- CMAS 7/07 Folder : St Mary's School of Sacred Theology and its Founder
- CMAS 7/07 Subject : Madeleva, Sister Mary, CSC
- CMAS 7/08 Folder : Sister M. Madeleva, CSC
- CMAS 7/09 Folder : Contemporary Catholic Colleges
- CMAS 7/10 Folder : Academic Freedom?
- CMAS 7/11 Folder : Maryland University 1964-1966
- CMAS 7/12 Folder : Awards 1964-1969
- CMAS 7/12 Subject : Pius X Medal 1966/0503
- CMAS 7/12 Subject : De La Salle Medal 1964
- CMAS 7/12 Subject : Benemerenti Medal 1969/0917
- CMAS 7/13 Folder : Congratulatory Messages re De La Salle Medal 1964
- CMAS 7-08 Series : Correspondence 1962-1981
- CMAS 7/14 Folder : Adult Religious Formation Courses- Correspondence 1964-1969
- CMAS 7/15 Folder : Correspondence re Courses and Lectures 1962-1974
- CMAS 7/16 Folder : Correspondence etc. re INTRODUCTION TO THEOLOGY ;
- CMAS 7/17 Folder : Correspondence re WIDENING THE DIALOGUE 1974-1976
- CMAS 7/18 Folder : Correspondence Received re RELIGIOUS LIFE: A MYSTERY
- CMAS 7/19 Folder : Current Correspondence- Publications 1976-1977
- CMAS 7/20 Folder : Correspondence re Rev. Robert E. Burns' Article ; 1975-1976
- CMAS 7/20 Subject : WOMEN IN ACTION- by Robert E. Burns- in The Wanderer 1976/1104
- CMAS 7/21 Folder : Renewal Program in the Diocese of Raleigh, NC
- CMAS 7/22 Folder : Archdiocese of Washington 1967-1972
- CMAS 7/23 Folder : Important Correspondence- Contemplative Community 1976
- CMAS 7/24 Folder : Contemplative Communities- Correspondence 1977-1981
- CMAS 7/25 Folder : Religious- Active Communities- Correspondence 1977-1979
- CMAS 7/26 Folder : Correspondence with Religious re Religious Life 1975-1978
- CMAS 7/27 Folder : Current Correspondence- Hierarchy, Clergy, Brothers 1975-1979
- CMAS 7/28 Folder : Current Correspondence- Laity, Yoga 1976-1979
- CMAS 7/29 Folder : Current Correspondence 1974-1979
- CMAS 8/01 Folder : Correspondence 1977-1981
- CMAS 8/02 Folder : From Sisters of Holy Cross- Cards and Letters 1981
- CMAS 8/03 Folder : Priests- Cards and Letters 1981
- CMAS 8/04 Folder : Family- Cards and Letters 1981
- CMAS 8/05 Folder : Scripture Class- Cards and Letters 1981
- CMAS 8/06 Folder : Cards and Letters 1981
- CMAS 8/07 Folder : Cards and Letters 1981
- CMAS 8/08 Folder : SCCTSD Curricula Questionnaires c1963
- CMAS 8/09 Folder : Consortium Perfectae Caritatis- Papers ; ; Articles 1974-1975
- CMAS 8/10 Folder : Theological Papers 1966-1969
- CMAS 8/11 Folder : Canon Law After Vatican II 1976
- CMAS 8/12 Folder : Constitution on the Church- Vatican II- Notes
- CMAS 8/12 Subject : Lumen Gentium
- CMAS 8/13 Folder : Material for Course on Religious Life- Notes
- CMAS 8/13 Subject : Religious Life and the Documents of Vatican II
- AMAS : Rose Eileen Masterman: Audio-Visual Material
- AMAS A0116-129 Audio (Cassette) : LUMEN GENTIUM - Rose Eileen Masterman, CSC n.d.
- AMAS A0117 Audio (Cassette) : LUMEN GENTIUM - Church and Trinity n.d.
- AMAS A0118 Audio (Cassette) : LUMEN GENTIUM - Church as Prophesized n.d.
- AMAS A0119 Audio (Cassette) : LUMEN GENTIUM - Church and Pentecost n.d.
