Books Collected by the Poor Handmaids
- PHJC S22. Book : A Crown for Our Queen / by Rev. Abram J. Ryan. Baltimore: John Piet, 1882
- PHJC S23. Book : Out of Shadows Into Light / by Charles J. Callan, OP; with an introduction by James Cardinal Gibbons. Baltimore: John Murphy, 1913
- PHJC S24. Book : The Love of God: an Essay in Analysis / by Aelred Graham, OSB. Garden City, NY: Image Books, 1959
- PHJC S25. Book : The Path of Humility. London: Burns Oates and Washbourne, 1920
- PHJC S26. Book : Private and Social Conduct Social Problems: for High School Juniors / by John F. Noll. Religion and Life, Vol. III. Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Press, 1943
- PHJC S27. Book : The World You Will Face: for High School Seniors / by John F. Noll. Religion and Life, Vol. IV. Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Press, 1944
- PHJC S28. Book : Thoughts for All Times / by Mgr. John S. Vaughan; with a prefact by Right Rev. J. C. Hedley, OSB, Bishop of Newport. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1899
- PHJC S29. Book : Cloister and Other Poems / Charles L. O'Donnell, CSC. New York: Macmillan, 1922
- PHJC T1. Book : Our Refuge: a Practical Course of Instructions on the Most Holy Eucharist / by Rev. Augustine Sprigler, Rector of St. Mary's Church, Sullivan, Indiana. Second Edition. St. Louis: B. Herder, 1918
- PHJC T2. Book : The Faith of our Fathers: being a plain exposition and vindication of the Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ / by James Cardinal Gibbons. New York: P. J. Kenedy and Sons, 1917
- PHJC T3. Book : Our Daily Bread: Talks on Frequent Communion / by Father Walter Dwight, SJ. New York: Apostleship of Prayer, 1913
- PHJC T4. Book : The Passion and the Death of Jesus Christ / by St. Alphonsus de Ligouri, Doctor of the Church; edited by Rev. Eugene Grimm. St. Louis: Redemptorist Fathers, 1927
- PHJC T5. Book : The Way of Salvation and of Perfection: Meditations, Pious Reflections, Spiritual Treatises / by St. Alphonsus de Ligouri, Doctor of the Church; edited by Rev. Eugene Grimm. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1886
- PHJC T6. Book : Preparation for Death: or, Considerations on the Eternal Truths (Maxims of Eternity -- Rule of Life) / by St. Alphonsus de Ligouri, Doctor of the Church; edited by Rev. Eugene Grimm. St. Louis: Redemptorist Fathers, 1926
- PHJC T7. Book : The Highway to God / by Edward A. Fitzpatrick, Ph. D. New York: Bruce, 1933
- PHJC T8. Book : Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints with Reflections for Every Day in the Year. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1925
- PHJC T9. Book : Cochem's Life of Christ / adapted by Rev. Bonaventure Hammer, OFM. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1896
- PHJC T10. Book : The Kingdom of Selfhood / by John A. Morrison, President Anderson Seminary, Anderson, Indiana. Published by the author, 1928
- PHJC T11. Book : The Power of St. Joseph / by the Rev. Father Huguet, SM; translated from the twenty-first French edition by Clara Mulholland. Dublin: M. H. Gill, 1914
- PHJC T12. Book : The Nun in the World: New Dimensions in the Modern Apostolate / by Leon Joseph Cardinal Suenens. Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1963
- PHJC T13. Book : Mirrors of God / by Rev. E. F. Garesché, SJ. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1927
- PHJC T14. Book : An Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism of Christian Doctrine for the use of Sunday-School Teachers and Advanced Classes / by Rev. Thomas L. Kinkead. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1921
- PHJC T15. Book : Month of May at Mary's Altar: considerations for every day of the month / from the French by Rev. Thomas F. Ward. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1896
- PHJC T16. Book : The Spiritual Doctrine of Father Louis Lallemant of the Society of Jesus preceded by an account of his life / by Father Champion, SJ; edited by Alan G. McDougall. Westminster, MD: The Newman Book Shop, 1946
- PHJC T17. Book : A Short Breviary for Religious and the Laity / edited by William G. Heidt, OSB. Third edition. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1962
- PHJC T18. Book : Hoffnung in Spruch und Lied, Ausgewählte Terte / by A. von Wyl. Nürnberg: Theo. Stroefer's Kunstverlag, nd.
- PHJC T19. Book : Monthly Recollection with Examination of Conscience for Sisters / by Rev. Father Victor, CP; translated from the French by Rev. Father Edmund, CP. Westminster, MD: The Newman Press, 1949
- PHJC T20. Book : Histoire Sainte ŕ l'usage des Écoles Chrétiennes / M. l'Abbé Bénard. Strasbourg: Louis-François le Roux, 1859
- PHJC T21. Book : Solutions in Ten Lessons: a Manual for Use in Training Schools for Nurses / Elsie M. Smith. St. Louis: Mosby, 1919
- PHJC T22. Book : Sammlung der Gebete, welche in der Mariahilskirche zu Philippsdorf verrichtet sn, nd.
