Reynold Hillenbrand: Printed Material
- PMRH 21/19 Title : The Christian Constitution of States - The Encyclical 'Immortale Dei' / Pope Leo XIII - The Catholic Mind 1936
- PMRH 21/20 Title : The Christian Doctrine of Poverty / Ryan, John A., DD - National Catholic Welfare Conference 1923
- PMRH 21/21 Title : The Church and social Order / National Catholic Welfare Conference
- PMRH 21/22 Title : Church Militant - Catholic Action: the Mandated Apostolate / Glorieux, Canon 1947
- PMRH 21/23 Title : The Church and Social Order / National Catholic Welfare Conference
- PMRH 21/24 Title : Classified List of CTS Publications / Catholic Truth Society 1943
- PMRH 21/25 Title : A Code of Social Principles / International Union of Social Studies - Catholic Social Guild 1937
- PMRH 21/26 Title : Conferences on Action / Pizzardo, Giuseppe, DD - National Catholic Welfare Conference 1935
- PMRH 21/27 Title : De Ecclesia In Mundo Huius Temporis / Sacrosanctum Oecumenicum Concilium Vaticanum Secundum 1964
- PMRH 21/28 Title : Poverty / Shriver, Sargent - Encyclopedia Americana 1965
- PMRH 21/29 Title : Catholic Youth Directory / Youth Department 1944
- PMRH 21/30 Title : In the Light of the Council - The Church - Man Today - the Laity / International Congresses of the Lay Apostolate 1966
- PMRH 21/31 Title : Service Bulletin - The Mystical Body of Christ - The Popes Peace Plan / Chicago Archdiocesan Union of Holy Name Societies 1943
- PMRH 21/32 Title : Designs for Giving / Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago 1969
- PMRH 21/33 Title : Apostolate to Assist Dying Non-Catholic / Markham, Raphael J., STD 1947
- PMRH 21/34 Title : Project Open House / National Council of Catholic Men - National Council of Catholic Women 1966
- PMRH 21/35 Title : Blueprints for Action - Planning Interreligious Projects / National Council of Catholic Men - National Council of Catholic Women 1966
- PMRH 21/36 Title : World / Catholic Action Federation 1967
- PMRH 21/36 Title : The Church and Man's Calling 1967
- PMRH 21/37 Title : People / National Council of Catholic Laity 1972
- PMRH 21/38 Title : Proceedings, 32nd Annual Meeting / National Council of Catholic Men 1952
- PMRH 21/39 Title : Program Manual for Parish Meetings / National Council of Catholic Men 1961
- PMRH 22/01 Title : Cohabitation in Invalid Marriages / Sullivan, Bernard O., JCL 1954
- PMRH 22/02 Title : Moral Obligation of Voting / Cranny, Titus 1952
- PMRH 22/03 Title : Morality of Prizefighting / Bernard, George C., CSC 1952
- PMRH 22/04 Title : Reduction of Clerics to the Lay State / Sweeney, Francis Patrick, CSSR 1945
- PMRH 22/05 Title : Medico-Moral Problems / Catholic Hospital Association - Kelly, Gerald, SJ 1950
- PMRH 22/06 Title : The Catholic Mind / America Press 1953-1954
- PMRH 22/07 Title : Augustan Books of English Poetry / Keats, John
- PMRH 22/08 Title : Augustan Books of Modern Poetry / Bridges, Robert
- PMRH 22/09 Title : Augustan Books of Modern Poetry / Belloc, Hilaire
- PMRH 22/10 Title : Augustan Books of English Poetry / Shelley, Percy Bysshe
- PMRH 22/11 Title : Christ to the World / Legrand, F. X. 1961
- PMRH 22/12 Title : Christ to the World / Legrand, F. X. 1963
- PMRH 22/13 Title : New Life / New Life Publications - Young Christian Workers 1966
- PMRH 22/14 Title : Child and Family / National Commission-Human life Reproduction and Rhythm 1968
- PMRH 22/15 Title : The Month / Hebblethwaite, Peter 1967
- PMRH 22/16 Title : Round Table / University of Chicago 1954
- PMRH 22/17 Title : Moral Obligation to Participate in Catholic Action / Murphy, John Francis, STL 1958
- PMRH 22/18 Title : Catholic Action Priests' Bulletin / Catholic Action Federations 1945-1949
- PMRH 22/19 Title : Jubilee
- PMRH 22/20 Title : An Integrated Progam of Social Order / Committee on Social Order of the Jesuit Provinces 1936
- PMRH 22/21 Title : The Economic Organization of Society and the Encyclical / Bronson, Roy A. - Catholic Conference on Industrial Problems 1934
- PMRH 22/22 Title : Property - Organization - Government Action / McGowan, R. A. - Catholic Conference on Industrial Problems / National Catholic Welfare Conference 1931
- PMRH 22/23 Title : The Church and Social Order / Rummel, Joseph Francis - Catholic Conference on Industrial Problems 1940
- PMRH 22/24 Title : Catholic Work in the US for Social Justice / McGowan, R. A. - National Catholic Welfare Conference 1936
- PMRH 22/25 Title : Equal Rights Amendment:Legislation for Women / Ryan, John A., DD - National Catholic Welfare Conference
- PMRH 22/26 Title : Summary of the Priests' Meeting - National Catholic Social Action Conference - National Catholic Social Action Conference / Naitonal Catholic Workers Conference 1938
