General Collection: Printed Material
- PGEN 97/3982 Title : Amend the Securities Act / by Segilman, Eustace 1934
- PGEN 97/3983 Title : Massacre of the Innocents: People And Land in Japan / by Carlin, George P. 1955
- PGEN 97/3984 Title : Ground breaking for Neighborhood Gardens 1934/0525
Housing in St Louis, MO
- PGEN 97/3985 Title : Divorcement of Pipeline Transportation from Production 1933
Oil / Petroleum Production and Transportation
- PGEN 97/3986 Title : Watch Steel / by Davis, Shelby Cullom 1941
- PGEN 97/3987 Title : America's Answer: Consumers' Cooperation / by Bowen, E. R.
- PGEN 97/3988 Title : Kloster Brennen
- PGEN 97/3989 Title : Atomic Energy Commission- Fifth Semiannual Report 1949
- PGEN 98/3990 Title : St Augustine's Comments on Imago Dei / by Heijke, J., C.SS.P. 1960
- PGEN 98/3991 Title : Youth United for Christ Program guide for Christian Youth Councils 1947-1948 / by United Christian Youth Movement 1947
- PGEN 98/3992 Title : The Fulfillment! or Twelve Years Afterwards To Texas!! 1858
- PGEN 98/3993 Title : They Fought Hitler First c1945
German Anti Nazis in Concentration Camps 1933-1939
- PGEN 98/3994 Title : Some Aspects of Alcoholism / by O'Malley, Austin 1908
- PGEN 98/3995 Title : The Atomic Bomb versus Civilization / by Hutchins, Robert M. 1945
- PGEN 98/3996 Title : Industrial Democracy in Steel / by Lewis, John L. 1936
- PGEN 98/3997 Title : United States Committee for Refugees Newsletter 1961-1962
- PGEN 98/3998 Title : United Committed In Christ 1948-49 / by United Christian Youth Movement 1948
- PGEN 98/3999 Title : Helping other Young People to be Christian / by United Christian Youth Movement 1940
- PGEN 98/4000 Title : A Primer: comment on the of the President of the U.S. In making arithmetic the basic science of Government / by Crowther, Samuel 1934
Foreign Trade, Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- PGEN 98/4001 Title : The Winning Plans- Pabst Postwar Employment Awards 1944
Post- War Employment Problem
- PGEN 98/4002 Title : The Deserted Village No. 4- Birth Control of New American Industries: Cui Bono? 1934
- PGEN 98/4003 Title : Uber Burgertreue, Freiheit und Demokratie / by Hoffman, Frederick L. 1918
- PGEN 98/4004 Title : Digest Cattolico 1960
- PGEN 98/4005 Title : Northern Review- New Writing in Canada / by Nims, John Frederick 1946
- PGEN 98/4006 Title : Relacion Final de las Decisiones del Congreso / by Comision Internacional Permanente de Folklore 1960
Congreso Internacional de Folklore de Buenos Aires
- PGEN 98/4007 Title : Guia de Folkloristas / by Coluccio, Felix 1960
- PGEN 98/4008 Title : Contribucion a la Bibliografia Folklorica Argentina / by Cortazar, Augusto Raul and Calcena, Carlos Dellepiane 1960
- PGEN 98/4009 Title : Journal of the IASRA- Volume 1, Number 1 / by International Arthur Schnitzler Research Association 1961/11
Arthur Schnitzler Archive- University of Kentucky
- PGEN 98/4010 Title : Report of the Educational Council / by Mattoon, A. L. 1947
- PGEN 98/4011 Title : The Problem of International Propaganda / by Lee, Ivy 1934
- PGEN 98/4012 Title : Memorandum on the Change of Government in Panama 1931
Central America
- PGEN 98/4013 Title : Royaume D'Egypte- Distribution des hauts grades 1932
Universite Egyptienne
- PGEN 98/4014 Title : Guide to Services- AMA / by American Medical Association 1953
- PGEN 98/4015 Title : Charters and By-laws- Trustees of Princeton University 1906
- PGEN 98/4016 Title : The Right to Vote: the Armed Services and the Election / by Arnall, Ellis- Governor of Georgia 1944