- PHJC T23. Book : Christ in the Old and the New Testament: Bible and Catechism Combined / by Sister Mary Gonzaga, PHJC; with a preface by John F. Noll, Bishop of Fort Wayne. St. Louis: B. Herder, 1928
- PHJC T24. Book : The Mass of the Future / by Gerald Ellard, SJ. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1948
- PHJC T25. Book : Course in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Arithmetic including Weights and Measures / by Julius William Sturmer. Fourth edition, with answers. Published by the Author, 1921
- PHJC T26. Book : Woman's Institute Library of Cookery: Every-Day Nutrition -- Selectin of Food, Eating for Health, Special Diets. Scranton, PA: Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences, 1948
- PHJC T27. Book : Lectionary. New York: Catholic Book Publishing Co., 1964
- PHJC T28. Book : A History of the Illinois Training School for Nurses, 1880-1929 / by Grace Fay Schryver. Chicago: Board of Directors of the Illinois Training School for Nurses, 1930
- PHJC T29. Book : Standard Curriculum for Schools of Nursing / prepared by the Committee on Education of the National League of Nursing Education (1915 to 1918). Committee on Education, 1920
- PHJC T30. Book : Die Klöster der heil. kathol. Kirche: Geschichte der religiösen Orden und des Klosterlebens in der katholischen Kirche: ein Buch für das christliche Volk / L. E. D. Brockhoff. Oberhausen: Spaarmann. Pages 240-241 show a Poor Handmaid on the battlefield. 1870
- PHJC T31. Book : To Love, To Share, To Serve: Challenges to a Religious / by L. Patrick Carroll, SJ. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1979
- PHJC T32. Book : Ceremony of Consecration of the Right Reverend John Francis Noll, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne, IN: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 30 June 1925
- PHJC T33. Book : Ceremony of Consecration of His Excellency the Most Reverend Albert R. Zuroweste, D. D., Bishop of Belville. Belleville, IL: Cathedral of Saint Peter, 29 January 1948
- PHJC T34. Book : Souvenir of the Golden Anniversary: Congregation of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate. Joliet, IL: the Sisters, August 1915
- PHJC U01. Title : History of the Catholic Church in the United States, 1521-1866, 4 vols. / John Gilmary Shea 1886-1892
- PHJC U02. Title : History of the Catholic Church in Indiana, vol. 1 1898
- PHJC U03. Title : Saint Peter's Church Chicago 1953
- PHJC U04. Title : 100 Years The History of the Church of the Holy Name 1949
- PHJC U05. Title : Presidential Studies Quarterly 1989
- PHJC V01. Folder : Sister Formation Conference: Consensus Statements, Statements of Purpose [was CHJC 10/21] 1968
- PHJC V02. Folder : Duties of Administrator and Superior [was CHJC 26/12]
- PHJC V03. Folder : Handbook for Superiors [was CHJC 26/13]
- PHJC V04. Folder : Vocations: Printed material on Vocation by other Sister's Orders [was CHJC 34/06]
- PHJC V05. Folder : Religious Materials of PHJC: Holy Cards [was CHJC 34/09]
- PHJC V06. Folder : Comparative Guidelines for Spiritual Renewal [was CHJC 34/14]
- PHJC V07. Folder : Chapter Books: reflections of offenses against obedience, poverty, religious modesty (Chapter of Faults - Examination of Conscience) [was CHJC 34/18] 1936-1940
- PHJC V08. Folder : Hour Prayer Book [was CHJC 34/20]
- PHJC V09. Folder : Novena for Feasts [was CHJC 34/22]
- PHJC V10. Folder : Plays collected by the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ [was CHJC 37/08]
- PHJC V11. Folder : Miscellaneous Music Scores collected by the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ [was CHJC 37/09]
- PHJC V12. Folder : Miscellaneous Music Scores collected by the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ - Canticum Novum, Ordan book [was CHJC 37/10]
- PHJC V13. Folder : "Patron Saints of Catholic Hospitals" / by the Catholic Hospital Association [was CHJC 39/09]
- PHJC V14. Folder : For Catholic Patients in Hospitals: Hints and Aids to Happiness [was CHJC 39/12] 1914
- PHJC V15. Folder : Prayer Ceremonies for Laymen, Doctors, Nurses - "Routine Spiritual Care" [was CHJC 39/13] 1949
- PHJC V16. Folder : Belleville, IL. St. Pete's Cathedral - Consecration Souvenir (mentions St. Vincent's Home for the Aged on page 84) [was CHJC 40/04] 1939
