Reynold Hillenbrand: Printed Material
- PMRH 32/14 Title : Patterns for Action / High School YCS
- PMRH 32/15 Title : Invitation to YCW Study Session / Belgian YCW 1968
- PMRH 32/16 Title : The Perfect Life - Or is it?- YCM Convention / YCM 1968
- PMRH 32/17 Title : Publications List / Young Christian Movement 1965
- PMRH 32/18 Title : YCW National Training Course / YCW
- PMRH 32/19 Title : Regulations and Information for YCMers at St.Joseph's
- PMRH 32/20 Title : YCW International Pilgrimage to Rome / YCW 1957
- PMRH 32/21 Title : The Young Christian Workers / YCW 1955
- PMRH 32/22 Title : Going in the Service? / YCW 1951
- PMRH 32/23 Title : Young Christian Workers / YCW
- PMRH 32/24 Title : What is the YCS? / YCS
- PMRH 32/25 Title : YCS / Young Christian Students = YCS
- PMRH 32/26 Title : The Christian Family Movement / CFM 1953
- PMRH 32/27 Title : YCW Cottage / YCW 1953
- PMRH 32/28 Title : Loc Bulletin du Militant 1950
- PMRH 32/29 Title : American Journal of Catholic Youth Work / National Catholic Welfare Conference - National Conference - Youth Serving Agencies 1963
- PMRH 32/30 Title : Young Christian Farmer / Geissler, Eugene 1947
- PMRH 32/31 Title : Young Christian Nurses / Young Christian Workers - Young Christian Students / Christian Family Movement 1955
- PMRH 32/32 Title : Youth and Religion - Special New Life issue / Chaplains at the YCW Headquarters
- PMRH 32/33 Title : Your Job as Secretary / YCW
- PMRH 32/34 Title : The Job of the Section Secretary / YCW
- PMRH 32/35 Title : Role of Section President / YCW
- PMRH 32/36 Title : You've Graduated - Now What? / YCW
- PMRH 32/37 Title : Together Let Us Make This a City of God / Young Christian Movement
- PMRH 32/38 Title : Young Workers Arise]- its Aims, Methods and Organization / Young Christian Workers
- PMRH 32/39 Title : YCW Bulletin for Priests / YCW 1950
- PMRH 32/40 Title : The New Type of Meeting / YCW
- PMRH 32/41 Title : The Job of the Section President / Young Christian Workers
- PMRH 32/42 Title : Combat / Young Christian Workers 1948
- PMRH 32/43 Title : The Chruch and the Young Worker / Young Christian Workers 1948
- PMRH 32/44 Title : Christian Response through World Service / Council of International lay Associations
- PMRH 32/45 Title : YCW Bulletin for Priests / YCW 1950
- PMRH 32/46 Title : Marriage Training Courses / YCW
- PMRH 32/47 Title : Program; Weat Coast - Study Week / YCW 1958
- PMRH 32/48 Title : Girls at Work / Pre-Young Christian Workers
- PMRH 32/49 Title : Dating and Courtship / YCW
- PMRH 32/50 Title : Catholic Action Priests' Bulletin / Catholic Action 1945
- PMRH 32/51 Title : YCW Bulletin for Priests / YCW 1950
- PMRH 32/52 Title : Conquest / Catholic Youth Movement 1954
- PMRH 32/53 Title : 33 Points sur les Elections / Le Centre Catholique de L'Universite d'Ottawa
- PMRH 32/54 Title : In Manibus Tuis / Young Catholic Students' Movement 1948
- PMRH 32/55 Title : Spirit / Jocists 1955
- PMRH 32/56 Title : Challenge / YCW
- PMRH 32/57 Title : The Bulletin / Cardijn Center
- PMRH 32/58 Title : Girls' Bulletin / YCW 1952
- PMRH 32/59 Title : And If I'm Elected / YCW
- PMRH 32/60 Title : Money and Your Vocation / YCW 1950-1951
- PMRH 32/61 Title : The Young Christian Workers / YCW
- PMRH 32/62 Title : Notes to the Vice President / Powers, Marie 1964
- PMRH 32/63 Title : YCW Song Book / YCW
- PMRH 32/64 Title : The Young Christian Workers' Bulletin / YCW 1956-1960
- PMRH 32/65 Title : YCW Bulletin / YCW 1954