- PMRH 22/27 Title : Young Apostles / Catholic Action Office
- PMRH 22/28 Title : National Catholic Educational Association Bulletin / National Catholic Educational Association 1944
- PMRH 22/29 Title : Our Invisible Poor / Sidney Hillman Foundation 1963
- PMRH 22/30 Title : L'Action Catholique / L'Oeuvre Des Tracts 1938
- PMRH 22/31 Title : The Pattern for Peace and Papal Peace Program / Murray, John Courtney, SJ - Ethics Committee / Catholic Association for International Peace 1944
- PMRH 22/32 Title : Pattern for Peace / Stritch, Samuel A. - Chicago Sun
- PMRH 22/33 Title : Christopher News Notes / The Christophers 1973
- PMRH 22/34 Title : We've Got to get Together / Medical Mission Sisters
- PMRH 22/35 Title : Urban Renewal: the Problem of the Central City / Rockefeller, David - Chase Manhattan Bank 1961
- PMRH 22/36 Title : How it all Began - Society for the Propagation of the Faith / Holy Childhood Association - Work of St. Peter the Apostle
- PMRH 22/37 Title : Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee / Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee 1963
- PMRH 22/38 Title : Sheil School of Social Studies - Schedule of Classes / Catholic Youth Organization 1947
- PMRH 22/39 Title : Institute on Industry / National Council of Catholic Women - National Catholic Welfare Conference / National Catholic School of Social Service 1947
- PMRH 22/40 Title : A Religious View of Poverty / National Catholic Welfare Conference 1964
- PMRH 22/41 Title : No Easy Answers / The Christophers 1973
- PMRH 22/42 Title : The National Catholic School of Social Service / National Council of Catholic Women c1939
- PMRH 22/43 Title : Ministry in the Church - The Role of the Priest in the Modern World / The Association of Chicago Priests 1967
- PMRH 22/44 Title : Christopher News Notes / The Christophers 1971
- PMRH 22/45 Title : We're in the Service Now] / Congregation of Holy Cross - National Catholic Community Service 1941
- PMRH 22/46 Title : The Worker in the Modern World - West Coast Seminarians' Catholic Action Convention 1948
- PMRH 22/47 Title : Building Democracy through Extra-Curricular Clubs / Counselbaum, Stella L. 1947
- PMRH 22/48 Title : Your Teeth -- How to Save Them / Yahraes, Herbert 1949
- PMRH 22/49 Title : Mental Health is a Family Affair / Pratt, Dallas, MD - Neher, Jack 1949
- PMRH 22/50 Title : Vitamins for Health / Borsook, Henry - Huse, William / Public Affairs Pamphlets 1942
- PMRH 22/51 Title : Behind the Syphilis Campaign / Broughton, Philip S. - Public Affairs Committee, Inc. 1938
- PMRH 22/52 Title : Toward a Healthy America / Kruif, Paul de 1939
- PMRH 22/53 Title : Quadragesimo Anno / Typis Societatis Sancti Joannis Evangelistae 1931
- PMRH 22/54 Title : The Formation of a lay Apostle / Wendell, Francis N., OP
- PMRH 23/01 Title : Catholic Action Priests' Bulletin 1940-1943
- PMRH 24/01 Title : Detroit Priests' School 1940
- PMRH 24/02 Title : Summer School of Social Action for Priests / St. Mary of the Lake Seminary 1938
- PMRH 25/01 Title : Make a Retreat / Cleveland Diocesan Retreat House
- PMRH 25/02 Title : Lenten Reading / Thomas More Association
- PMRH 25/03 Title : Social Order / Institute of Social Order
- PMRH 25/04 Title : What One Person Can Do - Christopher News Notes / The Christophers 1973
- PMRH 25/05 Title : What's Behind Your Vote / Adesko, Thaddeus V. 1961
- PMRH 25/06 Title : Workshops on Creative Ministry / Association of Chicago Priests
- PMRH 25/07 Title : You Are the Eyes and Ears of Your Community / Council Against Discrimination
- PMRH 25/08 Title : Congress of Foreign Student Catholic Action / Crossroads Student Center 1957
- PMRH 25/09 Title : International Congresses of the Apostolate - Laity
- PMRH 25/10 Title : Catholic Publications on Peace and World Affairs / Catholic Association for International Peace
- PMRH 25/11 Title : Recent Encyclicals in Simplified Version / Grailville
- PMRH 25/12 Title : Little Brothers of Notre Dame - Little Brothers of the Poor
- PMRH 25/13 Title : Childerley
- PMRH 25/14 Title : New Scope - Living, Learning, Giving / National Secretariat: The Grail Movement
- PMRH 25/15 Title : Crusade for Public Schools / Connors, John D. 1956
- PMRH 25/16 Title : Contemporary American Morality / Religious Education Association 1962
- PMRH 25/16 Title : Religious and Character Education 1962
- PMRH 25/17 Title : Christians in our Time / National Conference of Catholic Bishops 1970
- PMRH 25/18 Title : The Christian in Politics / The Commonweal - Catholic Council on Working Life / Christian Family Movement / Young Christian Students / Young Christian Workers
- PMRH 25/19 Title : Christ and the Social Problem / Berenguer, D., SJ 1939
- PMRH 25/20 Title : Chaplain's Digest 1944