Reynold Hillenbrand: Printed Material
- PMRH 74/75 Title : These Terrible Jesuits / Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1928
- PMRH 74/76 Title : My Friend the Pastor / Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1927
- PMRH 74/77 Title : Pure of Heart, The / Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1928
- PMRH 74/78 Title : Advertising the Catholic Church / White, E.J.
- PMRH 74/79 Title : Rule of the Third Order Secular of St. Francis - National Constitution / Third order Secular of St. Francis 1926
- PMRH 74/80 Title : Examination of Conscience for Students / Conroy, Joseph P., SJ 1923
- PMRH 74/81 Title : They Found Success / Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1937
- PMRH 74/82 Title : Dare We Hate Jews? / Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1939
- PMRH 74/83 Title : Layman of China, A / O'Connor, Patrick 1938
- PMRH 74/83 Title : Lo Pa-hong, Joseph 1938
- PMRH 74/84 Title : Catholic Extremism / Furfey, Paul Hanly 1941
- PMRH 74/85 Title : God's Healing / Power, Richard Edward - Popular Liturgical Library 1939
- PMRH 74/86 Title : Program of the Catholic Conference on Family Life / Schmiedeler, Edgar, OSB - National Catholic Welfare Conference
- PMRH 74/87 Title : Legion of Mary, The / Leonard, Father, CP - International Catholic Truth Society
- PMRH 74/88 Title : Vespers of Our Blessed Lady / Martindale, C.C., SJ - Catholic Truth Society
- PMRH 74/89 Title : Baptism and Churching / Martindale, C.C., SJ
- PMRH 74/90 Title : Are You Scrupulous? / O'Boyle, Francis J., SJ - Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1938
- PMRH 74/91 Title : Invincible Standard, The / Lord, Daniel A., SJ
- PMRH 74/92 Title : Priest Talked Money, The / Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1938
- PMRH 74/93 Title : Way of the Cross, The / Order of St. Benedict 1938
- PMRH 74/94 Title : Shall I Be a Nun? / Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1927
- PMRH 74/95 Title : Don't Say It] / Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1929
- PMRH 74/96 Title : Prodigals and Christ / Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1929
- PMRH 74/97 Title : Hidden Life, The / Clarke, Richard F., SJ - Catholic Truth Society
- PMRH 74/98 Title : Last Sacraments and Prayers for the Dying / Martindale, C.C., SJ
- PMRH 74/99 Title : Fashionable Sin / Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1929
- PMRH 74/100 Title : When Mary Walked the Earth / Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1929
- PMRH 74/101 Title : Privileges and Faculties / Pope Pius XI 1925
- PMRH 74/102 Title : Justice and Charity / National Council of Catholic Men - Sheen, Fulton J. 1938
- PMRH 74/103 Title : Vatican Council / Tucek, James I., Reverend - National Catholic Welfare Conference 1962
- PMRH 74/104 Title : Catholic's Guide to Social and Political Action / Clump, C.C., SJ 1939
- PMRH 74/105 Title : Prayer Amendment Controversy / Reed, George E.- National Catholic Welfare Conference
- PMRH 74/106 Title : Money and Marriage / Cana Conference of Chicago 1964
- PMRH 74/107 Title : Honeymoon Letters 1964
- PMRH 74/108 Title : With the Blessing of the Church / National Catholic Rural Life Conference - Schlarman, J.H., DD
- PMRH 74/109 Title : Understanding Each Other 1964
- PMRH 74/110 Title : Planning Your Wedding 1964
- PMRH 74/111 Title : Man and Woman / Frederick Von Gagern, Baron 1957
- PMRH 74/112 Title : Marriage and the Family from Society and Sanity / Sheed, F.J. 1957
- PMRH 74/113 Title : Companions for Eternity / Carre, A., OP 1947
- PMRH 74/114 Title : Preaching to the Sick / Yost, Charles, SCJ, STL 1974
- PMRH 74/115 Title : Credo of the People of God, The / United States Catholic Conference - Pope Paul VI 1968
- PMRH 74/116 Title : Vestments of the Roman Rite, The / Fortescue, Adrian
- PMRH 74/117 Title : But What Does Christ Think About It?- Canon Law of Marriage, The / Burke, Edward, Reverend 1936
- PMRH 74/118 Title : Growing Up / Davis, Henry, SJ - Catholic Woman Doctor
- PMRH 74/119 Title : Incarnation in the University, The / Buckley, Vincent - International Movement of Catholic Students 1957
- PMRH 75/01 Title : Caritate Christi Compulsi / Pope Pius XI 1932
- PMRH 75/02 Title : Freedom / Sheen, Fulton J.- National Catholic Welfare Conference 1939
- PMRH 75/03 Title : Order of the Good Shepherd, The / Martindale, C.C., SJ 1932
- PMRH 75/04 Title : Pascal's Provincial Letters / Belloc, Hilaire
- PMRH 75/05 Title : Religion of Imperial Rome / Martindale, C.C., SJ
- PMRH 75/06 Title : What Does the Pope Say About Catholic Action? 1937
- PMRH 75/07 Title : Mystical Body of Christ, The / McGarry, William J., SJ 1938
- PMRH 75/08 Title : America - Brown Derby, The / Feeney, Leonard, SJ 1928
- PMRH 75/08 Title : America's First Citizen - Do We Want A Catholic Party? / Wiltbye, John 1928
- PMRH 75/09 Title : Priests' Communion League / Fathers of the Blessed Sacrament
- PMRH 75/10 Title : Power of Contemplation, The / Pope Pius XI 1926
- PMRH 75/11 Title : Pastoral Letter / National Catholic Welfare Council 1920
- PMRH 75/12 Title : Program of Instructions on the Creed 1929-1930
- PMRH 75/13 Title : Truth About Socialism, The / Collins, Peter W.
