MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER magazines, beginning in 1977, are filedseparately. Subscription is maintained.
Material includes: official notes of meeting held inElberon, New Jersey; list of board members attendingmeeting; questionnaire about Marriage Encounter and answersto questionnaires.
Material includes: agenda, minutes and notes for nationalboard meeting held at the University of Notre Dame.
Material includes: minutes for national board meeting heldin Detroit, Michigan; items for national board meetingagenda; notes; list of members attending meeting; report onnational newsletter; mailing list for Marriage Encounternewsletter.
Material includes: agenda and minutes for national boardmeeting held in Detroit, Michigan; points for the Detroitagenda; notes; information on New York Marriage Encounter;area and information contacts for Marriage Encounter;national newsletter report; executive secretary team report;comments on upcoming agenda of meeting.
Material includes: items for the agenda for national boardmeeting held in West Haverstraw, New York; agenda and timeschedule; talks and proposals presented to board members byRev. Charles Gallagher, Bob and Geri Campbell, Armando andBarbara Carlo, Bob and Mary Munson; minutes.
Material includes: notice of annual meeting held in ConventStations, New Jersey; agenda for national board meeting;correspondence about meeting; minutes of meeting; notes;resignation blank; proxy form for meeting. Correspondentsinclude: Jamie and Arline Whelan.
Material includes: registered mail receipts; notes; agendafor meeting held in Techny, Illinois; statement of cashreceipts and disbursements for Marriage Encounter, Augustreceipts and disbursements for Marriage Encounter, August 1,1972- January 31, 1974; executive report February, 1973-February 1974; minutes of board meeting; proxy forms andresignation blank for meeting.
Material includes: possible agenda for board meeting heldin Techny, Illinois; agenda; registered mail receipts; listsof Trustees and national board members; cash receipts anddisbursements statements; tentative outline for executiveteam report; report on the national board meeting; ballotfor election of members to the national board; proxy formsfor annual meeting; resolutions signed by trustees; signedresignation forms.
Material includes: list of participants, notes, statistics,correspondence and registration cards pertaining to MarriageEncounter training sessions held at the Christian FamilyMovement Convention at Notre Dame. Correspondents include:Jamie and Arline Whelan; Pat and Patty Crowley; Ed and KaySchraith; Joanne Hee; Brad and Jan Rigdon; Pat and KathyFoley.
Material includes: correspondence, schedules, list ofparticipants, Marriage Encounter membership lists forvarious states and information pertaining to MarriageEncounter workshops held at Christian Family MovementConvention at Notre Dame. Correspondents include: Ray andDorothy Maldoon; Armando and Barbara Carlo; Jim and GerryBrown; Bettye Lechner.
Material includes: general mailings, report and minutes ofmeeting of National Forum for Sharing of Marriage Encounterheld in Kansas City. Correspondents include: Robert andGeri Campbell and Rev. Charles Callagher.
Material includes: correspondence between national boardmembers and executive team of Jamie and Arline Whelan andRev. Frank Heinan. Correspondence deals with and includes:Rhode Island area report, 1969-1970; information onactivities of Marriage Encounter, including personnel,problems, meetings, and comments on sessions; report on teamtraing weekends, June, 1969 and August, 1970.Correspondents include: Joe and Rita Donahue; James Dunne;Charles Gallagher; Robert and Geri Campbell; Edward andHarriet Garzero; James and Madeline Harper; Jamie and ArlineWhelan.
Material includes: correspondence between national boardmembers and executive team of Jamie and Arline Whelan andRev. Frank Heinan. Correspondence deals with and includes:information on Marriage Encounter activities includingmeetings, sessions, individuals and personal matters.Correspondents include: Frank Heinan; Mickey Kenney; JudeMili; Jamie and Arline Whelan; Armando and Barbara Carlo.
Material includes: correspondence between national boardmembers and executive team of Jamie and Arline Whelan andRev. Frank Heinan. Correspondence deals with and includes:activities of Marriage Encounter, including report ofFlorida Marriage Encounter, agendas for sessions andmeetings, comments on meeting and session, and problems.Correspondents include: Robert and Mary Munson; Rita Annand Oz Schultz; Jamie and Arline Whelan.
Material includes: correspondence between national boardmembers and executive team of Jamie and Arline Whelan andRev. Frank Heinan. Correspondence deals with and includes:Marriage Encounter activities, including meetings andsessions in the United States and Canada, problems,questions about workshops, and comments on sessions.Correspondents include: Dave and Doreen Wright; Jamie andArline Whelan. [Note: original of letter concerningconfidential personal problem removed to Special Collectionsrestricted file.]
Correspondence deals with and includes: information onMarriage Encounter; Marriage Encounter in Mexico and Canda;National Groups/Movements meeting; Christian Family Movementand Marriage Encounter in Spain. Correspondents include:Charles Corriston; John Fitzpatrick; Donald Hessler; WilliamJ. Luff, Jr.; Jose and Margarita Pich; Jamie and ArlineWhelan.
Correspondence deals with and includes: proposal fororganizational structure of the Marriage Encounter movement;proposed organizational structure; comments on the proposedstructure by Jude Mili, Charles Gallagher, and Edward andHarriet Garzero; critique of structure. Correspondence isunsigned.
Correspondence deals with and includes: article in MARRIAGEMAGAZINE concerning Marriage Encounter. Correspondentsinclude: Jerry Knoll; Jamie and Arline Whelan.
Material includes: drafts of commentary, a supplement tothe Marriage Encounter manual by Gabriel Calvo that wasprepared in part by Jamie and Arline Whelan.
