catholics in Ireland.
- PGEN 31/1283 Title : Sogarth aroom: or, the Irish priest: a lecture / by O'Connor, Michael, S.J., 1810-1872. Baltimore: John Murphy, 1869. 24 p. ; 23 cm.
1. Ireland- Church history- addresses, essays, lectures, 2. Catholics in Ireland.
- PGEN 31/1284 Title : The destiny of the Irish race, a lecture delivered in the academy of music, Philadelphia, on the 17th of March, 1864. / by O'Connor, Michael, S.J., 1810-1872. Philadelphia: Peter F. Cunningham, 1864. 27 p.; 23 cm.
- PGEN 31/1285 Title : The Irish Question: Industrial and Economic. Irish Banks, and c. / by Dennehy, Cornelius. 1883
- PGEN 31/1286 Title : The Irish in England / by Todd, William G., D.D. London: Charles Dolman, 1857. 40 p. ; 22 cm. Reprinted with additions from the Dublin Review.
1. Ireland- History- 19th century, 2. Catholics, Irish in England.
- PGEN 31/1287 Title : The Irish language: a letter addressed to the president of the New York society for the preservation of the Irish language. / by Roehring, Frederick Louis Otto, 1819- . New York: Society for the Preservation of the Irish language, 1884. 23, [2] p. : prot. ; 24 cm.
1. Irish language, 2. Irish literature, 3. Gaelic language.
- PGEN 31/1288 Title : Ireland : a physical and social inquiry into the causes of its miseries, present and remote . . . / by Greene, John H. 2d edition. Cincinnati : [published by the author, 1863 (Cincinnati : Hills O'Driscoll and Co.)]. 32 p. ; 23 cm.
1. Ireland- History- 19th century, 2. Catholics in Ireland.
- PGEN 31/1289 Title : The Green Pamphlet of Erin or, An Essay on the Past, Present, and Future, giving an Account or Outline of the Gelts, their Mission, Character, and Music of their Country; with also an abriged and historical Detail of the Kings, Nobles, and Parliament of Tara. The Irish Exodus and the Emigrant's Love of Country, and his cherished Thoughts on the Loveliness of the Emerald Isle. To which are also added an Outline of True Liberty, with some other Remarks of Irish Interest, touching the Condition of the Country. / by Glennen, Andrew. 1865
- PGEN 31/1290 Title : The history and antiquities of Glenalough / by Nolan, Joseph, F.R.G.S.I. Dublin: McGlashan and Gill, 1871. 47 p. : ill.; 17 cm.
1. Glendalough, Ireland- History, 2. Ireland- Local history, 3. County Wicklow, Ireland- History.
- PGEN 31/1291 Title : Monasticon Hibernicum, or, a history of the abbeys, priories, and other religious houses in Ireland Part IX, vol. 2, County Dublin. / by Archdall, Mervyn. Dublin : W.B. Kelly, [ca. 1874]. [48] p. [p. 49-96] : ill. ; 26 cm.
1. Ireland- Church History, 2. Ireland-- Churches, 3. Monasteries, 4. Catholics in Ireland.
- PGEN 31/1292 Title : Old Irish Litany. 1879
- PGEN 31/1293 Title : Substance of a speech for the convocation house, Oxford, February 26, 1829. / by Girdlestone, Charles, Rev., 1797-1881. Oxford : W. Baxter, 1829. 8 p. ; 23 cm.
1. Great Britain- Politics and government- 19th century, 2. Ireland- History- 19th century, 3. Peel, Robert, 1788-1850, 4. Inglis, Robert.
- PGEN 31/1294 Title : The Irish Language and Irish Intermediate Education. Dublin: Browne and Nolan, (ca. 1901). 12 p. ; 21 cm. (Gaelic League Pamphlets, No. 11)
1. Irish language -- Instruction and study, 2. Education -- Ireland -- Curricula.
- PGEN 31/1295 Title : Ireland and the English Catholics, by One of them, with some Account of Events leading up to the Appointment of Monsignor Persico as Papal Commissioner. 1887
- PGEN 31/1296 Title : Belfast Today. A story of a Scheme for the City and the North (with maps). By Catholics, for Catholics, to Catholics. c1897
- PGEN 31/1297 Title : The religious mission of the Irish people and Catholic colonization / by Spalding, John Lancaster, Bp., 1840-1916. 3d. edition. New York: Catholic Publication Society, 1880. 212 p. ; 18 cm.