- PMRH 32/66 Title : Youth Jeunesse Jugend / UNESCO Youth Institute 1953
- PMRH 32/67 Title : The Young Worker / YCW 1942-1948
- PMRH 32/68 Title : Young Christian Workers / YCW 1953
- PMRH 32/69 Title : Action in Work / YCW
- PMRH 32/70 Title : How to Start a Section / YCW
- PMRH 32/71 Title : Geared for Life / Pre-YCW
- PMRH 32/72 Title : YCW - Its Aims and Organisation - Handbook for Chaplains and Leaders / YCW 1959
- PMRH 32/73 Title : Young Christian Workers' Christmas Camp / YCW 1942
- PMRH 32/74 Title : Doctrine of Work / YCW
- PMRH 32/75 Title : Cells of Restoration / Cells of Restoration 1954
- PMRH 32/76 Title : Movement / YCW 1954
- PMRH 32/77 Title : Impact / Catholic Youth Movement 1953
- PMRH 32/78 Title : The Christian Workers' Bulletin / YCW 1955
- PMRH 32/79 Title : Spirit / Spirit 1955
- PMRH 32/80 Title : YCW Bulletin for Priests / Catholic Action Federations 1950
- PMRH 32/81 Title : Training Section Programme / YCW
- PMRH 32/82 Title : Recruitment Through Leisure / YCW
- PMRH 32/83 Title : Canon Joseph Cardijn / O'Malley, Joseph M., Translator 1947
- PMRH 32/84 Title : The Anthonian / St. Anthony's Guild 1976
- PMRH 32/85 Title : Leaven / Catholic Youth Movement 1954
- PMRH 33/01 Title : La Theologie De L'Action Catholique / Fournier, R., PSS - La Faculte de Theologie de L'Universite de Montreal 1940
- PMRH 33/02 Title : Rapport Des Journees D'Etudes Sacerdotales De La JOC / JOC 1942
- PMRH 33/03 Title : Chante a La Joie / JECF
- PMRH 33/04 Title : Action Catholique et Action Temporelle - Simples reflexions sur des Experiences / De Soras, Alfred, SJ 1938
- PMRH 33/05 Title : Notion de Milieu / JAC - JEC / JIC / JMC / JOC / ACJF c1936
- PMRH 33/06 Title : L'Action Catholique - Principes and Methodes / Lelotte, F. c1937
- PMRH 33/07 Title : JEC Presentation / Jecistes c1938
- PMRH 33/08 Title : Plein Ciel 1950
- PMRH 33/09 Title : Notions Sommaires Sur L'Action Catholique / Richaud, Paul, Monseigneur 1936
- PMRH 33/10 Title : Des Reformes En Voici] / Levack, D., CSSR 1936
- PMRH 33/11 Title : Almanach De La LOC / LOC 1941
- PMRH 33/12 Title : L'Encyclique Summi Pontificatus 1939
- PMRH 33/13 Title : Commentaire Pratique De L'Encyclique Rerum Novarum - Condition des Ouvriers 1938
- PMRH 33/14 Title : L'Encyclique Quadragesimo Anno - Sur la Restauration de L'Ordre Social 1931
- PMRH 33/15 Title : La Pensee Sociale De S.S. Pie XII - Ordre Civil, Ordre Social, Ordre International / Muller, Albert, SJ c1939
- PMRH 33/16 Title : Le Levain dans La Pate
- PMRH 33/17 Title : La Catholique D'Action / Palau, Gabriel, SJ 1927
- PMRH 34/01 Title : Cahiers D'Action Catholique / Centrale de la JEC 1941-1949
- PMRH 34/02 Title : Bulletin des Aumoniers / L'Union des Jeunesses Catholiques du Canada 1942-1945
- PMRH 34/03 Title : Le Vrai Chretien / Pfliegler, Michel 1938
- PMRH 35/01 Title : Le Document - Sertum Laetitiae / Lettre Encyclique de S.S. Pie XII 1939
- PMRH 35/02 Title : Tout L'Evangile dans Toute la Vie / De Poncheville, Thellier c1942
- PMRH 35/03 Title : Saint Paul Vous Parle / Roffat, Claude c1937
- PMRH 35/04 Title : Education De La Purete et Du Sentiment / Viollet, Jean 1934
- PMRH 35/05 Title : Le Christianisme dans la Vie Publique / De Solages, Mgr. - Mauries, Cl., Abbe c1937
- PMRH 35/06 Title : Cadets par le Pere Paul Concoeur / Centrale de la JEC c1937
- PMRH 35/07 Title : Vivre / Arami, M. M. c1937
- PMRH 35/08 Title : Pour la Conquete des Foyers Ouvriers / LOC 1942-1947