Marcos McGrath: Manuscripts
- CMCG 14/04 Letter : Etchegaray to McGrath, 15 July 1963 1963/0715
- CMCG 14/04 Letter : Medina to McGrath, 27 Mar. 1963 1963/0327
- CMCG 14/04 Letter : Medina to McGrath, 4 Apr. 1963 1963/0404
- CMCG 14/04 Letter : McGrath to Tucek, 14 Nov. 1962 1962/1114
- CMCG 14/04 Letter : Schokel to McGrath, 12 July 1963 1963/0712
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Vademecum - names, affiliations, and addresses
- CMCG 14/04 Letter : From Thils, 28 Jan, 1963, enclosing a note on the College of Cardinals 1963/0128
- CMCG 14/04 Letter : Ottaviani to McGrath, 1 Feb. 1963 1963/0201
- CMCG 14/04 Letter : Medina to McGrath, 16 Mar. 1963 1963/0316
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Breve summarium laboris Commissionis Mixtae pro Schemate conficiendo "De Ecclesiae Principiis et
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Actione ad bonum Societatis Promovendum"
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Interview with McGrath on the Council
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Bibliography on Theology and the Life of the Church
- CMCG 14/04 Document : La Theologie des Valeurs Terrestres by Danielou
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Modi a Patribus Conciliaribus propositi et a Commissione Doctrinali examinati circa cap V, 'De
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Universali Vocatione ad Sanctitatem in Ecclesia,' of "De Ecclesia"
- CMCG 14/04 Letter : From Etchegaray enclosing the text of a letter to be sent to the Pope concerning post-Conciliar Commissions and an allocution of Pope Paul VI concerning post- Conciliar Commissions
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Emendations concerning 'De Consumatione Ecclesiae in Gloria Sanctorum'
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Notes on the first session of Vatican II - by the U.S. Press Panel Service
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Informacion sobre la preparacion de algunos Esquemas Conciliares by McGrath
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Schema de la presence de l' Eglise aupres des Organisations Internationales Officielles by Russo
- CMCG 14/04 Document : El Concilio, Cambio de Rumbo en la Iglesia
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Study on the decree 'On Bishops and on the Government of Dioceses' by the
- CMCG 14/04 Document : National Conference of Brazilian Bishops
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Ein Vorschlag, das II Vatikanische Konzil in einer tragbaren Zeit su Ende zu fuhren
- CMCG 14/04 Letter : From Walton, 1 Aug. 1963 1963/0801
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Animadversiones on "De Ecclesia in Mundo Huius Temporis" by Baudoux and Hacault
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Animadversiones on "De Ministerio et Vita Presbyterorum" by Baudoux and Hacault
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Announcement of a fast sponsored by Foyer Unitas
- CMCG 14/04 Letter : A number of Council Fathers to Roberti, 11 Oct. 1965, concerning irregularity of Procedure with the declaration "De Educatione Christiana" 1965/1011
- CMCG 14/04 Letter : From Duclercq, 4 Oct. 1965, enclosing some reflections on the Church in Brazil 1965/1004
- CMCG 14/04 Document : L' Eveque, Pasteur et Docteur by Denis
- CMCG 14/04 Document : Schema Constitutionis "De Ecclesia"
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Ce que nous attendons et esperons de la Constitution Dogmatique sur l' Eglise (2)
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Observations on "De Ecclesia" (2)
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Enfoque Pastoral del Ritual Bilingue presentado por la Mesa Directiva del CELAM
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Les Schemas Dogmatique de Vatican II a la Lumiere de Vatican I by Martelet, 15 Oct.-15 Nov. 1962 1962/10-11
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Presseerklarung Prof. Dr. Oscar Cullmanns Beobachter Beim Konzil als Gast des Sekretariates fur die Forderung des Eingeit der Christen 1962/1123
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Sugerencias para el Concilio Ecumenico
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Comments on the Schema on the Blessed Mother
- CMCG 14/05 Document : A Votum presented to Cicognani, 19 Nov. 1962 1962/1119
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Speech of Fr. Gustave Weigel regarding the article in IL TEMPO, 12 Apr. 1962 1962/0412
- CMCG 14/05 Letter : de Habicht to McGrath, 22 Dec. 1963, enclosing a copy of a letter from de Habicht to Wright 1963/1222
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Ordo Missae chaldaeae celebratae 7 Dec. 1962 1962/1207
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Schema Constitutionis "De Ecclesia"
- CMCG 14/05 Document : List of names for various Conciliar Commissions presented by the Union of Superior Generals
- CMCG 14/05 Letter : From Etchegaray, 10 Jan. 1964 1964/0110
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Para Formar los Apostoles del Postconcilio - por la Obra por un Mundo Mejor, 1 Dec. 1963 1963/1201
- CMCG 14/05 Letter : From Lombardi, 1 Dec. 1963 1963/1201
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Talk of the Holy Father at the solemn Opening of the Council, 11, Oct. 1962 1962/1011
