Fritz Marti: Manuscripts
- CMRT 4/36 Folder : Transcript of Testimony on Tonkin Gulf 1968/0225
- CMRT 4/36 Folder : Convictions Without Courage 1967/1205
- CMRT 4/36 Folder : A Negotiable Goal in Vietnam 1967/1031
- CMRT 4/36 Folder : James Reston - The Nation's Unpaid Debt to the Poor 1967/1031
- CMRT 4/36 Folder : Joseph Kraft - Grassroots as Troubled as Washington 1967/1031
- CMRT 4/36 Folder : Walter Lippmann - Prestige in Correcting a Mistake 1967/1030
- CMRT 4/36 Folder : James Reston - Are We Misreading Soviet Intentions? 1967/1108
- CMRT 4/36 Folder : "Let's Not Be Children!" 1967/1015
- CMRT 4/37 Folder : Handouts on Post-Kantians 1970
- CMRT 4/38 Folder : Fichte, Schelling - Syllabus 1971
- CMRT 4/39 Folder : Humanities Honors - German Idealism 1966-1969
- CMRT 4/40 Folder : Kant - Syllabus I and II 1969
- CMRT 4/41 Folder : Readings on Kant 1970
- CMRT 4/42 Folder : Kant: Study Questions Methodology 1970
- CMRT 4/43 Folder : Clapp, Friedrich: Kant's Grundlage Emendations and Guidelines 1967
- CMRT 4/44 Folder : Review Questions about Cassirer's Essay on Man 1969
- CMRT 4/45 Folder : Philosophy of Religion 1972-1973
- CMRT 4/46 Folder : Thinkers Important for an Adequate Philosophy of Religion 1972
- CMRT 4/47 Folder : Kitschkunst
- CMRT 4/48 Folder : Table of Topics - Art and Ideas 1973
- CMRT 4/49 Folder : Proficiency Exam - Art and Ideas
- CMRT 4/50 Folder : Materials and Lecture Notes 1963-1970
- CMRT 4/51 Folder : Syllabus 1966-1972
- CMRT 4/52 Folder : Slide Lists and Tests 1966-1970
- CMRT 4/53 Folder : Syllabus - Etc. 1970-1973
- CMRT 4/54 Folder : Slide Lists and Tests 1969-1972
- CMRT 4/55 Folder : Books Worth Owning
- CMRT 4/56 Folder : List of French and Italian Artists 1969-1971
- CMRT 4/57 Folder : Examination: Slide recognition forms 1967-1971
- CMRT 4/58 Folder : Map of Europe
- CMRT 4/59 Folder : Precise Vision and Visual Memory 1972
- CMRT 4/60 Folder : Augustine 1969-1975
- CMRT 4/61 Folder : Descent of the Olympian Gods from the Titans
- CMRT 4/62 Folder : Genealogy of the House of Atreus
- CMRT 4/63 Folder : 19th Century Philosophy 1968-1970
- CMRT 4/64 Folder : Syllabus 1970
- CMRT 4/65 Folder : Syllabus - Ethics 1970
- CMRT 4/66 Folder : La Philosophie en France au 18me
- CMRT 4/67 Folder : Plotinus, Augustine 1970
- CMRT 4/68 Folder : GSC 330 1970-1971
- CMRT 5/01 Folder : Schelling XIII, 157-163 - On the Ontological Proof Adversus Hegel 1966
- CMRT 5/02 Folder : Philosophico-Theological Passages from Schelling 1969
- CMRT 5/03 Folder : Schelling on Revelation 1971
- CMRT 5/04 Folder : Schelling on the Ontological Argument 1967
- CMRT 5/05 Folder : Schelling - German Idealism's Oldest Program of a System
- CMRT 5/06 Folder : Schelling: Philosophical Letters on Dogmatism and Criticism - Part of a Sketch for Translator's Introduction 1973
- CMRT 5/07 Folder : Schelling: Of Human Freedom - Abstract of the Agrument 1971
- CMRT 5/08 Folder : FM comment on Guterman's 122, 25 - Schelling: Methode V, 324, 16-19
- CMRT 5/09 Folder : Emendations of Guterman's Translating of Schelling On University Studies
- CMRT 5/10 Folder : Interdepartmental Colloquia 1971
- CMRT 5/11 Folder : Schelling: Mannigfaltige Erfahrung
