- MLEO S4/118 Document : List of Statistics Concerning North American Dioceses 1832
- MLEO S4/118 Recipient : Leopoldine Society? (List-N. American Dioceses) 1832?
- MLEO S4/119 Author : Brute, Simon Gabriel (Bishop of Vincennes) 1836/0127
- MLEO S4/119 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1836/0127
- MLEO S4/120 Document : List of "Most Needy" Dioceses in North America 1837/08
- MLEO S4/120 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Board of Directors 1837/08
- MLEO S4/121 Author : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1841/1020
- MLEO S4/121 Recipient : von Bruchmann, Johann Christian (Edler-LS Treasurer) 1841/1020
- MLEO S4/122 Author : Leonhard, Johann Michael (Titular Bishop of Alalia) 1830?
- MLEO S4/122 Recipient : England, John (Bishop of Charleston, SC) 1830?
- MLEO S4/122 Recipient : Fenwick, Benedict Joseph (Bishop of Boston) 1830?
- MLEO S4/122 Recipient : Rosati, Joseph (Bishop of St.Louis) 1830?
- MLEO S4/123 Author : Leonhard, Johann Michael (Titular Bishop of Alalia) nd
- MLEO S4/123 Recipient : Portier, Michael (Bishop of Mobile) nd
- MLEO S4/124 Author : Ostini, Peter (Abp of Tarsus-Nuntio Apost. to Vienna) 1832/1128
- MLEO S4/124 Recipient : Leopoldine Society 1832/1128
- MLEO S4/125 Author : Altieri, Louis (Crd-Tit. Abp of Ephesus-Nuntio-Vienna) 1838/1124
- MLEO S4/125 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1838/1124
- MLEO S4/126 Author : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1845?
- MLEO S4/126 Recipient : Byrne, Andreas (Bishop of Little Rock, AR) 1845?
- MLEO S4/127 Author : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1845?
- MLEO S4/127 Recipient : Odin, John Mary (Bp of Claudiopolis-Vic Apstlc of TX) 1845?
- MLEO S4/128 Author : Kramer, Joseph (Canon-Director-Archdiocese of Gratz) 1854/1129
- MLEO S4/128 Recipient : Leopoldine Society 1854/1129
- MLEO S4/129 Author : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1845
- MLEO S4/129 Recipient : Tyler, Williem (Bishop of Hartford) 1845
- MLEO S4/130 Author : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1845?
- MLEO S4/130 Recipient : O'Connor, Michael (Father,SJ-Bishop of Pittsburgh) 1845?
- MLEO S4/131 Author : Rudolph Joannes (Archduke of Austria) 1829/0707
- MLEO S4/131 Recipient : von Firmian, Count Maximillian (Archbishop-Vienna) 1829/0707
- MLEO S4/132 Author : Salecz, Joseph (Vicar General of Agram) 1829/0828
- MLEO S4/132 Recipient : von Firmian, Count Maximillian (Archbishop-Vienna) 1829/0828
- MLEO S4/133 Author : Babb de Kapolnok, Joannes (Bishop of Fogaras) 1829/1009
- MLEO S4/133 Recipient : von Firmian, Count Maximillian (Archbishop-Vienna) 1829/1009
- MLEO S4/134 Author : Meguscher, Jakob (Father-Pastor-St. Martin's, Laibach) 1829/1204
- MLEO S4/134 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Board of Directors 1829/1204
- MLEO S4/135 Author : Lichtenberg, Karl Anton (Father-LS Secretary) 1829/1215
- MLEO S4/135 Recipient : Meguscher, Jakob (Father-Pastor-St. Martin's, Laibach) 1829/1215
- MLEO S4/136 Author : Pichler, S. (Chancery of Salzburg) 1830/0206
- MLEO S4/136 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Board of Directors 1830/0206
- MLEO S4/137 Author : von Rittersperg, Anton Ritter (Archdean-Official) 1830/0208
- MLEO S4/137 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Board of Directors 1830/0208
- MLEO S4/138 Author : von Rittersperg, Anton Ritter (Archdean-Official) 1830/0419
- MLEO S4/138 Recipient : Leonhard, Johann Michael (Leopoldine Society Director) 1830/0419
- MLEO S4/139 Author : Leopoldine Society 1830/1125
- MLEO S4/139 Recipient : Chancery of Olmuetz? 1830/1125
- MLEO S4/140 Author : Kloepfer, Wilhelm (Father,CR-Provincial) 1895/0624
- MLEO S4/140 Recipient : Kornheisl, Franz (Canon-Director-Chancery of Vienna) 1895/0624
- MLEO S4/141 Author : Smolikowski, Paul (Father,CR-General Superior-Rome) 1896/0205
- MLEO S4/141 Recipient : Kornheisl, Franz (Canon-Leopoldine Society Director) 1896/0205
