Michael A. Mathis: Manuscripts
- CMTH 19/17 Folder : Sullivan, Kathryn, Mother, R.S.C.J., Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, Purchase, NY 1955-1959
- CMTH 19/18 Folder : Sunday Devotion and Observance, Rev. Paul M. Lackner, Diocesan Director, The Holy Name Society of the Pittsburgh Diocese, Pittsburgh, PA 1958
- CMTH 19/19 Folder : Our Sunday Visitor, Rev. Frank E. Gartland, C.S.C., Editor, Huntington, IN 1944-1945
- CMTH 19/20 Folder : Der Christliche Sonntag, Katholisches Wochenblatt, Verlag Herder Freiburg 1951/0415
- CMTH 19/21 Folder : Sursum Corda: Dold 1954-1958
- CMTH 19/21 Title : Sursum Corda, Prefaces from Old Latin Liturgies, by Dom Albert Dold, O.S.B., Beuron, Hohenzollern 1954/0707
- CMTH 19/21 Title : Vetus Latina Die Reste Der Altlateinischen Bibel, Nach Petrus Sabatier Neu Gesammelt Und Herausgegeben Von Der Erzabtei Beuron, order form, editors, The Benedictine Archabbey of Beuron, publishers, Verlag Herder, Freiburg
- CMTH 19/22 Folder : Thank You Cards and Notes for copies of Vigil Service Books by Fr. Mathis and Fr. Jean Danielou's Lectures on Sacred Scripture in the Summer School of 1950 1956-1958
- CMTH 19/23 Folder : Theology for Lay People 1950-1954
- CMTH 19/23 Title : Periodical Review, Philip L. Hanley, Editor, Department of Theology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 1954/05
- CMTH 19/24 Folder : Thill, Most Rev. Frank A., D.D., Ph.D. 1940-1955
- CMTH 19/25 Folder : Throckmorton, Rev. Anthony 1958/1003
- CMTH 19/26 Folder : Tobin, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. 1957/07
- CMTH 19/27 Folder : Toolen, Most Rev. Thomas J., D.D., LL.D., Archbishop-Bishop of Mobile-Birmingham, AL 1957-1959
- CMTH 19/27 Title : Confession Guide, Pray for the Missions in Alabama, Published by Mission Helpers of Alabama, Mobile, AL
- CMTH 19/28 Folder : Torgacs, Dom James, O.S.B. 1949/10
- CMTH 19/29 Folder : Totty, Jack 1954-1960
- CMTH 19/30 Folder : Townsend, Sr. M. Celine, O.S.B. 1957-1958
- CMTH 19/31 Folder : Thomas, Sr. Francille, C.S.J., Summer School, 1954 1954-1959
- CMTH 19/32 Folder : Sursum Corda-Advent Orders 1951-1954
- CMTH 19/33 Folder : Sursum Corda 1949-1952
- CMTH 19/33 Title : Simple Chant Mass, Selected from The Kyriale with an interlinear English translation, Arranged by William J. McAuliffe, C.S.C., Copyright and Published by Rev. Michael A. Mathis, C.S.C., St. Joseph's Hospital, South Bend, IN 1949
- CMTH 19/33 Title : Sursum Corda, My Heart is Steadfast, I will Sing and Make Melody to The Lord, PS. 107, Published by Rev. Michael A. Mathis, C.S.C., St. Joseph's Hospital, South Bend, IN 1951
- CMTH 19/34 Folder : Sursum Corda, Terse Arranged for the Post-Epiphany and Pre-Lenten Seasons 1952/1202
- CMTH 19/35 Folder : Sursum Corda, Remarks to go to Sr. Paschal 1951-1952
- CMTH 19/36 Folder : Sursum Corda, English Psalms and Songs 1954
- CMTH 19/36 Title : Sursum Corda, English Songs and Psalms for Joyful Singing in School, Home Convent, Church, Copyright 1954, Rev. Michael A. Mathis, C.S.C., University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 1954
- CMTH 19/37 Folder : Synagogue and Divine Office, Dugmore
- CMTH 19/38 Folder : Suyker, Rev. A.C. 1957/0307
- CMTH 19/39 Folder : Switalski, Rev. R.C., C.S.C. 1957/03
- CMTH 19/40 Folder : T-General Correspondence 1947-1959
- CMTH 19/41 Folder : Teipen, Mrs. J.L. 1957/10
- CMTH 19/42 Folder : Telephone and Telegraph 1945-1951
- CMTH 19/43 Folder : Texada, Daniel Ker 1947-1949
- CMTH 19/44 Folder : Thanks (notes received) 1957-1959
- CMTH 19/45 Folder : Triduum Sacrum 1956-1958