- AMAS A0120 Audio (Cassette) : LUMEN GENTIUM - Church as Sacrament in Christ n.d.
- AMAS A0121-122 Audio (Cassette) : LUMEN GENTIUM - Mystery of the Church n.d.
- AMAS A0123-124 Audio (Cassette) : LUMEN GENTIUM - Body of Christ and Art n.d.
- AMAS A0125 Audio (Cassette) : LUMEN GENTIUM - Episcopacy n.d.
- AMAS A0126 Audio (Cassette) : LUMEN GENTIUM - Collegiality n.d.
- AMAS A0126 Audio (Cassette) : LUMEN GENTIUM - History of the Church n.d.
- AMAS A0130-141 Audio (Cassette) : Consortium Perfectae Caritatis - meetings 1978-1979
- AMAS A0142 Audio (Cassette) : Masterman, Rose Eileen- TRANSCENDENCE OF REL. LIFE 1973
- AMAS A0143 Audio (Cassette) : Marie Cecile, Sr.- Christmas Organ Recital n.d.
- AMAS A0144 Audio (Cassette) : Manion, Christopher- CHARITY IN RELIGIOUS LIFE TODAY n.d.
- AMAS A0145 Audio (Cassette) : Loughran, Mary Elizabeth, Sr.- Music Composition n.d.
- AMAS A0146 Audio (Cassette) : CSC Sisters - Theology of Creation n.d.
- AMAS A0147 Audio (Cassette) : CSC Sisters - Practice of Poverty in CSC Order c1975
- AMAS A0497 Audio (Cassette) : Arlene and Leonard Swidler - Ordination of Women
- AMAS A0497 Audio (Cassette) : Neal, Maria A.` Ordination of Women
- AMAS A0497-507 Audio (Cassette) : Conference on the Ordination of Women
- AMAS A0498 Audio (Cassette) : Eleanor Kahl and William Callahan, Ordination of Women
- AMAS A0498-499 Audio (Cassette) : Dorothy Donnelly, Marj. Tuite, and Fr. Flannegan
- AMAS A0499 Audio (Cassette) : Patricia Hughes - Ordination of Women
- AMAS A0500-501 Audio (Cassette) : Conf. on Ordination of Women, Press Conf and Liturgy
- AMAS A0501 Audio (Cassette) : Marjorie Tuite on Strategy for Ordination of Women
- AMAS A0502-505 Audio (Cassette) : Marjorie Tuite, Fr. Flinnegan, and Patricia Hughes
- AMAS A0506 Audio (Cassette) : Press Conference - Conf. on the Ordination of Women
- AMAS A0507 Audio (Cassette) : Episcopanial Women for Ordination
- AMAS A0508 Audio (Cassette) : Canon Law Workshop` Thomas, Barbara 1977/1006
- AMAS A0509 Audio (Cassette) : Canon Law Workshop` Second Session
- AMAS A0510-511 Audio (Cassette) : US Bishops Conference- Liberty and Justice for All Church 1976/1023
- AMAS A0512 Audio (Cassette) : Conf. on the Ordination of Women - Liturgy and Address
- AMAS A0513 Audio (Cassette) : Consortium Perfectae Caritatis - St. Louis meeting
- AMAS A0513 Audio (Cassette) : Tall, M. Elise - Consortium Perfectae Caritatis
- AMAS C1170 Audio (Reel) : TV News report on the Glenmary Sisters Chicago
- AMAS C1171 Audio (Reel) : Special General Chapter Meeting - CSC Sisters (?)