1. Irish Catholic Colonization Association of the U.S.k, 2. Irish in the U.S., 3. Catholics in the U.S., 4. Bishops.
- PGEN 31/1298 Title : Substance of a discourse delivered before the Hibernian Society of the city of Savannah, in the church of St. John the Baptist, in that city, on the festival of St. Patrick, March 17, 1824, together with other proceedings of that day. / by England, John Bp., 1786-1842. Charleston, S.C. : C.C. Sebring, 1824.
- PGEN 31/1299 Title : The basilica of San Clemente in Rome / by the bishop of Clifton. [Russell, Arthur Provost] London: Catholic Truth Society, 1900. 45 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
1. San Clemente Basilica, Rome, 2. Rome- Churches, 3. Church architecture.
- PGEN 31/1300 Title : Troisieme Annuaire des Anciens Eleves du Seminaire Saint-Sulpice a Paris et a Issy. 1879
- PGEN 32/1301 Title : Lenten pastoral for 1892 of John Joseph, Bishop of Christ church / by Grimes, John Joseph, Bp., S.M. Christ church, New Zealand : Smith, Anthony and Sellars, 1892. 20 p. ; 22 cm.
1. Christ church (Diocese), New Zealand, 2. Pastoral letters, 3. Catholics in New Zealand, 4. Bishops.
- PGEN 32/1302 Title : Carta pastoral que el illmo y RVMO / by Paula Barnada y Aguilar, D. Francisco, Abp. Santiago de Cuba: Tipografia de Manuel Morales, 1899. 19 p. ; 22 cm.
1. Pastoral letters, 2. Bishops, 3. Catholics in Cuba
- PGEN 32/1303 Title : A Catholic Knighthood : a lecture. Melbourne, Australia : Catholic Publishing Co., ca. 1900. 23 p. ; 22 cm.
1. Catholic Action- Australia, 2. Catholics in Australia, 3. Australia- Church history, Hoare, Benjamin
- PGEN 32/1304 Title : The neglected Italians : a memorial to the Italian hierarchy = I Negletti Italiani : Memoriale alla Gerachie Italiana / by Desmond, Humphrey Joseph, 1858-1932. Milwaukee : [s.n., ca. 1898]. 11 p. ; 23 cm. (Citizen series, No. 1)
1. Italians in the United States, 2. Italy- Emigration and Immigration, 3. United States- Emigration and Immigration, 4. Italian Catholic churches.
- PGEN 32/1305 Title : Historical and descriptive sketch of the renowned and venerated statues of St. Peter and Notre Dame des Victoires, recently presented by his holiness Leo XIII and by the Rev. Father Chevojon, pastor of Notre Dame des Victoires de Paris to the French Roman Catholic church "Notre Dame des Victoires", of Boston. Boston : Alfred Mudge and Son, 1882. 8 p. ; 23 cm.
1. Statues, 2. St. Peter (Statue), 3. Notre Dame des Victoires (Statue), 4. Our Lady of Victories (Statue), 5. Catholics in Boston, 6. Boston, Massachusetts- Statues.
- PGEN 32/1306 Title : Address delivered before the society of St. Peter in the school room of St. Peter's Church, in Barclay Street, in the city of New York, on the 19th of July, 1840. / by O'Connor, Thomas. 8 p. ; 23 cm.
1. St. Peter's Parish, New York, 2. Catholics in New York- Addresses, essays, lectures, 3. New York. (City) -- Church history.
- PGEN 32/1307 Title : The buildings and churches of the mission of Santa Barbara: A handbook of authentic information of the mission of Santa Barbara, from its foundation to the present day. / by O'Keefe, Joseph J., Rev. Santa Barbara : Independent Job Printing House, 1886. 40 p. ; 20 cm.
1. Missions- California, 2. Santa Barbara, Calif.- Church history, 3. Catholics in California- History, 4. California- Church history.
- PGEN 32/1308 Title : A Guide to the City and Cathedral of Worchester illustrated with Plans of each, and three Steel Engravings. Also a description of Malvern, and other interesting places in the neighbourhood of Worchester. after 1875
- PGEN 32/1309 Title : Pastoral letter of his lordship, Rt. Rev. John Walsh, D.D., bishop of London, promulgating the decrees of the first provincial council of Toronto. / by Walsh, John Abp., 1830-1898. London, Ontario, Canada: Catholic Record Publishing House, 1882. 27 p. ; 23 cm.
1. Pastoral letters, 2. Catholics in Canada, 3. Canada- Church history, 4. Bishops.
- PGEN 32/1310 Title : Circular letter of his lordship the bishop of London to the clergy of his diocese. / by Walsh, John, Abp., 1830-1898. London, Ontario, Canada: Advertiser Press, 1879. 14 p. ; 22 cm.