- PGEN 98/4017 Title : The Powers of the Congress: the Constitution of the US Means whereby Prosperity can be returned / by Kip, Frederic E. 1933
Great Depression- Recovery
- PGEN 98/4018 Title : The rising tide of Terror Three years of an Armistice in the Holy Land / by Amman- Press and Publicity Bureau- Foreign Affairs 1952
Arabs and Christians in Israel, Jordan and Israel
- PGEN 98/4019 Title : Liquor Taxes and the Bootlegger / by Studenski, Paul 1935
- PGEN 98/4020 Title : Goa and the Indian Union: the Portuguese View / by Salazar, Oliveira 1956
- PGEN 98/4021 Title : Aren't we Volsteadizing the Anti- Trust Laws? / by Williams, James Harvey 1929
- PGEN 98/4022 Title : Rights and Responsibilities of Universities and Faculties / by Association of American Universities 1953
Communism and Academic Freedom
- PGEN 98/4023 Title : Intellectual Freedom / by Tsanoff, R. A. 1953
Loyalty Oath
- PGEN 98/4024 Title : Uncle Sam's Universities / by Carpenter, W. W. and Capps, A. G. 1942
- PGEN 98/4025 Title : Report of Standing Committee on Peace and Law through UN / by American Bar Association 1952
- PGEN 98/4026 Title : Report of the Committee on Government Finances / by National Association of Manufacturers 1935
- PGEN 98/4027 Title : America Reborn / by Lawrence, David 1932
Representative Government
- PGEN 98/4028 Title : Resolutions Foreign Trade and Merchant Marine Conference / by Middle West Foreign Trade Committee 1931
- PGEN 98/4029 Title : Governmental Expenditures- American Forum of the Air / by Vandenberg, Arthur H. and Minton, Sherman 1939
- PGEN 98/4030 Title : Reference Books for the Home / by Enoch Pratt Free Library 1958
- PGEN 98/4031 Title : Judge Cohalan Exposes British Intrigue 1936
Ethiopian War
- PGEN 98/4032 Title : Brush up your Shakespeare / by Enoch Pratt Free Library 1964
- PGEN 98/4033 Title : H.L. Mencken / by Enoch Pratt Free Library 1959
- PGEN 98/4034 Title : New horizons of Industry / by Sarnoff, David 1941
- PGEN 98/4035 Title : The New York State Commission against Discrimination / by Yale Law Journal 1947
- PGEN 98/4036 Title : Mental Disorder, Crime and the Law Missouri Crime Survey Part X / by Bliss, M. A. 1926
- PGEN 98/4037 Title : Anglo- American Financial and Commercial Agreements 1945
Lend-Lease, Reciprocal Aid, Surplus War Property
- PGEN 98/4038 Title : Unemployment Reserve Funds An American Plan to Stabilize Jobs and Purchasing Power / by Andrews, John B. 1930
- PGEN 98/4039 Title : The "Share the Wealth" Humbug / by Chandler, George B. 1935
Ways and Means Committee- US House of Representatives
- PGEN 98/4040 Title : Implications of Rent Control: Experience in the US / by Grebler, Leo 1952
- PGEN 98/4041 Title : International Reconstruction- Some Ideas for Discussion / by Eppstein, John 1944
- PGEN 98/4042 Title : Red Cross- A Force for Peace / by O'Connor, Basil 1945
- PGEN 98/4043 Title : Rubber Required to Maintain Usable Passenger Cars in Service 1945
- PGEN 98/4044 Title : Mayan Mysteries: your way to a better life / by Mayan Order 1944
Secret Societies
- PGEN 98/4045 Title : Federal Aid in the Reclamation of Arid Lands / by Swalwell, Joseph A. c1930
- PGEN 98/4046 Title : The Double Standard of Stabilization / by Austin, C. L. 1952
- PGEN 98/4047 Title : Cultural Centers in the other American Republics / by Greene, Dorothy and Esman, Sherly Goodman
- PGEN 98/4048 Title : Whose is the Child? A Question for Parents, Pedagogs and Politicians to Consider / by Dau, W. H. T.