- MLEO S4/142 Author : Leopoldine Society 1899/0307
- MLEO S4/142 Recipient : Smolikowski, Paul (Father,CR-General) 1899/0307
- MLEO S4/143 Author : Mosser, August (Father,CR-General Procurator-Rome) 1904/0410
- MLEO S4/143 Recipient : Schneider, John B. (Dr-Central LS Director) 1904/0410
- MLEO S4/144 Author : Mosser, August (Father,CR-Rome) 1906/0126
- MLEO S4/144 Recipient : Kornheisl, Franz (Canon-Director-Chancery of Vienna) 1906/0126
- MLEO S4/145 Author : Mosser, August (Father,CR-General Procurator-Rome) 1906/0313
- MLEO S4/145 Recipient : Marschall, Godfried (Bp of Ortosia-Vic Gen-LS Pres) 1906/0313
- MLEO S4/146 Author : Mosser, August (Father,CR-General Procurator-Rome) 1908/1121
- MLEO S4/146 Recipient : Marschall, Godfried (Bp of Ortosia-Vic Gen-LS Pres) 1908/1121
- MLEO S4/147 Author : Mosser, August (Father,CR-General Procurator-Rome) 1910/0424
- MLEO S4/147 Recipient : Wimmer, Ferdinand (Canon-Secretary-Vienna) 1910/0424
- MLEO S4/148 Author : Mosser, August (Father,CR-General Procurator-Rome) 1913/1102
- MLEO S4/148 Recipient : Wimmer, Ferdinand (Canon-Secretary-Vienna) 1913/1102
- MLEO S4/149 Author : Mosser, August (Father,CR-General Procurator-Rome) 1914/0505
- MLEO S4/149 Recipient : Wimmer, Ferdinand (Canon-Secretary-Vienna) 1914/0505
- MLEO S4/150 Author : Leeb, Prokop Knirpl (Dr-Chancery of Budweis) 1846/0112
- MLEO S4/150 Recipient : Leopoldine Society 1846/0112
- MLEO S4/151 Author : von Coudenhove, Ludwig (Fr,CSsR-Count-Rector-Vienna) 1855/0117
- MLEO S4/151 Recipient : Leopoldine Society 1855/0117
- MLEO S4/152 Author : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1848/0229
- MLEO S4/152 Recipient : Sztankobicz, Joannes (Archbishop of Raab, Hungary) 1848/0229
- MLEO S4/153 Author : Jacquemin, Georg (Father-Rome) 1898/0118
- MLEO S4/153 Recipient : Gruscha, Anton Joseph (Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna) 1898/0118
- MLEO S4/154 Author : Jacquemin, Georg (Father-Rome) 1898/0128
- MLEO S4/154 Recipient : Wimmer, Ferdinand (Dr-Director-Chancery of Vienna) 1898/0128
- MLEO S4/155 Author : Jacquemin, Georg (Father-Rome) 1899/1201
- MLEO S4/155 Recipient : Wimmer, Ferdinand (Dr-Canon-Drct'r-Chncry of Vienna) 1899/1201
- MLEO S4/156 Author : unknown] (Superior of Holy Family of Nazareth-Rome) 1891/0213
- MLEO S4/156 Recipient : Leopoldine Society Director 1891/0213
- MLEO S4/157 Author : unknown] (Superior of Holy Family of Nazareth-Rome) 1891/0301
- MLEO S4/157 Recipient : Leopoldine Society (Excellency) 1891/0301
- MLEO S4/158 Author : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1847/0214
- MLEO S4/158 Recipient : Kaiser, Joseph (Leopoldine Society Bookkeeper) 1847/0214
- MLEO S4/159 Author : Leviz, Ivo (Father,OSF) 1839/0823
- MLEO S4/159 Recipient : Leopoldine Society 1839/0823
- MLEO S4/160 Author : Epp, Hyacinth (Father,0FMCap-Provincial-Rome) 1896/0507
- MLEO S4/160 Recipient : Leopoldine Society (Bishop?) 1896/0507
- MLEO S4/161 Document : Letter of Recommendation for Financial Support 1894/1221
- MLEO S4/161 Author : Schmid de Grueneck, G. (Dr-Official-Diocese of Curien) 1894/1221
- MLEO S4/161 Subject : Durrer, Nicola M. (Abbess,OSB-Cnvnt St.Andrew,Switz.) 1894/1221
- MLEO S4/162 Author : Durrer, Nicola M. (Abbess-St.Andreas-Sarnen, Swit.) 1897/0305
- MLEO S4/162 Recipient : Kornheisl, Franz (Canon-Director-Chancery of Vienna) 1897/0305
- MLEO S4/163 Author : Durrer, Nicola M. (Abbess-St.Andreas-Sarnen, Swit.) 1897/0329
- MLEO S4/163 Recipient : Leopoldine Society 1897/0329
- MLEO S4/164 Author : von Helfert (Count-for Mnst'ry of Undrscrtry of State) 1856/0221
- MLEO S4/164 Recipient : Rauscher, Joseph Othmar (Cardinal Abp of Vienna) 1856/0221
- MLEO S4/165 Author : Pierling, Jacobus (Fr,SJ-Prvncl-Dispersed Aust. Order) 1849/0218
- MLEO S4/165 Recipient : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1849/0218
- MLEO S4/166 Author : Milde, Vincent Eduard (Archbishop of Vienna) 1846/0924