1. Pastoral letters, 2. Catholics in Canada, 3. Canada- Church history, 4. Bishops, 5. Leo XIII, Pope 1810-1903.
- PGEN 32/1311 Title : Le Sanctuaire de Saint Bernard, a Fontaine-Lez-Dijon. Dijon, France : Imprimerie de L'Union Typographique, [ca. 1884]. 23 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm.
1. St. Bernard Monastery, Dijon, France, 2. Dijon, France, 3. Catholics in France, 4. France- Church History.
- PGEN 32/1312 Title : Pastoral letter of his eminence Cardinal Mercier, Archbishop of Malcines, primater of Belgium, Christmas 1914. / by Mercier, Desire Joseph, Abp., 1851-1926. London: Burns and Oates, (ca. 1915). 32 p. : port. ; 23 cm.
1. Pastoral letters, 2. Bishops, 3. Catholics in Belgium, 4. Belgium- History- WWI.
- PGEN 32/1313 Title : Souvenirs de Chine / by Un Missionnaire. Rome: Imprimerie Romaine de C. Bartoli, 1872. 101 p. ; 18 cm.
1. China- Description and travel, 2. Catholics in China, 3. Missions, foreign.
- PGEN 32/1314 Title : The New Church of St. John the Evangelist, Corner of Sixteenth and Chestnut Streets, St. Louis, Missouri. 1860
- PGEN 32/1315 Title : Lourdes / by Storer, Maria Longworth. New York: Paulist Press, (ca. 1909). 32 p. ; ill. ; 20 cm.
1. St. Bernadette 1844-1879, 2. Marian shrines, 3. France- Church history, 4. Saints, French.
- PGEN 32/1316 Title : Program for a Parochial Course of Doctrinal Instruction / by McMahon, Joseph H., Rev. 1862-1939.
Bibliographic Data ~ [New York?] : [s.n.], 1923. 54 p. ; 27 cm. (Liturgical Series: Part III Section 2, Pentecost and the time after) "Printed for the Archbishop of New York", 1. Liturgy- Textbooks- 20th century, 2. Pentecost- Liturgy.
- PGEN 32/1317 Title : Program for a parochial course of doctrinal instructions for all Sundays and holy days of the year based on the teachings of the catechism of the Council of Trent and harmonized with the gospels and epistles of the Sunday and feasts. / by Callan, Charles Jerome, O.P., 1878-1962 and John Ambrose McHugh, O.P., 1880-1950. [New York?] : [s.n.], 1920. 132 p. ; 27 cm. (Dogmatic Series).
1. Dogmatic theology- text books- 20th century. "Printed for the Archbishop of New York for private circulation only among the priests of the diocese of New York".
- PGEN 32/1318 Title : Program for a parochial course of doctrinal instructions / by McMahon, Joseph H., Rev., 1862-1939. [New York?] : [s.n.], 1932. 40 p. ; 27 cm. (Liturgical series: Part III, Section L. Pentecost and the time after.) "Printed for the Archbishop of New York".
1. Liturgy- Textbooks- 20th century, 2. Pentecost- Liturgy.
- PGEN 32/1319 Title : Program for a parochial course of doctrinal instructions / by McMahon, Joseph H., Rev., 1862-1939. [New York?] : [s.n.], 1922. 64 p. ; 27 cm. (Liturgical series Part I, Advent and Christmastide.) Printed for the Archbishop of New York.
1. Liturgy- Textbooks- 20th century, 2. Advent- Liturgy, 3. Christmas- Liturgy.
- PGEN 32/1320 Title : Monseigneur Peyramale, Cure de Lourdes. / by Lasserre, Henri. Tarbes, France : Imp. Emile Crohare, 1877. 59 p. ; 19 cm.
1. Peyramale, Marie-Dominique, 1811-1877, 2. Lourdes, France, 3. St. Bernadette, 1844-1879, 4. Saints, French, 5. France- Church history.
- PGEN 32/1321 Title : A funeral discourse preached in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, London, at the solemn dirge in memory of Cecil, Marchioness of Lothian, May 29, 1877. / by Gallwey, [Peter], S.J. London : Burns and Oates, 1877
1. Lothian, Cecil Chetwynd Talbot, Marchioness d. 1877, 2. Funeral sermons, 3. Catholics in England.
- PGEN 32/1322 Title : Oraison Funebre de M. Henri Lasserre de Monzie, prononcee dans l'eglise du coux le jour des funerailles, 25 Juillet 1900. / by Bruzat, M. L'abbe. Periguex, France : Imprimerie Cassard Jeune, 1900.