- PGEN 98/4049 Title : A Century of Progress: International Exposition 1933
Chicago International Exposition
- PGEN 98/4050 Title : We must Amend the Wagner Act / by Burke, Edward R. 1938
- PGEN 98/4051 Title : A Talking Knowledge of Rotary / by International Association of Rotary Clubs 1916
Secret Societies
- PGEN 98/4052 Title : This Question Must Be Answered! / by Taylor, Henry J. 1950
- PGEN 98/4053 Title : The American Youth Commission Activities / by American Council on Education 1939
- PGEN 98/4054 Title : The Importance of Water to Industry in Southern CA / by Jensen, Joseph 1954
- PGEN 98/4055 Title : Modern Money: the Gold plus Silver Dollar / by Dunlop, George H. c1930
- PGEN 98/4056 Title : The Soviets at Flushing
- PGEN 98/4056 Title : The Ruby Star Atop The Soviet Fake / by Tunney, Gene
- PGEN 98/4056 Title : The Red Poison That Runs Out of the Fair / by Toomey, John
- PGEN 98/4057 Title : The Case for the B's / by Missouri Committee for Equal School Bus Transportation 1963
- PGEN 98/4058 Title : Memorandum- Special Committee on the Constitution / by National Policy Committee- Washington, DC 1937
- PGEN 98/4059 Title : For the consideration of Hon. John J. Cochran / by Legislative Committee- Merchants Exchange of St. Louis 1935
Labor Relations
- PGEN 98/4060 Title : What Is Friends of Democracy? / by Friends of Democracy, Inc.
- PGEN 98/4061 Title : Prison Labor for Private Profit / by Joint Committee on Prison Labor 1925
- PGEN 98/4062 Title : The Library as a University / by Enoch Pratt Free Library 1962
- PGEN 98/4063 Title : The Police- American Character / by McDonald, Donald; Parker, William H. and Baggs, William C. 1962
- PGEN 98/4064 Title : Transportation by Taxation / by Phelps, Andrew H.- Vice President Westinghouse 1950
- PGEN 98/4065 Title : Are Armies needed any longer? / by Wells, H. G.
- PGEN 98/4066 Title : The People and Pearl Harbor: new Scapegoat declines role / by Montgomery, George S., Jr. 1945
- PGEN 98/4067 Title : Upstate New York c1956
Population- Demography
- PGEN 98/4068 Title : Mr Independent and Small Business Man In the Petroleum Industry where are you headed for? / by Craft, Arnold W. 1934
- PGEN 98/4069 Title : Why you should support the Education Bill / by National Education Association 1925
Bill to create a Department of Education
- PGEN 98/4070 Title : The Children's Amendment 1924
Child Labor Amendment
- PGEN 98/4071 Title : The Economic Value of Short Selling / by Huebner, S. S.
Reprint from the Farmers Elevator Guide
- PGEN 98/4072 Title : Rubber in War and Peace / by Collyer, John L.- President of B.F. Goodrich Co. 1943
- PGEN 98/4073 Title : What Economists think of the Kelly Resale Price Bill / by Doten, Carroll W.
- PGEN 98/4074 Title : Youth: Their Jobs, Their Health, Their Schooling / by American Youth Commission
- PGEN 98/4075 Title : Armament / by World Alliance for International Friendship
- PGEN 98/4076 Title : The Mississippi River in War / by Tyler, Brig. Gen. Max C. 1942
- PGEN 98/4077 Title : Why Increased Armament?- What National Policy Requires It? / by Church Peace Union and American Council of the World Alliance 1940
- PGEN 98/4078 Title : Recognize Red China? An Expose of the National Council of Churches / by Circuit Riders, Inc. 1958
National Council of Churches World Order Study Conf.
- PGEN 98/4079 Title : Your Land and Mine- Radio Talk / by Taylor, Henry J. 1950
Coal Strike