- AMAS 20709 CD : TV News Recording of Glenmary sisters in Chicago Leaving the Order [unedited, copy of AMAS R1 C1170] no date
- GMAS : Rose Eileen Masterman: Graphics
- GMAS 1/01 B/W Print : A group of sisters nuns deplaning an airplane at Ciampino Airport, Rome, Italy, for the First International Meeting of the Consortium Perfectae Caritatis; photo by A&F Paladini, Rome 1974/0223
- GMAS 1/01 B/W Prints : Consortium Perfectae Caritatis - Concelebrated Eucharistic Liturgy at the Basilica of Saints John and Paul-Passionist Generalate with Luigi Cardinal Raimondi, homilist and chief celebrant; photos by A&F Paladini, Rome, Italy [two scenes] 1974/0226
- GMAS 1/02 B/W Print : Consortium Perfectae Caritatis - Concelebrated Eucharistic Liturgy Celebration, view from above; photo by A&F Paladini, Rome, Italy 1974/0226
- GMAS 1/02 B/W Print : Consortium Perfectae Caritatis International Assembly - Rev. James Viall, Mother Mary Elise, SND, Cardinal Danielou, SJ, Frere Rene Voillaume, des Petits de Jesus du Pere de Foucald, Marseille, France, and Rev. Pie Raymond Regamey, OP; photo by A&F Paladini, Rome, Italy 1974/0303
- GMAS 1/02 B/W Prints : Consortium Perfectae Caritatis - Eucharistic Liturgy of Saint Basil, Church of Santa Sofia, Rome, Italy, with Joseph Cardinal Slipyi, Major Archbishop of Lvov, Vatican City; photos by A&F Paladini, Rome, Italy [two scenes] 1974/0303
- GMAS 1/03 Color Print : Consortium Perfectae Caritatis Administrative Council 1980?
- GMAS 1/03 B/W Print : Consortium Perfectae Caritatis Administrative Council? - Sr. Josephine, OCD; Mother Ines, OCD; Mother Eucharia, SJC; Sr. Athanasia, CR; Mother Bernadette, PBVM; Mother Josephine, FMA; Sr. Rose Eileen Masterman, CSC; Sr. Florice [see Consortium Perfectae Caritatis Newsletter, October 1975] 1975
- GMAS 1/03 B/W Print : Consortium Perfectae Caritatis Administrative Council? - Father Hollis, Sr. Mary Florice, Sr. Rose Eileen Masterman, CSC, and Msgr. Rolf [see Consortium Perfectae Caritatis Newsletter, October 1975] 1975
- GMAS 1/04 B/W Print : Team Mission Project - The first team mission project sponsored by the faculty and students of Dunbarton College to help people in underprivileged areas of this country will begin in June when nine collegians and two faculty members will leave for Truchas, New Mexico. Shown preparing for their summer apostolate are Julie Wilcox, Mary Dwyer, Sr. M. Bettina, CSC, Sr. M. Cecilia Ann, CSC, Joan Duval, and Maura Kivlan; photo by Reni Newsphoto Service c1960s
- GMAS 1/04 B/W Print : Team Mission Project - The first team mission project sponsored by the faculty and students of Dunbarton College to help people in underprivileged areas of this country will begin in June when nine collegians and two faculty members will leave for Truchas, New Mexico. Shown preparing for their summer apostolate are Carmen Suarez, Sr. M. Cecilia Ann, CSC, Sr. M. Bettina, CSC, Maria Luisa Alcazar, Joan Duval, Kathleen Martin, and Kathleen Beller; photo by Reni Newsphoto Service c1960s
- GMAS 1/04 B/W Print : Dunbarton students Sandra Sexton and Mimi Levens with Sr. M. Irenita, CSC, volunteering teaching art at St. Peter's School, Washington, D.C., during the 1964-1965 academic year; photo by Reni Newsphoto Service 1964-1965
- GMAS 1/04 B/W Print : Portrait of Holy Cross Sr. Mary Madeleva, CSC, outside c1960s
- GMAS 1/05 B/W Prints : Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle and Dr. Walter Hess, President of Dunbarton College, presenting Sr. Rose Eileen Masterman, CSC, the Benemerenti Award; photos by Reni Newsphoto Service [two scenes] 1969
- GMAS 1/05 B/W Print : Sr. Marie Pierre Canty, CSC, pinning the Benemerenti medal on the lapel of Sr. Rose Eileen Masterman, CSC, while Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle looks on; photo by Reni Newsphoto Service 1969
- GMAS 1/05 B/W Print : Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle presenting Sr. Rose Eileen Masterman, CSC, the Benemerenti Award; photo by Reni Newsphoto Service 1969
- GMAS 1/05 B/W Print : Portrait of Sr. Rose Eileen Masterman wearing the Benemerenti Medal; photo by Reni Newsphoto Service 1969