- PMRH 75/14 Title : 'Pig' Philosophy of Socialism, The - Socialism Vs. the Church; What Socialism Engenders
- PMRH 75/15 Title : Ethical Basis of the Social Question, The / Otten, Bernard J., SJ - Central Bureau - German Roman Catholic Central Verein 1914
- PMRH 75/16 Title : Program of Instructions on the Commandments / Mundelein, George W. 1923-1924
- PMRH 75/17 Title : Triumph of the Church, The / Markoe, Hohn P., SJ 1926
- PMRH 75/18 Title : They're Married] / Lord, Daniel A., SJ 1929
- PMRH 75/19 Title : Catholic Mind, The - Two or Three Mountains / LaFarge, Oliver 1929
- PMRH 75/19 Title : What Led to Canossa? / Gipps, E.K.E. 1929
- PMRH 75/19 Title : Mr. Bidlack's Bid for Fame / Wright, Herbert F. 1929
- PMRH 75/19 Title : Church and Tolerance, The / Riquet, Michel 1929
- PMRH 75/19 Title : Religion in the Elementary School / Sister Josephine Mary 1929
- PMRH 75/19 Title : St. Gregory and the Lombard Queen / Altrocchi, Julia C. 1929
- PMRH 75/19 Title : How Religious Liberty was Won / Zwierlein, F.J. 1929
- PMRH 75/20 Title : American Spirit, The / Shuster, George N. 1929
- PMRH 75/21 Title : Eugenics / Lonergan, William I., SJ 1927
- PMRH 75/22 Title : Race-Suicide and Birth Control / Dowling, M.P., SJ
- PMRH 75/23 Title : Catholic Activity in English Literature / O'Neill, George, SJ 1924
- PMRH 75/24 Title : Catholic Mind, The - Catholic Church and Art, The / Merner, F.A., Reverend 1924
- PMRH 75/25 Title : Catholic Documents / Pope Pius XII 1953-1955
- PMRH 75/26 Title : Papal Documents on the New Norms - Eucharistic Fast / Stritch, Samuel, Cardinal - Pope Pius XII 1953
- PMRH 75/27 Title : Marriage in Christ / Morse, Catherine Elizabeth - Parent, Gerard Thomas 1969
- PMRH 75/28 Title : Catholic Mind, The / Hartnett, Robert C. 1954
- PMRH 75/28 Title : Pius X and Liturgical Reform / Masse, Benjamin L. 1954
- PMRH 75/29 Title : Our Place in the Christian Family / Lyons, Roger, SJ 1943
- PMRH 75/30 Title : Don't Shop on Sunday / Senser, Bob 1955
- PMRH 75/31 Title : Year of Faith - Scepter Booklet 1967
- PMRH 75/32 Title : Six Pre-Marriage Instructions / Rumble, Reverend - Carty, C.M., Reverend 1944
- PMRH 75/33 Title : Pre-Nuptial Catechism / Gits, Alexander, SJ 1950
- PMRH 75/34 Title : Catholics and Moral Re-Armament / Noa, Thomas L., DD 1960
- PMRH 75/35 Title : Encyclical on Spain / Pope Pius XI 1937
- PMRH 75/36 Title : Christian Marriage / Pope Pius XI - Catholic Truth Society
- PMRH 75/37 Title : Retreats / Pope Pius XI 1939
- PMRH 75/38 Title : Eucharistic Congress on New Orleans / Pope Pius XI - Cicognani, Amleto Giovanni, Reverend / Mitty, John J., DD / Mooney, Edward, DD / Schrembs, Joseph, DD / Roosevelt, Franklin D. 1938
- PMRH 75/39 Title : Economic Crisis, Unemployment and Increase Armaments / Pope Pius XI
- PMRH 75/40 Title : Moral Values and the American Society / Cushing, Richard, Cardinal 1961
- PMRH 75/41 Title : Sacred Heart and World Distress / Pope Pius XI - National Catholic Welfare Conference 1932
- PMRH 75/42 Title : Pope Pius XI and Social Reconstruction / Watt, Lewis, SJ 1936
- PMRH 75/43 Title : Proofs for the Existence of God, The / Pope Pius XII - National Catholic Welfare Conference 1951
- PMRH 75/44 Title : Missions, The / Pope Benedict XV - Catholic Truth Society
- PMRH 75/45 Title : On Civil Government / Treacy, Gerald C., SJ - Pope Leo XIII 1942
- PMRH 75/46 Title : Papal Directives for the Woman of Today / National Council of Catholic Women - Pope Pius XII 1947