North American Conference of Separated and Divorced Catholics: Audio-Visual Material
- ANAC 24668 CT : Kathleen Kircher - Keynote Address [8413] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24669 CT : Rev. John T. Finnegan - Genera Session [8414] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24670 CT : Mike Stine - Keynote Address [8415] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24671 CT : Rev. Jack T. Finnegan - Becoming an American Catholic [8417] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24672 CT : Clemente / Witt - The Contemporary Challenge of Developing Contemplative Leaders [8418] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24673 CT : Sister Agnes Gott, OP - Dimensions of Ministry to the Spanish... [8419] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24674 CT : Leon Haverkamp - Divorce Ministry with the Family as a Focus [8420] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24675 CT : Br. James Greteman - The Insides of Ministry to Those... [8421] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24676 CT : Suzy Yehl - It's Hard to Listen When I, Your Child, Hurt Inside [8422] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24677 CT : Rev. J. Donald R. LaPointe - Looking at the Therapeutic Dimensions... [8423] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24678 CT : Greg Soehner - Single Parent Project: A Model for... [8424] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24679 CT : Tracey Manning - Strategies that Empower New Leaders in Peer Ministry [8425] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24680 CT : Claire Berman - What Is Normal in a Step Family [8426] 1984/0712-15
- ANAC 24681-24694 Group : NACSDC Leadership Workshop [14 tapes, 4 are missing] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24681 CT : James Young, CSP - The Divorce Transition [LW02] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24682 CT : James Young, CSP - Lay Leadership and Support Groups [LW03] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24683-24684 CT : Rev. Michael Rosswurm - Recent Developments in Church Law [LW04, LW05] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24685-24686 CT : James Young, CSP - Eucharist and Divorced Remarried Catholics [LW08, LW09] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24687 CT : Kathleen Kircher - The Effect of Divorce on Children [LW10] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24688-24689 CT : James Young, CSP - Sexual Adjustment of Divorcing Person [LW11, 2 copies] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24690-24693 CT : Witt - Spritiual Growth [LW12, LW13 (2 copies), LW14] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24694 CT : James Young, CSP - Preparing for Remarriage [LW16] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24695-24716 Group : NACSDC Leadership Workshop [2nd set] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24695-24696 CT : James Young, CSP - Why So Much Divorce Today? [LW01, 2 copies] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24697-24698 CT : James Young, CSP - The Divorce Transition [LW02, 2 copies] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24699-24700 CT : James Young, CSP - Establishing Lay Leadership... [LW03, 2 copies] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24701-24702 CT : Rev. Michael Rosswurm - Recent Developments in Church Law [LW04, LW05] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24703-24706 CT : James Young, CSP - What Jesus Taught About Divorce [LW06, LW07, 2 copies] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24707-24710 CT : James Young, CSP - The Eucharist and the Divorced [LW08, LW09, 2 copies] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24711 CT : Kathleen Kircher - The Effects of Divorce on Children [LW10] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24712-24713 CT : James Young, CSP - Sexual Adjustment of the Divorcing Person [LW11, 2 parts] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24714-24715 CT : James Young, CSP - Strategies for Diocesan Ministry [LW15, 2 copies] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24716 CT : James Young, CSP - Preparing for Remarriage [LW16] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24717-24718 CT : NACSDC Conference: James Young, CSP - What Ten Years Have Taught Us... [503, 2 copies] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24719 CT : NACSDC Conference: Dorothy Levesque - Ridding Self of Guilt [510] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24720 CT : NACSDC Conference: Sue and Phil Robison - Helping Strategies for the... [8524] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24721 CT : NACSDC Conference: Dorothy Levesque - Developing A Comprehensive Ministry [531] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24722-24750 Group : NACSDC Conference Tapes [29 tapes, incomplete set] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24722 CT : Clemente - Healing Through Forgiveness [504] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24723 CT : Clemente - Dating in the 80's [505] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24724 CT : DeYonker - Managing Anger Effectively [506] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24725 CT : Kellogg - Become What You Are [507] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24726 CT : Kircher - Risking to Become Christian Entrepreneur [508] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24727 CT : LaPointe - Psychological and Growth Effects of Prayer [509] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24728 CT : Levesque - Ridding Self of Guilt [510] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24729 CT : Livingston - Were We Mismatches? [511] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24730 CT : Manning - Empowering Yourself [512] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24731 CT : Ricker - Divorce Can Also Be A New Beginning [513] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24732 CT : Ripple - Growing rather than just Going Through the Divorce Process [514] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24733 CT : Robison - Love: Choice or Chance [515] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24734 CT : Sverbo [?] - Repairing the Breach [516] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24735 CT : Young - What Jesus Teaches [taught?] about Divorce [517] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24736 CT : Einck - Groups for [?] [518] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24737 CT : Hauber - Ideas for Lay Leaders of Support Groups [519] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24738 CT : Kerr - Effects of Divorce on Children [520] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24739 CT : Lannan, Spaniol - Getting Unstuck [521] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24740 CT : Meyers - Support for the Recently Separated / Divorced [522] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24741 CT : Ricker - Living in Step [523] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24742 CT : Stoll - Ministry to the Bereaved [525] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24743 CT : West - Utilizing the Strengthening of Personality in Leadership [526] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24744 CT : Linder , Williams - Recruiting and Maintaining Volunteers [527] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24745 CT : Flos - Our Responsibility as Directors of Divorce Ministry to Catholic Educators [528] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24746 CT : Greteman - Innovative Resources [529] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24747 CT : Lannan, Spaniol - Spirituality and Divorce: Moving Toward the Center [530] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24748 CT : Lovesque - Developing a Comprehensive Ministry [531] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24749 CT : Empowering Lay Leadership [532] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24750 CT : White - Intimacy and Relationship [535] 1985/0711-14
- ANAC 24751-24754 CT : James Young, CSP - What Jesus Taught About Divorce [LW07, LW07, 2 copies] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24755-24756 CT : James Young, CSP - Strategies for Diocesan Ministry I [LW15, 2 copies] 1985/0705-10
- ANAC 24757-24795 Group : NACSDC Conference Tapes [40 tapes incomplete] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24757 CT : Rev. David Blake - Healing the Whole and Happy-Songs and Stories [8601] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24758 CT : Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse - Light Dispels Darkness [8602] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24759 CT : Rev. Carl J. Arico, Gail Fitzpatrick-Hopler - Journey Towards Self-Acceptance [8603] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24760 CT : Rev. David Blake - Pointers for Men [8604] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24761 CT : Virginia G. Clemente - Psychology of Romantic Love [8605] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24762-24763 CT : Clemente / Kircher / Ripple-Comin - Woman-Daughter / Person / Lover [8606a, 8606b] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24764 CT : Rev. Bernie Kellogg - Dealing with Difficult People [8607] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24765 CT : Rev. Bernie Kellogg - Shaping Our Future - A God Given Power [8608] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24766 CT : James F. LaCroce - Morality and Sexuality [8609] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24767 CT : Patricia Livingstone - Falling in Love and Building... [8610] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24768 CT : Tracey T. Manning - Nourishing your Spiritual Life [8611] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24769 CT : Charles W. Rowland - Practical Legal Issues for Separated / Divorced [8612] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24770 CT : Margarett Schlientz - Healing of Relationships [8613] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24771 CT : Fr. Gale White - Sexuality and Intimacy [8614] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24772 CT : Rev. Chester S. Kazek - The Recovery Process [8615] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24773-24774 CT : James Young, CSP - How Do I Know I'm Doing the Right Thing? [8616. 2 copies] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24775 CT : Patrick M. Duggan - The Innocent Victims - Adult Children... [8617] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24776 CT : Bobbi and Larry Hennessey - Remarriage - Are you Ready? [8618] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24777 CT : James F. LaCroce - Moral Decision Making [8619] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24778 CT : Tracey T. Manning - Strategies for Transformational Leadership [8620] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24779 CT : Grace Marie Mueller, SSND - Steps to Wholeness - and Adjustment Process [8621 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24780 CT : Jack and Perry Redman - Journey to Recovery [8622] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24781 CT : Kevin Ricker - Second Marriage [8623] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24782 CT : Janet B. Stoll - Children's Responses to Divorce and Death [8624] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24783 CT : Jeanne Zell - The Challenge and the Courage of Single... [8626] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24784-24785 CT : James Young, CSP - What Jesus Taught About Divorce [8627] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24786 CT : Bobbi Hennessey - Developing and Sustaining Support Groups [8628] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24787 CT : Rev. Chester S. Kazek - How to Start a Support Group [8629] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24788 CT : Sister Mariam Einck - Designing Programs for Kids [8630] 1986/0710-13
- ANAC 24789 CT : Br. James Greteman, CSC - Training for Rural Based Support Groups [8631] 1986/0710-13