1. Monzie, M. Henri Lasser de, d. 1900, 2. Funeral sermons, 3. Catholics in France.
- PGEN 32/1323 Title : La Benediction de Saint Francois : Histoire et authenticite de la relique d'Assise / by D'Alencon, P. Edouard. Paris : J. Mersch, Imprimeur, 1896.
1. St. Francis of Assisi, 2. Saints, Italian, 3. Italy- Church history
- PGEN 32/1324 Title : Joan of Arc : a discourse delivered on May 8, 1869, in the cathedral of Holy Cross, Orleans. / by Dupanloup, Felix Antoine Philibert, Bp., 1802-1878. Translated by Emily Bowles. London : Burns, Oates and Co., 1869.
1. Saints, French, 2. Sermons, 3. Bishops.
- PGEN 32/1325 Title : Christopher Davenport : the brother of New Haven's founder a Franciscan friar. / by Shahan, Thomas Joseph, Abp., 1857-1932. [s.n. : s.n.], (ca. 1890). 11 p. ; 25 cm.
1. Davenport, Christopher 1591-1680, 2. Davenport, John 1597-1670, 3. England- Church history, 4. Franciscans, 5. Catholics in England.
- PGEN 32/1326 Title : Notice Biographique sur Francois de Lava de Montmorency, 1er Eveque de Quebec, suivie de Quarante-une Lettres et de Notes Historiques sur le Chapitre de la Cathedrale. / by Langevin, Edmond. Montreal : Lovell, 1874. xvi, 16 p. : port. ; 22 cm. This is a fragment of the book, including only chapter 1 and a portion of chapter 2 (of twelve chapters).
- PGEN 32/1327 Title : Le pere Juste, Right Reverend Monsignor Joos, V.G. : a paper read before the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society at its thirtieth annual session in the Senate Chamber, Lansing, June 2, 1904. / by O'Brien, Frank A. Kalamazoo : The Nazarene Print, 1904. 48 p. : ill., port. ; 23 cm.
1. Joos, Edward, Rev., 1825-1901, 2. Michigan- Church History, 3. Catholics in Michigan.
- PGEN 32/1328 Title : A sermon by very Rev. James O'Connor, D.D., preached at the month's mind for very Rev. Edward McMahon, November 12, 1873. / by O'Connor, James, Abp., 1823-1890. Philadelphia : Peter Cunningham and Son, 1873. 15 p. ; 23 cm.
1. McMahon, Edward, Rev., 1800-1873, 2. Kentucky- Church history, 3. Sermons, 4. Bishops, 5. Catholics in Kentucky.
- PGEN 32/1329 Title : Maladie et Mort du R.P. Xavier de Ravignan de la compagnie de Jesus / by Ponlevoy, A. de, S.J. Paris : Charles Douniol, Libraire, 1858. 37 p. : port. ; 23 cm.
1. Ravignan, Gustave Francois Xavier de, 1795-1858, 2. Jesuits- Biography, 3. Catholics in France, 4. France- Church history- Biography.
- PGEN 32/1330 Title : Church music : a discourse given in St. Chad's Cathedral on the half jubilee of its choir. / by Ullathorne, [William Bernard], Bp. London : Burns and Oates, 1880. 26 p. ; 16 cm.
1. Occasional sermons, 2. St. Chad's Cathedral, Birmingham, England, 3. Catholics in England.
- PGEN 32/1331 Title : Funeral oration on the late Hon. Thos. D'Arcy McGee, delivered in the Metropolitan church of St. Mary's, Halifax, Nova Scotia, by his grace the archbishop on Friday, 24th April, A.D., 1868. / by Connolly, Thomas Louis, Abp., 1815-1876. Halifax : Compton, 1868. 16 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. (Fragment of the work)
- PGEN 32/1332 Title : An address to the people of St. James parish and the friends of the late Rev. Francis P. O'Neill. Philadelphia: Gillin and Nagel, 1883. 4 p. ; 24 cm.
1. O'Neill, Francis P., 1843-1882, 2. St. James Parish, Philadelphia, 3. Philadelphia- Church history, 4. Catholics in Philadelphia
- PGEN 32/1333 Title : Discourse delivered at the funeral service of the late John Nenninger which took place in the cathedral of Baltimore, March 14, 1839. / by White, Charles I., Rev. Baltimore : John Murphy, 1839. 20 p. ; 20 cm.
1. Nenninger, John, d.1839, 2. Funeral sermons, 3. Baltimore (Archdiocese), 4. Catholics in Maryland.
- PGEN 32/1334 Title : Catherine Tegakwita, Iroquois Virgin: the Blood of Martyrs is the seed of the church. [s.l. : s.n.], [ca. 1880]. 7 p. ; 25 cm.