- CMRT 5/12 Folder : Objects can never produce a self
- CMRT 5/13 Folder : Schelling's Start 1975
- CMRT 5/14 Folder : Schelling: Letters - My missing notes 1973
- CMRT 5/15 Folder : List of Schelling's Werke
- CMRT 5/16 Folder : The Nature of the Summum Bonum 1973
- CMRT 5/17 Folder : Homo non est Dei substantia
- CMRT 5/18 Folder : Concilium Vaticanum 1869-1870
- CMRT 5/19 Folder : Nietzsche - Formulations of "The Death of God" 1969
- CMRT 5/20 Folder : On Kant's Contribution to Metaphysics 1969
- CMRT 5/21 Folder : Medicus on Kant 1971
- CMRT 5/22 Folder : Medicus - Lectures on Aesthetics
- CMRT 5/23 Folder : Medicus: Religionsersatz 1967
- CMRT 5/24 Folder : Medicus: On the form of Philosophic Thinking
- CMRT 5/25 Folder : Hegel on Philosophy 1973
- CMRT 5/26 Folder : Hegel: Two Poems - Eleusie and Entschluss
- CMRT 5/27 Folder : Hegel: Philosophy is not a matter of particular opinions
- CMRT 5/28 Folder : Hegel: Verstand and Vernunft in Philosophy 1970
- CMRT 5/29 Folder : Hegel on Philosophy
- CMRT 5/30 Folder : Hegel on Kant
- CMRT 5/31 Folder : Hegel on the Mass and Scholasticism
- CMRT 5/32 Folder : Excerpts from Hegel's Philosophy of Religion 1966-1970
- CMRT 5/33 Folder : Hegel: Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences 1968
- CMRT 5/34 Folder : Hegel vs Nationalsozialismus to Ray Spahn 1969
- CMRT 5/35 Folder : Passages from the works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1966
- CMRT 5/36 Folder : Hegel on Kants categories Passages from the Logik 1970
- CMRT 5/37 Folder : The Hegel Legend of "Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis" / by Gustav E. Mueller
- CMRT 5/38 Folder : Hegel on Formal Logic
- CMRT 5/39 Folder : Gustav Mueller's Chart on Hegel
- CMRT 5/40 Folder : Hegel: Preface to Hinrich's Philosophy on Religion 1970
- CMRT 5/41 Folder : Hegel: Passages Selected from the Phenomenology
- CMRT 5/42 Folder : Gustav Mueller: Hegel and the Cristis of Christianity - "Der Bund" 1970
- CMRT 5/43 Folder : On Reading and translating Hegel 1966
- CMRT 5/44 Folder : Emendations of J. Sibree's translations from Hegel's Philosophy of History 1966
- CMRT 5/45 Folder : Hegel on Dogmatic Idealism and Dogmatic Realism 1969
- CMRT 5/46 Folder : Hegel on Philosophy 1971
- CMRT 5/47 Folder : Hegel on Philosophy 1973
- CMRT 5/48 Folder : Hegel on Idea 1966
- CMRT 5/49 Folder : Hegel: Difference of Fichte / Schelling with Comments 1969
- CMRT 5/50 Folder : Fichte: Who Are the Philosophers? 1970
- CMRT 5/51 Folder : Fichte: In line with Ordinary Human Sense (der gemeine Menschenverstand) 1965
- CMRT 5/52 Folder : Medicus: Fichte's Leben
- CMRT 5/53 Folder : Medicus: Fichtes Leben - Review of Aenesidemus 1970
- CMRT 5/54 Folder : Medicus: Fichtes Leben - What is a fact? 1970
- CMRT 5/55 Folder : Medicus: Fichtes Leben - Guidelines for a systematic study of Fichte 1970
- CMRT 5/56 Folder : Fichte on the task of Philosophy 1973
- CMRT 5/57 Folder : Fichte: "Anarchy"
- CMRT 5/58 Folder : Fichte: On the interrelation of a priori and a posteriori 1970
- CMRT 5/59 Folder : Fichte vs. "Aenesidemus" 1970
- CMRT 5/60 Folder : Fichte: Trust in oneself the basis of philosophy 1970