- CMTH 19/45 Title : Seminar on Restored Holy Week Rites, requested by the National Liturgical Conference, and set up by the University of Notre Dame, Host, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President, General Chairman, Rev. Michael A. Mathis, C.S.C., Director of the Liturgy Program, Headquarters, Morris Inn "on the campus", University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 1956/02
- CMTH 19/45 Title : Ceremonial Suggestions for the Matins of the Sacred Triduum
- CMTH 19/46 Folder : Trips and Transportation 1944-1958
- CMTH 19/47 Folder : Trudelle, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew (Beatrice) 1957-1960
- CMTH 19/48 Folder : Tubingen Theologische Quartalschrift (dates received 1951-1952)
- CMTH 19/49 Folder : Tuchle, Dr. Hermann 1950-1957
- CMTH 19/50 Folder : Typists 1956-1957
- CMTH 19/51 Folder : U-General Correspondence 1947
- CMTH 19/52 Folder : Uganda, Rev. Burton Smith, C.S.C., Catholic Mission, Butitti 1959
- CMTH 19/52 Title : Uganda Drum by The Holy Cross Drummers in Uganda, Vol. I, No. 3, June-July, and Vol. I, No. 5, October-November, 1959, Butiti Catholic Mission, Butiti, Dist. Toro, Uganda, East Africa 1959
- CMTH 19/53 Folder : Union with Orthodox Church, Program of the Unionistic Congress, September 28-30, 1956, St. Procopius Abbey, Lisle, IL 1956/09
- CMTH 19/54 Folder : Utrecht Psalter (small part of original manuscript)
- CMTH 19/55 Folder : V-General Correspondence 1943-1960
- CMTH 19/55 Title : What is Via Coeli? and who are The Paracletes?, informational pamphlet by the Servants of the Holy Paraclete, Jemez Springs, NM
- CMTH 19/56 Folder : Vacations 1957/0422
- CMTH 19/57 Folder : Vagaggini, Rev. Cyprian, O.S.B., Collegio Internazionale, St. Anselmo, Rome, Italy 1958-1960
- CMTH 19/58 Folder : van Bekkam, Bishop Wilhelmus, S.V.D., Ruteng Flores, Indonesia 1957-1958
- CMTH 19/58 Title : The Liturgical Revival in the Service of the Missions by the Most Rev. Wilhelm van Bekkum, S.V.D., Vicar Apostolic of Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia, Reprinted from the Assisi Papers, Printed as a supplement to Worship
- CMTH 19/58 Title : Mission Needs by Charles Leisring, S.V.D., Reprinted from Worship 1957/02
- CMTH 19/58 Title : Vicarius Apostolicus Rutengensis Newsletter by William van Bekkum, S.V.D. 1958/12
- CMTH 19/58 Title : Vicariate of Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia, three pamphlets in the Malay Language
- CMTH 19/59 Folder : van der Biezen, Rev. Peter, St. Peter's Cathedral, London, Ontario, Canada 1954/0601
- CMTH 19/60 Folder : Van Dijk, S.J.P., O.F.M., Ph.D., F.R.Hist.S., Oxford, England 1953/0602
- CMTH 19/61 Folder : Van Poppelen, Miss Dorothy, Catholic Art Association 1958/05
- CMTH 19/62 Folder : Vari-Typer File 1945-1948
- CMTH 19/62 Title : Vari-Typer Type Faces, Copyright by Ralph C. Coxhead Corporation, New York, NY, text copy composed on Vari-Typer, Lithographed actual size in the United States of America by National Process Co., Inc. 1946/05
- CMTH 19/62 Title : The ABC of Fototype by Ralph C. Coxhead Corporation, New York, NY
- CMTH 19/63 Folder : Vatican Library 1948-1949
- CMTH 19/63 Title : Estratto Dal Catalogo Della Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1948/1015
- CMTH 19/64 Folder : Venard, Sr. Mary, O.S.F. 1952-1955
- CMTH 19/64 Title : Church of All Saints Newsletter, Portland, OR 1955/0102
- CMTH 19/65 Folder : Vernacular, Liturgical 1951-1958
- CMTH 19/65 Title : Deutsche Liturgie and liturgisches Deutech by Von P. Bonifatius Fischer, Beuron, Printed in Sonderdruck aus der Benediktinischen Monatschrift, Herausgegeben von der Erzabtei Beuron 1953
- CMTH 19/65 Title : Amen, The Vernacular Bulletin, Editor, John K. Ross-Duggan, Vol. 6, No. 2, Chicago, IL 1951/0515
