- MLEO 6/009 Author : Lahr, Phillipp Anton (German Cath Congrgtn-Boston) 1844/0426
- MLEO 6/009 Author : Wein, Peter (Committee of German Cath. Cngrgtn-Boston) 1844/0426
- MLEO 6/009 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1844/0426
- MLEO 6/010 Author : Czvitkovicz, Alexander (Fr,CSsR-Provincial-Baltimore) 1844/0603
- MLEO 6/010 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1844/0603
- MLEO 6/011 Author : Bayer, Benedict (Fr,CSsR-Dio of Baltimore-in Freiburg) 1844/1111
- MLEO 6/011 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1844/1111
- MLEO 6/012 Author : Bayer, Benedict (Fr,CSsR-Dio of Baltimore-in Munich) 1845/0118
- MLEO 6/012 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1845/0118
- MLEO 6/013 Author : Videnka, Joh. (Fr-Pastor of St.Venceslaus-Baltimore) 1881/0907
- MLEO 6/013 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Board of Directors 1881/0907
- MLEO 6/014 Author : Brouillet, J.M.A. (Fr-Bureau-Cath. Indian Miss-Wash.) 1882/0601
- MLEO 6/014 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Board of Directors 1882/0601
- MLEO 6/015 Author : Brouillet, J.M.A. (Fr-Dir-Bur.-Catholic Indian Miss.) 1883/0629
- MLEO 6/015 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Board of Directors 1883/0629
- MLEO 6/016 Author : Schauer, Elias Fred (Fr,CSsR-Spr'r Prvncl-Baltimore) 1888/0927
- MLEO 6/016 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Board of Directors 1888/0927
- MLEO 6/017 Author : Schauer, Elias Fred (Fr,CSsR-Spr'r Prvncl-Baltimore) 1889/0624
- MLEO 6/017 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Board of Directors 1889/0624
- MLEO 6/018 Document : List of American Bishops and Order Priests 1889?
- MLEO 6/018 Author : Leopoldine Society 1889?
- MLEO 6/019 Author : Fenwick, Benedict Joseph (Bishop of Boston) 1844/0611
- MLEO 6/019 Recipient : Salzbacher, Joseph (Canon-Leopoldine Society) 1844/0611
- MLEO 6/020 Author : Martin, Alexander (Father,OFM-Boston) 1846/0919
- MLEO 6/020 Recipient : Salzbacher, Joseph (Canon-Leopoldine Society) 1846/0919
- MLEO 6/021 Author : Brasseur de Bourbourg, Cathles (Fr-Boston-in Vienna) 1847/1209
- MLEO 6/021 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1847/1209
- MLEO 6/022 Author : Martin, Alexander? (Father,OFM-Providence-on a Trip) 1848/0816
- MLEO 6/022 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1848/0816
- MLEO 6/023 Author : Boniface (Father,OSF-Italian Church-Prince St-Boston) 1884/0214
- MLEO 6/023 Recipient : von Schaeffer, Ignatz? (Baron-New York) 1884/0214
- MLEO 6/024 Author : Hauptmann, John (Father-St.Mary's, Williamsburg, NY) 1883/0620
- MLEO 6/024 Recipient : Leopoldine Society 1883/0620
- MLEO 6/025 Author : Timon, John (Bishop of Buffalo) 1846/1216
- MLEO 6/025 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1846/1216
- MLEO 6/026 Author : Timon, John (Bishop of Buffalo) 1849/09
- MLEO 6/026 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1849/09
- MLEO 6/027 Author : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1850/0303
- MLEO 6/027 Recipient : Benvenuti, Johann (Drct'r-Chncry of Vienna-LS Trsr'r) 1850/0303
- MLEO 6/028 Author : Zingerle, Pius (Father,OSB-Professor-Merane, Tyrol) 1850/1012
- MLEO 6/028 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Board of Directors 1850/1012
- MLEO 6/029 Author : Timon, John (Bishop of Buffalo) 1850/1020
- MLEO 6/029 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1850/1020
- MLEO 6/030 Author : Timon, John (Bishop of Buffalo) 1851/0403
- MLEO 6/030 Recipient : Salzbacher, Joseph? (Canon-Leopoldine Society) 1851/0403
- MLEO 6/031 Author : Timon, John (Bishop of Buffalo) 1851/0630
- MLEO 6/031 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1851/0630
- MLEO 6/032 Author : Timon, John (Bishop of Buffalo) 1850/1129
- MLEO 6/032 Recipient : Salzbacher, Joseph (Canon-Leopoldine Society) 1850/1129
- MLEO 6/033 Document : Pastoral Letter 1850/0801