- PHJC V17. Folder : Chicago, IL. St. Anne's Hospital - School of Nursing Reference Book (Thirty second Anuual Report of the National League of Nursing Education [was CHJC 45/15] 1926
- PHJC V18. Folder : Stonington, IL. Holy Trinity Catholic Church [was CHJC 54/18] 1890-1977
- PHJC V19. Folder : Techny, IL. Society of the Devine Word / Holy Ghost Institute 75th Anniversary [was CHJC 54/19] 1875-1950
- PHJC V20. Folder : Donaldson, In. Divine Heart Seminary - Newsclippings [was CHJC 67/10] 1983
- PHJC V21. Folder : Assorted newsclippings Indiana Memorabilia [was CHJC 67/11]
- PHJC V22. Folder : Indiana - General info, Brochures, Pamphlets, Maps [was CHJC 74/16]
- PHJC V23. Folder : Brothers of the Poor - Assorted Literature [was CHJC 74/19]
- PHJC V24. Folder : Indiana - General Information, Brochures, Maps, Articles [was CHJC 74/17]
- PHJC V25. Folder : Wisconsin - Early Catholic Church History [was CHJC 77/04]
- PHJC V26. Folder : Missionkalendar in German [was CHJC 77/25] 1983
- PHJC V27. Folder : Indian Publications not in English: one on nutrition, the other on leprosy [was CHJC 78/06] 1985
- PHJC V28. Folder : India - A book about the land and culture of India [was CHJC 78/07] 1971
- PHJC V29. Folder : A Chapter taken from the Holy Rule on Spiritual Joy [was CHJC 91/02] 1932
- PHJC V30. Folder : German Books: Guidelines for Retreat, Guidelines for Superiors, Exhortation to be loyal, Conference by Augustine Cardinal Bea [was CHJC 91/03] 3 PHCJ V31. ~ 1962 ~ Folder ~ Father Kusman's Retreat Notes [was CHJC 91/04] 3 PHCJ V32. ~ 1963,1966 ~ Folder ~ The Story of Pope John XXIII - Encyclical letter on Pacem in Terris [was CHJC 91/05] 1950-1964
- PHJC V33. Folder : Book about the Papal Visit of Pope Paul VI [was CHJC 91/06] 1965
- PHJC V34. Folder : Paper: "VOTA" Dutch Adaptation of Religious Life [was CHJC 91/07] 1967
- PHJC V35. Folder : "The Instruction 'Renovations Causam' of the Sacred Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes"; - "Instructor on the Renewal of Religious Formation" [was CHJC 91/08] 1969
- PHJC V36. Folder : Paper: "Key Concepts of Vatican II on the Religious Life" by John Joseph Cardinal Carberry [was CHJC 91/09] 1970?
- PHJC V37. Folder : "Hoping Together" - Position Papers Accepted by Provincial Chapter [was CHJC 91/10] 1971
- PHJC V38. Folder : Consortium Perfectae Caritas: Religious Communities of Women Meeting Today's Needs in the Church [was CHJC 91/11] 1972
- PHJC V39. Folder : Marienschule - German Publications - Limburg [was CHJC 91/12] 1949-1972
- PHJC W01. Folder : Evangelli Nuntandi -"On Evangelization in the Modern World" by Pope Paul VI [was CHJC 91/13] 1975
- PHJC W02. Folder : Paper: "On Being Yourself" by Adrian van Kaam [was CHJC 91/14] 1978
- PHJC W03. Folder : Books about Papal visits of John Paul II [was CHJC 91/15] 1979
- PHJC W04. Folder : Blickpunkt (Focal Point), Theme: Prayer, in German w/ English translation [was CHJC 91/16] 1979
- PHJC W05. Folder : Prospectus: "The Yoke of Grace: American Nuns and Social Change 1808-1917" / by Margaret Susan Thompson [was CHJC 91/17] 1984
- PHJC W06. Folder : "Newness in Fidelity" by Richard P. McBrien re: Canon Law Code [was CHJC 91/18] 1983
- PHJC W07. Folder : "Associate Program: An Overview" [was CHJC 91/19] 1983
- PHJC W08. Folder : Profile of Catholic Multi-Institutional Systems, The Catholic Health Association of the United States [was CHJC 105/24] 1983-1984
- PHJC W09. Folder : Winnetka, IL. - Sacred Heart Parish [was CHJC 108/14] 1951-1974
- PHJC W10. Folder : Winnetka, Il. - Sacred Heart Parish - Directories [was CHJC 108/15] 1969
- PHJC W11. Folder : Winnetka, IL. - Sacred Heart Church - Marriage Programs [was CHJC 108/16] 1947-1973
- PHJC W12. Folder : Winnetka, IL. - Sacred Heart Church - Marriage Programs [was CHJC 108/17] 1970-1972
- PHJC W13. Folder : Winnetka, IL. - Sacred Heart Church - Sung Mass and Confirmation Handbooks [was CHJC 108/18] 1955-1959
- PHJC W14. Folder : Winnetka, IL. - Sacred Heart Church - Reader's Handbooks [was CHJC 108/19] 1958-1974
- PHJC W15. Folder : Winnetka, IL. - Sacred Heart Church - Usher's Handbooks [was CHJC 108/20] 1958-1972
- PHJC W16. Folder : National Pictorial: American Catholic Cathedrals Hospitals and Motherhouses [was CHJC 109/07] 1925