- CMTH 19/65 Title : Amen, The Vernacular Bulletin, Editor, John K. Ross-Duggan, Vol. 8, No. 1, March and Nos. 2-3, May-August, 1953, Highland Park, IL 1953
- CMTH 19/65 Title : Amen, The Vernacular Bulletin, Editor, John K. Ross-Duggan, Vol. 10, Nos. 3-4, Chicago, IL 1955/1101
- CMTH 19/65 Title : Herder-Korrespondenz Orbis Catholicus, Verlag Herder Freiburg 1951/06
- CMTH 19/66 Folder : Vernacular Society 1948-1954
- CMTH 19/66 Title : I Get Distracted at Mass by Ralph Thibodeau, Condensed from the Marianist by the Catholic Digest and Reprinted by The Vernacular Society, Chicago, IL 1950/11
- CMTH 19/66 Title : Obituary of The Reverend Samuel Joseph Gosling, parish priest of St. John's, Alton, Staffs, England and secretary of The English Liturgy Society
- CMTH 19/66 Title : Vernacular Society of Great Britain (formerly, English Liturgy Society) Newsletter, No. 3 1953/02
- CMTH 19/66 Title : Vernacular Society of Great Britain Newsletter, No. 5 1953/08
- CMTH 19/66 Title : The Vernacular Society of Great Britain (under ecclesiastical direction) Newsletter, No. 6, Editor, T.E.C. Purvis, London, S.W., England 1953/11
- CMTH 19/66 Title : The Church's Proletariat by Dr. Willis D. Nutting, Department of History, University of Notre Dame, Reprinted from Orate Fratres 1948/1226
- CMTH 19/66 Title : Understanding the Mass by Rev. H.A. Reinhold, Printed in Today 1954/05
- CMTH 19/66 Title : The Vernacular in Our Liturgy by H.A. Reinhold, Reprinted from "The Priest" 1949/02
- CMTH 19/67 Folder : Vestments 1958-1960
- CMTH 19/68 Folder : Vetus Latina, The Benedictine Archabbey of Beuron, Editors, Verlag Herder, Freiburg, Publishers 1954
- CMTH 19/69 Folder : Vigils 1939-1946
- CMTH 19/70 Folder : Vincentia, Mother M., Superior General, St. Mary's Convent, Notre Dame, IN 1943
- CMTH 19/71 Folder : "Virginia", Sr. M. Anita, O.S.B. 1958/02
- CMTH 19/72 Folder : Virginity, Place of in the Church 1949-1953
- CMTH 19/72 Title : Office and Mass of the Holy Virgins, Translation of article by Odo Casel, O.S.B. (Maria Leach)
- CMTH 19/72 Title : From the Virgin of Christ to the Cloistered Cenobite, Translation of "De la Vierge du Christ a la Cenobite Cloistres" by P. Th. Camelot, O.P., Taken from "La Vie Spirituelle", La Place des Religieuses dans l'Eglise, Paris, Editions du Cerf., No. 342, Translated by The Medical Mission Sisters, Philadelphia, PA 1949/07
- CMTH 19/72 Title : Christian Virginity, Compiled from the writings of Dom Rembert Sorg, O.S.B. and Rev. James Kleist, S.J., with permission by Mignon V. McMenamy, Pio Decimo Press, Saint Louis, MO 1953/01
- CMTH 19/73 Folder : Visual Education, Society for, Inc. 1944/0418
- CMTH 19/74 Folder : Vitry, Rev. Ermin, O.S.B. 1948-1960
- CMTH 19/74 Title : In Memoriam, Dom Ermin Vitry, O.S.B., Printed in the Grail Review 1960/07
- CMTH 19/74 Title : Eulogy Given at the Funeral of Dom Ermin Vitry, O.S.B. by Rt. Rev. Charles P. Schmitt, V.G. 1960/0712
- CMTH 19/74 Title : A Workshop in Gregorian Integration Program, Under the direction of Dom Ermin Vitry, O.S.B., Liturgical Programs in the Department of Religion, Notre Dame University, Summer Session 1950
- CMTH 19/75 Folder : Vitry, Dom Ermin, O.S.B., Caecilia 1944-1959
- CMTH 19/75 Title : Psalmody - Rejuvenation or Deterioration? by Dom Ermin Vitry, O.S.B., Editor Emeritus of Caecilia, A Review of Catholic Church Music, Vol. 86, No. 3, Autumn, 1959, Published by the Society of Saint Caecilia, Printed by Roncka Bros., Omaha, NE 1959
- CMTH 19/76 Folder : Vitry, Dom Ermin, O.S.B., Children's Demonstration in Chicago 1952
- CMTH 20/01 Folder : Vitry, Dom Ermin, O.S.B., Demonstration Class 1943-1955