- MLEO 6/033 Author : Timon, John (Bishop of Buffalo) 1850/0801
- MLEO 6/034 Author : Timon, John (Bishop of Buffalo) 1852/0802
- MLEO 6/034 Recipient : Schwarz, Johann G. (Consul for North America-Vienna) 1852/0802
- MLEO 6/035 Author : Timon, John (Bishop of Buffalo) 1852/0802
- MLEO 6/035 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1852/0802
- MLEO 6/036 Author : Sadler, Joseph? (Father-St.Aloysius) 1866/0621
- MLEO 6/036 Recipient : Rauscher, Joseph Othmar (Cardinal Abp of Vienna) 1866/0621
- MLEO 6/037 Author : Lessmann, J. (Father,SJ-Canisius College-Buffalo) 1879/1128
- MLEO 6/037 Recipient : Angerer, Eduard (Titular Bishop of Alalia-LS Director) 1879/1128
- MLEO 6/038 Author : Heiter, A. (Father-Rector-St.Mary's Church-Buffalo) 1882/0312
- MLEO 6/038 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Board of Directors 1882/0312
- MLEO 6/039 Author : Lessmann, J. (Father,SJ-Superior-Buffalo) 1883/0317
- MLEO 6/039 Recipient : Angerer, Eduard (Bishop of Alalia-LS Director) 1883/0317
- MLEO 6/040 Author : Fromholzer, F.X. (Father-Springville, NY) 1884/1001
- MLEO 6/040 Recipient : Angerer, Eduard (Titular Bishop of Alalia-LS Director) 1884/1001
- MLEO 6/041 Author : Lessmann, J. (Father,SJ-Buffalo) 1883/0714
- MLEO 6/041 Recipient : Angerer, Eduard (Titular Bishop of Alalia-LS Director) 1883/0714
- MLEO 6/042 Author : Fromholzer, F.X. (Fr-Ch of 14 Holy Hlprs-Gardenville) 1885/0618
- MLEO 6/042 Recipient : Kaindl, Joseph (Canon-Leopoldine Society Director) 1885/0618
- MLEO 6/043 Author : England, John (Bishop of Charleston, SC) 1838/1010
- MLEO 6/043 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Board of Directors 1838/1010
- MLEO 6/044 Author : Reynolds, Ignatius Aloisius (Bishop of Charleston) 1846/0908
- MLEO 6/044 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1846/0908
- MLEO 6/045 Author : Hazelius, Ernst Ludwig (Prof-Lutheran Sem.-Lexington) 1846/1019
- MLEO 6/045 Recipient : Bolles (Father-Diocese of Charleston) 1846/1019
- MLEO 6/046 Author : Bermingham, Timotes (Father-Diocese of Charleston) 1847/0607
- MLEO 6/046 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1847/0607
- MLEO 6/047 Author : Bermingham, Timotes (Fr-Dio of Charleston-in Vienna) 1847/0614
- MLEO 6/047 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1847/0614
- MLEO 6/048 Author : Rauscher, Joseph Othmar (Cardinal Abp of Vienna) 1863/0316
- MLEO 6/048 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Treasurer 1863/0316
- MLEO 6/049 Author : Reynolds, Ignatius Aloysius (Bishop of Charleston) 1850/0725
- MLEO 6/049 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1850/0725
- MLEO 6/050 Author : Reynolds, Ignatius Aloysius (Bishop of Charleston) 1851/0726
- MLEO 6/050 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1851/0726
- MLEO 6/051 Author : Quarter, William (Bishop of Chicago) 1844/1007
- MLEO 6/051 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1844/1007
- MLEO 6/052 Author : Quarter, William (Bishop of Chicago) 1844/0315
- MLEO 6/052 Recipient : Leopoldine Society (President) 1844/0315
- MLEO 6/053 Author : Brickwedde, August (Fr-Vic Gen of Chicago-in Vienna) 1845/0725
- MLEO 6/053 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1845/0725
- MLEO 6/054 Author : Ferdinand I (Emperor of Austria) 1845/1014
- MLEO 6/054 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1845/1014
- MLEO 6/055 Author : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Abp of Vienna-in Cranichsberg) 1845/0802
- MLEO 6/055 Recipient : von Bruchmann, Johann Christian (Edler-LS Treasurer) 1845/0802
- MLEO 6/056 Author : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1845/1017
- MLEO 6/056 Recipient : Ferdinand I (Emperor of Austria) 1845/1017
- MLEO 6/057 Author : Quarter, William (Bishop of Chicago) 1846/1127
- MLEO 6/057 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1846/1127
- MLEO 6/058 Author : Quarter, William (Bishop of Chicago) 1847/1110