1. Tegakwita, Catherine, 1656-1680, 2. New York- Church history, 3. Indians of North America- Missions, 4. Mohawk Indians, 5. Catholics in New York
- PGEN 32/1335 Title : Sketch of the life of the servant of God, Julie Billiart, foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame, of Namur. Liverpool : Rockliff Brothers,1883. 18 p. ; 22 cm.
1. Billiart, Marie Rose Julie, 1751-1816, 2. Saints- French, 3. Notre Dame of Namur, Sisters of, 4. Catholics in France, 5. France- Church history.
- PGEN 32/1336 Title : The Life of Archbishop Hughes, first archbishop of New York, with a full account of his life, death and burial as well as his services in all pursuits and vocations from his birth until his death. Philadelphia : T.B. Peterson and Brothers. 52 p. : ill.; 20 cm. Paginated: p. 19-70. This copy missing p. 65-70.
1. Hughes, John Joseph, Abp., 1797-1864, 2. Bishops, 3. New York (Archdiocese)- History, 4. Catholics in New York.
- PGEN 32/1337 Title : In Memoriam Rt. Rev. John B. Fitzpatrick. 1866
- PGEN 32/1338 Title : Casimir Pulaski / by Wladyslaw Konopczynski. Translated by Irena Makarewicz. Chicago : Polish Roman Catholic Union of America, 1947. 64 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
1. Pulaski, Casimir, 1746-1779, 2. Poland- History, 3. United States- History- Revolution- Foreign participation
- PGEN 32/1339 Title : Account of the sufferings and death of the most Rev. George Darboy, late archbishop of Paris, communicated by his excellency E.B. Washburne, minister of the U.S. at the court of France, in answer to a letter of the Catholic Union of New York thanking his excellency for his attention to that prelate. / by Washbourne, Elihu Benjamin, 1816-1887. New York : Catholic Union of New York, 1873. 40 p. : 23 cm.
1. Darboy, Georges, Abp., 1813-1871, 2. Bishops, 3. France- Church history, 4. Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871, 5. Paris Commune, 1871, 6. Catholics in France.
- PGEN 32/1340 Title : Father Morice. / by O'Hagen, Thomas. Toronto : Ryerton Press, 1928. 31 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Ryerson Canadian History Readers)
1. Morice, Adrien Gabriel, 2. Missionaries--Canada, 3. Canada- Church history, 4. Catholics in Canada.
- PGEN 32/1341 Title : The death and obsequies of Rev. Francis E. Boyle, pastor of St. Matthew's church, Washington, D.C. Baltimore : John B. Piet, 1882. 16 p. :port. ; 19 cm.
1. Boyle, Francis E., Rev., 1827-1882, 2. Catholics in Washington, D.C., 3. Washington, D.C.- Church history.
- PGEN 32/1342 Title : The church of Saint Ursula and her companions in Cologne : its memorials, monuments and curiosities. / by Stein, Albert Gereon, Rev. Cologne : H. Theissing, 1887. 26 p. : ill. ; 16 cm.
1. Saints, English, 2. St. Ursula parish, Cologne, 3. Germany- Church History, 4. Catholics in Germany.
- PGEN 32/1343 Title : St. Margaret of Cortona, 1247-1297. London: Catholic Truth Society, (ca. 1900). 20 p. ; 19 cm.
1. Saints, Italian, 2. Italy- Church history, 3. Catholics in Italy.
- PGEN 32/1344 Title : Saint Bede (673-735) / by Gasquet, Abbot, Rt. Rev., O.S.B. London : Catholic Truth Society, [ca. 1900]. 24 p. ; 18 cm.
1. Saints, English.
- PGEN 32/1345 Title : The conversion of James Nicol, a native of Scotland and a private soldier of the 40th regiment / "as related by himself in a letter to a friend." / by Nicol, James. Halifax, N.S., Canada: J. and W. Compton, 1854. 31 p. ; 21 cm. (Halifax Tracts for the Times).
1. Converts, 2. Apologetics- Personal narrative.
- PGEN 32/1346 Title : The home and church of St. Gregory the Great / by Snow, T.B., O.S.B. Yeovil, England : Western Chronicle, 1890. 24 p., 8 leaves of plates : ill. ; 22 cm. Reprinted from the Downside Review.
1. St. Gregory the Great, 540- , 2. Italy--Church history, 3. Catholics in Italy, 4. Saints, 5. Popes.