Correspondence and material deals with and includes:critique of commentary by New York Marriage Encounter;summary of critique comments by board members.Correspondents include: Jude J. Mili.
Correspondence and material includes: responses fromvarious Marriage Encounter groups and individuals to topicsto be discussed at the Themes for International Federationof Family Movement Meeting in Ireland. Correspondentsinclude: Norman Walling; Neil McNeil; Raymond C. Holtz; Donand Mary Holt; Jean and Ray Brooks; Beverly and JimFrohlich; Lionel and Anna Frigault; Jamie and Arline Whelan.
Material includes: response to topics to be discussed atThemes for International Federation of Family MovementsMeeting from the New York Marriage Encounter.
Correspondence and material deals with and includes:questionnaire for national board meeting sent to areacontacts. Questionnaires concern the state of area MarriageEncounters. Correspondents include: Ray and Jean Brooks;Noel and Jo McCracken; Jim and Pat Reynolds; Bud and MarionTrebon; Jim and Margie Gregory; Rita and Joe Donahue; E.G.and Donna Klover.
Correspondence deals with and includes: mailings from Jamieand Arline Whelan to national board members about boardmeetings national report, proposed world wide MarriageEncounter meeting, agenda for meetings, questionnaires toarea contacts and overall Marriage Encounter activities.
Correspondence deals with and includes: mailings to generalmembership from Jamie and Arline Whelan about nationalboard, national report, agendas for meetings, andmembership.
Material includes: correspondence between national boardmembers and executive secretary team of Armando and BarbaraCarlo and Rev. Jake Buettner. Correspondence deals with andincludes: meetings; elections; resignation; problems witharea Marriage Encounter groups; National Forum of Sharing ofMarriage Encounter meeting; proxy form for trustees meeting;draft of pamphlet on Marriage Encounter; questions onMarriage Encounter; and answers to questions.Correspondents include: Joseph and Rita Donahue; CharlesGallagher, and Geri and Robert Campbell; Armando and BarbaraCarlo and Jake Buettner.
Material includes: correspondence between national boardmembers and executive secretary team of Armando and BarbaraCarlo and Rev. Jake Buettner. Correspondence deals with andincludes: proxy form for trustees meeting; elections andresignations; meetings; problems with local MarriageEncounter groups; general information and reports aboutMarriage Encounter activities; information questionnaire forRegion Four. Correspondents include: Jude J. Mili; Robertand Mary Munson; Rita Ann and Oz Schultz; Dave and DoreenWright; Charles Zinn, and Jack and Maggie Dohr; Armando andBarbara Carlo and Jake Buettner.
Correspondence deals with and includes: inquiries aboutMarriage Encounter; National Groups/Movements meeting, 1973;requests for information about Marriage Encountr presenationat Retreats International convention, 1974; meeting with NewYork Marriage Encounter group. Correspondents include:Charles V. Coriston; Marie A. Schimelfening; Jose andMargarita Pich; Henry J. Balling, Jr.; Armando and BarbaraCarlo and Jake Buettner.
Correspondence deals with and includes: conflict andproblems beteen National Marriage Encounter organization andNew York Marriage Encounter. Correspondents include: Fredand Alice Keller; Bob and Irene Tomonto; Jo and Ray Moran;Robert and Geri Gampbell and Charles Gallagher; Frank andPhyllis Dupree; William and Kathy Ryan; Frank and MillieAnzenberger; Marty and Louise Hess; Armando and BarbaraCarlo and Jake Buettner; Dan and Mary Jennings; Mary Ann andJoe Podorsek.
Correspondence deals with and includes: articles byAntoinette Bosco on Marriage Encounter in August, 1972,issue of U.S. CATHOLIC and the LONG ISLAND CATHOLIC, June29, 1972, and introduction for book MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: THEREDISCOVERY OF LOVE; manuscript by David and Vera Maceentitled "Marriage Enrichment Through Group Interaction";information published in publication entitled CRUX OF THENEWS. Correspondents include: Antoineete Bosco; John J.McHale; David R. Mace; Anne M. O'Neill; Armando and BarbaraCarlo and Jake Buettner.
Material includes: notes of meeting of advisory committeeto the executive board; resignation form.
Correspondence and material deals with and includes:responses to questionnaires on Marriage Encounter inpreparation for presentation on "Unity and Diversity Withinthe Marriage Encounter Movement." Correspondents include:representatives of Marriage Encounter groups throughout theUnited States and Canada.
Correspondence and material deals with and includes; copiesof responses to questionnaires on Marriage Encounter inpreparation for presentation on "Unity and Diversity Withinthe Marriage Encounter Movement." Correspondents include:representatives of Marriage Encounter groups throught theUnited States.
Correspondence deals with and includes: mailings tonational board members from Armando and Barbara Carlo andJake Buettner about Marriage Encounter activities, includinglegal matters, statements, meetings, and problem with NewYork Marriage Encounter.
Correspondence deals with and includes: mailings to generalmembership of Marriage Encounter from Armando and BarbaraCarlo and Jake Buettner about meetings, television interviewon the Phil Donahue Show, Fraternal Encounter weekendmeeting.
Correspondence deals with and includes: Calvo manual,including documents entitle "Reflection on Calvo and HisVision," and "Influences on the Thinking of Fr. GabrielCalvo"; request for financial support. Correspondentsinclude: Gabriel Calvo; Jerry and Marilyn Sexton and Rev.Thomas Hill.