- CMCG 14/05 Document : Talk of the Holy Father to the Extraordinary Delegations, 12 Oct. 1962 1962/1012
- CMCG 14/05 Letter : From de Proenca Sigaud and de Castro Mayer, 15 Sept. 1964, enclosing a Petition for the 1964/0915
- CMCG 14/05 Letter : Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and a petition for the condemnation of the errors of Communism 1964/0915
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Points for General information about the 1st session of Vatican 2
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Message directed by the Council Fathers to all men 1962/1020
- CMCG 15/01 Letter : Copy from Runes to Cushing, 16 Dec. 1965 1965/1216
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Para un Organismo Permanente del Laicado ante la Santa Sede
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Modi presented by a group of Council Fathers concerning the Schema on the renewal of
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Religious Life
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Modi presented by a group of Council Fathers concerning the Schema on the Pastoral Office of the Bishops
- CMCG 15/01 Letter : From Perantoni, Mathias, Compagnone, Guilly, Pailloux, Kleiner, and Bourgeois, 28 Nov. 1963 1963/1128
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Modi concerning the Schema on the Pastoral Office of the Bishops
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Liverte Religieuse ou Liberte des Consciences
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Memo for the election of new members to the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity
- CMCG 15/01 Document : La Lectura Cristiana de los Signos de los Tiempos by Croatto
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Copy of OCIC (Oficina Catolica Internacional del Cine) n. 15, Sept.-Oct. 1964 1964/09-10
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Jewish - Masonic Action in the Council
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Notes on the second session of Vatican II
- CMCG 15/01 Document : "Roma: le Stretture Pastorali e l' Evoluzione della Citta" by Scarpati - reprint from ORIENTAMENTI 1964/04
- CMCG 15/01 Document : PastoralI, Apr. 1964 1964/04
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Observationes aliquae in Schema Constitutionis "De Divina Revelatione" ab aliquibus professoribus
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Pontificii Instituti Biblici factae ad usum episcoporum Brasiliae
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Pour une presence de l' Eglise au Monde Scolaire dans tout son Ampleur et pour une Education
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Chretienne de tous les Eleves- by Duclercq
- CMCG 15/01 Letter : Larrain to McGrath, 19 Sept. 1962 1962/0919
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Groupe "L' Eveque de Vatican II:" Consultation sur les themes des prochaines reunions
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Suggestions for proposals at the Council (from Notre Dame through Fr. Pelton)
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Organismes de Gouvernement Pastoral au Niveau Diocesain
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Jesus, l' Eglise et les Pauvres - a Proposal by some Bishops at the End of the Council
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Documentos Entorno al Concilio
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Les Familiers de l' Eveque
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Octava et ultima coadunatio Delegatorum ex nonullis Conferentiis Episcopalibus, 19 Nov. 1965 1965/1119
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Derniere reunion du groupe "L' Eveque de Vatican II," 3 Dec. 1965 1965/1203
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Das Konzil, Zweite Session
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Pretres de Demain: les pretres et les decisions de Vatican II
- CMCG 15/01 Document : Interventio by De Roo on the Schema "De Ministerio et Vita Presbyterorum"
- CMCG 15/02 Document : Votum de Amplianda Dispensatione a Caelibatu Clericali Commissioni de Disciplina Cleri et Populi
- CMCG 15/02 Document : Christiani propositum
- CMCG 15/02 Document : El Celibato Sacerdotal en el Siglo XVI
- CMCG 15/02 Document : Clerical Celibacy: An Asset or a Liability - on the advice of the Bishop of Bhopal
- CMCG 15/02 Document : El Orden Sagrado: Sus Poderes y Sus Deberes
- CMCG 15/02 Document : The Priesthood and Celibacy in the Modern World by Protopapas
- CMCG 15/02 Document : Collection of articles by Lyonnet, Clement, and Audet on "De Ministerio et Vita Presbyterorum"
- CMCG 15/02 Document : La Casa y el Matrimonio en el Servicio Pastoral de la Iglesia Primitiva by Audit
- CMCG 15/02 Letter : From Etchegaray, 10 June 1964, enclosing excerpts from "La silhouette de l' Eveque d'apres Vatican II / by Martin 1964/0610
- CMCG 15/02 Document : Quelques textus des Peres de l' Eglise - bearing upon chap. 4 of Schema XIII
- CMCG 15/02 Document : Utrum Infecunditas Valeat ad Bonum Prolis by de Koninck and Dionne
- CMCG 15/03 Document : Lecture Anthropologique de Notre Epoque en vue de Schema XIII by Martelet, 4-19 Oct. 1964 1964/10
- CMCG 15/03 Document : Draft of nn. 1-22 of "De Ecclesia in Mundo Hodierno"
- CMCG 15/03 Document : Reflections sur l' importance, la Nature et la Methode du Schema XIII by Martelet